My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 72 Unexpectedly, This Is Also In My Plan

Qin Ran gave Li Shiyin the Hundred Poison Pill in advance. In fact, only a small part of the reason was that he was worried about being poisoned by others, because there were not many people who were poisoned in the Immortal World, and he had more, because he ensured that he would take her into the poison formation. Time, she will not be poisoned.

How many types of poison are there?

Classified by toxicological targets, there are those that target blood, those that target texture, those that target nerves, and those that target bones. That is to say, as long as the biological structure has a corresponding poison, some are already existing in the world, and some are... developed by humans.

These poisons were originally intended for mortals.

Because the cultivator is detached from ordinary people, it is difficult to be poisoned...

However, there are many cultivators, especially low-level cultivators. Although they have initially possessed super fighting power, their bodies are not much different from mortal bodies in essence. Low-level cultivators are also miraculous.

When will the cultivator be completely different from the concept of mortals?

Gold Core!

The so-called swallowing a Gold Core into the stomach, my fate is up to me, the Gold Core Avenue, after the Gold Core plastic body, the cultivator is completely a life form higher than ordinary people.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the high rank cultivator after the Gold Core period will not be poisoned at all. The world has its own rules and mysteries. Where there is yin, there must be yang. Where there is a high rank cultivator, there is a poison specifically for the high rank cultivator.

For example, toxicology is in Magic power, in Spiritual Qi, in Divine Sense, in soul, in Taoism, etc.

But after all, whether it is a mortal or a cultivator, those who use poison are in the minority after all, and Qin Ran's shameless and shameless prostitute is always an exception.

Seeing the guard Daoist chasing after him, Qin Ran quickly led Li Shiyin into the killing formation.

The formation was arranged by him. He took Li Shiyin to find the direction, came to the position where the formation came out and waited, waiting for Daoist to enter the formation, and then they went out of the formation.

From rescuing Li Shiyin just now, to running away in an emergency, to now, to waiting here, Qin Ran is considered to be free. Although he has made a lot of plans, actually implementing them is completely different from the plans... After all, he is only suitable for making plans, not participating in the plans on the ground...

So Qin Ran found that he was still hugging Li Shiyin's waist, the softness and warmth from his fingers made him swallow unconsciously.

However, he couldn't let go of Li Shiyin. First, letting go suddenly would be awkward, and it would only increase the embarrassment; second, he still wanted to run away with Li Shiyin...

So he asked, "Aren't you poisoned?" His voice was a little hoarse.

"No..." Li Shiyin shook her head.

Li Shiyin's mind was in a mess. She was thinking about things, but she didn't realize that the master was holding her. She was silent for a while, and suddenly asked Qin Ran, "Master, are Zhao Yaqing and the others going to kill us?"

"Hmm!" Li Shiyin smelled of blood, sweat, and fragrance. Qin Ran was a little confused by the smell. He looked at the opposite of the formation and replied, "It's a big hatred to snatch the sword. Killing people is a matter of convenience. Immortal world repairs are worthless..."

When he said this, the guardian Daoist had already brought Zhao Yaqing into the battle, he saw it, so he stopped talking, turned around and took Li Shiyin out of the formation.

In the formation Realm, although Qin Ran has some attainments, he is an amateur after all, and the formations he publishes have many flaws.

For example, the speed of layout can only be arranged in advance. For example, large-scale formation depends on the array disk, such as shallow array base and other issues.

The poison formation just now poisoned the guardian Daoist and Zhao Yaqing mainly because of surprise, but it was easily broken by the protection Daoist, and the formation was forcibly broken, so the current chilling formation cannot trap the guardian Daoist for too long.

Not long after Qin Ran ran out, the guardian Daoist came out with Zhao Yaqing, and she shouted behind her:

"Boy, are you only good at juggling?"

Qin Ran's scalp tightened, and he panicked a little. This guard Daoist is indeed a Gold Core from the big sect, and its strength is much stronger than he expected.

However, it was raining overnight in the house, and there was a sudden noise in front of him. Qin Ran hurriedly looked forward, and there was a large group of cultivators flying towards here, and there was a sword coming out between the conversations...

This is also to grab the sword!

"Stop him, the sword is on him!" The guard Daoist saw the large group of cultivators, and shouted quickly.

"Grass!" Qin Ran cursed secretly, hurriedly speeding up, and got into the formation in front.

And this formation...

It is the transformation array.

When a group of cultivators heard that the sword was on Qin Ran's body, they became excited immediately, regardless of their care, one by one plunged into the formation.

The function of the changing formation is to change the body shape, it is not a big formation, a group of people plunge into it, and after a while they are overwhelmed and dispersed, the formation explodes, and a group of women and children appear on the ground.

Everyone has been transformed...

So the crowd suddenly exploded and made noise!

At a certain moment, a man and a woman flew out of the crowd and went into the sky. Someone shouted: "It's them, the sword is on them!"

The crowd chased after him noisily.

The crowd passed by, leaving behind a young man and a woman. The young man breathed a sigh of relief, and flew in another direction with the old woman.

These later cultivators didn't know Qin Ran's insidiousness and cunning, but the guardian Daoist knew, she kept an eye out, and didn't rush to chase after the crowd. past.

"It's still there!" Qin Ran turned around, and Daoist was still chasing after him.

But the next formation was the invisible formation, Qin Ran and the old woman Li Shiyin got into it, and after the Daoist guard broke the formation again, they disappeared completely.

The guardian Daoist was holding Zhao Yaqing and standing on the red ground thousands of miles away, looking around with a gloomy face...

Before Qin Ran and Li Shiyin came to the final teleportation formation, he looked at Li Shiyin and suddenly asked, "Do you want to leave them the antidote?"

Li Shiyin and Qin Ran looked at each other and fell into hesitation.

"Gu Daoist will definitely be fine, but Zhao Yaqing won't be sure..." Qin Ran said, "After so much today, do you still want to keep the antidote?"

Li Shiyin lowered her head, but still said: "I have no enmity with her, let's leave the antidote!"

At this time, the guard Daoist judged the position of the last formation based on the relative positions of the first four formations, and she had already chased after it. She was still far away and shouted: "Little bastard, stop!"

Qin Ran ignored her, just looked at Li Shiyin shaking her head, and sighed: "Okay."

He threw a porcelain bottle in place.

"Give me your hand..." he said, "skin to skin contact will prevent us from teleporting to a different place."

Li Shiyin gave him his hand.

Qin Ran hugged Li Shiyin's waist with one hand, took Li Shiyin's hand with the other, and quickly walked into the last formation, the teleportation formation.


The guardian Daoist sensed a vibration in the space, knowing that this formation might be a teleportation formation, she was startled, and before she could think about it, she raised her hand and palmed forward, creating a tornado on the ground!

Qin Ran carried Li Shiyin into the battle, activated the formation, lightened his body, and then fell back uncontrollably, just like stepping on the gas pedal in a car.

The next moment, the scene changes, they are teleported to an unknown place...

But at this moment, the scene stopped changing, and suddenly stopped, the master and the apprentice went from extreme speed to stop, squeezed out by the space, and dropped from the air.

Both Qin Ran and Li Shiyin couldn't stand the extreme speed stop and squeezed space. Their bodies were seriously injured, covered in blood, and they fell to the ground, unable to move for a while.

"Did the transmission fail, Master?" Li Shiyin asked, looking at the crimson sky, with her hand still in Qin Ran's.

Qin Ran didn't answer, he looked at the surrounding environment, the surrounding environment is still the harsh environment around the volcano, fiery red clouds, dark red ground, there is a volcano behind, and a small town can be seen in front... They have just teleported, and they haven't even left yet. to a distance of one kilometer.

The guard Daoist flew over with a ferocious smile.

"It seems to have failed," he replied.

"Are we going to die, Master?" Li Shiyin turned her head with difficulty, looking at Qin Ran's profile.

Qin Ran turned his head and saw Li Shiyin's pitiful eyes. He felt a little heartbroken, so he gave her a wink and whispered, "No."

"Huh?" Li Shiyin was stunned.

"Want to go?" The guard Daoist came to the front, looked down at Qin Ran with contempt, and said, "A character like a rat ant! Keep running!"

"Hehe..." Qin Ran forced a laugh and asked, "Can't we be parallel?"

"What do you think?" The nurse Daoist came over, stepped on Qin Ran, and asked, "Where's the antidote?!"

"Hahaha..." Qin Ran suddenly laughed, and he said, "You know? I put the antidote in front of the teleportation formation."

"What!!" The guardian Daoist was terrified, she knelt down and grabbed Qin Ran by the neck, "Say it again..."

"I said..." Qin Ran was still laughing, "I put the Medicine Pill in front of the teleportation formation, including the detoxification pill to relieve the poison of Yin Sha."

"What?" Daoist felt something was wrong, where did the evil spirit come from.

"I said... the poison of Yin Sha!" Qin Ran said.

As soon as Qin Ran finished speaking, the guard Daoist felt a numbness in her calf. She hurriedly looked over and saw a red poisonous snake of the same color as the ground, opened its mouth, let go of her leg, and fled away quickly.

"What's that?" she asked.

"Yin evil is too snake-climbing!" Qin Ran said, "Conceived by the land of Yin evil, there are neurotoxins, blood coagulation toxins, and poison of Yin evil in the body..."

"Do you know the poison of Yin Sha?" He asked himself and answered, "The poison of Yin Sha is poisoned in the mind and will, Divine Sense! Yin Chi Killing intent, makes people suffer from ice, makes people crazy, makes people Qi Deviation! "

Following Qin Ran's words, the guardian Daoist felt that own's body was getting cold, and his consciousness was gradually blurring, showing signs of being lost.

"It was you who blew away the antidote, so go find it yourself!" Qin Ran said, "Please hurry up, the poison of Yin Sha is very mysterious, and the onset speed is very fast..."

Before he finished speaking, the guard Daoist let go of him, turned and flew away.

"Huh..." Qin Ran let out a soft breath.

"Master..." Li Shiyin asked, "Is that Long Qiqi?"

"Yes!" Qin Ran nodded.

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