My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 778: The uproar of the new week

The new week is shining brightly.

It is rare for Shanghai to usher in consecutive sunny days.

A simple Audi left the eastern suburbs of Pudong to Yangpu, facing the rising sun.

Soon, the car stopped at a corner of Guoding Road. Fang Nian and Lu Weiyu got out of the car and went to school with their schoolbags.

Fang Nian and Lu Weiyu usually don't talk about official affairs at this time.

Even talking about learning is more appropriate than official business.

Nowadays, the daily official business takes up enough time for two people. Earlier, the two had a tacit understanding of reducing official discussions outside the company.

It's just after seven o'clock, and the streets and alleys are when the fireworks are at their strongest.

The breakfast shop has steaming steamed buns, schoolchildren in hurry with schoolbags, and office workers chasing the bus.

On the way, Lu Weiyu looked towards Fang Nian, and suddenly said, "School brother, do you think I am suitable for short hair?"

Classmate Fang Nian, who was carrying his schoolbag, glanced at Lu Wei and said, "Change if you like."


After a short pause, Fang Young frowned: "Senior Sister didn't want to test something suddenly, right?"

Lu Weiyu blinked before reacting, "No, no, I just wanted to change my hairstyle suddenly, but I was not sure of my idea."

"Want to hear my suggestion?" Fang Nian pondered a little, "I personally think you can try to leave it to a short ponytail length that is slightly over the shoulder, preferably a Hong Kong style retro style."

Hearing this, Lu Weiyu lifted up her hair: "Huh? Is it such a length?"

"Almost, how come you suddenly remembered that you want to change your hairstyle?" Fang Nian puzzled.

Lu Weiyu raised her eyebrows slightly: "I want you to see more of me."

"Yeah~" Fang Nian was picked up.

"Senior sister is a bit lively today~"

Lu Weiyu smiled.


In Fang Nian and Lu Weiyu’s circle of acquaintances and friends, only one girl has short hair now.

Yes, it is Lin Yucong.

That's why Fang Nian said something more.

However, Lin Yucong's short hair is that sassy type, and he basically doesn't go over his shoulders.

Not what Fang Nian liked.

But compared to long hair, Fang Nian does prefer short hair.

And I like the retro style of Hong Kong style very much.

What's more, such a hairstyle can highlight Lu Weiyu's Yujie Fan.

There was a period in his previous life when Lu Weiyu had that hairstyle, but Fang Nian saw it for a short time.

It was a pity at the time.

I didn't expect to see it now.


As usual, enter the school through the east gate and then separate.

Fang Nian went to Guanghua Tower, Lu Weiyu occasionally went to Guanghua Tower, but this time there was no...


After two consecutive classes, Fang Nian walked out to teach with his schoolbag.

We will change the classroom next class.

I took out my phone and saw the relevant news notification at first glance.

At the top is the new announcement jointly issued by several units including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Some things were declared and confirmed in the form of documents.

"Regarding the issuance of the recommendation to give priority to purchasing domestic operating systems, domestic processors, and domestic computers for daily office use."


"Priority Directory:

1. Domestic operating system: Nuwa Desktop System (nuwaDeskOS);

Other reliable domestic operating systems based on nwK kernel;

2. Domestic processors: Bailong D1 and Bailong series;

Other reliable domestic processors based on Bzloong instruction set system;

3. Domestic computers: zero-degree desktop, all-in-one, and notebook complete series;

Lenovo, Shenzhou, etc.;"

"Please follow the priority catalog to purchase some of the following units:..."

"It is recommended that other enterprises and institutions refer to the priority catalog for centralized procurement."


"October 17, 2011."


When Fang Nian saw the news, the announcement had been issued for almost an hour, and discussions in public cyberspace were in Wuyang Wuyang.

It happens to be Monday, which is the last point most netizens want to go to work. It is the most suitable for fishing.

Some portal websites and social platforms have various discussions.

"It should have been like this a long time ago. I remember the last time Minister Miao said he wanted to support it. It has been a month."

"It really should have been like this long ago, you can't just talk about it."

"This time is just right."

"I just didn't expect that the new computer brand, Zero Degree, was listed as the first domestic computer brand in the priority list, which is higher than Lenovo."

"It feels like studying with the prince."


Fang Nian habitually swept his eyes and forced, and sure enough, there were related problems.

The main core is how to analyze why the recommended priority procurement catalogs are all frontiers.

Some of the answers at the top are well analyzed.

Said various reasons.

such as……

Frontier's DeskOS and Bailong processors are not sold directly to the outside world, so they can only buy the whole machine of the zero brand, so they will rank ahead of Lenovo.

Another example……

It is only natural to support enterprises with key core technologies.

Another example...

When comparing ZERO with Lenovo, the route is almost completely opposite. ZERO takes the route of technology, industry and trade, while Lenovo has always adhered to trade, industry and technology. Moreover, “Trade and Industry” has existed, but “Technology” has not been able to get it. s things;

The current development direction has reached the point of time when technology, industry and trade are needed, and it is more reasonable to put zero degrees first;

Finally, I also mentioned that I will not compare Lenovo with Frontier. It is too bullying...


And so on.

In general, a newly established brand that is only a few months old is listed at the top of the priority list by a unit headed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which will naturally arouse heated discussion among the people who eat melon.

After all, there is Big Brother Lenovo behind it.

Fang Nian also agrees with these answers relatively.

In fact, the official version of "Tarzan" released by DeskOS does not have complete commercial attributes.

You can download and install a free trial, but the official does not provide an activation channel. The free period from download and installation is 30+90 days, which is 120 days.

After 120 days, it is not too troublesome to download and install again, which can continue for 120 days.

Use it if you find it troublesome.

Some functions are automatically locked in the background, which is a restricted use state and does not affect general use.

Just like the inactive mode of Windows.

For the end user, it is equivalent to just use it without paying.

The acquisition method, installation process, etc. are simpler than Windows, and the download rate of official channels is the fastest and most convenient.

And the official channel can be directly transferred to the Nuwa Forum, and there will be professional handling opinions from official maintainers.

Convenience is quite convenient.

But the problem is also here. Computer brands including Shenzhou can't commercialize DeskOS either.

The Nuwa Laboratory has not been authorized.

So in fact, from various angles, if you want to support domestic operating systems, you can only choose zero degrees.

With this document’s obvious focus on the frontier, it is only natural that Zero is ranked first...


Taking advantage of the break from get out of class, Fang Nian and Lu Weiyu gathered for two minutes.

Xuejie Lu has finished today's class, and she will leave school soon because of her busy schedule.

Just a brief discussion on how to use this document.

Fang Nian didn't say much.

After all, it was confirmed as early as last Friday.

However, Fang Nian had other ideas, but it had nothing to do with Lu Weiyu.

Originally ordered by time, Fang Nian had no courses at the third class, but instead of going to the library, he strolled into the East Annex.

Finally sat next to Liu Xi.

After more than a year, Fang Nian once again appeared in the classroom of finance.

Of course, the main purpose is to see Liu Xi.

For the appearance of Fang Nian, the students who are already in their junior year are not as "rigorous" as before.

It doesn't take a moment to start twittering.

Fang Nian doesn't mind being the focus of discussion.

I will also respond briefly to curious students who still have many doubts.

"Fang Nian?! Why did you come to finance? Are you here for a lesson?"

"Yes, it just happens to have what I need in this class."


"Oh, then why would you... sit next to Liu Xi? Do you know her?"

"We are classmates in high school."


"Can we take a picture with you? You don't know how much we envy you."



"Wow, Fang Nian is much gentler than he thought."

"More handsome than what you see on the news!"

"Yeah yeah."


It didn't stop until class.

Fang Nian was also slightly surprised.

It was the first time that he was asked by a stranger to take a group photo, making him look like a star.

This sense of experience...

It seems like never in my previous life.

Even when he became a great author of the Internet, he never made such a request when he was in the limelight. After all, there are more famous authors than him.


Student Fang Nian can remember that he is still twenty-eight.

Much younger than when he became famous in his previous life.


Originally, Fang Nian casually said that this class was useful, but he didn't pay much attention to what he would say.

When the professor on the podium started to teach, Fang Nian felt quite worthy of his trip.

The professor mainly mentioned a concept of'large-scale cognitive value' in economics.

The practical examples are used to talk about it, which is rather rough.

But this is enough for the other party.

He even had a feeling of rush.

After class, Liu Xi took her schoolbag and left the classroom with Fang Nian.

Fang Nian didn't hesitate and said directly: "It was originally just one thing, but after listening to this class, it became two things."

"Let’s talk about the first thing.

The short selling this time is different from last time. Only the bridge loan will be returned, and the funds will not be returned to the country, and will be scattered in the accounts of those fund companies. "

"The finances of these companies need to be managed separately by you."

"After the U.S. stock market opens in the evening, if there is still a surplus in the bridge loan, stand behind the scenes to support retail investors led by the WSB forum to be bullish, and don't let the stock price drop quickly after the opening."


Having said that, Fang Nian paused for a while and emphasized: "The financial management of these companies should not be disclosed to the office for the time being."

Liu Xi nodded gently.

Fang Nian went on to say: "There are still some plans for these companies, and you may be solely responsible for them. They are all financial traders. Can you handle it?

Facing Fang Nian's gaze, Liu Xi nodded seriously: "Oh."

"I'll try my best."

Fang Nian breathed a sigh of relief, then walked back to the West Annex, and continued to wander in the ocean of philosophical knowledge.



In the afternoon, the official website of Zero Degree launched new products with great fanfare.

Zero notebook.

Two styles were surprisingly introduced.

One is a well-regarded notebook. The exterior design still has something to do with it, and it looks good inside and out.

Boldly adopted an ultra-narrow border keyboard and an ultra-narrow border screen.

And very boldly removed the built-in camera.

It uses an all-metal extremely lightweight design.

The size is 13.6 inches.

How to say it, when the people who eat melon see the renderings and video materials displayed on the official website, the first feeling is the extreme evolution of Apple.

It happens that even the design is more novel than the existing Apple laptop.

The publicity direction is also very interesting:

Create an ultra-privacy business environment, without a built-in camera, so you can avoid privacy anxiety (USB portable camera included)

The most immersive daily office experience, extremely lightweight

This is the future.

Among the relevant specifications, only memory and hard disk have different options. The processor is directly marked with the SoC chip, indicating that the graphics processing core unit is integrated.

This style alone has already surprised the people who eat melons.

Then there is the second style.

The appearance of the industrial design can be said to be very cool, not light at first glance.

Main game.

In addition to the processor is still a white dragon, other parameters are very exaggerated, equipped with NVIDIA desktop-level flagship display chip, but also equipped with various powerful components;

The promotional video is quite something, and surprisingly...the price is very cheap.

After all, in terms of design and parameters, it is obviously against high-end gaming laptops such as aliens. The standard price is 15999 yuan, but the price marked is 4999 yuan.

The price is terribly low.

The promotion direction is the main game.

In addition to these two notebooks, the official website of Zero Degree also posted the words ‘Looking Forward’ on the notebook column.

Then there is no new product in the all-in-one.

Before the people who eat melon planned to discuss, they first saw a small statement on the homepage of the official website of Zero Degree:

"Zero·NoteBook is temporarily not for sale."

"Purchasing Zero·X-A1 Risk Notice: Because it is equipped with some hardware that has not established a cooperative relationship with DeskOS, and it is a hardware driver realized through other forms of cooperation;

In the future, due to related cooperation disputes, Zero will have to issue a mandatory system update to resolve the dispute, which cannot achieve the advertised game experience;

Because the display chip and other parts on board have certain customization attributes, even if they are disassembled, it is difficult to use them for other purposes. Therefore, the retail price of X-A1 is sold at a much lower cost.

Every purchasing user needs to read this risk statement and accept the risk notice before purchasing. Please be aware. "

As soon as these related news came out, the discussion about zero degrees became even more intense.

"Zero is going to do a lot of work. The notebook is clearly aimed at the Apple notebook, and the X-A1 is clearly aimed at the high-end gaming notebook market. Although the notebook has not announced the price, it is not aimed at the X-A1 standard price. The mid-to-low-end performance market is directly high-end, and it is directly enemy of giants."

"This statement also has something to it. I always feel that the official price is a bit too cruel. Is this trying to wipe out the high-end game market? As far as I know, all popular games in China have .nwld versions."


On this day, the domestic public network space is full of noise.

Needless to say, overseas is also very enthusiastic.

Remarks that are short on the stocks of companies such as Microsoft and Intel are rampant.

You should know that MSFT closed at 36.87 US dollars last Friday, which was a 35% increase. There is obviously some water in it.

The decline is certain.


The grumpy old guys on the WSB forum were not convinced at all, and even issued a statement similar to ‘revenge’.

after all……

It's actually only one trading day.

At 9:30 pm the US stock market opens.

The opening price of MSFT was $35.55, a sharp drop in comparison.

But then, countless buying orders appeared, and MSFT's stock price rose to $37.15 in almost less than ten minutes.

Countless retail investors rushed to tell each other, forehead and hand to celebrate.

However, the cruelty of the U.S. stock market is coming...



PS: Only one more chapter, the state is not good recently;

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