My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1012 The truth of history

The werewolf was still in shock.

Della slowly raised a palm. The wounds on the Duchess's body caused by the abuse had just broken open, and blood flowed to the ground.

It was stained on Della's palm.

Della's eyes were a little absent-minded, and she put her palm on the tip of her nose and smelled it, showing an uncontrollable expression.


He closed his eyes suddenly and squeezed out a drop of crystal tears.

His face was ferocious, and his white fangs were sharp and deadly. He said: "I will follow you later."

Take one bite.

The Duchess's body began to tremble, and her eyes began to turn white, but there was a relieved smile on her lips.

Della's huge bat wings merged and gathered together, wrapping the two of them.

Duke Dracula, who transformed into a werewolf, started roaring and going crazy!

The two sharp claws were like razors, running towards Dela's flesh and blood wings and cutting them crazily!

Blood spattered, and the bat's wings instantly became riddled with holes and bloody flesh.

But Liu Di's remaining fighting consciousness could be clearly sensed.

In those wings, Della's mutation speed is doubling, and the power in his body begins to release dazzling light like a small sun.

Just the next moment.


Della's wings suddenly spread out like an angel, carrying an unparalleled strong wind, lifting the werewolf away in an instant!

His bat wings have grown to a size of 5 meters, and the two wings merged to be 10 meters across!

The boy's complexion was cold and white, his long blond hair gradually darkened to pitch black, and his lips were dark purple.

The women's clothes he originally wore were also torn to pieces, revealing an exquisite black aristocratic dress - this was the perfect outfit he had prepared for his date with the Duchess.

Under the full moon.

He is like an angel and a devil.

Weirdly handsome yet cold and domineering.

He wiped a drop of blood from the corner of his mouth with one hand, and wiped a drop of tear from the corner of his eye.

He slowly lowered his head and looked at the woman in his arms who had lost her breath and looked as white as snow.

He smiled silently, and it was extremely poignant.

Slowly lay the woman flat on the ground and let her sleep quietly under the moonlight.

Then there was no emotion in his eyes, and his body instantly turned into a black shadow, reaching the werewolf in the distance instantly.

This time.

Della does not need Liu Di's command because he can sense that human blood is the key to breaking through the restrictions.

There is explosive power hidden in his body, and one hand becomes a claw. He can destroy everything by simply sweeping it out!


The young Della's fingers scratched the werewolf's neck. The rough and thick werewolf fur was completely vulnerable. The flesh and blood of the werewolf's neck instantly shattered and spattered for several meters!

The werewolf had tenacious vitality. He covered his neck and kept retreating, his eyes full of terror!

There was still no emotion in Della's eyes.

The wings flapped, and the body rushed forward instantly, almost as if teleporting.

Then he clawed one claw after another, leaving scars on the werewolf's body that were as deep as the bones!

The werewolf Grand Duke was already confused, his eyes were stained red with his own blood, and he was defending in a panic, without the ability to fight back.

His body is also constantly shrinking, gradually becoming human-sized.

He roared: "Stop! Stop! I am the Grand Duke of Wallachia, and I am Duke Dracula! If you dare to kill me, there will be no chance of survival, and the entire city will be your enemy!"

"Please spare my life!"

"I beg you for mercy!"

Within a moment, Dracula was holding his head, huddled on the ground, almost crying.

Right now.

A group of hundreds of heavily armored soldiers rushed into the castle in panic. When they saw the scene in front of them, they were all stunned!

Dracula, who fell to the ground, finally saw a glimmer of hope and shouted: "You stupid soldiers, why did you come here and kill this monster for me!"

However, they saw that the soldiers were still stunned on the spot. Looking at this man who was covered in blood, half naked and with a face like a hungry wolf, they asked the doubts in their hearts, "Who are you?!"

And the werewolf almost collapsed, "I am your Archduke of Wallachia! You bastards! Kill that demon for me!"

"Grand Duke?"

"It's you!"

Only then did the soldiers react, and no one else could be found in the city with such violent voices!

A soldier leader came forward in a panic and shouted: "Grand Duke, we have been looking for you for a long time. There is an emergency. Those guys in the Ottoman Empire did not abide by the agreement. Although we have contributed all the young residents to them, But it still didn’t satisfy their appetite.”

"Now they have gathered at least 50,000 troops to surround our city. They will attack overnight and prepare to massacre the city!"


Dracula panicked instantly, "Didn't my impaled corpse scare them away?!"

The soldier leader shook his head, "They seem to have seen through your methods and have no scruples at all!"

Just for a moment.

The sweat on the Grand Duke's forehead mixed with blood and flowed down.

But they saw the group of soldiers gritting their teeth and saying: "Grand Duke, now that things have happened, we must fight to the death with them. Even if the whole army is destroyed, we must make the final resistance! Otherwise, countless residents will die miserably!"


But Dracula roared crazily, "We can't defeat the Ottoman cavalry at all. Listen to my order and immediately mobilize your manpower to kill this vampire demon. Then take the women and spices with you, and we will escape through the back door!"

The soldiers were speechless.

For a long time, they knew that the Grand Duke of Wallachia was timid.

He retreated again and again and endured the Ottoman invasion, and was willing to sacrifice young residents to gain peace.

At the same time, he built the bluffing pierced corpse forest to intimidate the enemy.

Although these methods of his were a bit disgusting, they also saved his city and land.

But he never expected it.

Now the enemy has gone completely crazy and wants to carry out a thorough massacre and then go north.

And the Grand Duke of Wallachia actually chose to escape!

Abandoning thousands of residents!

The soldiers looked at the Grand Duke curled up on the ground, and then looked at the young man in the distance who was as imposing as a god or demon.

No one took action.

They were silent.


The enemy's catapult projected a huge boulder, which collapsed a corner of Dracula's castle!

It can be vaguely seen that countless enemies are densely packed on the ground in the distance, and the tips of their knives are shining brightly by torches, and they have completely surrounded this city.

The soldiers in the castle showed despair.

At this moment.

The demon boy, without saying a word, slowly stepped forward, stretched out his hand to strangle the Grand Duke of Wallachia's neck, and lifted him into the air.

At this time, the Grand Duke was not as cold-blooded and tyrannical as usual. Rather than being a werewolf, he was more like a dog.


In front of hundreds of soldiers, Della directly broke the Grand Duke's neck, and the Grand Duke Dracula, who should have been famous in history, died completely!


The boy still said nothing, slowly bent down, and picked up the cast iron mask that fell on the ground, which the Grand Duke usually wore.

He hesitated slightly.

He put the mask on his face!

Then, his bat wings stretched straight, and his momentum was impressive.

He glanced at the heavy armored soldiers in front of him and said slowly: "Facing those invaders, I will not be afraid, I will not run away, I will definitely use my life to defend the safety of the people. Are you willing to follow me to kill the enemy?"


The demon boy flapped his huge wings, floated into the air, and said loudly: "If you like, from now on, you can call me the vampire count - Dracula!"

The soldiers were shocked for a long time.

Then they all bowed and saluted, and their voices resounded through the sky, "I am willing to follow Lord Dracula!"

Liu Di was in the dungeon.

A chill ran down his back.

So that's it!

The figure of the boy in the air was thin, black-haired, and handsome.

This is the appearance of Dracula in historical records!

And the real Grand Duke of Wallachia was just a cowardly young man who didn't want to bear any national mission at all.

But because of a love-hate relationship, his identity was replaced by a young slave named Della!

Since then, Della has become the Grand Duke in people's eyes, brave and good at fighting, fighting against the enemy and protecting the residents!

Achieved the reputation of the Piercing Grand Duke!

Also created the legend of the vampire Dracula!

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