My Projections Are All the Roots of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 144: One person attains Taoism, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven

Chapter 144: A man attains enlightenment, a chicken and a dog ascend to heaven

Shui Yuan Star, Zixia City.

In the city lord's palace, Master Xu You raised his head and looked at the screen in front of him. He had maintained this posture for half a minute.

Here are some major events that have just happened in the Immortal Alliance.

Master Xu You used to like to watch all kinds of strange adventures.

When a certain real person was traveling, he found a cave left behind by his predecessor.

A certain foundation-building expedition team discovered rare mineral veins on a certain planet, etc.

Every time he saw this, he would feel a sense of sadness.

What if, back then, I had not chosen to give up and come back to retire, but had instead braved the pressure and rushed forward?

However, these thoughts only circulated in my heart for a while, and then disappeared without a trace.

So, in the days that followed, he would muddle along in this position where he had the title of city lord, but in fact he didn't care about the general affairs at all.

However, today, after seeing the latest news, Master Xu You couldn't calm down at all.

The current college entrance examination is over.

Xu Jun, a student from Zixia City No. 3 High School in Tianxia City Continent and Fengxi City Region of Shuiyuan Star, won the top prize in martial arts in the Immortal League.

This is not a city's top martial arts champion.

But the martial champion of the entire Immortal Alliance!

When Master Xu You saw the news, his whole body was numb.

He knew that the news would soon spread throughout the city and plunge the whole city into a sea of ​​joy.

Moreover, when necessary, he must also show up and, as the city lord, announce a series of measures to allow the matter to ferment and maximize benefits.

Next year, and even in the next ten years, Zixia City's education funding can openly surpass all the small towns in Fengxia City.

But this is just a celebration for mortals.

But Xu You knew how impossible it was for a child from a mortal family to get this honor.

The child's talent seemed to be much higher than the limit he imagined.

He handed over the child in advance, originally intending to leave a way out for himself.

But now it seems that the time and effect of the return will be far beyond expectations.

"City Lord, I'm so happy, so happy!"

The deputy city lord and his people hurried over, his face filled with joy from the bottom of his heart.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Xu You flipped his hand, and the information on the screen disappeared immediately.

"City Lord, a golden phoenix has flown out of our city..."

Master Xu You didn't listen to what he said next.

But he cooperated very well and showed just the right amount of joy, and then spread the word about it until the whole city became lively.

"Pa bang bang..."

The sound of countless firecrackers was deafening.

The faces of Chen Hangru and the other three principals were already beaming with joy, and they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear.

When they sent Xu Jun to take the college entrance examination, they also thought that Xu Jun might be among the 100,000 top students taking the unified examination.

And when Xu Jun handed over a perfect answer sheet in Fengxia City's Tongren Alley, they were just happy and encouraged, but they never expected it.

Just a few days later, an even bigger surprise hit their heads like a meteorite, landslide and tsunami.

People say that pie falls from the sky, but in fact, this time it is a mountain of gold falling from the sky.

From then on, the three of them had an extra talisman on their bodies.

Whoever dares to bully them again should just roll up their sleeves and do it!

"Old Liang."

Liang Hongwei raised his head and said, "What?"

"Hurry up and hang up the banner. I have to go to the Education Bureau." Chen Hangru said with great enthusiasm: "We will need at least half of the top students in next year's high school entrance examination."

Li Yingchun also smiled and said: "There is also education funding, which will also increase."

Chen Hangru said proudly: "Don't worry, our school's funding next year will definitely be the highest. Oh, by the way, we also need at least half of the rewards from the state and the region this time. We must not take advantage of outsiders."

"Don't worry, I'm keeping an eye on these things."

"Seizing this opportunity, we must build the alma mater of the number one scholar into a prestigious school for thousands of years. In the future, the number one scholar will be promoted to Jindan and Nascent Soul, and he can come back to see it."

"Well, that's a good reason. You must use it."

Several people looked at each other and laughed loudly, feeling that the future was infinitely bright.

Of course, they only hope that Xu Jun can be successfully promoted to Jindan. As for Nascent Soul, it is just a thought. What if?

In an agency under the City Lord's Mansion, Xu Ping'an, who had been promoted to a junior leader, suddenly heard a commotion outside.

He frowned dissatisfied.

In fact, he has not yet secured his leadership position.

After all, the time he had entered the civil service system of the City Lord's Mansion was too short. Even though he tried his best to do his best, the lack of time left him with no one under his command.

It's not that there are no errands. As long as you hold the power, there will definitely be no shortage of such people.

What Xu Pingan lacks is the kind of confidants who can help him wholeheartedly. Therefore, although he has become the middle-level leader of this department, it will take time to fully control the situation.

Just like this, the sudden noise outside made him very unhappy.

If the person sitting here at this time was the old leader who had not retired, would people outside still dare to make noise at will?

He stood up, straightened his clothes, and opened the door.

With a straight face, he was about to speak to his subordinates in a dignified tone when he immediately saw a familiar face.

Suddenly, a smile spread across his face.

"Hey, City Lord Xu, why are you here? Please sit down quickly."

With a quick glance, Xu Ping'an saw that in addition to Master Xu You, who basically didn't care about anything, even several real high-level officials from the city lord's mansion were here.

At this moment, he was quite surprised, and he vaguely felt that something big had happened.

Master Xu You laughed loudly and said, "Peace, we are here to wish you well."

The mortal bosses of Zixia City behind him were all smiling. Looking at it at this moment, there was no trace of their usual dignity and poise.

Their arrival was without any cover-up, and they were open and aboveboard. They wanted to be as lively as possible.

Therefore, at this time, not only Xu Pingan's subordinates were watching, but there were also some people looming outside the door, ready to spread gossip at any time.

Forget about those people, but the faces of Xu Pingan's subordinates are extremely wonderful.

Among them, there are those who have family backers, some who are experienced and experienced, and even more capable but unable to be promoted.

These people are everywhere in the official system.

Therefore, everyone has a reason, and there is no need to take Xu Ping'an's reputation too seriously as his new boss.

Of course, if Xu Ping'an secures his position, things will naturally be different after a year and a half.

But at this moment, seeing a group of big guys running to Xu Ping'an's office to show their goodwill, their hearts were filled with anxiety and uneasiness.

They were unconvinced, and perhaps refused to admit defeat, but they were not really stupid.

Seeing this scene, it is strange that I am not afraid.

Xu Ping'an looked at everyone's expressions and suddenly felt blessed.

In fact, it wasn't too surprising, because after his son left, he was counting the time every day and had a rough inference.

The only thing I'm not sure about is my son's final score among the 100,000 top candidates.

However, seeing the performance of Master Xu You and his immediate superiors, if he couldn't guess it, that would be a ghost.

"City Lord, is there any news about Xiaojun?"

Master Xu You gave Xu Pingan a gentle nod and said, "Haha, as expected of father and son, they are both extremely smart."

Xu Pingan smiled awkwardly, as if there was a claw scratching in his heart.

"The results of this year's unified examination for the top 100,000 students are out." Master Xu You said with a smile: "Congratulations, sir, for winning the first place in the martial arts department of this year's Immortal League."

"Ah, number one in martial arts?" Xu Ping'an called out.

Although he didn't know the inside story of the martial arts examination, he didn't know what it meant to be the top martial artist from a poor family.

However, even if you don't know, you still understand what it means to be the top scholar in martial arts among more than 300 million candidates.

"Yes, you are the new champion in martial arts." Master Xu You said slowly: "Peace, your family is blessed."

A quarter of an hour later, Master Xu You and others left one after another, and Xu Pingan was still immersed in this unimaginable surprise.

He took out his watch and wanted to inform his relatives and friends of the news.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The person who came in was a mortal who was slightly older than him, and he was his deputy in this department.

It is said that when he came here to become a leader, he took his position.

These days, although he has not made any explicit stumbling blocks, nor has he faced any direct confrontation, his negative attitude is the biggest destabilizing factor.

However, when the man came in, he bowed and said that he must move closer to the leader. If the leader asked him to go east, he would never face west. If the leader asked him to catch chickens, he would never chase away dogs.

In a word, everything is as it should be.

Xu Ping'an naturally understood the reason and accepted it with a smile.

As a result, there was an endless stream of people in his office until he got off work.

Not a single serious matter was dealt with, and I didn't even make a phone call at home. I spent all my time dealing with interpersonal relationships.

However, the more this happened, the more excited Xu Pingan became.

He suddenly found that he seemed to have found the goal and direction of life.

On this day, too many people couldn't sleep.

Not to mention Shi Hui, Shi Min, and Shi Lele, the grandparents who were far away in the countryside also had local leaders come to visit them.

As for the aunt's family in Fengxia City, their threshold was even crossed.

Before going to Tianyuan Star, my aunt insisted on inviting all her relatives, friends, and old friends to attend the feast.

After the news came that Xu Jun had won the top prize in the Xian League's new science and technology field, his power exploded like a nuclear bomb.

Everyone knows that as long as the new No. 1 scholar in the martial arts does not fall halfway on the road to immortality, then the golden elixir guarantee is not beyond the reach of even the Nascent Soul Lord.

It is said that a person can achieve enlightenment, a chicken or a dog can ascend to heaven, it is nothing more than this!

(End of chapter)

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