My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1012 Established History

"Is everything over?"

Standing in the dungeon, Brother Liu witnessed the incredible history through the breathable window the size of a shoe box.

The real Count Dracula has been born.

Next, he will lead the people to resist the invaders and win victory after victory.

But eventually he would die in the war, and his body would be torn into pieces and stored in various churches.

Although this is already established history, Liu Di still feels a little sad when he thinks about it.

Although he was also a friend in a hurry, it was also a helplessness to learn the news of his death so early.

The scene outside the bars is filled with excitement due to the rise of Dracula.

But Brother Liu sighed slowly.

Then he prepared to throw the time halberd and disappeared into this period of history.

Inadvertently, Brother Liu glanced outside the bars for the last time.

But his body was stunned.

He clearly saw Gu Fan in a white dress standing on the wall of Dracula's castle, staring into the distance.

Brother Liu was convinced that it was really her this time.

Because the sadness in her eyebrows was exactly the same as when T5 in the brain world was about to be attacked by T6.

It is a feeling of compassion for heaven and earth, and a mother's respect for the world.

Of course, this is not Gu Fan himself, it is still just a shadow left by the 'mark'.

Brother Liu slowed down his movements and frowned slightly.

What is Gu Fan looking at?

She seemed worried.

Is she worried about the residents in this city?

According to historical records, a brutal and bloody battle will follow, and countless civilians will lose their lives in this battle.

The passage of time is very mysterious. The point in time that Brother Liu came to was probably the point in time when Gu Fan had already seen the 'future'.

The two of them seemed to be chasing each other on a ruler of time, with Brother Liu always lagging behind Gu Fan.

At this moment when Brother Liu hesitated.

In the ventilation window above the head, there is an iron railing as thick as a baby's arm.

It was easily broken by a pair of pale hands.

Then Della, who wrapped his whole body with wings, smashed through the skylight and crashed to the ground.

The wings slowly opened, revealing Della's face wearing a cast iron mask.

He smiled slowly and said, "My friend, are you willing to fight with me?"

Liu Di glanced at the figure in white on the city wall, pondered for a moment, and nodded slightly, "But I don't have much fighting ability."

Della nodded slowly. At this moment, the young man seemed to transform in an instant, and his demeanor and behavior were all calm and capable.

He smiled and said: "I always have a feeling that you can bring me courage invisibly. I even doubt that you are really the leader of the thirty warriors in the Bible. The battle will begin soon. My only hope is that you can Being there, even just standing behind our troops, is a great encouragement to me."

"Is the buff added?"

Brother Liu smiled slowly, looked at the young man in front of him and nodded, hoping from the bottom of his heart that he would win the first battle.


buff? "

"Strange language."

The vampire Earl named Della stretched out his arm, held Liu Di's hand tightly, and then moved his wings, soared into the air, and crashed into the ceiling of the dungeon.

Outside the walls of Wallachia, the 50,000-strong army of the Ottoman Empire is already watching with eager eyes and is in full strength!

In the European Middle Ages, the Ottoman Empire was one of the most powerful countries.

They swept across the continent, annexing countless cities, and rivers of blood flowed wherever they passed.

The weapons and equipment were already made of the top steel technology at the time.

Correspondingly, only about 5,000 Wallachian soldiers wore equipment.

The rest are villagers in the city, holding wooden sticks, axes and other farming tools.

They gritted their teeth one by one and looked as if they were dead.

Now that the invaders have reached the city, they have no way out. They will end up either being burned, killed, and robbed to death, or they will die fighting to defend their homeland.

Obviously, the vast majority of them chose to take up arms and fight against the enemy.

At this time, the leader of the group of heavily armored warriors who had just rushed out of Dracula's Castle came to the front of the formation. He drew his sword and pointed it high into the sky.

"Wallachia, the Grand Duke has orders!"

"Today we fight to the death against the enemy!"

The soldiers and civilians were shocked when they heard this.

The usually timid Grand Duke finally chose to confront the enemy head-on today!


However, in the next moment, an arrow made of fine iron shot through the air with strong penetrating power.


The arrow accurately hit the helmet of the heavily armored warrior, and it hit his eye directly through the gap!

The heavily armored warrior who had been leading the chant just now fell directly on his back, blood flowing out of his helmet.

The air became silent for a moment.

This arrow came from the Ottoman Empire camp.

This is also the method they have been using to invade the mainland, which is to use a tyrannical attitude and ruthless means to directly crush all opponents they encounter!

This fierce style alone can suppress many hostile forces.

The soldiers were trembling, and the people were even pale.

The two camps were at least hundreds of meters apart. The other side must have special crossbows and archers with terrifying accuracy.

Whoever leads the charge first will be the first to die!

For a moment, the atmosphere of fear spread throughout the Wallachian camp.

The air seemed to be frozen, and no one dared to move.

At this time, the Ottoman army blew a gloomy and low horn.

50,000 armored soldiers, with a murderous roar, marched in unison, and surrounded the Wallachian city in a half-moon shape.

Their speed was not fast, but every time they landed, 50,000 people stepped on the ground together, causing the whole earth to shake, which was extremely terrifying, as if the frenzy of death was inevitable.

This is absolute force pressure.

The Wallachian soldiers trembled inexplicably, their pupils shrank smaller and smaller, and there was a faint tendency to retreat as a whole.

\u0026 # 34;Invasion of my territory! \u0026 # 34;

\u0026 # 34;Intolerable! \u0026 # 34;

At this critical moment, a roar suddenly came from between heaven and earth. Although the voice was young, it was filled with unimaginable power!

A black shadow was seen with ten-meter-long wings extending from behind, slowly rising from the direction of Dracula's castle!

He was backed by the silver-white full moon, but his body seemed to have disappeared into the darkness.

With his wings flapping, he looked like a demon!

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