My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 779: Leek is rejoicing, but the market is extremely cruel

It was dark, and the east side of the 12th floor of Fengda Building in Wujiaochang was brightly lit.

Although the Fengda Building is not high, standing on the south corner of the east, you can just see the viaduct of Wujiaochang.

Under the night lights, the traffic was swimming fast, looking hurried.

In the office area, there were only three people sitting behind the desks, each attentive and very busy.

Fang Nian was not in the office area, holding a cup of freshly brewed hot tea, watching the car out of the window.

Regarding the short-term final result of the U.S. stock market, whether it is the most rigorously hidden frontier or other capitals, institutions, and funds on Wall Street, it has long been determined.

Whether it is Microsoft, Intel, or other corporate stocks that have soared, they will eventually fall sharply.

how to say……

It can be considered that this is the basic tacit understanding of capital.

Although the bulls and the bears seem to be incompatible, in the end their target is retail leek.

The current surge is convenient for longs, major corporate shareholders, and capital giants such as stock gods to cash in comfortably;

Because there is no real good news for related companies, and there is no related financial good. Take Microsoft as an example, the stock price rose by US$60 to 70 billion is of course unrealistically high;

Therefore, it will eventually fall sharply, benefiting hedge funds participating in short selling.

Almost all the capital involved can be hello, hello, hello, everyone, and make a lot of money. As for the retail investors, of course, they are not left.

of course……

This is the original tacit understanding.

But this tacit understanding has now begun to get out of control.

The reason is that the power of retail investors is surprisingly united and strong.

So much so that the grumpy old buddies of various retail forums headed by WSB were extremely excited.

"Is that the smell of revenge!"

"It turns out that our ability is so strong. Every dime in the stock price is a huge victory."


Such remarks are very rampant.

But they didn't know that it was not how good they were, but Fang Nian's classmate changed his plan and eventually allocated nearly 200 million US dollars to do more.

And basically concentrated on the MSFT stock.

This is a staggering amount of funds for a stock with a daily trading volume of only $40-50 million.

Even now the daily trading volume of this stock has already reached level 1B.

In addition, there are also some institutions hiding behind them, using retail investors as a target to fight the bears and do more.


There are many reasons why Fang Nian changed his plan. On the one hand, he hopes to obtain greater benefits as much as possible.

On the other hand, of course, I want to muddy the water and see what the elites of Wall Street will do.

In addition, there are a few small experiments on the ‘wide range of cognitive value’.

It's like planting a seed...

After a long time, Fang Nian returned to the office area before leaving the window sill, and asked, "Is it still rising?"

"MSFT has risen to 40 dollars." Lu Weiyu replied.

Fang Nian asked again: "Is the situation stable?"

"Basically stable, all parties are tacitly maintaining the current balance." Guan Qiuhe replied.

Fang Nian said calmly: "Then observe and observe, you can withdraw first if there is no problem."



There is a high probability that there will be no results today.

Shorts, longs, hedge funds, and retail investors all agreed to keep the increase at around 15%.

This is also the balance Fang Nian hopes to appear.

Anyone has greed, whether it is capital or retail investors, so there is such a tacit understanding.

Retail investors and long investors as well as shareholders want to maintain high stock prices to gain more benefits.

The bears also hope to be higher and get more gains when they fall.

However, Fang Nian did not want to end so soon, not all for direct economic benefits, but also for provocation.

It is best to force Wall Street to pull the network cable.

Then proceed to the next step.


With the frontier preparing a $1 billion bridge loan in advance, under the tacit understanding of all parties, MSFT's stock price rose by about 8% every day.

Every time the market drops, it will be pushed up by passionate retail investors.

Especially some YOLOs, they are almost desperate to buy a large number of call option contracts.

MSFT's stock price is just one step away from $50.

There is at least a basket of bearish reports issued by bearish institutions such as Citron.

And Microsoft, which is at the center of the trend, of course also releases relevant public relations news through public channels day after day.

There are also big bosses who use their personal Twitter accounts to warn all retail investors to invest carefully.

Holding the key overseas sub-key has also tweeted many times, indicating that the stock price is abnormal and that unknown risks should be guarded against.

Of course, there will inevitably be some emotional speeches.

More than half of the grumpy old buddies on the WSB Forum celebrated with their hands, and half of them were a little panicked.

The uncharacteristic movement of the U.S. stock market has almost triggered heated discussions around the world.

Of course, this includes domestic public cyberspace.

The most active is undoubtedly the financial section.

Even almost all kinds of TV news media have reported this big drama across the ocean.

The front office is still brightly lit and working overtime until late every night.

Fang Nian occasionally took time to pay attention to the focus of discussion among the people eating melons.

"Is the U.S. going all-people stocks?"

"This posture is a bit brutal. Microsoft's stock price has risen to death. Now the market value is close to 400 billion US dollars."

"Bill's wealth skyrocketed."

"But according to the grapevine, Bill, Buffett and others are quietly cashing out. This wave, this wave is incomprehensible."

"The retail investors in the United States seem to be crazy, just to push up the stock price. It is said that 65% of the circulating stocks are borrowed to go short."

"Really crazy."


It's crazy.

If it is not inappropriate, even Bill wants to come out to warn investors not to invest in abnormal MSFT.

This apparently unusually high stock price has already made bears panic.

There is a margin for lending stocks. The higher the stock price, the higher the margin. Once there is no money to pay the margin, the position will be forced to liquidate.

There have been huge losses in institutions.

There are even a few hedge funds that are crazy short selling have been exposed to the outside world for help.

In the process, a small institution emerged on Wall Street.

The name is BitResearch (Bit Research).

Numerous risk warning reports have been continuously issued through the official Twitter account.

One word is more serious than the other.

Even shortly after the U.S. stock market opened on Thursday, he said bluntly: "Ordinary investors, beware of trading risks. There is a huge bubble in MSFT stock price, and extreme events are likely to occur..."

"MSFT is at the top of the short-selling list. This is a very abnormal phenomenon..."

"Today is enough victory!"

"Wall Street can't let any hedge fund suddenly go bankrupt."


The various risk warnings of this small organization are regarded as being taken seriously, and the amount of forwarding is large, and some people are discussing them on the WSB forum.

The opinions are divided.

Because the grumpy guys on the WSB forum operate differently.

More than half of them play option contracts.

After all, YOLO.

It can be said to be difficult to get off.

Fortunately, there are some stocks purchased directly through brokers, and they want to run at any time.


At 11:07 pm on October 20, Beijing time.

Trading in the US stock market is booming.

MSFT's trading volume broke through the 1B level for a week, and even occasionally broke through to the $7-8 billion level.

MSFT's stock price is still in a weird balance.

At this moment, Wall Street suddenly broke out that a well-known hedge fund was facing the risk of strong liquidation, facing joint risks, and seeking assistance from cooperative funds of hundreds of millions of dollars to avoid risks.

You must know that hedge funds never only trade one stock, or even only stocks.

The capital managed by this fund exceeds tens of billions of dollars. Once mandatory joint risks occur, it is likely to cause financial riots.

Several cooperative hedge funds immediately rushed to aid 2 billion US dollars.

Almost everyone who pays attention to this matter has a hunch that this strange balance line is about to collapse.

And it will cause very severe turbulence.


Just the next minute after the news broke, various brokerage trading software commonly used by American retail investors suddenly suffered inexplicable failures:

When the buy button is operated, there is an inexplicable gap.

Although it has been the era of mobile Internet, most people still use computers to trade stocks based on mouse operations.

So some active young people tried to sell.

That response efficiency is old.

And then……

Many brokerages suddenly issued announcements.

It means that due to unknown reasons, some stock purchase transactions have an unknown failure, and the back-end server is being upgraded. In order to ensure the interests of users, some stock purchase transactions will be suspended, but selling transactions are not restricted.


Similar announcements came one after another.

Directly detonated the network.

"Wtf? What do you mean?"

"It turns out that I am not alone in the transaction?"

"What's wrong."


The grumpy man in the WSB forum directly exploded.

"No, the stock is going to fall sharply! You can hold on for another day!"

"These vampires!"



Even at this time, there is still a grumpy brother who is madly picking the keyboard:

"YOLO! Don't sell it if you die! Those vampires can't hold it!"

"Yes, yes, stocks like MSFT, as long as we don't want to sell, we will definitely get rich!"


But everything is in vain.

Because MSFT is almost the number one technology stock in US stocks.

Although in the frenzied buying of several consecutive trading days and the frantic fighting of various capital institutions, there are not many actual circulating shares on the market.

Most were clenched.

In addition, some institutions have been crazy short selling for several days after knowing various news from China.

As a result, some shorts could not buy the stocks to close their positions and had to ask for help.

But it still cannot be controlled by retail investors.

The grumpy brothers in the WSB forum and other places have greeted the eighteenth generations of brokers, capital, and institutions hundreds of times through various channels.

Massive MSFT selling appeared in the market.

Then MSFT's stock price began to dive.

Retail investors are limited by the so-called announcements of brokers and cannot buy normally. Under this general direction, they can only sell.


When the first massive selling order appeared, a collateral reaction occurred.

INTC has also seen massive selling.

Then there is MSFT's sell-off that can be called horror.

Seeing that the stock price is about to dive wildly, WSB's grumpy old man shouted YOLO while carrying out a panic selling.

The U.S. stock market fluctuates greatly.

MSFT's stock price plummeted from 49.55 all the way down, and fell to 31.22 in less than ten minutes...

Then there are the crazy performances of the short-term agencies.

From 11:08 to 11:39, MSFT shares fell 100%.

The elites of Wall Street were all stunned.

Mass selling even made MSFT want to stop trading.


As it approached 12 o'clock, MSFT's stock price basically stabilized at around $21.

The INTC dropped to $19.

The cruelty of the market suddenly broke out.

The bears were ecstatic.

But in addition, it was all a feather, and the US stock market Nasdaq staged a farce of a thousand shares falling.

Because the retail investors were completely panicked, countless people sold all the stocks they held...

And at twelve o'clock in the U.S. Eastern time.

BitResearch updated the tweet.

"...Decentralization may be the future direction of ordinary investors. The current capital rules in this world have never guaranteed the investment rights of ordinary investors...

Try to learn about Bitcoin. "

Hold the key to forward and pay a word: "#……"



Front office.

Guan Qiuhe, Lu Weiyu, and Liu Xi breathed a sigh of relief almost simultaneously.

Four consecutive nights of overtime work finally came to an end.

Guan Qiuhe stretched while sitting and said, "Finally, I'm done, I will take a day off tomorrow."


Fang Nian smiled and looked at Liu Xi: "How was the result?"

Liu Xi quickly completed the statistics: "After deducting all interest, the net profit is 600 million US dollars, of which about 200 million are long gains."

This time, a full 2 ​​billion US dollars of capital was used, long and short again, and the income was twice the last time.

But overall, the yield is much lower than the last time Apple was short.

Because it contained too many ideas.

There are so many plans that it is not so easy.

Apart from other things, the activity of holding the key overseas is far more active than usual.

Then, Liu Xi reported one by one: "The bridge loan has been repaid."

"The balance of the BitResearch account is US$500 million."

"The other institutions each have tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars in their own capital."

Fang Nian laughed: "It's more than ten billion yuan, which is a nail in Wall Street."

As he said, he got up and waved his hand: "Let's go, go have a supper."


Fang Nian’s Wall Street plan is currently only known to a few of them.

Of course, all he knows is a fur.

When eating a supper on the side of the night market near Wujiaochang, Guan Qiuhe finally couldn't help but ask: "This time you have been tossing around for so long, just to get a nail on Wall Street?"

"As far as the current stage is concerned, the 1.6 billion dollars is more useful in China, right?"

Fang Nianhuang's index finger: "Not necessarily, the current frontier is actually super-saturated R&D investment, and there is no shortage of R&D funds for various projects in the short term."

"That's right, after all, our frontier belongs to the defensive type and is forced to commit suicide R&D investment." Guan Qiuhe smiled.

Then he said: "It's not bad to keep a nail in the capital market, to leave some foundation for the future."

Hearing this, Fang Nian smiled slightly: "Yes."

"In addition, I want to try to apply the ‘liquidity premium’ rationally and artificially create a wide range of cognitive value products."

Guan Qiuhe didn't care much: "Oh."

Lu Weiyu looked at Fang Nian deeply.

Liu Xi bowed his head to drink the porridge, and as always did not participate in the topic.

Both of them know a little bit of inside information.

In fact, what Fang Nian has to do is very simple, to stir up Bitcoin in advance.

Fang Nian wants to let more people know about Bitcoin through BitResearch, so that more people have a consensus on the scarcity, non-renewability, and constancy of the total amount of Bitcoin, increase the liquidity of Bitcoin, and make it generate a higher premium. .

Liquidity premium, including cognitive value on a large scale, is not well explained.

A popular example is Bitcoin.

Bitcoin itself has no value.

More popular examples are: auctions, Internet celebrities, and celebrities.

That is, the consensus of a large group of people is valuable.

It can even be simply understood as exposure.


In the front office, I simply counted the gains. When Fang Nian ate supper, the helms of technology giants such as Microsoft and Intel on the other side of the ocean were communicating frequently with all parties...


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