When Zhuifeng was first picked up, he was about the size of a normal cat, had teeth, and could eat meat. He was about a month old.

Qin Ran and Li Shiyin fed him with spirit beast milk and spirit beast meat, and never restricted his food intake, so he grew very fast. In twenty days, he was already bigger than a big cat, and he could be with the orange cat. Compete in size.

A two-month-old tiger, calculated according to human age, is about four or five years old. What does a four or five year old human cub look like? It looks like people hate dogs!

In addition, Zhuifeng is not an ordinary tiger, he is a seventh-level demon Wang Xuan Minglinghu, when he starts to hide...

Qin Ran went out on the front foot, and was still discussing with Li Shiyin on the grass outside the house whether to go by air or by land. Inside the house, Chase Feng had already started holding his own rice bowl to show off the animal feeding pill.

Animal Pill is a general-purpose Medicine Pill specially developed by spirit beast masters for Demonic Beasts. It has a series of functions such as opening up the mind, increasing the Cultivation Base, and strengthening the body. Qin Ran specially changed the pill recipe and adjusted the taste for Zhuifeng because he likes to eat animal pills... In short, it is the taste that Zhuifeng likes very much.

At the beginning, the rice bowl was on the ground, and Zhuifeng ate with big mouthfuls normally, chewing happily; after a while, Zhuifeng was not satisfied with this way of eating, it was not fun, he hugged the rice bowl with his two front paws, Pour it directly into his mouth; then, after eating from the rice bowl, Zhuifeng felt that he was not full, so he found the bag Qin Ran left for him, which was filled with such delicious round things, and he picked it up with his mouth He poured out a bowl for himself; after eating a bowl, Zhuifeng felt more and more hungry, and also felt that the bowl after bowl was not enough to eat, so he got into the bag...

Eat normally, this bag of Feed Beast Pills is enough to feed Demonic Beasts of Zhuifeng's size for more than a month, which is why Qin Ran is not worried that Zhuifeng will starve, they will definitely not go for a month.

And Zhuifeng dazzled in the bag for three days, finishing the Medicine Pill.

He ate the last animal feeding pill that day, and walked out of the bag staggeringly, feeling that he had endless strength all over his body.

... You must have endless strength!

If you compare the Medicine Pills used by the cultivator horizontally, the Animal Pills at least include Foundation Establishment Pills, Huiyuan Pills, Bigu Pills, Dahuan Pills, and Body Tempering Pills. Fortunately, he is a seventh-level Demonic Beasts, but he still has an unknown amount of medicinal power and Spiritual Qi in his body.

Zhuifeng stood in the living room, flicked his fingernails, and scratched the sofa. If there was nothing, the sofa was cut neatly.

Hey, it's so sharp!

He made another stroke, another cut.

really interesting!

If one didn't pay attention, the sofa was completely cut open by him. He felt his teeth itch again, and stepped forward to bite, completely turning the sofa into cloth strips and debris.

My claws are so sharp?

Zhuifeng became interested, he finished dismantling the sofa, tried the tea table, dismantled the coffee table, tried the wall, dismantled a wall, tried the dining table, dismantled the dining table...

He is hungry.

The beast-feeding pill had been eaten, so Zhuifeng had to open the refrigerator and dig out the spirit beast meat inside. But he ate two mouthfuls of spirit beast meat, and it was not good enough. It was not as delicious as the beast pill, and he barely gave himself two mouthfuls of milk, which was regarded as coping.

Chasing Feng walked out of the room, stood at the gate, licked his paws, and began to think:

When Dad makes delicious food, it seems to be made in the house over there. Will there be any extra delicious Yuanyuan that hasn't been made over there?

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up, and he ran to the research building in a drunken way. When crossing the bridge, he accidentally fell into the small river, but this couldn't stop his enthusiasm for cooking.

Chasing the wind to the first floor of the research building, there is nothing to see on the first floor, they are all weird things that cannot be eaten; he went to the second floor, looked here and there, they are all medicinal materials, tasted it, it was not good He went to the third floor, hey, the place is right, there are all Yuanyuan here, but he didn’t know which kind of Yuanyuan was delicious, he tried them all, and finally found a few delicious ones, he bit the bag and mixed them a bag.

When Zhuifeng dragged the bag back to the wooden house, he was arrogant and energetic, he thought, he took such good care of himself, his father would definitely praise him when he came back.

The first day mom and dad left home: Hyun Fan;

Day 2: Lying in the rice bag to show off the rice;

Day 3: The rice in the rice bag is exhausted, and the house is demolished;

Day 4: Demolition of the house;

Day 5: Demolition of the research building:

Day Six: Hyun Fan.

This afternoon, Li Shiyin flew back to Danfeng first, and when she was still in the air, she excitedly shouted: "Chasing the wind, chasing the wind..."

Hearing her voice, Zhuifeng crawled out of his rice bag in a daze, and staggered out to meet his mother.

Li Shiyin hadn't landed yet, when he saw a big lump of... things running out of the wooden house?

Fortunately, she has good eyesight and young people's ability to accept. She tried her best to recognize it, and recognized that big white lump with some black stripes on its body. It seemed to have limbs and a head. It probably looked like her family's Xuanming Spirit Tiger.

She fell to the ground with suspicion, and Zhuifeng rushed over, calling "Mom". He wanted to throw himself into Li Shiyin's arms, but he didn't jump up and hit Li Shiyin's calf.

Li Shiyin's facial features were all wrinkled into a lump, she leaned over and hugged the lump under her feet vigorously, and asked tentatively, "Chasing the wind?"

"Meow meow..." Zhuifeng meowed excitedly.

Really chasing after the wind? !

"How did you become like this?" Li Shiyin asked, "Who hurt you?!!"

Chasing the wind shook his head and continued to meow.

Li Shiyin put Chasing Feng down. As a foodie and confused, she had some guesses about the situation of Chasing Feng. She walked cautiously to the wooden house, fearing that the scene inside would be the scene she thought, and she pushed open the living room door. ...

"It's over!" She sighed, "Zhuifeng, run away, I will stop Master for you."

Chasing the wind was puzzled.

"I cherish the friendship we have had for more than a month, but..." Li Shiyin looked back at Zhuifeng who could no longer run, and said affirmatively, "If you don't run, the master will eat you alive!"

Zhuifeng couldn't understand what Li Shiyin was saying, but he could feel the emotion in Li Shiyin's words, so he vaguely felt that something was wrong. Li Shiyin chased him away, so he obediently walked, found a random direction, and got into the forest.

After chasing the wind away, Li Shiyin walked into the living room and kitchen, which were comparable to a battlefield, found a pear that was not bad in the destroyed refrigerator, and took it out the door.

She came to the rocking chair at the door, and while eating pears, she thought about how to tell the master so that the master would not be mad at death.

In the end, she felt that with such an insidious scheming and city government as the master, there shouldn't be any major problems.

Qin Ran got off his horse and entered the wooden house. He saw that the house was in a mess. The four walls were covered with scratches. Memories of modern times are torn to shreds.

The scenes of modern life that he has worked so hard to restore over the years are all torn up, and there are scratches everywhere... His heart is also scratched.

The Messy Medicine Pill, Raising Beast Pill, Returning Yuan Pill, Foundation Establishment Pill, Breaking Barrier Pill, Juyuan Pill... These things should have been in the research building, so he had the worst guess in his heart.

Qin Ran was stunned!

And then ignited from the heart of anger...

"Chasing the wind!!!" He roared in despair.

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