My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 77 I Think You Are Embarrassing Me, Fat Tiger

Zhuifeng's bloated body is not fat, it is filled with the Spiritual Qi and medicinal power that he has worked so hard to eat in the past few days. He cannot absorb it, and the medicinal power diffuses into his skin, making his body swollen.

Of course, no matter whether he is fat or swollen, Zhuifeng can't move very much.

He is like a snow-white ball, running like a ball rolling on the ground. He rolled hard, rolled, rolled into the forest, and rolled in the forest for a while, but he couldn't run anymore.

"Dad shouldn't be chasing him, right?" He thought, he felt that he had already run a long way, and he was almost exhausted. "It's really bad to eat too much, and you can't run."

Zhuifeng leaned against a big tree, sat down like a human, with a white bulging belly, and his originally strong claws became like the forelimbs of a dinosaur, holding them short on his stomach.

He opened his mouth, panting with his tongue out, thinking in his mind: "Why did Dad kill me?" He didn't quite understand.

at this time……

"Chasing the wind!!" Qin Ran's shrill cry passed through the grass, through the river, through the forest, and reached his ears.

He was startled, and the flesh on his body trembled like white jelly.

"Daddy will really kill me!"

He didn't dare to rest anymore, he pushed his head forward, rolled on the ground, made his limbs touch the ground, shook the dust again, and continued to run deep into the forest.

When Zhuifeng escaped from the house, the sky had just darkened, and when he was running in the forest, it was completely dark.

After he ran for a while, he couldn't see his fingers in the forest. Of course, this has no effect on him at all, because he is a feline, or a legendary beast bred by darkness. He sees darkness as day, and darkness is to him what water is to fish.

Even, he can see things more clearly in the dark than in the light.

"Hoohoo..." Panting heavily, Zhuifeng rolled under the tree, his whole body moved and helped him lean against the tree trunk, "No more running, no more running, I really can't run anymore. "

If Dad really wants to eat him, let him eat it! Anyway, he couldn't run anymore.

Zhuifeng leaned against the tree trunk and couldn't breathe, his big round eyes were squeezed into the flesh, forming a slit, he tried his best to look forward, the forest is really lively, there are birds and snakes in the trees, and there are snakes on the ground. There are pigs and bears, and a little farther away, you can still see wolves, leopards, and minks.

"Meow..." Zhuifeng called out to the animals with a smile. They are very friendly, and they all look at him, welcoming him!

After chasing the wind, even though it was meowing, those animals turned around in fright. The cowardly wolf and snake even took two steps back, and then they came back to their senses. The Demonic Beasts are just a small tiger with bad claws and missing teeth. They are not dangerous at all, so they turned around to look at Zhuifeng, and the brave mink and pig even took two steps closer to Zhuifeng.

Seeing that these animals seemed to welcome him very much, Zhuifeng was very happy. He wanted to play with them, but he tried his best to move a few times, but he still couldn't let his limbs touch the ground. Joy.

This stupid tiger ate itself as fat as a pig, it couldn't move at all, it was looking for death... The aura emanating from it was so alluring, the mink couldn't help it first, and rushed towards Zhuifeng .

This mink is not an ordinary mink, but a purple electric long-tailed mink, a first-level Demonic Beasts!

During its movements, it was as fast as lightning, and with a single pounce, it reached Zhuifeng's side, and it took a bite at Zhuifeng's neck.

The plump Zhuifeng didn't know how to react, he was stunned, and the mink bit his neck.

"Meow..." Zhuifeng yelled in pain. He looked at the Zidian long-tailed mink, not quite sure why it bit him. Are they already friends? !

Fortunately, there is a lot of meat on my neck, this bite is just one mouthful, leaving some teeth marks and bleeding, so it's not a big problem...



The blood of Zhuifeng flowed out, like a woman who only wore light gauze took off the gauze, and she had endless temptations, and the animals on the opposite side became restless in an instant.

They seemed to have seen some rare treasure, and couldn't bear it anymore, and the pig and the bear rushed straight ahead.

The pig is a saber-toothed porcupine; the bear is a cross-cut black bear. Although they are not Demonic Beasts, they have been known to devour things such as Essence of the Sun and Moon and Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, and they are only a few steps away from Demonic Beasts.

They stared straight at Zhuifeng, and rushed over rumblingly.

No faster than the Zidian long-tailed mink, Zhuifeng couldn't react at all. The movements of the two brothers were too loud. Zhuifeng had already noticed and sensed the danger...

Ah... to die! Die!

With a shudder, he summoned up his strength, turned over, and quickly jumped to the side... Just in time to avoid the impact of the saber-toothed porcupine and the black bear.

The saber-toothed porcupine hit the tree with its teeth, and with a "poof", the teeth were deeply inserted into the tree; the Hengduan black bear followed and knocked down the tree with a "pop".

The big tree crashed and fell, and the sound was noisy even in the lively deep forest at night.

Amidst the sound, Zhuifeng looked at these animals vigilantly, and then he realized that they were not here to welcome him, they...

Want to eat him!

There is naked killing and desire in every pair of eyes, and they all want to eat him.

"Why?" Zhuifeng was puzzled, but he was very scared, and he backed away unconsciously.

As soon as the chasing wind recedes, the animals will come closer, and the chasing wind will retreat again, and the animals will move forward...

Zhuifeng was so frightened that the fat all over his body was shaking, he felt that he was going to die and be eaten.

At a certain moment, the nerves in his heart were crushed by fear, and he turned around and ran away with a "wow!"

The group of animals followed closely behind.

The one following in front is the Zidian long-tailed mink. It is extremely fast, and it swims beside Zhuifeng, giving Zhuifeng a bite from time to time. Before long, dense tooth marks appeared on Zhuifeng's body...

Fortunately, the mink is not poisonous.

Next came the birds of the air, two blue-tailed sparrows and a silver-winged owl. The blue-tailed sparrow fell down from time to time, trying to catch Zhuifeng with claws like iron hooks, but Zhuifeng had too much flesh on his body, and they couldn't catch them. Every time they fell, only a few scratches were left; The owl, on the other hand, spread its silver wings, and from time to time leaned close to it, trying to cut Chasing Wind with its wings, but it didn't succeed.

Behind them were saber-toothed porcupines and Hengduan black bears. They rumbled behind them, making huge movements, but apart from psychologically oppressing Zhuifeng, they couldn't cause real damage.

After that are some other animals.

Zhuifeng was terrified, he didn't care, he just ran forward, he didn't even know that he was hurt, there were minks biting him and birds were pecking him, he didn't know that he was already very tired, he couldn't run like a meat ball Moved.

he just ran...

But as he ran, he kept running, and even ran with ease. He found that there was some wind under his feet, which was supporting him.

At some point, the noise caused by the pig and the bear disappeared, only three birds and a mink were still pestering him.

At a certain moment, the Zidian long-tailed mink pounced again, and Zhuifeng thought about it, and rushed to the side with the wind, avoiding the Zidian long-tailed mink's bite for the first time.

But with this pounce, he couldn't control himself because he was too fat, and he rolled away.

As a bird of prey, the silver-winged owl will not let go of any chance. When it saw the silly tiger lose its center of gravity, it spread its wings, as if holding a silver sword, it fell down and chopped off the wind.

Chasing the wind and turning his head, seeing this scene, he felt horrified, and jumped with all his might...

But failed to jump!

Cut off by Silver Wing!

"Chasing the wind!!"

Zhuifeng turned his upper body and saw his mother crying and flying towards him.

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