The room is cramped by the drawers containing medicinal materials, there is not much free space, and there is a table, so the light is not very bright.

It's narrow, dark, and... good for sleeping. In particular, there is a faint scent of Medicinal herbs in the room, which is even more hypnotic.

Qin Ran pushed open the door and saw Li Shiyin sleeping soundly lying on the table, the herbal medicine book was pressed under her face, and she muttered even more on her baby-fat face.

It is indeed an exaggeration to say that the table was flooded, but the book was indeed flooded, and the pages became wet. Qin Ran just sighed that he couldn't bring his mobile phone to cross, otherwise he would take a picture of this scene, and when Li Shiyin becomes Power in the future, it will be played on a loop around the world...

Thinking this way in his heart, he looked at the girl's sleeping face in the dark from the backlight of the door.

The girl has white and delicate skin, which is printed on the dark yellow pages; the brush-like eyelashes have a different kind of beauty; the muttering mouth... There is crystal dream saliva flowing from the corner of the mouth, and the lips are more rosy after all. up.

"It's really pretty... No! Her face must be blackened with ink." Qin Ran suppressed the strange things in his heart, shook his head pretendingly, and sighed that the girl didn't learn well.

After standing at the door for a while, he walked in lightly, found a chair, sat down across the table, took out a book from his Qiankun bag, opened it and read it quietly.

Li Shiyin didn't wake up until the sun came in from the window. She opened her eyes blindfolded, and saw the sun shining on the book from the window behind her, and her saliva was reflecting on the page.

She froze for a moment, thinking that she had fallen asleep in the school again, hurriedly sat up, and looked forward, but she couldn't see the old master with the white beard, but a handsome young man.

The young man was reading a book, leaning on the back of the chair with a leisurely expression, the sun shone through the window behind him and shone on him, as if he was glowing.

"The old master has become younger?"

This was Li Shiyin's first reaction. He was about to admit his mistake when he suddenly realized that the old master was not so gentle. He should have served him with a ruler.

Consciousness slowly expelled the drowsiness from her mind, and she finally remembered that the master asked her to recite the medicinal materials...

"Are you awake?" Qin Ran covered the book on her chest, squinting at Li Shiyin under the sunlight.

"Wake up...wake up..." Li Shiyin replied hesitantly. At this time, the shame of be lazy being caught and the shame of drooling while sleeping exploded in her mind at the same time, making her just want to find a crack in the ground to get in, but Master Her gentle tone finally allowed her to speak.

Although the child with his head down lowered his head and admitted his mistake, even though his face was blushing hot.

"How much do you remember?" Qin Ran asked, his eyes moved down, and looked at the pages of the book that were already wet and smeared with saliva, and it was the first page, not surprisingly.

Li Shiyin also looked at the book herself, seeing the wet marks on it, she panicked and closed the book as if trying to hide her ears.

"Alas..." Qin Ran shook his head pretending to be old-fashioned, with a look of hating iron for nothing, he closed his own book, stood up, and said, "Maybe it's just new here, I didn't sleep well at night, maybe it's the milk in the morning It contains too much Spiritual Qi, your body can't bear it, in short, let's rest first, go back and have lunch."

Li Shiyin thought for a while, recalled how she was when she was studying in school, and wanted to say that maybe it wasn't an objective reason, but in the end she didn't say anything, and nodded in agreement: "It's the milk problem in the morning, drinking it makes people sleepy."

"Let's go!" Without further ado, Qin Ran raised his hand and brought back the book in Li Shiyin's hand.

"Master..." Li Shiyin was very embarrassed, and reached out to snatch the book back, because there was evidence of her crime on it.

But Qin Ran ignored her, turned around and walked out, the magic power was running, the saliva on the book evaporated, he flipped his hand, and the book was put into the Qiankun bag.

Li Shiyin had no choice but to blushed, lowered her head, and followed Qin Ran out of the pharmacy.

Looking outside, Li Shiyin found that the sun was already westward, and it was probably already afternoon. She remembered that when she entered the pharmacy in the morning, it was not yet eight o'clock. It was supposed to be a study, but who knew it would be now.

Qin Ran walked in front, and quietly turned his head to look at Li Shiyin, and found that Li Shiyin was lowering his head, with a look of regret on his face, which reminded him that when he was still in college, every time he came out of the study room, those classmates' words look.

He suddenly felt nostalgic, and laughed aloud: "Is it more comfortable to sleep here than to sleep on the bed?"

"Ah?" Li Shiyin didn't realize it. Is this normal chatting and questioning, or Yin & Yang's weirdness? But after getting to know the master for a day, she felt that the master should be asking her seriously, she thought about it, and replied truthfully, "Indeed...Indeed."

Qin Ran shook his head, and said again: "If I give you lectures again, I will definitely sleep better."

"Hmm..." Li Shiyin actually agreed with this, because every time the old master gave a lecture, she felt particularly sleepy, but she felt an inexplicable danger, so she didn't speak, only murmured.

"Before..." Qin Ran's tone was full of nostalgia, "A long time ago, some students used the audio of the high math teacher's class as a lullaby for sleeping at night, and it was very effective."

Li Shiyin raised her head to look at Qin Ran's back, and felt a little Xiao Se.

Master has a lot of stories! She thought about it, and stared at it all the time, but when she was watching, the master suddenly turned around, she didn't pay attention, the two people's eyes just met, she panicked inexplicably, and lowered her head.

Qin Ran was also a little flustered, turned around quickly, and continued: "Yes... If you can't sleep in the future, you can also listen to the audio of my lecture..."

It was just normal teasing, but the ghostly person felt that there was something wrong with the words, so he couldn't continue, and the voice became smaller and smaller, and finally it was so small that he couldn't hear it.

Li Shiyin was in a panic when she suddenly realized that the Master's voice was wrong...

They walked to the first floor, walked out of the gate, and came to the grass outside, beside the small river. She heard the sound of the waterfall not far away, and she realized that the master seemed shy, shyer than her...

Realizing this, she seemed not so shy anymore, raised her head, and looked directly at Qin Ran's back.

She is the majestic eldest lady of the Li family in Northern Chu. Wen Neng can put a pen to make peace in the world, and Wu Neng can ride a horse to determine the world. How could she act like a child?

Qin Ran in front never imagined that, just a few ordinary chats, he defeated the image of the own master in one go. He was walking ahead, his heart was beating wildly...

actually is not having any weird ideas about apprentices. It seems that the apprentice is still underage, and it is a crime, although girls in Beichu can marry at the age of fourteen; he really has no dirty ideas, this is an apprentice, although he is so beautiful, he is also very cute; No, no, no, he is an upright gentleman, he will never do such beastly things, even if he stays in the house for another twenty years, he will not casually fall in love with girls.

"Maintain the majestic image of the Master!" He secretly warned himself, took a deep breath, raised his chest quietly, and made himself appear taller.

One of the two masters and apprentices forcibly maintains their own collapsed image, strangling to death the strange sprouts in their hearts; the other quietly pushes down the image of the master in their hearts, and plants an unknown seed on the ruins of that image.

They walked out of the research building, walked across the river, and came to the living room of the residence. It was Qin Ran who went into the kitchen to cook, and Li Shiyin was sitting in the living room, holding her hot face in her hands, not knowing what she was thinking.

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