My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 766: Pure passers-by; you have to stand up

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The second round of business cooperation between Frontier Science and Samsung Electronics was not disclosed through the media as it was the first time.

Samsung Electronics is clearly prepared.

After signing the cooperation memorandum, Samsung Electronics immediately settled the entire amount of the recent third contract, about 600 million yuan.

Completed the first phase of the contract.

Then, after friendly negotiations, Samsung Electronics agreed to a new additional settlement contract proposed by cutting-edge science.

Settlement according to authorized batches: 70% of each batch is prepaid, and the final payment and prepayment are settled before the next batch is authorized.

For example: Assuming that Samsung Electronics wants 1 million licenses for the model retail price of 5,000 yuan, it must first prepay 70% of 150 million, or 105 million;

The next batch requires 1 million copies of the model with a retail price of 1,000 yuan. The first batch of 45 million is settled, and then 70% of the 30 million is prepaid.

It is very different from the previous clause.

This is cutting-edge science that has taken back the initiative in settlement, and at the same time, has further reduced the contract value delivery cycle.

Can contribute cash flow to the frontier to a large extent.

Most importantly, it is now a seller's market.

Samsung Electronics is more active as a seller than Frontier.

Anyway, Samsung Electronics representative Zheng Jinrong is very satisfied with these terms. The settlement cycle is not important to Samsung Electronics now.

And after signing the additional settlement contract, Samsung Electronics immediately requested 5 million new licenses.

Immediately settled a sum of 420 million yuan.

It is equivalent to saying that they want to launch new mobile phones in the Chinese market with a price range of around 4000.

If everything goes smoothly in the bank, a total of 5.5 billion authorization fees will be received by Samsung Electronics this afternoon.

In contrast, other companies are not worth mentioning whether it is the magnitude or the licensing fee.

After all, Samsung Electronics has almost settled 25 million license fees in one go...

In the early afternoon, after signing a series of contracts, Frontier Science hosted a business banquet with Shi Xinrong as the representative to host the Samsung Electronics delegation.

Lu Weiyu, Mr. Lu and Mr. Lu's secretary, were not present.

The two of them are going to Yangpu Wujiaochang by car.

On the way, Lu Weiyu sighed with a smile: "I am the world's richest man who knows how Gates became, and the operating system makes too much money."

"You have to add a premise, an operating system with a large market share." Fang Nian also laughed.

Lu Weiyu believed it deeply, and said: "I turned over the data in the morning. The number of MindOS global users is almost 200 million, and the domestic market share has reached 80%."

"The actual number of activated users has exceeded 70 million, and Redmi is out of stock again during the 11th long holiday."

After a short pause, he added: "According to market data evaluation, the market share of MindOS devices may decrease after the iPhone 4S is launched on the mainland, but..."

"This year, the nationwide smartphone shipments far exceed estimates and are close to 100 million units. Among them, the popularity of MindOS is the biggest driver;

According to survey data, the nationwide smartphone shipments will reach a new high next year, and smartphones will be widely popularized. "

After listening to Lu Wei’s words, Fang Nian lazily said: “First of all, there are more than 1 billion mobile phone users in China;

Secondly, smart phones are a big trend, the conclusion..."

Fang Nian looked at Lu Wei's words: "In the next five years, there will be a huge growth. This year is 100 million, and it may double next year. It will not slow down until more than 90% of the market is smart phones."

"Another conclusion is that a single Nvwa laboratory can create a bunch of the world's richest man, so it is imperative for the company to have all its employees."

Lu Weiyu nodded: "Yeah."

Then changed the subject: "Speaking of which, I never thought that Samsung Electronics could really agree to some seemingly demanding terms."

"That's because the wind direction of the overseas market has changed." Fang Nian smiled.

As he spoke, he suddenly slapped his thigh: "I missed the big show! I have to surf the Internet quickly!"

Upon seeing this, Lu Wei smiled without saying a word.

Of course she knew what Fang Nian was going to do.

Yesterday afternoon, Nuwa Lab updated the ‘Xiaowa’ voice assistant. The server only supports Chinese by default and has a second option: English.

The wake word is: "hi, nuwa."

On the afternoon of the 7th, Eastern Time, related videos appeared on YouTube and other websites, which aroused public attention.

Speaking of it, the improvement of the voice assistant took a lot of effort, and the Nuwa Lab coordinated 9 university laboratories.

For this reason, some biologists and linguists have been recruited.


Fang Nian has always been a person who does whatever it takes.

Soon I logged into Twitter.

Sure enough, the news about Xiaowa's voice assistant's support for English is very rushing. This will happen to be the evening in the United States, and everyone is very idle.

Flip a little, hold the key and quickly tweet.

"After a simple experience of nuwa, although I don't like the frontier at all, objectively speaking, compared with Siri at the Apple conference, nuwa is more perfect. I don't know if I should buy iPhone 4S."

"There is one thing to say, what kind of ghost company is Frontier? We didn't expect our AMD and other manufacturers to cooperate with it before. Why are we targeting Apple now? Who gave it the courage?!"

"In all fairness, why can't our country's companies work harder now as if they have lost their creativity?"


As soon as several ‘pure passers-by’ tweets were posted, they immediately attracted a wave of onlookers.

"In other words, how can nuwa be better than Siri! Apple rubbish! I have cancelled the 4S appointment!"

"Anyway, I don't want to buy apples anymore!"

"I heard that Samsung is good."

"Actually, I really like Xiaomi in China, and I am envious that China can buy Xiaomi directly, which is very affordable."


"Agree, it's that our country's companies are too rubbish, so a cutting edge can be done."


Then, holding the key, despite seemingly reluctantly, simply responded to a few tweets.

"Objectively speaking, I think it's okay to have such a company, which can force Apple to make better things."

"It doesn't hurt anyway."


"The most noble freedom must have the loneliest soul. Apple, Microsoft, AMD fight!"

"We need a real ‘battle’ to tell the world who has the best strength!"


The keynote speeches overseas have always seemed illogical.

Because holding the key is to agitate, attract fans, and act as a drama.

In short, in addition to jumping from side to side, Fang Nian also interprets the pure passerby role vividly.

At the end, Fang Nian saw Tang Te actually clicked a like.

Fang Nian smiled at once, and muttered: "This old baby finally bubbling, not bad, it seems that he wants to fool people too."


This old baby still doesn't like to tweet, so he slipped away after just clicking a like.


Speaking of it, Fang Nian doesn't really want to see some hot spots of domestic social platforms.

It's just a deliberate gadget to gain popularity.

Moreover, Fang Nian really wants to rush to make a big challenge and force some core technology companies in the United States to jump.



In the afternoon, everyone except the porridge came to the front office.

Each is busy with things.

Anyhow, today is the first working day after the holiday. After all, the long holiday of November is the same as the Spring Festival holiday.

Fang Nian is no exception. While everyone is sorting out their affairs, he plans to initiate an internal conference call for the Nuwa Alliance.

Of course, before this, Fang Nian first contacted Lei Jun alone.

As soon as the call was connected, Fang Nian smiled and said, "Mr. Lei, I heard that you still owe our company a few hundred million yuan and haven't settled it. When will you pay?

"Haha~" Lei Jun smiled before saying a word, "Labor always asks for debts personally, we Xiaomi has a lot of face."

"It seems that we at Xiaomi are a little bit outrageous, dare to owe total money to Fang and make Fang so wronged!"

Fang Nian smiled: "Just kidding, now the bank doesn't do business well, it will drag on the public funds for three to five days, and the company will be worn down!"

Then the conversation changed: "Mr. Lei, make a discussion, I am going to select Samsung Electronics to join the Nuwa Alliance, you know what I mean."

Lei Jun smiled slightly: "President Fang can rest assured, I will cooperate."

Finally, he pointed out: "It's a coincidence."

"Okay, I will initiate an alliance conference call. In addition, Mr. Lei, you Xiaomi must be up for it." Fang Nian sighed at the end.


Fang Nian also contacted Lei Jun alone. Of course, there is no need to say more about the rest.

The alliance meeting was soon launched.

Yu Dadong, Huang Xiujie, Shen Wei, Chen Mingyong, Lei Jun and the next year, the six parties are connected.


After a simple greeting, Fang Nian directly raised the topic: "My Frontier Science has cooperated with Samsung Electronics for many times, and I recommend Samsung Electronics to join the Nuwa Alliance on behalf of the Nuwa Lab."


After Fang Nian's words fell, Lei Jun soon raised the same issue: "Our company hopes to recommend Coolpad to join the Nuwa Alliance."

"Our company recommends ZTE, and ZTE has planned to fully adopt MindOS." Yu Dadong followed.


Fang Nian: "..."

This is a bit interesting.

Lei Jun's proposal was expected. It was originally intended to disturb the muddy water. This is a tacit understanding between Fang Nian and Lei Jun.

But Yu Dadong's proposal was unexpected.


Is ZTE going to fully adopt MindOS?


After a few brief discussions, there is no definite result.

Lei Jun proposed to shelve the motion for the time being: "Nuwa MindOS has developed very well, and its market share is rising every month. This is inseparable from the suicide R&D investment of the Nuwa Laboratory under Frontier;

I think that some of the rules of the Nuwa Alliance are not suitable, and it happens that there are three new recommended members;

You can hold an offline meeting after comprehensive consideration, and then make specific discussions. "

Huang Xiujie was the first to second.

Fang Nian naturally agreed.


This scene will not be finished all at once.

At least it looks a little bit.

Even the following years will deliberately pull tiger skins.

Some rules of the Nuwa Alliance are indeed not applicable to the current environment.

In contrast, alliance members paid too little and gained too much.

Of course, no matter what the situation, Fang Nian can find the best way to use the alliance, for example, before using the alliance to obtain more commercial benefits for Samsung Electronics.

It is said that Fang Nian is more inclined to upgrade the Nuwa Alliance to a loosely technology alliance step by step.

Finally, it is not impossible to let Samsung Electronics join, anyway, the licensing fee will be discussed separately.


After the first incident, Fang Nianhao announced some news in his spare time.

"My Frontier Science and Samsung Electronics have reached a new round of cooperation. From the perspective of cooperation, Samsung Electronics will complete a full coverage product layout in the Chinese market."

"Deployed from low-end, mid-range, mid-to-high-end, and high-end, covering areas with retail prices of 1500, 2500, 3500, 4500, and 5500."

"In addition, there should be high-luxury deployments, and the retail unit price may be more than 15,000."

After a short pause, Fang Nian emphasized: “Samsung Electronics is now almost sparing no effort to deploy the market, and at least it must complete the encirclement before the iPhone 4S enters the Chinese market.”

This is the core reason why Samsung Electronics does not care about some details.

For end products, the market is fundamental.

After listening to Fangnian's words, everyone sighed.

"It seems that with Motorola's curtain down, Samsung's opponent is only Apple."

"Nokia is half dead in the smartphone market."

"These domestic brands of us are not the all-in-one enemy of Samsung Electronics."


What everyone said makes sense.

Does an elephant care about an ant under its feet?

will not!

The same is true for Samsung Electronics now.

In fact, since the introduction of mobile phones, no domestic brands have established strong brand power, especially high-end recognition.

Some previously active brands are either entangled in how to switch to the smart phone field; either stick to the feature phone, or embrace Android and even WP without looking back.

Emerging brands, namely a Xiaomi and a Meizu, are somewhat well-known, but the foundation is not enough.

There is simply not enough accumulation to hit the high-end.

After all, it is the market that has the final say. It is not that a mobile phone with a price of several thousand is called the ability to hit the high-end, and it has to sell.

This is also the reason why Fang Nian, Lei Jun and others have repeatedly mentioned that the smartphone industry is extremely non-competitive.


Fang Nian also sighed: “For now, domestic mobile phone brands can only watch Samsung Electronics and Apple completely occupy the high-end market again and again;

His eyes were drooling. "

Upon hearing this, Lei Jun said helplessly: "This is a bit too sharp and true!"


Even so, everyone did not mention why Fangnian was letting it go and why he opened the door to Samsung Electronics.

The reason is really not complicated.

So many people in such a big company at the forefront have to The business came to the door, and the benefits were also taken out. Of course, it is necessary to make money.

I insist on a positive reason: the catfish effect.


When Lei Jun and others were quite helpless, Fang Nianchang sighed: "I hope this market situation can give our domestic brands a little bit of pressure, and we can also attack the high-end."

Hearing this, coughing sounded everywhere.

Among them, Yu Dadong had the worst cough.

"You can't catch a cold, right?" Fang Nian said with a light smile.

Yu Dadong quickly said, "Don't you dare to catch a cold."

Fang Nian said neither salty nor indifferent: "It is enough to know yourself."

Yu Dadong said helplessly: "President Fang, you can just say my name directly!"


Before the end of the conference call, Fang Nian said with a serious and thoughtful voice: "Bosses, be up for your spirit..."


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