Qin Ran rode forward on a white horse, faced more than a thousand fierce Xuanqin cavalrymen, and asked the Xuanqin general: "What did you say?"

"The antidote...the antidote." Qin Ran's face was calm and his tone was gentle, but General Xuan Qin felt the invisible pressure and was speechless.

"There is no antidote, go back and tell them, just say I won't give it." Qin Ran said.

"You..." General Xuanqin raised his hand in anger, and the thousands of cavalry behind him drew their bows and set up arrows, aiming at this side.

Li Shiwen's Tiance cavalry responded quickly and set up arrows one after another.

The so-called swords are on the verge of breaking out, that is, at this time, if one is not careful, the two countries will fight.

Qin Ran glanced back and forth, spread his hands forward, a small air bubble flew up from his palm, and then the air bubbles rose in the wind, and there were more than a hundred feet between breaths, forming a huge transparent film in Xuan Qin cavalry. overhead.

"General, you have to think twice before acting," Qin Ran advised.

General Xuanqin looked up at the transparent film above his head, his face changed, and finally made up his mind and left with the Xuanqin cavalry.

After all, he is just a mortal general, how can he deal with the cultivator? For matters between cultivators, let them be handled by the cultivators themselves!

"It's very majestic..." Li Shiwen smiled, patted his horse and turned around, and asked Qin Ran, "What did you do? You were chased here by cavalry."

"It's not what we did, it's what they did." Qin Ran corrected, "Xuanqin Zhao's daughter, who is also a cultivator, tried to take Shiyin's natal sword, but failed, she was poisoned. If you want an antidote, This is probably the reason why the Xuanqin cavalry chased us.

"The Zhao family's daughter is called Zhao Yaqing. Shiyin said she is the daughter of Xuanqin Grand Tutor, and she worshiped at Xuanqin Yuntianmen to practice."

"Seize the sword? What's the matter? Is your Immortal World so messy?" Li Shiwen asked, gesturing for the army to return to the camp, "So you succeeded in casting the sword?"

"Success." Qin Ran followed Li Shiwen and asked, "Why are you waiting for us here?"

"The opposite side has pulled the army to the national border, how can I not know about it?" Li Shiwen smiled, "I don't know until they come in?"

"Also..." Qin Ran nodded.

Li Shiwen is stationed here, in fact, guarding the gate of the country, so he should know about any changes in the enemy's camp.

Otherwise, maybe one day he would be beaten to the gate of the camp in his sleep.

Taking Qin Ran's master and apprentice to the camp, Li Shiwen found that something was wrong with his Little Sister, not only did he not smile silly, nor did he run around cheerfully, he just lowered his head and followed him, collapsed A face, the whole person is gloomy.

Aren't you going to forge swords? Forging a natal sword and getting new things, you should be happy, how could this be?

"What's wrong?" He asked Li Shiyin softly.

Li Shiyin didn't answer, but just looked up at Qin Ran.

He looked at Qin Ran.

"The problem is very complicated, and I can't explain it clearly in a few words." Qin Ran said.

"It's okay. I have plenty of time. Take your time." Little Sister's matter is a big one, and Li Shiwen is very patient.

"Simply put, let her kill someone." Qin Ran said.

"No..." Li Shiwen shook his head. Li Shiyin had been on the battlefield, so he wouldn't be like this because of killing people. If the enemy kills, he will be killed. There's nothing to be depressed about.

Qin Ran thought for a while, and then said: "The rules of Xiu Immortal World's game are different from those in the human world. I let her experience it, and it seems that she is not used to it."

This is so vague, who can understand? Li Shiwen's face became a little ugly: "Can you speak human language?"

"Master lied to me!" Li Shiyin said suddenly.

"What?" Neither Qin Ran nor Li Shiwen understood what she meant.

"Obviously we can go straight away without killing people, but you insist on letting me kill people..." Li Shiyin said.

All the way back to the camp, the master and the apprentice said something to Li Shiwen in a chaotic manner... No one cared how much Li Shiwen understood, but the master and the apprentice finally talked.

After the atmosphere was no longer so dull, Li Shiwen said to Li Shiyin: "Show me your natal sword, fairy baby, brother also has a lot of experience."

Li Shiyin took Mu Ran out of the Qiankun bag and handed it to Li Shiwen.

"This is beautiful?" Li Shiwen took the sword and praised.

But when he looked at the sword again, he found that the sword was only beautiful, with a muddy energy all over it, a little sharp, as if it hadn't been opened.

"What's going on here?" He gestured to Qin Ran and asked.

He knew that asking Li Shiyin would not give him an answer.

"This is the natal sword, and it needs to be stored in Qi Sea Dantian before it can be used." Qin Ran replied, "Now, it is not as good as the saber in your hand."

"Put it in Qi Sea?" Li Shiwen knew what Qi Sea was, so he didn't understand, "How can such a big sword be put in Qi Sea?"

"There are mysteries in it..." Qin Ran said, "One is the formation of the universe, and the other is the method of cultivation. The formation of the universe can change its size at will, and after cultivation, it can be integrated with its owner. Wait for Shiyin to It is refined, and it is actually a part of Shiyin's body. In the end, it will be stored in Qi Sea Dantian, the cyclone, and grow with the growth of Shiyin Cultivation Base."

This is the specific theory of practice, Li Shiyin couldn't even understand it, let alone Li Shiwen, he was confused, and finally he only understood: "This sword is only powerful if it is refined?"

He took the sword to look carefully, and suddenly saw two words on the hilt, "Mu Ran", which made him look condensed, and asked, "What's the name of this sword?"

Qin Ran avoided the past, kept his mouth tightly shut and did not answer.

Hearing this, Li Shiyin hurriedly stretched out his hand, knocked off his hand with a few slaps, snatched the sword back, and said angrily: "I want you to take care of it!"

Seeing Li Shiyin's shy look, Li Shiwen's heart sank little by little. It's over! Little Sister has grown up, I can't control it anymore, it belongs to others!

It was getting late, so the master and apprentice were not in a hurry to go back to Jianmen, and followed Li Shiwen to his camp.

Li Shiwen's camp was next to the Hengduan Mountains, a large camp with tens of thousands of soldiers stationed there. This place, after a few more years of development, might become a city.

After eating some food for the army, Qin Ran went back to his room and lay down to rest, thinking about his life. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Li Shiwen's voice came in: "Brother Qin, are you interested in having a drink?"

Brother Qin? Savoring Li Shiwen's address, Qin Ran got up and dressed, opened the door, and saw Li Shiwen in casual clothes, with a wine jar in one hand and a paper bag in the other.

"Didn't go on patrol tonight?" he asked.

"My brothers have gone..." Li Shiwen said, "I don't have to go either."

The two found a quiet place and sat down on the grass.

Li Shiwen opened the paper bag, and there was a roast chicken inside. He asked Qin Ran: "Speaking of which, I have known each other for so long, how old is Brother Qin, where he is from, and whether he is married. I don't know these things."

"Twenty to five..." Qin Ran roughly knew what Li Shiwen was doing tonight, and he replied with a smile, "People from Qingyuan have been practicing in the mountains since childhood, and have never been married."

"That's good..." Li Shiwen also laughed. He is not married, and he is not a monster of hundreds of years old. He is even the same age as Shiyin. This is simply the best situation. "Qingyuan is not far from here, but I often go there."

He lifted the wine jar and took a sip, jokingly said, "I can't tell Brother Qin is so mature and stable, but he's only twenty-five years old. You've grown old!"

"It's a bit introverted." Qin Ran replied.

Li Shiwen tore a chicken leg and threw it to Qin Ran. He also took a chicken leg, took a bite, and said, "I'm a rough person, I don't like to go around in circles. I'll tell you directly if I have something to say, so you have to be straightforward with me." I answer.

"I know you like my Little Sister, and my Little Sister seems to be interested in you. So, what are you going to do next?"

"Practice... pay attention to letting nature take its course, the best kindness is like water, and doing nothing to cure it." Qin Ran said.

"I said I want NM to be straightforward!" Li Shiwen scolded, "Can you speak humanly?"

It can be seen that the tone of poetry understands rhythm, but poetry does not necessarily understand text.

"I am a practitioner. From the very beginning, I was ready to pursue the Dao alone. Whether I have a partner or not, it doesn't matter that much." Qin Ran explained in detail, "Shiyin and I all look at poetry. Yin likes it, if Shiyin wants to, I can accompany her for the rest of her life, if Shiyin doesn't want to, I'm just her master."

"Cultivator..." Li Shiwen shook his head and smiled.

"Oh, just to remind you, the kid who is betrothed to Shiyin also joined the sect to practice not long ago, so what is the name of the sect..." He said, "It is said that the talent is very good, you should pay attention."

"En." Qin Ran nodded, lifted the wine jar and took a sip. His expression was a little strange, his practice, what kind of sect, could it be Xiao Yan or Nalan Yanran. What is he then? Is it Yaolao or Yunyun?

The night, the starry sky, the grass, the breeze, the strong wine, the two men talked and laughed while drinking, and the words inevitably ran to the woman, and it became indescribable.

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