My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 79 The Kitten And The Big Wooden Frame

Very early the next day, Zhuifeng, who was sleeping curled up in the grass downstairs, was ruthlessly awakened by Qin Ran, who asked him to start his journey of reform through labor.

Zhuifeng shook the dew off his body, and the lumps of fat shook along with him. He stared at Qin Ran with innocent little eyes, trying to be cute.

Qin Ran ignored him, went to the storage room to find some wooden boards, and ordered a large wooden frame, and made four wheels to install it, and made a simple cart.

Find another rope and bind the wooden cart to the chasing wind.

Although Zhuifeng is two months old, he is only the size of a big cat and a young dog. Qin Ran deliberately nailed the wooden box to a large size, so after the cart and box are bound together, the two look like Zhuifeng in comparison. Very petite, very pitiful.

When Zhui Feng struggled to drag the wooden box into the house, Li Shiyin saw her and felt a little distressed. She asked Qin Ran, "Master, is it too much?"

Qin Ran was demolishing the floor in the house, and when he heard this, he glanced at Li Shiyin, the murderous look in his eyes made Li Shiyin shut up quickly, and dared not speak any more.

Danfeng is very lively now, and there is a lot of waste to do, and Li Shiyin also has things to do. She went to the storage room to get her own lake digging tools, changed into simple work clothes, and continued her lake digging journey.

Chasing wind's paw prints are everywhere in the house, on the walls and on the floor, there is nothing to do on the walls. After all, there is another floor upstairs, and the walls cannot be demolished, but the floor on the ground can be replaced.

Qin Ran was going to tear down the floor and re-pave it. When the time comes, the person who paved the floor can also rearrange the various formations in the room.

The formation on the first floor was arranged when he first started to study the formation. It was very simple and rough. This time he just took the opportunity to re-arrange it.

It took a long time for Qin Ran to remove all the floorboards, then tidy them up and put them into wooden baskets, and asked Chasing Wind to drag them away, and dragged them outside to pile up on the grass.

At the beginning, Chasing the Scenery found it difficult to drag wooden boxes, but as the medicinal power and Spiritual Qi in his body were absorbed, the weight of the garbage he dragged became heavier and heavier. Now, he can already pull a whole truckload of wood up.

I disposed of all the things in the house, piled up several piles of useful and useless ones on the grass outside the house, and then used spells to clean up the house.

Looking at the empty room, Qin Ran's heart also became empty, but it was strange that he didn't feel that uncomfortable.

"Hey..." He sighed, turned and went out, and said to Zhui Feng, "Let's go get some more planks."

At this time Long Qiqi came over, she asked Qin Ran uncertainly: "You guys, is this how you practice?"

"This is because the house was demolished by the Erha, so it was a last resort." Qin Ran squinted at Zhuifeng, who lowered his head and licked his hair aggrievedly. When he saw Long Qiqi, Qin Ran remembered something, and asked, "What did you do yesterday?" Where did you rest at night?"

He was so mad last night that he forgot to arrange it.

"I'm a snake, why can't I sleep?" Long Qiqi replied.

"That's right..." Qin Ran nodded, but he pointed to Zhuifeng and said to Long Qiqi, "Remember his lessons learned from the past, don't touch things in the research building. He only took the useful Medicine Pill. There are still a lot of poisonous pills, waste pills..."

"I'm not stupid..." Long Qiqi commented as he looked at Zhuifeng.

She walked around the neighborhood in the morning and found that everyone was very busy, as if she was the only one idle. She didn't feel very good, like an outsider, so she asked, "You guys do this, can I help?"

"You can, if you want." Qin Ran held a knife and looked like an old farmer. He and Long Qiqi gestured with their fingers while saying,

"You can dig the lake with Shiyin, or you can dig the foundation here. I'm going to build two rooms next to you two. You can also go and divide the soil that Shiyin piled up there, and take out the garbage inside. Clean up debris, gravel, and the like, and I'm going to burn some bricks and stones from the soil to build dams and pavilions."

Long Qiqi thought for a while, then said, "Then I'll go and clear the stones."

"Well, it's up to you." Qin Ran nodded, and then said, "The so-called standing up, sitting, lying down is practice. You asked if this is practice, so I will tell you that this is practice."

Long Qiqi nodded thoughtfully.

If the four different creatures of Danfeng are compared to a family of four, then the mother and the Little Brother are the same high-strength and simple-minded, and the father and sister are the same high-IQ and black-bellied. Long Qiqi's disposition was similar to Qin Ran's, and she was smart enough, Qin Ran just said it briefly, and she understood.

After Qin Ran left with Chasing Wind, she showed her original shape, went to the mud pile beside the mud pit, and carefully separated the soil and stones with her snake tail.

Qin Ran cut down some trees suitable for the floor layout, removed the branches and leaves in situ, and made wooden boards, and then used magic to quickly dry the wooden boards. After forming, they were dragged back by chasing the wind.

There are spells and Cultivation Base, and it is very fast to do these things. The floor is demolished in the morning, and the wooden boards will be repaired here, and it is not past noon.

After simply eating something, Qin Ran went to the second floor of the research building to configure formation materials, and Zhuifeng was dragged by Li Shiyin to help transport the sediment.

Arranging the formation is a big job, and it takes a lot of time and effort. In the whole afternoon, Qin Ran only prepared the formation materials.

In the evening, just as the sun went down, the Danfeng people who had been busy all day sat around on the grass outside the house and ate hot pot.

Qin Ran sorted out the unbroken ingredients in the refrigerator, made the ingredients, sliced ​​the meat, separated the vegetable leaves, and finished a hot pot from Otherworld.

The three humanoid creatures sat around, and Zhuifeng, who didn't like hot pot, brought the own rice bowl and put it in front of Qin Ran, motioning for own to feed the beast pill.

Qin Ran threw slices of meat into the hot pot, looked down at Zhuifeng's eager eyes, and said with a cold face, "No!"

Zhuifeng circled around Qin Ran's calf obsequiously, and at the same time called out "meow meow".

After another day of labor reform, Zhuifeng absorbed most of the power of the medicine, and now he is no longer a fat tiger. He has to be a strong tiger, and even, he has grown a circle visible to the naked eye.

Li Shiyin saw that Zhuifeng was pitiful, and pleaded for him: "Zhuifeng has worked very hard today, master, please don't tease him."

"I think he really tried his best." Long Qiqi also helped to say good things, hoping to get closer to Zhuifeng.

Only then did Qin Ran take out the Animal Feed Pill from the Qiankun bag and set aside half a bowl for Zhuifeng.

"By the way, do you take animal feed pills?" Qin Ran asked Long Qiqi.

Holding the chopsticks, Long Qiqi stared at the meat in the pot, and replied, "I'm a human, not your spirit beast."

"Feeding Beast Pill is very good for Demonic Beasts." Qin Ran said one more word, but did not persuade him any further.

Long Qiqi secretly glanced at the Medicine Pill in the Zhuifeng rice bowl, a little moved, but still focused on the pot.

There is no chili in this world. The chili used for cooking hot pot is cultivated by Qin Ran himself. After finding suitable plants, he selects and improves them. It has been passed down from generation to generation. Until recently, the chili planted is considered edible, but it is still very spicy.

This time the hot pot, Long Qiqi and Li Shiyin are lucky, because this is probably the first hot pot in this world.

The three people who were eating hot pot were overwhelmed by the overly hot chili peppers, and it only took a few seconds for Xuan Medicine Pill to complete the task. They felt that they had just filled their stomachs, and they circled around Qin Ran's legs again Qin Ran couldn't resist her coquettish behavior, so she gave him a few pieces of extremely spicy meat from the hot pot, and after Zhuifeng ate it, she also started sticking out her tongue and screaming.

Time has entered midsummer, the sky in the evening is gray-blue, with a few wisps of clouds, and by the forest, someone is eating hot pot on the grass, the breeze is blowing, and Asakusa is dotted.

They talked, they laughed, they made noise, they sweated, and they spent an ordinary day in this dangerous world of cultivating immortals.

"Wow..." Zhuifeng ran all over the ground with hot peppers, and jumped into the river with a "plop".

"Zhuifeng, say something!" Long Qiqi was very curious to hear that Zhuifeng could speak without transforming himself.

"Master, this piece of meat is mine..." Li Shiyin was grabbing meat from Qin Ran.

Qin Ran?

Qin Ran has a new home.

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