When Li Shiyin came out of the research building, she saw Qin Ran holding a hoe and digging soil on the bank of the river, right beside the green grass that she didn't recognize.

She came over to the side of the river and asked, "Master, what are you planting?"

"Plant some crane crown fairy grass..." Qin Ran replied, put away the hoe, took out a porcelain bottle from the Qiankun bag, turned it upside down, poured out a few milky white seeds with black spots, and spread it out to signal Li Shiyin, " These are the seeds of Crane Crown Immortal Grass, very expensive, just this bottle, less than fifty seeds, get ten low-grade Spirit Stones."

Li Shiyin knew that Spirit Stones were very precious. In the mortal world, it was hard to find a single stone. Right now, just a few seeds cost ten Spirit Stones, so she asked again: "What kind of fairy is this grass, crane? What does it do? Is it precious?!"

"Crane Crown Immortal Grass. When this grass grows up, the tip of the grass will bend down and turn white, just like the head of a crane. It's very beautiful." Qin Ran replied, "These are the three main ingredients for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill One, nature is precious."

"Foundation Establishment Dan?"

"Some cultivator's Talent is not good, and may not be able to Foundation Establishment. Foundation Establishment Dan will greatly increase their probability of Foundation Establishment." Qin Ran has an answer.

Li Shiyin nodded, then pointed to the green grass beside Qin Ran, and asked, "What kind of fairy grass is this?"

Qin Ran cast his eyes to the side, his face changed imperceptibly, and he replied, "This is the refreshing grass."

"What is the refreshing grass for?"

"Xingshencao..." Xingshencao is used to refine spirit-melting pills, but Qin Ran didn't answer that. He just said, "Xingshencao is very good for the soul."

"Oh!" Li Shiyin didn't notice what was wrong with Qin Ran, she laughed and said, "It turns out that this is how fairy grass is planted, and that's how my dad grows flowers at home."

"You don't have to think too noble of the fairy grass. For example, the refreshing grass does not have high requirements on the environment, so it can be planted in this way." Qin Ran explained casually, squatted down, and poured the seeds of the crane crown fairy grass One into the hole just dug, and said, "However, the Crane's Crown Immortal Grass cannot be planted in this way. Crane's Crown Immortal Grass likes the sun and good water, so it is best planted in a sunny wetland, not ordinary soil. You have to use spiritual soil. It is truly noble."

This made Li Shiyin very puzzled: "Then why do you still plant it like this, master?"

"Hmm..." Qin Ran pondered for a moment, then replied, "Because of being poor."


"Spiritual soil is too expensive to afford." Qin Ran said, "I can only try to grow it."

As he said, he took out a porcelain bottle from the Qiankun bag, poured it on the seeds, poured a few drops of turbid water on the seeds, and explained to Li Shiyin, "This is specially made by me, um, let's call it Lingshui .It is to extract the nutrients needed by Spirit Stones and some plants into the water."

After accepting the "spiritual water", he said with a smile, "Just to experiment, to see if there is no spiritual soil, and only the spiritual water can grow fairy grass."

The master is really knowledgeable! so amazing! Amazing! Li Shiyin exclaimed in her heart again.

"By the way..." Qin Ran stood up, gently buried the soil with a hoe, and asked Li Shiyin, "How much of the book I gave you just now?"

The admiration in Li Shiyin's eyes disappeared immediately, and she looked aside dumbly.

Qin Ran raised his head and saw her appearance, how could he not understand? Without asking, he buried the soil, put the shovel aside, and squatted by the river to wash his hands.

"The direction of the Meridians, the position of the acupoints, if you don't understand these things, you will definitely not be able to practice..." He soaked his hands in the icy cold river, and said, "I mean you can't practice, not that you can't pill refining. You understand me mean?"

"Can't pill refine? Can't practice?" Li Shiyin couldn't understand, and shook her head. Qin Ran sighed secretly, only felt that she had accepted an idiot apprentice, why did she think she was a cold goddess yesterday? It's only been a day, and he's so stupid that he's a little bit broken.

He patiently explained: "Unable to cultivate, maybe you can feel the Qi in your body, the Spiritual Qi between heaven and earth, but you can't drive them! Don't you understand?"

"But Master..." Li Shiyin was a little frightened by Qin Ran's collapsed and speechless appearance. She didn't dare to speak loudly, but said softly, "I can already activate the innate energy in my body."

"An?" Qin Ran was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and then felt that Li Shiyin was lying to him, and was really a little angry, "Tell me, how do you drive Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth?"

"That's it... just like the book said, put your heart on the sky, put your tongue on the roof, close your eyes, and imagine the feeling of Qi flowing from the center of the eyebrows to the body to the limbs, that's it... "Li Shiyin replied weakly, she closed her eyes, as if she was driving the Innate Qi in her body, "There is really an air flow in my body, from the Qi Sea that the master said, to this..." She pointed On his left side, "to Tanzhong acupoint, and then to the left hand..."

She pointed out one by one for Qin Ran, entering from the left hand, exiting with the left hand, entering with the right hand, exiting with the right hand, and finally returning to Qi Sea, forming a perfect cycle.

Looking at Li Shiyin's appearance, Qin Ran realized that she might not be lying, as if she had really started to practice. He hurriedly crossed the small river and came to the side of the river. Without further ado, he picked up Li Shiyin's wrist, closed his eyes and inspected it carefully, and found that there was indeed a surge of air in her body, following the basic Cultivation Technique's trajectory.

He opened his eyes wide, full of disbelief, and asked, "You...have you practiced before, or..."

"Master, didn't you give me the "Basic Cultivation Technique" last night?" Li Shiyin looked at the wrist grasped by Qin Ran, wondering what she was thinking, and said, "I couldn't sleep last night, so I practiced with it, and then There is that sense of Qi, and then I take it in the body, just like the picture on the book, it is very simple. Master, you said that if you don’t know the Meridians acupuncture points, you can’t practice. I’m a little scared... Am I Wrong practice, will you know Qi Deviation?"

"No...no..." Qin Ran let go of Li Shiyin's hand and began to doubt his life, "You did not practice wrongly, you practiced well, after you open Ren Du's two veins and perceive the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth, you can condense the cyclone , Start the Foundation Establishment."

Li Shiyin obviously doesn't know anything about Meridians acupoints, why can she feel the breath so smoothly and drive the air flow so correctly? He doesn't understand very well, could it be that this apprentice pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger? He looks like a fool, but in fact the city is very deep?

"Master..." When he doubted life and Li Shiyin, Li Shiyin suddenly called him again.

He looked over blankly.

Li Shiyin lowered her head and asked softly: "Master, can you refine the Medicine Pill that prolongs life?"

"I haven't practiced it." Qin Ran replied truthfully that the medicinal materials for prolonging life are usually very expensive, and he can't afford them.

"Oh!" Li Shiyin replied with some disappointment.

Seeing her like this, Qin Ran didn't know why, and added: "But I have done some research. If there is a pill recipe and medicinal materials, I believe it can be made."

"Really?" Li Shiyin instantly became happy.


"Then..." Li Shiyin continued to ask, taking advantage of his courage, "If I practice swords, will I have to transfer to Jianfeng?"

Qin Ran's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and he looked at Li Shiyin, only to see Li Shiyin's watery eyes staring at him intently.

"If..." But he still replied, "If you want to go further in the way of swordsmanship, you'd better go to Jianfeng. After all, I'm practicing Alchemy."


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