My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 80 The Five Stunning Features Of Daojianmen

On the first day of June, in the morning, the small square outside the deacon hall on the main peak was noisy and lively. There are many people, there are more than a hundred, all are Daojianmen disciples, or ordinary disciples, or inner disciples, or direct disciples, they are in groups of three or four, or talking and laughing, or talking about scriptures and Taoism, or public opinion Eight Trigrams, Or exchange information, that's all.

For example, someone here asked: "Do you know? There are four ways to practice in the "Sky Fire Jue". If you don't know, come here, and I will explain it to you in detail..."

His companion immediately retorted: "Isn't it just a fire-breathing technique, there is nothing worth studying."

"Hey! I don't understand, you use different flames to cultivate, and you will get different effects..."

Someone over there is asking: "Are those silver-backed demon apes in Yinghoujian still there? Their monkey wine is really good. Recently, the Cultivation Base has risen too fast, and my mind is a little unsteady. I want to get some monkey wine." Soothe your mind."

His companion reminded: "Then you have to pay attention, I heard that Rogue Cultivators went to provoke that group of monkeys two days ago, it seems that they stole a little monkey, and now the whole group of silver-backed apes are going crazy in Eagle Roaring Gap !"

"Forget it, I'll spend some Spirit Stones and get some Medicine Pill..."

Someone worried and said, "Do you know about the Demonic Beasts rioting in the Hengduan Mountains?"

"Demonic Beasts riot?" His companion nodded, feeling deeply, "No wonder the Tsing Yi Sparrow was so violent last time."

"More than that..." he said, "It is said that this riot involved ancient secrets."

Someone asked the people around him: "Didn't Huang Feiyu take people to hunt and kill the Lion Heart Flame Beast? It's been so long, what's the result?"

"I don't know yet, I haven't come back anyway..." His companion replied, "The Lion-Hearted Flame Beast is full of treasures. If it is successfully hunted, it will be a lot of money."

"If you haven't come back until now... then it's hard to say. Lionheart Flame Beast is too fierce, I would like to call it the strongest fourth-level Demonic Beasts." Another companion said.

Someone waved a paper fan and laughed with his companions, "Do you know which of the new female disciples are the most beautiful?"

A companion said: "I heard that Tian Wenjin of Jianfeng and Liu Piaoxu of Qifeng are the one in a million."

"Hey, the news is behind, behind." He closed the paper fan, nodded to this companion, and said, "Let me tell you, there are five outstanding disciples in this group of disciples. Jianfeng Tian Wenjin and Qifeng Liu Piao Xu needless to say, everyone knows it, but you don't know that on our main peak, there is a pair of peerless twins, a pair of twins, they look exactly the same, and they are equally beautiful..."

"Why are there only five great beauties? We had ten great beauties back then!" Another companion interrupted him, lamenting that one generation is not as good as the next, but immediately asked, "Who is the other one?"

"Danfeng has a stunning beauty..." He smiled confidently, "You guys definitely don't know about this news."

"Danfeng?" Several companions shook their heads, "Danfeng is deserted, and it is said that there is only a small cultivator from the Foundation Establishment guarding the mountain gate. How can it be stunning?"

"Danfeng really has..."

Before he finished speaking, a stream of light suddenly flew from far away, and the eyes of the male cultivators on the field were inevitably attracted to him, and he also looked over, interrupting his words.

The streamer was approaching, stepping on the sword, it was Yujianshu, and the one who came was a swordsman.

There is a woman on the sword. The woman is wearing a turquoise collared shirt and a light green long skirt with butterfly patterns on her lower body. There is a light white belt around her waist, revealing her slender waist. There is a peony flower pattern.

She has a fox face, peach blossom eyes, and is born with a charming aura, beautiful and compelling, mixed with the cold Spiritual Qi of the cultivator, coupled with the aloof and arrogant personality, making her complicated, with layers of shocking Confused beauty.

She is the interweaving of all kinds of beauty.

It was still far away, and the men were already attracted to her before they could see her face. When they got closer and saw clearly, they couldn't leave their eyes.

She lowered herself in front of the deacon hall, sheathed her sword, and went straight into the deacon hall with the chicness of a sword cultivator.

"She is Jianfeng Tian Wenjin." The man shaking the fan praised, "She is not only beautiful in skin, but also talented. She has just entered the mountain gate for more than a month, and will enter the Foundation Establishment middle stage. Look at her You can roughly know the skill of controlling the sword with one hand. I heard that the sword-wielding Elder of Jianfeng is already considering accepting her as his personal disciple, I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

"It really is someone like Celestial Immortals..." a companion said, "Unfortunately, that guy Huang Feiyu attacked first. That guy is a real dog, and he attacked too quickly."

"Hehe, even if Huang Feiyu doesn't make a move, how can you get your hands on such stunning beauty?" The fan-shaking man shook his head, exposing the naked reality, "Besides, Huang Feiyu is a direct disciple of Master Jianfeng, and now he is a Gold Core Cultivation Base, where is the difference? People call this a golden boy and a beautiful girl, a man with a talent and a woman with a beautiful appearance."

"Unfortunately..." a companion sighed.

At this time, another stream of light suddenly flew from the far sky, and it was another sword cultivator. People with good eyesight looked over and saw the person on the sword, and couldn't help but praise: "You are so handsome, you are really beautiful in the world!"

As a result, everyone on the field looked at everyone, and when they got close, there was an uproar on the field, and even a lot of young cultivators couldn't help screaming: "You're so handsome!"

On the sword was a female cultivator. She was dressed in white, and her long, smooth, jet-black hair fluttered wantonly in the wind. She has heroic thick eyebrows, condensed thin lips, slightly condensed apricot eyes, with a bit of sharpness, and a white face with the cleanliness of a swordsman.

She has a cold temperament and sharp edges, like a shooting star in the dark, a sharp blade in the ice and snow.

The delicate beauty of her daughter's family and the cold, proud and sharp mind of a swordsman have been perfectly integrated in her.

Not only men are moved by her, women are also moved by her.

She landed in front of the deacon hall, the sword under her feet slipped into the scabbard like a swimming fish, her movements were chic and suave.

"Ah... I fainted!" A female cultivator was so excited that she helped her companion to faint.

Seeing the woman enter the deacon hall, the companion of the man who was shaking the fan excitedly asked him, "Who is she?"

What a romantic style!

The man shaking the fan reluctantly withdrew his gaze, and sighed with a smile: "This is the stunning beauty of the Dan Peak, named Li Shiyin."

"Danfeng really has such a stunning beauty?" His companions couldn't believe it, and they all said it was impossible, but then they had doubts, "Danfeng? Isn't she a sword cultivator?!"

"How do I know that?" The man shaking the fan shook his head, "However, what's interesting is that, in my opinion, Li Shiyin's control over Magic power is still higher than Tian Wenjin's."

"Tian Wenjin is already a top talent, Li Shiyin's talent is even higher than Tian Wenjin?"

"I don't know, I don't know!" The man shaking the fan shook his head, "Daojianmen should be prosperous!"

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