Back to three days ago, Long Qiqi tricked Li Shiyin, was about to run away, when he turned around, he bumped into a man.

She looked up and found that it was Qin Ran, she couldn't help but turn pale with shock: "Why are you here?"

Qin Ran didn't answer, but instead asked, "Where are you going?"

"I..." Long Qiqi quickly regained her composure, she scratched her head and said with a smile, "Go around."

"I mean, after you escape from here, where do you want to go." Qin Ran didn't want to go around with her, so he said directly.

"Huh?" Long Qiqi thought about it seriously, and replied, "I'm going to the world, go to the mortal world to see what your human society is like, or find a little Sect to learn from a teacher, or occupy a mountain. Your Majesty, everything is possible."

"Although you have become a human, you are not human after all." Qin Ran shook his head, "The world is actually dangerous, and there are hidden gods and masters. You are a fairy, how long do you think you can live in the world?"

Long Qiqi didn't take it seriously: "The sky and the earth are vast and boundless. I have a duty to be a human being, to do things honestly, and to survive and seek the way. Why is it so unlucky?!"

"Be honest?" Qin Ran laughed. Why did they catch Long Qiqi? Wasn't it because she was preying on virgins? If it wasn't for Li Shiyin, but for Qin Ran, Long Qiqi would have been dead long ago, the kind that couldn't be found in ashes.

He said, "You have something to do with honesty? Do you mean cannibalism?"

Long Qiqi tried her best to explain: "That's because I just transformed into a form and was able to escape from the Hengduan Mountains. I just got carried away and didn't pay attention. Just pay attention in the future."

"It won't happen in the future...Even if you take a step back, if you really don't eat people in the future, won't you be recognized?" Qin Ran stared at Long Qiqi, "The Monster Qi radiating from you, In the eyes of the cultivator, you are like a firefly in the night!"

"I'll get Monster Qi soon..."

"It's enough for you to die 10,000 times during the time you learn to restrain Monster Qi." Qin Ran said.

Long Qiqi was silent for a while, before realizing it, she looked up at Qin Ran and asked, "Then what do you mean after you have said so much?"

"You have become a human being, so you want to live with human beings anyway, why not stay with us." Qin Ran suggested.

"With you?" Long Qiqi frowned.

"I'm a Sect person and a pill refining teacher. I have a high status and sufficient resources. In your situation, it is absolutely impossible to find such a good place again." Qin Ran said.

Long Qiqi was very moved, but based on her understanding of Qin Ran, this is a thousand-year-old fox. It is absolutely impossible for her to be so kind and make a loss-making business, so she asked again: "Then, what is the price?"

"As you know, I'm a pill refiner, and I'm interested in everything that can be pill refined into medicine. I'm very interested in the snake venom of the Yinsha snake, and the snake venom of the Yinsha Taipan Snake Demon." Qin Ran gave own The reason is, "The yin qi is well integrated with your own snake venom. I want to study it."

"You want my snake venom, just arrest me and lock me up, why do you need to talk so much?" Long Qiqi still didn't believe it.

"I am a person who prays for peace..." Qin Ran smiled kindly, "I don't want killing and hatred on Danfeng. Danfeng is sparsely populated, and I also hope to be more angry and lively. Finally, I want to ask you a little favor..."

Qin Ran praying for peace? Long Qiqi didn't believe it at all, so there was only the latter reason, she quickly hugged her small body tightly, and said nervously: "Isn't it because you want me to give birth to you!!"

"I'm not a reckless hero!" Qin Ran slapped her on the head, something she learned at a young age.

"So..." Li Shiyin listened to Long Qiqi's explanation, and asked Qin Ran beside him, "Is this also in your plan?"

They took the Medicine Pill, and after recovering from their injuries, they took Long Qiqi, who had transformed into a human again, to the Sword Making Town.

"Even if we didn't meet Zhao Yaqing and the others that day, I would still be ready to meet a high rank cultivator... At least if we do, we can escape safely. Then I will make some arrangements." Qin Ran explained,

"The teleportation formation was terminated by me on my own initiative, and the place where we fell was also planned with Long Qiqi in advance. If someone tries to destroy the teleportation formation, this is one of the countermeasures."

"One of the countermeasures?!" Li Shiyin and Long Qiqi asked together.

Qin Ran smiled without saying a word.

A group of three people, old, weak, sick and disabled, walked slowly towards Zhujian Town. Both Qin Ran and Li Shiyin were injured, sick and disabled, and Long Qiqi was a small Loli with an old monster inside, old and weak.

From time to time, cultivators flew by in the sky, still looking for the sword, and some people stopped to ask the old, weak, sick and disabled trio, but because it was a trio, not a duo, and there was no threat, no one let them go. on heart.

"I want to find that sword..." Qin Ran sighed, "The vision of the sword when it was born, I can see it clearly from this side. The cultivators are all human, and because of their great power, they are even more greedy. If you don't make more arrangements, you will die quickly."

Li Shiyin looked at the people flying over her head, their swearing could be heard from the ground, she fell silent. She thought, this is to repair the Immortal World, the master is right.

It took almost two miles for the trio of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled to finish the journey, and they walked back to the Yuelai Inn in the afternoon.

With a pale face, Qin Ran limped into the inn, came to the counter, and said to the old shopkeeper weakly: "Shopkeeper, check out."

The shopkeeper behind the counter looked up and saw that the master and apprentice looked like this, he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"Just now Li Benshan produced a peerless sword that survived the thunder disaster, which is rare in the world. I took them there to watch the fun and see the world. Who knows, those who snatch the sword are not happy to see anyone, we are not separated by them He was beaten up indiscriminately."

Qin Ran shook his head and sighed, "It's really not old-fashioned. I asked Master Xu to forge a sword, but he was beaten... Sigh..."

The shopkeeper leaned out to take a look at Long Qiqi. Of course he could see Long Qiqi's identity as a monster, but he didn't care. He turned around and took out the account book, and sneered, "Looking at the fun? Hah..."

He seemed to see things through the world, and decided that these three people were just trying to pick up the leak, but they failed to steal the chicken, and they lost the rice.

"Hahaha..." Qin Ran humbly smiled.

Li Shiyin watched from the side, rolling her eyes in her heart, the master has so many dramas.

After going through the check-out procedures, another servant brought the fairy horse, and the master and the apprentice went to the room to clean up a little bit - in fact, there was nothing to clean up, they were not prepared to come back, this was for the shopkeeper and other inn People watched—then went out, rode the Immortal spirit horse, walked out of Jianjian Town, and headed straight to Beichu.

As soon as he left Zhujian Town, Qin Ran found scouts nearby. As they got closer to Beichu, the number of scouts increased. When they approached the national border, a cavalry chased them up.

The two masters and apprentices turned around to see that it was the Xuanqin cavalry that came, the same cavalry that confronted Li Shiwen before, and the general who led the team did not even change.

"Hurry up!" Qin Ran and Li Shiyin said.

It's not that he's afraid of the mortal army, but that he doesn't want to kill so many people.

"Those in front, stop!" The cavalry behind shouted to stop them.

Qin Ran's master and apprentice speeded up, and when they were young, arrows flew towards them.

Fairy horses are not ordinary horses, and Qin Ran's horse riding technology did not drag the horses back. They were not overtaken by the cavalry, and they easily reached the national border.

And when they stood on the national border and looked ahead, they found that there was also a troop of cavalry on the side of the Northern Chu Kingdom, which was very dark and very intimidating, as if they were waiting for the Xuanqin cavalry to come.

The leader of this cavalry was of course Li Shiwen.

Seeing Qin Ran and Li Shiyin crossing the border, he patted his horse and came to Li Shiyin's side. He looked Li Shiyin up and down, and when he saw the blood on Li Shiyin's body, he turned cold. He stared at Qin Ran, then walked to the national border, facing the cavalry rolling in from the opposite side alone.

The Xuan Qin cavalry didn't dare to rush over, they stopped, and the leading general came out, he looked at Li Shiwen, said nothing, and shouted to Qin Ran: "The antidote!"

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