It was no accident that Li Shiwen discovered that Qin Ran had lost his disciple.

Recently, Demonic Beasts have frequently injured people, and he had a premonition that something happened deep in the Hengduan Mountains. So these days, he has been patrolling the outskirts of the Hengduan Mountains.

One is to drive away the berserk Demonic Beasts, the other is to warn the lifeless Orion and cultivator, and the third is to investigate the reason for the rampage of Demonic Beasts.

Tonight, when he was patrolling here, he saw a bonfire on the wasteland from a long distance away, and hurriedly led a team over to check who was so reckless.

Unexpectedly, after seeing this, she actually saw her Little Sister acting like her master...

"Which one?" Li Shiyin asked Li Shiwen with a little confusion in his big eyes.

It's hard for Li Shiwen to say, so I will go right away.

Li Shiyin looked at Qin Ran suspiciously again. Qin Ran shook his head, not to mention, hurriedly chased Li Shiwen forward.

The team led by Li Shiwen was probably elite, with armor and bows, spears and knives, and all kinds of melee and long-distance combat.

Its battle armor is pitch black, almost the same color as the darkness. If the torch is extinguished, it will merge into the darkness and turn into the god of death in the darkness.

They came and went neatly, and as fast as the wind and lightning.

If Qin Ran's horse was not a fairy horse, he would not even be able to see the exhaust of this cavalry.

He rode a white horse, hugged the little snake monster Loli, patted the horse to the front of the team, and together with Li Shiwen, avoided the little confused Li Shiyin.

"Who is she?" Li Shiwen asked, gesturing to Long Qiqi in Qin Ran's arms.

"Snake demon!" Qin Ran replied concisely.

"Snake demon?!"

Qin Ran pondered without explaining.

Li Shiyin, who was asking for a bow, arrow and spear in the team, looked up and saw Li Shiwen's ignorant look, curled her lips, somewhat contemptuously.

"You generals really don't know anything, even the snake demon." She said to the soldiers beside her.

"Ah, yes, yes." The soldiers nodded.

Seeing Qin Ran's expression, Li Shiwen knew that he was making a fuss, so should he say it or not, this is a god after all, what's wrong with the snake demon?

So he coughed to himself, and stopped talking, so as not to continue to expose the shortcomings of his own knowledge.

A group of soldiers and horses moved very fast, and it didn't take long to arrive at the place where the scouts said the Demonic Beasts were.

Qin Ran has good eyesight. Looking from a distance, he could see pairs of blood-red eyes in the darkness in the distance, and by the light of the torch here, he could still see the long, sharp-eared mouth vaguely in the dark grass.


At a considerable distance, Qin Ran could barely see clearly. Li Shiwen must not have been able to see the specific situation over there, but Li Shiwen didn't care what happened, first a shower of arrows shot past.


The Demonic Beasts level of this group of wolves is not too high. This wave of arrow rain caused them to suffer heavy losses. You can hear the chaos in the wolves, and howls one after another.

But the pack of wolves was huge, and they were injured, but instead of running away, they rushed over here.

Qin Ran took a look, and saw pairs of blood-colored eyes swaying in the darkness, everywhere, forming blood-colored oceans, all over the mountains and plains... There must be thousands of wolves in this pack!

The cavalry rushed over, the wolves rushed over, and the distance shortened rapidly. For a moment, Qin Ran felt his own blood on fire, and he couldn't help but take out his sword.

But at this moment, Li Shiwen shouted: "Right!"

The whole team paused for an instant, and turned to the right in a uniform manner.

"Huh?" Qin Ran was dumbfounded, and was thrown out of the team at once. He looked to the left, and saw a wolf next to him, with a strong stench, and a wolf's mouth was sticking close to the horse's buttocks. With the high performance of the fairy horse, he caught up with the team.

Li Shiwen didn't remind himself in advance, it was definitely on purpose! Qin Ran gritted his teeth.

Running with the team, Qin Ran could see clearly from behind. The cavalry turned to the right, just right to avoid the charge of the wolves. The wolves charged, and they slid along the arc of the pack's charge.

But Li Shiwen obviously couldn't see the specific situation of the wolf clearly! How did he do that?

Qin Ran suddenly remembered the intuition of the silly apprentice on the road of cultivation...

Li Shiwen led the cavalry to the flank of the wolves, with arrows in his hands constantly consuming the number of wolves.

They are like sheepdogs, they regard the wolves as sheep, and keep the sheep in this pasture.

Li Shiwen controlled the distance and fought around the pack of wolves, only attacking with arrows, trying not to fight melee. When wolves are approaching, they will distance themselves, and if the wolves want to run away, they will chase after them.

Classic classic, cavalry flying kites.

However, Li Shiwen couldn't see the specific situation clearly, and when he miscalculated, he accidentally confronted the wolves at close range several times, and the cavalry suffered casualties.

"First-level Demonic Beasts, Dark Night Forest Wolves." Qin Ran recognized the specific type of wolves.

He looked at the soldiers lying down in the darkness, sighed, took out a few medicine pills from the Qiankun bag, and whispered to Li Shiwen in a secret voice: "I throw it, you shoot!"

Li Shiwen didn't understand what it meant, Qin Ran didn't explain much, and threw a Medicine Pill straight up. Li Shiwen frowned, but he still opened his bow and set an arrow, and the arrow hit the Medicine Pill in mid-air.

At the next moment, the Medicine Pill exploded, a dazzling light lit up in midair, and every grain of medicine dust exploded by the Medicine Pill lit up, dispelling the darkness.

"There are other things like this?" Li Shiwen shouted in surprise, eyes widened by the light.

Qin Ran threw a few more arrows into the air, and Li Shiwen hit them one by one, so for a moment, the world seemed to be in daylight, and every detail was clearly visible.

In this way, when Li Shiwen leads the team to fly a kite again, there will be no miscalculation of the distance.

The cavalry pressed forward little by little, driving the pack of wolves into the forest, and the pack of wolves retreated little by little, staring at every chance to bite back, both of which seemed extremely organized.

It can be seen that Li Shiwen has often led the team to drive away the Demonic Beasts group, and it can also be seen that the wolf king of this wolf pack is not easy.

Qin Ran rode a fairy horse, and worked hard to follow the rhythm of the team.

While advancing and retreating, he stuck out his Divine Sense, looking for something in the pack of wolves. Finally, after searching for a long time, at a certain moment, he found the target, which was hidden in the pack of wolves but was a bit bigger than ordinary wolves. No. wolf on...

Wolf king!

"Shiyin..." he shouted hastily.

Unlike Qin Ran, Li Shiyin grew up on horseback since she was a child. She has also experienced riding and archery like eating and drinking, cavalry attacking and defending, and she is having fun following Li Shiwen's rhythm.

Hearing Qin Ran calling herself, she took a break from her busy schedule and turned around to ask, "What's the matter?"

"Wolf King!"

Qin Ran shared her own sight with Li Shiyin through Divine Sense, and Li Shiyin also saw the wolf king who was hiding. She immediately became excited, patted her horse out of the queue, rushed to Li Shiwen's side, and snatched Li Shiwen's steel gun.

She stood up from the white horse, stepped forward, put her foot on the head of the white horse, and shouted: "Li Shiwen, I will be my sister from now on!"

The spear shot out through the air, crossing a parabola, the tip of the spear gleamed in the bright light, and hit the wolf king's waist with a single shot, directly nailing the wolf king to the ground.

As soon as the wolf king died, there seemed to be some strange effect. The wolves lost their momentum in an instant, and they loosened up after watching them.

The cavalry drew their bows and arrows again, and after a few waves of arrow rain, the wolves died and scattered, and soon disappeared into the forest.


The cavalry cheered, and the horses under them also neighed.

Suddenly someone shouted, "Shiyin", Qin Ran could hear clearly that it was Li Shiwen calling, and then someone shouted, it was their trusted aide of the Li family.

Then, waves of voices sounded:




Li Shiyin stood on the head of the white horse, raised her hands, and enjoyed the cheers, just like a...

Well, villain big devil!

Qin Ran watched and felt that the cooperation between the cheers and the silly apprentice was really good. She was born to stand in the middle of the stage, and she should be the brightest star in the night sky.

He suddenly felt itchy.

"How is it?" Li Shiwen's voice suddenly came from next to his ear, Qin Ran looked and saw Li Shiwen coming on a horse, looked at Shiyin and asked him.

"How about what?" Qin Ran didn't know what Li Shiwen wanted to ask.

"How about my Little Sister?"

"The sound of poetry is very good!" Qin Ran replied.

"Then do you like her?"

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