Huang Feiyu was seriously injured. The injuries such as broken body and broken bones were just minor injuries. Leaving aside for the time being, the most important thing was that there was a raging and unquenchable flame in his heart.

The flame is the lion's heart flame, just outside Huang Feiyu's heart, burning his Magic power and steaming his blood.

"The chief said that senior brother is hopeless..." The charming and arrogant beauty Tian Wenjin was crying pitifully at this moment, and she said with sobs, "The chief said, in this case, senior, the Cultivation Base and Gengu have already been destroyed It's burnt out, there's no need to..."

Her beautiful peach eyes were full of tears, she looked at Qin Ran, and begged, "Uncle Qin, I only know you. I beg you to save my brother!"

Huang Feiyu was lying on the grass in front of the wooden house. The first floor of the wooden house was demolished by Zhuifeng, and it was just rebuilt, so it was still empty. Why not let him outside the house.

He had trousers on his lower body, which were charred, and his upper body was naked and empty, or had been burned away. In addition to the fire on his chest, there was a scratch on his abdomen, the scratch was so big that it covered his entire abdominal cavity. It is conceivable that a lion's paw larger than a human's paw hit his abdomen at that time.

The chest was scorched by the fire, and it was scorched black. Through the charred ribs, one could see a golden flame burning inside. This scene is very similar to a human bone lantern.

Huang Feiyu is a Gold Core cultivator with strong vitality. Even though his body has become such a tragic appearance, he is still not dead, either unconscious or conscious, and the magic power of water attribute in his body is still pulling with Lion Heart Flame. The heart has not been scorched yet, and through the chest cavity, it can be seen that it is still beating tenaciously under the reflection of the lion's heart flame.

Qin Ran knelt down beside Huang Feiyu and carefully checked his condition.

In fact, it can be saved... After all, Huang Feiyu is a Gold Core cultivator, but there is no need to save it.

This is the meaning of the first seat of Jianfeng.

In Huang Feiyu's situation, Lion Heart Flame had already burned out his magic power and root bones, and after healed, he was useless. Not only is the Cultivation Base gone, but even the bones are gone, and there are even injuries.

From this point of view, there is no need to save it... If Huang Feiyu knew that this would be the case after healed, he probably didn't want to live anymore.

Qin Ran looked up at Tian Wenjin, a girl with a charming face but a proud temperament, and asked, "Do you like him very much?"

After all the calculations, the two have only known each other for a month. As for it?

"What?" Tian Wenjin was taken aback, she was begging Qin Ran to save her, but Qin Ran actually asked.

"As Brother Liu said, it can be saved, but it's not necessary." Qin Ran said, "Besides, he is already like this, maybe he doesn't want to live anymore."

"Brother is definitely not someone who commits suicide!" Tian Wenjin shook his head and said, "As long as you survive, there is hope."

"So I ask you, do you like him very much? Know him well?" Qin Ran said.

Tian Wenjin fell silent, and after a while, he only said, "Uncle Qin, if you say you can save him, then I beg you to save him."

"The treatment method is actually very simple, simple and rude, it only takes two steps..." Qin Ran stood up, looked at Huang Feiyu and said, "The first step is to take out the lion heart flame, and the second step is to use the Medicine Pill to restore and help his injury .Because he is a Gold Core cultivator, in fact, his physical body is already different from ordinary people."

"Then what are you waiting for, uncle?" Tian Wenjin said eagerly, "Save the person first before we talk!"

Qin Ran spread his hands and said, "I can't take the Lion Heart Flame."

"Huh?" Tian Wenjin was taken aback.

"First, I am Water Spiritual Roots, and second, I only have Cultivation Base of Foundation Establishment stage." Qin Ran explained, "I have nothing to do with Lionheart Flame."

Tian Wenjin felt a little desperate in an instant, she only felt her legs and feet were weak, and she sat down for a moment. She turned her head to look at Huang Feiyu, who was lying on the ground with a dark red face. Thinking of her sadness, she began to cry.

Li Shiyin watched from the side, feeling touching, feeling pitiful for Tian Wenjin, which made her feel distressed, she walked to Qin Ran's side, and asked softly, "Master, is there really nothing you can do?"

The silly apprentice's heart rose again, Qin Ran glanced at her, walked to the rocking chair and sat down without saying a word.

"Master, you must have a solution, right?" Li Shiyin chased after her and asked again.

"What can I do?" Qin Ran chuckled, "Do you really think I'm an omnipotent god?"

Li Shiyin didn't believe it, she stood by the rocking chair, looked at Qin Ran one after another, and didn't say anything, but the meaning was obvious... How could the Master have no choice! ?

It was getting dark, and bright stars appeared one by one in the sky.

Tian Wenjin was still sitting there paralyzed, desperate and confused, not knowing what to do.

Li Shiyin went into the room to get her a glass of water, but she didn't want it either. Holding the cup, Li Shiyin walked to Qin Ran's side again, drinking water while sighing, taking a sip and sighing.

It was completely dark, and the light in the corridor on the second floor came on. Finally, Qin Ran couldn't stand Li Shiyin, got up and walked to Tian Wenjin, looked down at her, and said, "I have a way to save him, not only to save his life, but also to save his life." Can keep his Cultivation Base."

Tian Wenjin suddenly had hope, she raised her head to look at Qin Ran, her eyes lit up in the darkness.

"Lion Heart Flame, I really can't get it out..." Qin Ran said, "But since I can't get it out, then don't take it out, just keep the Lion Heart Flame in his body."

Tian Wenjin didn't understand what kind of treatment it was, and just waited for Qin Ran's explanation.

"His root bone, the Cultivation Base, has been burned by the Lion Heart Flame, and it cannot be rescued. Then don't save it, and keep the Lion Heart Flame in him as his heart." Qin Ran said.

"Is this possible?" Li Shiyin asked.

"To use the Lion Heart Flame as the heart, one condition is needed..." Qin Ran explained, "The condition is that the Lion Heart Flame is energy matter and has no substance, so the human body must also be an energy body."

"Change the human body energy body?" Li Shiyin's big eyes were full of doubts.

"Yes." Qin Ran nodded, "The mad flame crystal of the lion heart mad flame beast can do this. But before the mad flame crystal turns his body into an energy body, it needs the monster core of the lion heart mad flame beast to His body was transformed into that of Kuang Yanjing.

"So... to treat him with this method, you need the Monster core and the mad flame crystal of the Lion Heart Flame Beast."

"Where can I find Monster Core and Demon Crystal?" Li Shiyin asked.

"It's the mad flame crystal..." Qin Ran corrected, "The fire spouted by the lion heart mad flame beast is different from the ordinary cultivator. It is not the pill fire, but the fire emitted by the mad flame crystal in his body. The unique flame of the beast... that's why the Lion Heart Flame Beast is so strong."

"What Huang Feiyu went to hunt this time is the Lion-Hearted Flame Beast..." He looked at Tian Wenjin and asked, "Did they succeed?"

"En!" Tian Wenjin nodded.

"So, you need to buy both the mad flame crystal and the monster core of the lion heart mad flame beast." Qin Ran said.

"Okay!" Tian Wenjin got up immediately and was about to fly to Jianfeng.

"Wait!" Qin Ran called to stop her.

"What's wrong?" Tian Wenjin turned around.

"The most valuable items of the Lion Heart Flame Beast are the Flame Crystal and Monster core. How do you buy these two items from them?" Qin Ran asked.

Tian Wenjin didn't know, so he could only say, "I... beg them."

"Except for those of you who have just entered the Immortal World, please, it's useless for cultivators!" Qin Ran said, "No requests, feelings, loyalty, these things will be useless.

"Cultivators are more terrifying than capitalists, because cultivators can really suck blood, and they don't need to care about profits."

Tian Wenjin was silent.

"The first drawer on the left of the study desk..." Qin Ran sighed, and whispered to Li Shiyin, "Go get the Spirit Stones."

"How much?" Li Shiyin asked.

Qin Ran pondered for a while, and said: "Bring all the low-grade Spirit Stones."

When Li Shiyin went to fetch the Spirit Stones, Qin Ran motioned her to pass them to Tian Wenjin, and said, "I lent you the Spirit Stones personally, and the total amount is 4,500 yuan."

"Thank you..." Apart from these two words, Tian Wenjin didn't know what else to say. With the help of Li Shiyin, she put the Spirit Stones into the universe bag and saluted many times.

But Qin Ran still shook his head, giving up hope, he said: "Forty-five hundred yuan, if they are still human, you can buy one of Monster core and mad flame crystal, but, what about the other?"

Tian Wenjin didn't know, but she finally left with the sword.

"I can actually see such true and pure emotions in Xiu Immortal World..." Qin Ran praised, "It's really rare, and it can even be called great."

"Master is also very loving!" Li Shiyin didn't agree, so didn't the master help them emotionally?

Qin Ran's face darkened, he glared at her, and with a "hum", turned and entered the room. If it wasn't her little girl, he would make a move?

"What happened to Master?" Li Shiyin asked Long Qiqi, puzzled.

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