Leaving Shangshitang, Qin Ran was worried, full of crises, thinking about how the conspiracy would come about, how those people would deal with him, who the enemy was, whether the insider came out, Jian Yuanjie, and others.

"Master..." Li Shiyin asked from the side, "Danfeng is out of food, should we buy some meat and vegetables?"

"Buy it!" Qin Ran replied casually.

"But the refrigerator is broken!" Li Shiyin said.

"Then don't buy it."

"But there's no more meat in the house!"

"Then buy it!"

"But it will break!"

"Then don't buy it."


Qin Ran raised his head and saw Li Shiyin holding back a smile, and then he came back to his senses, knowing that this girl did it on purpose, his face turned black, and now he dares to tease him, what dare he do in the future... Cough, it's not big or small, it's the other way around .

"Buy as little as you want, and you can buy it after the refrigerator is ready." He said with a cold face. Anyway, this girl can already fly, so it's very convenient to come and go.

"Oh..." Li Shiyin replied with pouted lips.

The master and apprentice went to the square market and bought some things before returning to Danfeng.

Back to Danfeng, another busy day.

Li Shiyin's lake had begun to take shape, and the depth went down five or six meters, so she finally dug out a stone. She groped around for a while and found a big stone, so she went to find a sword and used Sword Qi to cut it a little bit.

When Qin Ran saw it, he quickly gestured to Li Shiyin: "Don't cut it indiscriminately, cut the stones into squares for me, and cut each piece into the same size, about this size. I will use it to make bricks later. "

It's easy to cut stones with Sword Qi. Li Shiyin had a good time, but it is very difficult to cut stones into four squares in a regular manner, and each piece is the same size. Well, the stone was not cut into pieces, but I was disgraced.

"Stinky Master, if you don't come by yourself, you'll know you've come up with an idea!" She murmured.

The formations in the house are almost done. Qin Ran is laying the floor. After all, it is just some simple formations. The materials were prepared yesterday, and the array was constructed in the evening.

As for what Long Qiqi and Zhuifeng are doing today...

Long Qiqi was still dividing stones, and the snake's tail flicked, and stones and garbage flew out of the mud pile into the wooden frame; Zhuifeng was still tied to his big wooden frame for torture, who needs to transport things, shouted With a sound of "chasing the wind", he took the big wooden frame to help.

The wooden frame is very big, and the chasing wind is very small. He walked through the grass with the wooden frame, and saw a big wooden frame running around, as if the wooden frame had become a spirit and was running by itself.

Long Qiqi affectionately called Zhuifeng "the wooden frame becomes the essence".

After a busy day, after dinner, Long Qiqi was playing with the rocking chair in front of the house. I don't know why, but she likes this rocking chair very much, and she just sits on it and rocks it when she has nothing to do.

She would be rocking the rocking chair now, and seeing Zhuifeng kicking her hands on the side to doze off, she clung to Zhuifeng's ear and whispered, "Give me a piece of your Yuanyuan, and I'll save some meat for you tomorrow." .”

Zhuifeng opened his eyes, his big eyes were full of confusion, he said, "Dad...Dad, Yuanyuan..."

What he meant was that Dad has a lot of Yuanyuan, so if you want to eat, you can go to Dad.

"Hush..." Long Qiqi understood, but she said before that she would not take this kind of Medicine Pill from Demonic Beasts, and now she wants it again, isn't it very have no face? She shook her head and said, "Your father's is not tasty, but yours is delicious."

Zhuifeng licked all the fur on his body, but he didn't want to understand the difference between his father's Yuanyuan and his own Yuanyuan.

Qin Ran was on the roof, listening to the conversation between the two children on the ground, shook his head and smiled, took out his homemade bamboo flute, looked at the treetops in the forest, thought about something, and played it whimperingly.

The sound of the flute was really unpleasant, and it was the first time Long Qiqi heard it. She was taken aback on the spot, thinking it was a magic attack, her lower body showed its original shape, like a snake's tail coiled there, her upper body looked like a little Loli, He patrolled nervously, wondering where the enemy was.

"Hahaha..." Li Shiyin's laughter suddenly came from midair, she looked up, and saw Li Shiyin in white flying over from a distance, looking at the location of the roof jokingly, laughing happily, "Master, Look how scared Qiqi is! Haha..."

Only then did Long Qiqi look towards the roof, and saw Qin Ran sitting on the roof, playing with a bamboo flute in his hand, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

"Oh...oh!" She realized that it was Boss Danfeng who was playing the music, that's all right, she changed back into a human form and said with a smile, "The sound of the flute is so nice, I can't help it, I can't help it."

Qin Ran glanced at her resentfully, but continued brazenly.

Li Shiyin flew to the roof and sat next to Qin Ran. She put away her sword, searched in the Qiankun bag, found a jade flute, took it out, handed it to Qin Ran, and said with a smile, "Master, this is for you. Bought it from Jianjian Town."

The sobbing flute stopped, Qin Ran looked at the flute handed over, and then at Li Shiyin who was smiling cutely, a little hesitant, but still took the jade flute.

"This sound is accurate." Li Shiyin said.

Qin Ran's face turned black, this apprentice is not cute at all.

He put away the bamboo flute, took the jade flute, subconsciously licked the sound hole, and was about to play it, but he suddenly realized one thing:

The silly apprentice said that the pitch of this flute is accurate, does that mean she tried...

Involuntarily, his gaze shifted to the silly apprentice's lips. Those lips were moist and thin, as if they were the most tempting pastry in the world... He wanted to be eaten in one bite.


He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, the sound was so loud that he was startled, the hand holding the jade flute shook, and then he came back to his senses, turned his gaze to the opposite deep forest, and played the jade flute with trembling lips.


Because his lips were trembling, the sound of the flute was also trembling. The sound of the jade flute was originally clear, but he played it without any sense of beauty.

"Master...Master..." Li Shiyin also seemed a little flustered. She remembered that when she bought the flute, she was given a sheet music. She searched nervously in the Qiankun bag, found the sheet music and handed it to Qin Ran, saying, "Music sheet music."

Qin Ran didn't dare to look at Li Shiyin, pretending to be calm, he took the score and opened it, but his heart was not on the score at all, as if he had drifted to a mysterious place. He looked at the score for a while before he realized that he should play along.

But when he put his lips on the sound hole again, he always inevitably thought of the alluring lips of the silly apprentice, so he played, but he didn't play according to the music score at all, and he still played in a mess.

"What's the relationship between them?" Long Qiqi and Xiao Guida, seeing that the two on the roof were abnormal, asked Zhuifeng again.

Long Qiqi is a little Loli who is five or six years old, and Zhuifeng is a two-month-old tiger cub. Zhuifeng is squatting there to doze off, and they are actually similar in size. The little girl is holding the little tiger's head and asking questions to her ears. The picture is very cute.

"Meow?" Zhuifeng tilted his head and looked at Long Qiqi, his eyes full of doubts...I'm just a kitten, how can I know so much?

And amidst the humming of the flute, on the treetops in the distant forest, under the faint twilight, a shaky figure slowly flew over.

Because Qin Ran was flustered, he had been staring at the forest, but this time he noticed something unusual immediately. He stopped playing the flute and took a closer look.

The figure was approaching, but it was not one, but two, a woman carrying a man on her back, flying towards with a difficult sword.

The woman is Tian Wenjin, and the man is Huang Feiyu.

problem occurs!

"Shiyin..." he called out, motioning for Li Shiyin to go over and pick it up.

Li Shiyin was half a beat too late, she looked up and saw Qin Ran's hand gesture and the situation on the other side before she understood. She blushed, took out the Star Sword, Yu Jian flew towards Tian Wenjin.

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