My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 54 You Listen To My Explanation

What a picnic it was, until midnight, when Qin Ran was awakened suddenly.

The bonfire outside the tent hadn't been extinguished yet, and it was still blazing hotly. A light from the fire shone into the tent and shone on the sneaky snake.

Qin Ran sat up and saw Long Qiqi with his back turned towards him, walking out like a thief.

"Where are you going?" he asked aloud.

"Ah!" Long Qiqi didn't notice the movement behind her, she was startled by the sudden voice, she turned around and saw Qin Ran staring at her, she smiled obsequiously, and said, "Ah, hey, urgent to urinate, I Go to the bathroom!"

Qin Ran ignored her, got up and walked over, touched Long Qiqi's body, and found that the sealed acupuncture points had been washed away.

Long Qiqi is a demon after all, although he has transformed into a human being, there are still subtle differences in the position of the acupoints on his body and the direction of the Meridians compared with human beings.

The normal method really can't seal it for too long.

Qin Ran took a look at her and sealed her up again...It's a pity that he didn't learn how to overcrowd her bones, otherwise it would be better to remove her bones.

"Hey! You can't seal me here at this time!" Long Qiqi became anxious, and said aloud, "I will die."

"You forgot, you are not human." Qin Ran replied, leaving her alone and going straight out.

The tents are set up in the wilderness, which is vast and flat. Standing here, you can see far away.

Qin Ran stood in front of the tent, looking into the darkness in the distance, there were torches, one after another, hundreds of them, forming a large area.

There were shouts of people, neighing of horses, and the sound of hooves.

The ground is shaking.

That's the army coming, or the cavalry!

Qin Ran was awakened not only because Long Qiqi was about to escape, but because the ground shook and the cavalry stepped on the ground.


He rushed over to pat Li Shiyin's tent, shouting repeatedly.

The cavalry came over, and the sound of "rumbling" horseshoes became clear, but there was no movement in the tent.

Qin Ran shouted again: "Shiyin, Shiyin!!"

Li Shiyin still didn't respond.

Qin Ran was in a hurry and didn't care too much, so she opened the tent and rushed into the tent, only to see Li Shiyin sleeping on her back in the tent, very sweet!

"Ah! I really lost to you!!" Qin Ran suddenly felt broken.

He hurried over to pick up Li Shiyin, found a coat and put it on for her.

But he was still putting on Li Shiyin's coat, and the sound of rumbling horseshoes had already rushed to him. Then, someone shouted outside the tent: "Who is in the tent, come out!"

Qin Ran continued to dress Li Shiyin.

Seeing that there was no movement in the tent, the people outside drew their bows and arrows, and shot a few arrows into the tent.

"Come out, or die!"

Qin Ran sighed, and walked out of the tent with Li Shiyin, whose coat was half worn.

Sure enough, it was already surrounded, looking over the past, there must be thousands of riders, all stopped outside, covering a large area in darkness, and more than a dozen riders swam to the back, cutting off the back of the tent.

The torches were whistling by the wind, the crisp sound of battle armor colliding, the sound of horses swimming, and the noise in the army formation. Qin Ran, who had a keen sense but fear of society, was a little dizzy for a while.

He froze for a moment before waking up, when he heard someone shouting at him:

"Hey! Hey!"

He looked up, and a soldier in black armor rode a horse and stopped in front of him, pointing a horizontal knife at him, and the soldier asked, "Hey! Tell me, who are you?"

"Qin Ran of Daojianmen." He replied.

"Daojianmen?" The soldier looked at Qin Ran, "Is it a cultivator?"

He asked again, "What are you doing here?"

"Passing by, rest." Qin Ran said.

"Who is holding?"


"Apprentice?" The big soldier thought of something dirty and laughed.

He laughed for a while and said, "Is your apprentice like this?"

He was about to ask something, when someone over there suddenly shouted: "What did he say his name was?"

Qin Ran's voice sounded familiar.

"Qin Ran!" The soldier shouted back, "It's a cultivator."

So someone patted the horse from over there, and over here, around Qin Ran's body, the horse's hooves ticked, cruising, looking down, and examining him.

Qin Ran raised his head and looked at the horse with blank eyes. This man was also wearing the same black armor, but he had a bright silver steel gun, and his face looked familiar...

He quickly recognized that it was Li Shiwen! !

"How is it? Did you recognize me?" Li Shiwen asked coldly.

For some reason, Qin Ran suddenly felt guilty. He seemed to be several heads shorter than Li Shiwen in an instant. He lowered his head subconsciously, not daring to look at Li Shiwen.

Why is this?

...because he's hugging his disheveled Little Sister! ! !

"I didn't expect you to be such a beast!" Li Shiwen saw clearly that the disheveled person in Qin Ran's arms was his Little Sister, his staring eyes were blazing, and his grinding teeth wanted to eat people.

As he spoke, a spear thrust came over.

Qin Ran freed his hand, grabbed his steel gun, paused, and explained aloud: "It's not what you's an accident!"

"Then what the fuck is that?!" Li Shiwen yelled violently, twitched his long spear, but didn't twitch, and said, "It's a shame that daddy still thinks you are a gentleman!!"

His familiar shouts finally woke up Li Shiyin.

Li Shiyin heard her elder brother's voice in a daze, opened her eyes to look for it, and found him nearby.

Um? War horses, black armor, spears, torches, strong winds, is this a war? She must be dreaming! ?

Just as she was thinking this, Li Shiwen yelled again: "Tear him up for daddy!"

Really big brother? !

Li Shiyin confirmed it, very happy, and shouted loudly: "Brother!"

Then she jumped back and jumped directly from Qin Ran's arms onto Li Shiwen's horse. She put her tender white hand on Li Shiwen's battle armor, and asked with a smile, "Why did you come here in my dream?! This armor touched It sounds pretty real."

"?" Li Shiwen was taken aback, with question marks written all over his face.

"Do you want to fight with me?" Li Shiyin cheered up, stood on the horse, put her waist in, and asked provocatively.

"This time I will let you have one hand..." she said again.

"Shiyin..." Qin Ran shouted on the ground.

Li Shiyin turned her head and saw Qin Ran on the ground, she was even more surprised: "Eh? Master!! Master, you also came into my dream?"

Qin Ran patted his forehead and pointed around.

Li Shiyin glanced along, the field, the tent, the fire, her consciousness gradually came back, as if... she was not dreaming!

She lowered her head, looked at Li Shiwen who was sitting on the horse, and was very puzzled: "Why are you here?"

With a dark face, Li Shiwen asked back, "Why are you here!"

"My master and I went to Xuanqin to forge swords!" Li Shiyin replied.

"If you forge a sword, you forge a sword. What are you doing here? What are you talking about... disheveled?!" Li Shiwen reprimanded.

Only then did Li Shiyin look at herself, and found that the own coat was only half worn, and the other half was hanging crookedly.

"Huh? Who gave me my clothes?" She couldn't remember.

"Ah!!" Li Shiwen and Qin Ran looked at the sky at the same time.

Li Shiwen suddenly found that Qin Ran was doing the same thing as himself, and he understood Qin Ran in just a moment, and the misunderstanding was resolved...

At this moment, there was a commotion in the distant team, and a soldier shouted: "Demonic Beasts!"

Li Shiwen suddenly became serious, and immediately a scout came over and whispered in his ear, "General, southeast direction, wolves!"

He nodded and asked Qin Ran, "Is that white horse yours?"


"Come with us!" Li Shiwen said.

He finally retracted the spear, raised it up, and shouted: "Everyone has it!"

He pulled the reins and headed southeast.

Li Shiyin immediately jumped down from Li Shiwen, got dressed on the ground, and asked Qin Ran, "Master, shall we follow?"

Qin Ran glanced at her and said, "Let's go!"

He went into the tent to drag Long Qiqi up, came out and Li Shiyin got on their respective horses, and chased after the large group.

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