My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 8 Pill Refining Or Sword Practice

After lunch, Qin Ran subconsciously wanted to lay his body on the sofa. In the past, after eating, he said he would lie on the sofa for at least half an hour, but today, he stopped after taking two steps. Because he suddenly realized that those days might be gone forever, so he could only sigh secretly, turn around and go out.

Seeing the master shaking his head and sighing again, Li Shiyin didn't know what happened to the master who just had a full meal.

She followed behind Qin Ran and came to the door.

The master walked into the grass, reached the bank of the river, and looked down at the river. At this time, the world is like a painting, and he is like a person in a painting...a melancholy person in a painting.

Li Shiyin thought for a while, then walked over to the river, looked down at the clear river water under his feet, and there were fish and shrimp swimming along the current.

Sensing that Li Shiyin was following, Qin Ran tilted her head to look at her, then looked back at the river under her feet, and suddenly said:

"The son said on the river, the dead are like husbands, never giving up day and night.

"The original meaning of practice is actually to fight against time and seek longevity. It's just that people find that practice will gain great power during the process of practice, so some people practice for strength."

He sighed, "Then longevity and strength are the two paths of cultivation."

"The way of the sword is the way of strength, and pill refining is the way of longevity." He turned his head, looked at Li Shiyin, and asked, "Do you want pill refining or sword practice?"

Li Shiyin didn't know who "Zi" was, and she didn't understand what the master said, but she really only wanted pill refining, and she replied immediately: "Refining..."

Qin Ran raised his hand to stop her from continuing, saying:

"You don't want to have a good future in swordsmanship, so you insist on coming to Danfeng. I know that you have reasons for wanting to learn pill refining. But, I still hope that you will think about it carefully. You don't have to answer me now, think it over before Reply."

Li Shiyin fell silent.

"Pill refining needs to memorize a lot of medicinal materials, you need to memorize a lot of pill recipes, you need to know how to turn medicinal materials into Medicine Pills, it's not that you have practiced a pill refining Cultivation Technique, know a certain pill recipe, and then you can pill refining... "

Qin Ran raised his head and looked towards the forest in the distance, "For sword practice, you don't need to memorize a lot, you just need to practice a Cultivation Technique, learn a Sword Technique, and cultivate a natal sword."

He asked again, "Do you think you are suitable for pill refining or sword practice?"

Li Shiyin was born in a general family, although her father has tried his best to name her Shiyin and let her learn poetry and book etiquette, hoping that she will be gentler and more sensible.

However, the influence of the family style is too great, and she did not become a lady in the end...

Whether she is suitable for sword practice or pill refining, in fact, she knows better than anyone else.

"There is no distinction between high and low occupations, but in general, Immortal World cultivation is more popular than sword cultivation. Everyone knows that nurses are very important, but who would not want to be the sword fairy who flies thousands of miles to take heads?" Qin Ran He smiled and said, "Girl, let's practice swords!"

Li Shiyin pursed her lips, watching the fish swimming in the river without speaking.

"Practice sword fast, pill refining slow, you decide as soon as possible!" Qin Ran finally said, "But today, I still want to teach you the basics of cultivation."

After watching the fish for a while, the two crossed the river and came to the research building again. Qin Ran asked Li Shiyin to wait at the pharmacy in the morning, and he went to the fourth floor to get a mannequin.

"Before you practice, you must first understand the various Meridians and acupuncture points of the human body." Qin Ran moved the human body model to the table, and Li Shiyin sat behind the table. What luck.

"This model is what I used when I was learning Cultivation Technique, and now I will use it as a demonstration for you."

"Model? Does Immortal World have this thing?" Li Shiyin was sitting behind the desk, but her clever eyes betrayed her. The master is really strange, his painting style is not right.

"Here, look, the acupuncture points are from top to bottom. This is Baihui Point, which connects heaven and earth. When Nascent Soul transforms into a god, Nascent Soul comes out of this place... This is the center of the eyebrows, Yintang Point, which is also the location of the Sea of ​​Consciousness. , the so-called Shang Dantian, when you have the Yuanshen, the Yuanshen will live here..."

Qin Ran pointed to the human body model and explained it to Li Shiyin in detail from top to bottom.

"This is Tanzhong Point, which is Zhong Dantian, where Nascent Soul is located... This is Qi Sea Point, which is Lower Dantian, where the cyclone and Gold Core are located." The practice will start from Lower Dantian , with the sense of Qi, gather the cyclone at the lower Dantian, then the Cultivation Base grows, the cyclone grows stronger, and forms a Gold Core, and then the Gold Core hatches, and the Nascent Soul breaks out of the Dantian..."

Qin Ran's eloquence was eloquent, explaining one by one, very carefully, for fear of making mistakes, he also expressed his understanding of practice in colloquial terms, secretly provoking that there was something in his stomach.

However, Li Shiyin, who was sitting behind the desk and listening to the class... the eyeballs went from being agile to frozen, from frozen to dull, from dull to, closed.

When he talked about Qi Sea from Baihui, Li Shiyin was already chatting with Zhou Gong.

Qin Ran spoke heartily, and then suddenly looked back, and found that Li Shiyin had already fallen asleep for three minutes. He was stunned for a moment. At this moment, he suddenly understood how disappointed the teacher was when he saw the classroom full of students dozing off when he was in middle school.

Are you really so hypnotized? He couldn't help feeling suspicious.

But with or without, he had to stop.

If practice can be divided into theoretical school and practical school, then Qin Ran is a proper theoretical school. If he doesn't understand what each acupuncture point is for, and the specific direction of each exercise route, then he will not be able to practice.

At this time, he had little experience, thinking that everyone was like him, and that it was impossible to learn Cultivation Technique without first preparing. So when he saw Li Shiyin's performance in class, he was somewhat suspicious:

Is this the top Spiritual Roots? !

Qin Ran sat down and looked at Li Shiyin who was pouting and nodding. He began to think, should we talk about Meridians later? Acupuncture points are unknown, Meridians are unclear, how to practice?

But Li Shiyin's appearance...has a headache, ah, a headache!

Qin Ran tapped on the table lightly, Li Shiyin stopped nodding, but still did not wake up; Qin Ran was a little hesitant to disturb others, but knocked on the table again, Li Shiyin finally woke up.

Li Shiyin opened her eyes blindfolded, and seeing the helpless look of the master in front of her, she felt a sense of guilt. She quickly lowered her head and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, master, I'm sorry, I... didn't... couldn't hold back..."

"How much have you listened to what I said just now?" Seeing the cute little apprentice, Qin Ran was dying.

"Baihui point, what is connected with heaven and earth, what is the soul, what is Nascent Soul..." Li Shiyin tried hard to recall what Qin Ran said just now, and said everything she heard, "The egg breaks, the baby comes out, the air and water form into the sea... ..."

Qin Ran raised his hand to stop Li Shiyin's nonsense, and finally asked, "Do you know what this is all about?"

"Ah?" Li Shiyin shook her head in confusion.

"Alas!" Qin Ran sighed and stood up. At this moment, he really wanted to say, what a rotten tree!

But he didn't say it after all.

Turning around and walking outside, when he reached the door, he stopped again, took out a book from the Qiankun bag, turned around and put it on the table, and said: "This is the detailed explanation of the Meridians of the human body, about the Meridians involved in the practice of the Foundation Establishment period, I have marked it, what attributes are involved in each Meridians, and there are also notes, you can see for yourself first!"

After speaking, he turned and went out.

Seeing the back of the master leaving, Li Shiyin blamed herself very much, and she didn't know why she was always sleepy? !

With a helpless sigh, Li Shiyin picked up the book on the table and opened it. It was just like the medicine book in the morning. The pictures were in color, and there was a human body model, which was clearly written. There is also the handwriting of the master's notes on it.

In short, she glanced at it and felt that the whole world was full of words, with one head and two big.

She hurriedly threw the book back on the table, as if bitten by the book.

Li Shiyin leaned back in the chair unrequitedly, and looked up at the ceiling.

"How can I cultivate like this?" She sighed, "How can I pill refine when I feel sleepy after reading a book?"

She thought about it, and suddenly realized something, "Master is only in the Foundation Establishment period, why did he say that he has marked the Meridians involved in the Foundation Establishment period in this book? Has the master read all the Foundation Establishment period Cultivation?" Technique?!"

She was taken aback by her own thought, there really are people who can read so many books! ? ?

"As expected of Master, it's really terrifying!!"

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