My Projections Are All the Roots of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 149: Welcome car entering the airport

Chapter 149 The welcome car entering the airport

In the blue sky, a behemoth roared past, ruthlessly splitting the white clouds in half.

This is a passenger plane bound for Rainbow City from Zixia City.

Xu Jun sat on the plane and glanced at the window from a distance.

Although the distance was relatively far, with his eyesight, he could easily see the seemingly identical scenery outside through the window.

Right now, he is still unable to fly with objects.

And even if you can wield a sword in the later stages of Qi training, the best you can do is fly at low altitude.

Want to reach such heights...

Perhaps only Jindan Zhenren and above can withstand the attack of the strong wind over 10,000 meters with the physical body.

Golden elixir!

Okay, this is a bit far away, it is more realistic to focus on foundation building.

"Sir, what kind of drink would you like?" A soft voice came from the aisle.

This is not Seo Jun’s first time flying.

But the first two times I took a plane, I was accompanied by Sun Yiqiong and Zhen Yulian, and took an exclusive charter flight.

Therefore, he is very interested in everything on the plane now.

However, in order not to let others see that he was a novice, he had been quietly observing the actions and reactions of the people around him.

Seeing the flight attendant distributing drinks and lunch boxes, Xu Jun realized that there was free water on the plane.

But as for the taste, we can’t be too demanding.

It’s strange why there wasn’t one the last time I chartered a flight. Could it be that they are discriminating against the student group and therefore deliberately not prepared?

Xu Jun, who was bored in every way, was thinking wildly.

At this time, he felt a little regretful. It would have been better if he had promised his parents to accompany him here, or if he had contacted Sun Yiqiong in advance.

When flying alone, apart from the excitement at the beginning, the rest of the time is a bit difficult.

After all, it takes a full 8 hours to fly from Zixia City to Fengxia City.

If it were in a cave, Xu Jun would have started practicing without saying a word.

But on the plane...

No matter how big his heart is, he still can't enter samadhi.

"Hey, brother, are you bored now that you're still wearing a mask?"

The plane is a large passenger aircraft.

Each row has 10 seats, three on each side and four in the middle.

Xu Jun is on the far left of the middle row, and sitting next to him is a boy about his age. Beyond that, there is a couple.

These three people are obviously a family of three.

The one who spoke at this time was the big boy next to Xu Jun.

Xu Jun nodded to him and said, "It's okay, I'm used to it."

It's not that Xu Jun is pretending, but that the college entrance examination fever in Zixia City in the past two months has not completely passed.

If Seo Jun goes out on the streets without wearing a mask, he will never leave. Those star-chasers will surround him, and Xu Jun understands this very well.

Something may be so common in big cities that it doesn’t matter. However, in a small city, the level of enthusiasm can be overwhelming.

The plane took off from Zixia City. As a precaution, Xu Jun thought it would be better not to take off the mask.

A head suddenly popped up from the front. It was a pretty girl.

Her eyes were moving and expressive, and she said with a smile: "Zhang Yao, would you like to sit down together?"

"Yes, yes." The boy nodded vigorously, with a look of surprise on his face, then turned around and said, "Mom..."

The middle-aged woman smiled and said, "Okay, let's make room for you young people."

So the couple sat in the front row, and two girls came from the front row.

Xu Jun just glanced at it from the corner of his eye and then withdrew his gaze.

Soon, Xu Jun knew from the low-pitched conversations between the three of them that, like him, they all went to Rainbow City to study.

Rainbow City!

One of the three capitals of Shuiyuan Star, it is a super city with a permanent population of 30 million.

In other words, this is no longer a city, but a super city circle.

It takes more than two hours to commute from one end of the city to the other by taking the subway.

People who live in this city may not be able to visit this city in their lifetime.

The most core and most famous place in this city is undoubtedly the Natural Dao Palace.

However, in addition to the Natural Dao Palace, there are also numerous institutions of higher learning here. In addition to the two martial arts universities, there are more liberal arts schools for mortals.

These three people are all graduates this year, the boy was admitted to the martial arts academy, and the two girls are freshmen from a liberal arts school.

The three young people were full of energy and went to Rainbow City for the first time. They were full of expectations and yearning for the future.

They chattered non-stop.

Xu Jun swore that he definitely didn't eavesdrop on purpose. However, if the sound reaches his ears, there is nothing he can do about it.

There are two girls, one named Qiu Siyun and the other named Sun Jingjie.

Qiu Siyun is the girl who took the initiative to change places earlier. She is cheerful, lively and generous, and does not have the delicate feeling of ordinary girls.

Maybe it's this kind of personality that makes her so happy. At this time, he was tired of talking to his two companions. He turned his eyes and fell on Xu Jun, saying: "This...classmate? You should also go to Rainbow City to study, right?"

Xu Jun was a little surprised. He raised his head and said, "Yes, how do you know?"

"Haha, I think you are very young, about the same age as us. What else can you do in Rainbow City at this time if not study?"

Xu Jun became curious and said: "How do you know that I am about the same age as you? Maybe I am several years older than you."

"Impossible." Qiu Siyun raised his head and said, "My sense of seeing people is always very accurate. Although you are wearing a mask, your eyes and movements don't look like adults. Maybe we are older than you."

Sun Jingjie smiled and said nothing, while Zhang Yao said: "Brother, Qiu Siyun is very accurate in seeing people, and he never misses them."

Xu Jun's heart moved slightly and he looked towards Qiu Siyun.

He knew that although some people did not have spiritual roots, they were born with special talents in certain areas.

Perhaps, he met such a person.

Qiu Siyun met Xu Jun's gaze openly and said, "My name is Qiu Siyun, what's yours?"

Xu Jun hesitated for a moment, then said honestly: "My name is Xu Jun."

"Xu Jun? Hey, this name is good, and the one in 3, that one..." Qiu Siyun's voice suddenly dropped, and then his eyes began to become wandering and suspicious.

Sun Jingjie and Zhang Yao then realized that they both had their mouths wide open, as if they were about to scream.

Xu Jun quickly raised a finger and said: "Shh."

Fortunately, the reaction of the three people was not slow, and they all immediately covered their mouths. However, their eyes were flashing with infinite joy.

"Xu Jun, are you really Xu Jun?" Qiu Siyun whispered, his paws eager to touch her.

Xu Jun had no choice but to take off his mask, let them look at it, and then put it back on.

This time, the three of them no longer had any doubts.

This face, under the indiscriminate bombardment of Zixia City in the past two months, it is impossible not to recognize this face as long as it is a person. Not to mention, they were graduates of the same class.

"Xu Jun, can I call you Xu Jun?" Qiu Siyun asked with his eyes shining.

Xu Jun resisted the urge to roll his eyes. If you don't call me Xu Jun, what else do you want to call me?

This was the first time someone asked him this question, and it almost confused him.

"Xu Jun, we are from No. 2." Zhang Yao whispered: "I'm really, happy to see you."

Xu Jun smiled slightly. To be honest, he was quite proud.

"Thank you. I'm very happy to meet you." Xu Jun said politely.

"Classmate Xu Jun, can I... add your nickname?" Sun Jingjie, the quietest among the three, said timidly: "Don't worry, I won't disturb you, just, just..."

She was a little incoherent.

Xu Jun laughed dumbly and said: "We are all from Zixia City, so we should help each other. If you don't mind, let's all join in."

The three people immediately nodded desperately. If such a good opportunity was missed, it would be too late to regret it.

Soon, the three people added Xu Jun's watch number respectively. Qiu Siyun rolled his eyes and said, "Classmate Xu Jun, are we friends?"


Speaking of the word friend, Xu Jun was quite emotional.

During the three years of high school, it seemed that only Fang Jian and Yu Hui had truly entered his circle of friends.

Thinking of Yuhui, Xu Jun suddenly felt a itch in his teeth.

The first thing this guy did after coming back from Uranus was to kidnap Fang Jian.

He left a sentence, let's go to the special training, and then disappeared without a trace.

Xu Jun had not met either of them for two months during the entire summer vacation.

Xu Jun actually really hoped to show off in front of Fang Jian and show off his demeanor as the top martial arts scholar in the college entrance examination.

However, this wish has never been fulfilled until he left Zixia City today.

Qiu Siyun said excitedly: "So, classmate Xu Jun, if we organize a hometown reunion in Rainbow City, can you participate?"

Xu Jun was startled, hesitated, and said: "As you know, I am an immortal cultivator. If I stay in seclusion, it will be difficult to maintain contact with the outside world."

"Don't worry, we won't disturb you." Qiu Siyun said quickly: "I just want to use your reputation to gather more fellow villagers." She paused and said, "My dad said that in big cities Ju Buyi, we foreigners must unite, otherwise we will definitely not be able to stand. "

Xu Jun raised his eyebrows, thinking about the touch and shock this city had brought to him when he returned home this time, and his heart softened involuntarily.

"Okay, I'll join, but it's hard for me to have time to participate in the activities."

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry." Qiu Siyun smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed: "As long as you are here, everyone will have motivation and confidence."

With the three of them as companions, Xu Jun never felt lonely again during this air trip.

Eight hours later, the plane finally landed slowly and stopped.

"Hey, what is that?"

"This is a welcome car. How come the welcome car can also drive into the airport?"

Then a flight attendant walked across the aisle and came to him.

"Mr. Xu, the welcome car has entered the airport. Please get off the plane first."

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were focused.

Xu Jun:? ? ?

Countless little stars were flashing in the eyes of Qiu Siyun and the others.

He is worthy of being the top scholar in martial arts in the college entrance examination. This treatment is so enviable.

(End of chapter)

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