"What's the difference between demons and Demonic Beasts?"

Qin Ran pondered for a while, and then explained to Li Shiyin who asked the question, "Take Zhuifeng as an example, then, if Zhuifeng grows normally, first-level Demonic Beasts, second-level Demonic Beasts until seventh-level Demonic Beasts, so, always Keeping the appearance of Demonic Beasts, that is Demonic Beasts.

"But if one day, at the cost of his own Monster core, he reshapes the flesh, reshapes a human body, then he is a monster.

"Or... eat a Transformation Pill."

"Shaping Pill?" Li Shiyin asked.

"A high-level medicine pill that can only be refined by a cultivator at the stage of transforming into a god. It can win the good fortune of the world, and make animals and beasts directly incarnate into adults."

"Which one is stronger, the demon or the Demonic Beasts?" Li Shiyin asked again.

"This is difficult to judge, because the situation here is too complicated, and it is more than enough to list a subject alone." Qin Ran said,

"But here is a simple way to judge. Generally speaking, Demonic Beasts with higher bloodlines will be stronger, but monsters with poor bloodlines will have a certain chance of counterattack.

"Demonic Beasts turned into demons, nothing more than having a human form, they can practice human spells and integrate into human society. But the top-level Demonic Beasts spells are not inferior to the top-level human spells, so those ancient big monsters, fairy birds and beasts And so on, they don't bother to incarnate as humans."

Li Shiyin nodded, and finally understood demons and Demonic Beasts, pointing to the snake dragon Qiqi who was riding on the same horse as Qin Ran and sitting in Qin Ran's arms, and asked:

"What about her? What's her situation?"

Long Qiqi is wearing clothes now, and the clothes fit quite well, and they were begged from that village.

"Whether her blood is high or low, I really can't tell." Qin Ran's expression was a little strange, and he also looked down at the little Loli in his arms,

"But she has no Cultivation Base at this time, and all her demonic power has been transformed into this body. Judging from this, her bloodline should not be much higher. She is definitely the kind of person who desperately tries to change her life with a heaven-defying human body." Demonic Beasts."

Knowing that Qin Ran was looking at her, Long Qiqi quickly raised her head and smirked at Qin Ran.

However, because Li Shiyin, a real idiot, smirked at him every day, Qin Ran could clearly distinguish that the snake demon's smirk was not a real smirk, but a fake smirk.

This is a scheming snake demon.

What did Li Shiyin think of Long Qiqi as displeasing to her eyes, especially when she saw Long Qiqi smiling at her master, which made her even more upset. She glared at Long Qiqi, gritted her teeth and asked Qin Ran:

"She doesn't even have a Cultivation Base! So why not let her come with me?!"

Qin Ran let Long Qiqi ride with him, not because he was really a pervert, but because he was on guard against Long Qiqi. After all, let Li Shiyin stay with this treacherous snake demon...

Well, Qin Ran is hard to say.

"Even if she doesn't have a Cultivation Base, she is still a very poisonous snake!" He and Li Shiyin explained, and then asked Long Qiqi, "What kind of snake are you?"

Long Qiqi curled her lips secretly, and replied: "According to your human classification, I would be a Yin Sha Tai Pan Snake."

Yin evil too climbing snake? !

As soon as Long Qiqi said this, Qin Ran was startled. His knowledge of snakes was limited to books, and he had never seen snakes in the field. So he didn't know that this snake that he had been fighting with for a long time was actually a sinister snake!

What is Yin Sha Taipan Snake? The taipan snake bred by the land of yin evil is born with yin evil constitution, and has the poison of yin evil, which is enough to kill Gold Core cultivator.

Ordinary taipan snakes are highly venomous snakes, while Yinsha taipan snakes are fourth-level Demonic Beasts, so how terrifying would a transformed Yinsha taipan snake be?

Don't talk about its combat power, just talk about its poison...

Qin Ran almost didn't think too much, raised his hand and tapped, and sealed all the important acupuncture points on Long Qiqi's body as quickly as possible, causing Long Qiqi's whole body to become stiff and unable to move.

Fortunately, when the silly apprentice hit her, he was not bitten, and Qin Ran was afraid for a while.

The incarnation of a human is to practice the Cultivation Technique of humans. To practice the Cultivation Technique of humans, one must have the Meridians acupuncture points of humans. With the Meridians acupuncture points of humans, the weaknesses of humans also exist.

This is the gain and loss.

Long Qiqi turned into an adult and was sealed by Qin Ran in a human way. She had expected this situation, after being sealed, she just smiled sarcastically, but did not speak.

Seeing that the master was so nervous, Li Shiyin probably knew that the evil spirit was too powerful to climb snakes, but she glanced at Long Qiqi, who was just defeated, so she curled her lips and said in disdain: "According to human beings?"

Xiao Xiao's defeated general dares to speak arrogantly?

Long Qiqi's mouth was not sealed and she could still speak, she sneered and replied:

"This world is dominated by you humans, and the race divisions of other creatures are also made by you humans, so I don't approve of your divisions. I can't create a new species division method, but I can disobey you humans way of division.

"You say I'm a snake, a Taipan snake, but I don't agree. I say I'm a dragon, a red dragon with thin scales and no horns. I don't call him Snake Qiqi, but Long Qiqi."

Oh? After hearing Long Qiqi's words, Qin Ran became a little interested, it turned out to be an interesting snake.

"True, gossip to confuse the crowd!" Li Shiyin snorted coldly.

"I'm not a demon, and demons are also defined by you humans..." Long Qiqi continued, "One day I will become a fairy god, and I will transform the entire Lingnan Territory into my world. At that time, people will not be called people, but pigs." , Snakes are not called snakes, they are called dragons, immortals are not called immortals, they are called maggots..."

This is an ideal secondary snake.

Qin Ran listened, and couldn't help joking: "But immortals and gods are also the definition of human beings, and Lingnan Domain is also a name given by human beings. Humans, pigs, snakes, dragons, and immortals are all defined by humans."

"Ah?" Long Qiqi was speechless.

Qin Ran said again: "What you are saying now, the language, is the language of human beings."

"Hmph!" Long Qiqi's pink face was full of fierceness, and her black eyes turned into golden vertical pupils. She said stubbornly, "Then I also want to create a language belonging to the demon clan!"

"Come on!" Qin Ran clenched his fist.

Seeing that Long Qiqi was defeated by her master, Li Shiyin became happy again, she hummed a song, pulled the reins, and went to the front.

I couldn't make it to Anlu City today, and wasted time on the road, but I didn't even make it to the border of Xuanqin Kingdom.

There was still some distance from the border, and it was getting dark. When it was dark, it was impossible to travel.

Although Qin Ran and Li Shiyin's vision is very good, after all, they haven't practiced the pupil technique, and they can't see things in a completely dark environment, so they can only stop and recuperate.

Stopped in the wilderness.

Don't talk about Anlu or Xuanqin, even the restaurant can't be found, and finally ended up sleeping in the wilderness, which is the worst situation.

"It's an urgent matter to learn a pupil technique." Qin Ran taught Li Shiyin how to set up a tent while sighing, "It really is that things are not going well, I hope it will get better in the future."

Soon, two tents were set up in the wilderness, and a bonfire was lit between the tents. A young man, a woman and a pink girl were sitting in front of the bonfire, talking and roasting spirit beast meat.

There was the sound of crackling bonfires, sparks were blown by the cool wind in the mountains, and the shallow grass was moving. There were two white horses tied there, grazing with their heads down.

Qin Ran sprinkled seasonings and honey on the barbecue. He had expected the worst of this kind of overnight stay in the barren mountains, but he had made adequate preparations.

The smell of barbecue permeated the air, and the pink little snake demon Loli hugged her legs, staring at the barbecue on the fire, swallowing uncontrollably.

"Do you want to eat meat or not?" Qin Ran saw it and asked deliberately.

"Meat! Meat!!" Long Qiqi hurriedly said, and little Loli drool all over the floor.

Only then did Qin Ran cut a piece of meat for her.

The snake demon looks like Loli, but he eats a lot; and Li Shiyin is even more heavyweight, what to do, and the first place to eat.

So this meal for the three of them gave Qin Ran a good meal, and he didn't get some meat until the end.

Roasted meat, stewed soup, and vegetables and fruits. In this respect, Qin Ran was well-informed by the old Confucius. Delicious outdoor BBQ.

After eating and drinking enough, they fed the fairy horse some beast-feeding pills, and the two of them sat around the campfire blowing the night breeze, lying on the grass and watching the starry sky.

Although there are ghosts and wolves howling in the distance, there are also crickets and insects nearby.

The well-fed and well-fed foolish disciples were talking nonsense cheerfully at the side, Qin Ran thought, it would be nice to go camping once in a while.

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