My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 78 Danfeng's First Judgment Conference

Qin Ran immediately rushed out to find Zhuifeng. He was so angry and angry that he just wanted to catch that brat Zhuifeng and Erha and beat him to death. But when he went out and entered the forest, night fell and the forest When it was dark inside, he began to worry about something happening to that silly boy, Zhuifeng.

The child made a mistake and was afraid of being punished by himself, so he ran away from home, and the Elder at home could not be found, angry and scared... Qin Ran felt this way at this time.

"You made Chasing Feng run?" He asked Li Shiyin, another great genius of Danfeng.

"If you don't run away, you won't be beaten to death." Li Shiyin was very reasonable.

"I..." Qin Ran really wanted to give Li Shiyin a slap in the face first. He taught him a lesson, "Zhuifeng is still so young, he is a piece of meat that can walk in the forest... plus he ate so much without restraint." Medicine Pill, he is now a piece of Tang Monk meat, he is a monster and wants to eat him, he came to the wild to seek death!"

"What is Tang monk meat?" Li Shiyin didn't care, what's in the wild, if it's not in Danfeng, what danger can there be in Danfeng.

Fortunately, Zhuifeng was very fat and couldn't run fast. Qin Ran and Li Shiyin found him not long after. on the treetops.

"Master, won't you go down and catch him?" Li Shiyin asked in a low voice.

"Hush..." Qin Ran told Li Shiyin to keep silent, chasing the wind is the tiger, the wind follows the tiger, the tiger's hearing is excellent, it is easy to be heard, he said, "Wait, let him see the dangers of the world."

Li Shiyin looked at Qin Ran, Qin Ran used this kind of strategy to cast a sword this time... Well, now he will do the same to Zhuifeng.

The two masters and apprentices followed Zhuifeng and saw birds and beasts stalking Zhuifeng's body gathering towards him, but he didn't know it stupidly.

"Zhuifeng..." Li Shiyin called softly, sweating for Zhuifeng.

Fat Tiger finally noticed those raptors and beasts, and he showed his kindness to them with a smirk.

"Oh, he's so stupid!" Li Shiyin cursed secretly.

Qin Ran couldn't help but look at her.

The stupid tiger was attacked by the purple electric long-tailed marten and bit...

"Hit him!" Li Shiyin muttered anxiously.

Zhuifeng's blood was scattered in the air, and those animals were about to move...

"Quick... run!" Li Shiyin shouted softly.

This sense of empathy really disappeared, making Qin Ran beside him nervous.

Zhuifeng finally reacted and ran away. He kept absorbing the power of medicine and Spiritual Qi at the critical moment, and his speed became faster and faster...

"Good job chasing the wind!" Li Shiyin praised.

Then she saw Zhuifeng avoiding the purple electric long-tailed marten for the first time, but before she had time to praise, she saw the silver-winged owl slice past...

"Ah! Zhuifeng!" She was terrified, screamed, beheaded the silver-winged owl with a sword, and rushed towards Zhuifeng quickly.

She fell to the ground, came to the front, put away the sword, knelt down on the ground, leaned over and slowly hugged Zhuifeng's upper body, her heart was broken...

Wait, it's not broken yet!

"Huh?" Li Shiyin suddenly realized that something was wrong. Why is Zhuifeng's upper body still so heavy after being cut into two sections?

She looked carefully, and found that Zhuifeng didn't only have the upper body, he had the lower body, he was still a whole body, but the lower body turned black and disappeared into the darkness.

"Meow... Meow..." Chasing the wind in Li Shiyin's arms, he kept rubbing his head against Li Shiyin's hand, and kept talking, telling himself that he was afraid.

"Huh?" Li Shiyin turned her head, looked at Qin Ran who was following, and asked in confusion, "Master, this...what's going on here?"

Qin Ran squatted down, looked at Zhuifeng's state, understood, and replied: "Zhuifeng Talent has awakened. Their Xuanming Linghu can control the darkness, and it is normal to integrate themselves into the darkness."

"Huh..." Li Shiyin heaved a sigh of relief, picked up Zhuifeng, wiped his tears with Zhuifeng's fur, "I was scared to death."

"Who told you to come up with such a bad idea?" Qin Ran said angrily, "Fortunately nothing happened, if Zhuifeng died, he would be the first seventh-level demon king killed by wild beasts in history, enough to go down in the annals of history .”

He really has a headache, and one or two of them are bear children, which is not worrying.

After picking up the Movement Technique, the two and one cat quickly returned to the wooden house. The first floor has been almost demolished by Chasing Wind, the lighting formation has failed, and the inside and outside of the house are pitch black.

When they walked to the front of the house, a voice came from the rocking chair Li Shiyin was lying on just now: "Did you find it?" It was Long Qiqi's voice.

Li Shiyin was taken aback, and scolded: "Can I have a little voice before speaking?"

"I'm a snake..." Long Qiqi was not ashamed but proud.

Qin Ran went to turn on the lights in the corridor on the second floor, so that there was light outside the house, and moved two more chairs, he and Li Shiyin sat down separately, and threw Zhuifeng to the opposite side.

The two sat on one side, a snake, and squatted on the opposite side. On the grass outside Danfeng's wooden house, the first Danfeng trial meeting began.

"Is he that cat?" Long Qiqi sat up, looked at the chubby Zhuifeng carefully, and was quite suspicious. Is this the noble and powerful creature that terrified her?

Chasing the wind ran in the middle of the night and consumed a lot of Spiritual Qi. At this time, it was no longer a ball, but just a fat tiger that was too fat to catch the eye.

"It's chasing the wind." Li Shiyin said.

"What bloodline is he?" Long Qiqi asked again.

"The Master said it was the Xuanming Spirit Tiger."

"Xuanming Spirit Tiger?!" Long Qiqi was startled, "The Demon King!! Is he the seventh-level Demon King of the Immortal Remains?"

Just this chubby, silly, harmless big cat is the demon king? Long Qiqi was somewhat in disbelief.

"Zhuifeng!" Qin Ran yelled Zhuifeng's name, startled Zhuifeng, sat there with his cat's head down, looking even more aggrieved, "Do you know your mistake?!"

Zhuifeng raised his head confusedly, and looked at Qin Ran with rounded eyes, he didn't know what he did wrong.

Seeing Zhui Feng's appearance, Qin Ran's fire that had been suppressed with great difficulty rose again.

He pointed at Zhuifeng, and he was about to describe the ten evil deeds of Zhuifeng: "You..."

"Master..." Li Shiyin said in time, "Master, calm down and let me talk to him."

Qin Ran looked at Li Shiyin, and although he felt that Li Shiyin was unreliable, he still felt that he should calm down, so he stopped talking.

"Chasing the wind..." Li Shiyin said,

"The following heinous crimes committed by you:

"First, you ruined the room, the walls and formations are all broken; second, you damaged the furniture, including the sofa coffee table dining table refrigerator; third, you wasted the ingredients in the refrigerator; fourth, you wasted Medicine Pill; fifth, you have damaged countless Medicinal herbs in the research building; sixth, you have damaged countless Medicine Pills in the research building..."

Zhuifeng blinked, not knowing what was wrong.

Qin Ran looked at Zhuifeng and fell into deep thought. This guy is Demonic Beasts, and his outlook on life is completely different from others. It may be a long way to go to teach him to walk the path of civilization.

But there is one thing to be thankful for, that is, his black technology Medicine Pill and medicine pills like poison pill are placed on high floors, otherwise what you see when you come back must be a cat corpse...

Thinking about it, Qin Ran felt furious again!

He stood up abruptly, startling the three people present, but he didn't make any further movements or words. He gave Zhuifeng a glare, turned and went into the house.

Judgment, what a fart!

"Direct labor reform, sentence him to life imprisonment!" He left a sentence and disappeared into the dark wooden house, "He will serve his sentence in Danfeng forever!"

Li Shiyin stood up, pointed at Zhuifeng, and said with a smile: "Zhuifeng, you will be miserable in the future!"

Zhuifeng raised his paw and licked it, feeling that his nails were itchy again.

"So..." Seeing that Qin Ran and Li Shiyin had both entered and returned to their rooms, Long Qiqi asked, "Where do I sleep?"

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