My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1158 Digital Dream (1/2)

Brother Liu was sitting alone in the conference room.

It was quiet here, and no one would disturb him without his orders.

Looking at the sea scene, I was stunned.

Quietly, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and a figure silently approached Brother Liu slowly.

The figure's arm made a mechanical sound and stretched its palm towards Liu Di's face.

Brother Liu seemed completely unaware.

Until the figure's palms spread out, revealing one of them, which was golden, like a bracelet made of gold.

This is a Steel Emperor VII, and the gold bracelet is the nano bracelet retrieved from the Kola Peninsula!

Brother Liu took off the bracelet and held it in his hand. One section spread out like ripples, revealing a drop of dark red blood.

This is Wang Mang's blood.

Liu Di obtained it in the battle at Kunyang City, and then sealed it into the nano bracelet and sank to the bottom of the Korra Super Drilling Well.

Wang Mang is called a time traveler.

Liu Di revealed this secret because he could have a strange dream. He could dream about the future and get a lot of advanced information.

Liu Di stared at this drop of red blood, "Is it so easy to meet the future? Even if you get a few words, you can't travel through time and find the secrets of higher dimensions."

Demon Boy: "Let's give it a try and see what the mystery is."

Liu Di nodded and put the bracelet in the hands of Iron Emperor Qi. It needs to return to the experimental cemetery and analyze Wang Mang's DNA with the help of blood analysis equipment. After obtaining the data model, the devil boy can change Liu Di's DNA and obtain Wang Mang's DNA. Ability!

Iron Emperor Seven left.

Brother Liu was sitting alone in the conference room again.

From the perspective, Gu Fan, who was sleeping in the dormant warehouse in the Mo family's Weishan Lake base, appeared.

She closed her eyes slightly, and her long eyelashes seemed to be trembling.

The appearance remains the same, the past is still vivid in his mind, and Brother Liu feels even more lonely.

Good thing.

The high-dimensional virus in Gu Fan's body did not continue to grow.

Brother Liu relaxed and smiled.

The perspective switches to the mirage in front of you, the lights are brighter than before in the night.

Thanks to Mr. Nan for his strong support.

The current Hai City is not only full of Gemini smart products, there are also Gemini drones flying in the sky. The Gemini canopy that hides the boundless system has been lit up for nearly a hundred dollars.

The twin maglev transportation systems located above ordinary streets and spread throughout the city have also begun construction.

Brother Liu looked up.

As if his sight was through the atmosphere, he 'saw' eight Gemini artificial satellites floating just above Haishi, among which the 'God's Scepter' ground strike system was also ready.

"This is only 2 weeks of progress, it still needs a little time... that's all."

Liu Di tilted his head slightly, tiredness welling up in him. He might not have closed his eyes for a long time.

The moment the eyelids closed.

The devil boy's voice came: "Wang Mang's DNA is 75% fused."

Brother Liu fell asleep, his spirit relaxed for a moment.

I don’t know how long it took before he appeared in a white space.

Even he turned into a white glowing humanoid.

"This is my dream."

"Psychologically speaking, people who can clearly understand that they are in a dream have rationality beyond ordinary people."

Brother Liu smiled, "Then let me see what I dreamed about."

'Brother Liu' walked forward.

There was still white space all around, with no reference objects, but it clearly conveyed to Liu Di a feeling of striding forward, as if each step could span hundreds or thousands of kilometers.

"It's like walking on the long river of time, going to the depths of time and space."

Liu Di walked like this, not knowing how far he had gone. Even though he had a deep understanding of time, in the dreamland, the concept of time seemed to disappear and could not be considered.

He seemed to have walked away for a lifetime, walked away for a lifetime, and walked through all time and space.


He came to the end.

There is no way forward here, only a white ball of light floating slowly in mid-air.

It emits a soft glow, like a charged crystal ball.

"This thing is my future?"

Brother Liu tilted his head to watch, "Can you give me an explanation?"

The rhythm of light on the surface of a crystal ball.

Brother Liu stretched out his hand to touch it, and it seemed as if he was touching an entity. There seemed to be a layer of smoke on the surface of the crystal ball, which slowly dispersed.


A number actually appeared inside the crystal ball - '141'

Brother Liu waited for a long time.

Nothing more.

Only the number '141' slowly reflected on the crystal ball, becoming increasingly clear.



Brother Liu was puzzled and just watched until the roar of a machine woke him up.

When you open your eyes.

Brother Liu was still in the conference room. The sun was shining brightly outside the window. A dozen large drones with the founder's logo hanging on a huge track passed by outside the window.

"Is it Haishi's maglev rail system that has already passed the Twin Towers?"

Brother Liu stretched his muscles, but suddenly noticed the time. He had slept for three days?

The high-dimensional virus in the body has grown by nearly 8 centimeters.

Brother Liu is very hungry.

20 minutes later, Brother Liu was eating a mountain of takeout on the table alone.

Thoughts are running through my mind.

What is a dream?

The scientific explanation is that when humans sleep, the brain continues to work and extend their thinking.

But if it is explained in terms of dimensions.

Even an ordinary human has a real high-dimensional subject hidden in his body. When the consciousness is awake, this subject controls the human carbon-based body.

But once a human falls asleep, 'it' wakes up, and the space created has no time limit, no physical limit, and constructs everything invisibly. This is a dream.

Everyone may be a high-dimensional life, but the body is a cage.

Liu Di shook his head.

Start thinking rationally.

First, Liu Di recalled the memories of the past three years through the magic child, and found all the numbers he saw, the Internet, books, mobile phone numbers, advertisements, lottery... license plate numbers.

The pictures flashed one by one, but there was nothing related to '141'.

"Isn't it a subconscious suggestion?"

Liu Di raised his head, and a blue number appeared in his perspective. These were formulas. The numbers in them, whether added or multiplied, all had the result of 141.

But at this time, these numbers, in Liu Di's eyes, were nothing special.


"It is an odd, composite, three-digit number..."

"The 141st day of an ordinary year is May 21st..."

"The 141st day of a leap year is May 20th..."

"In the entire Internet record, 141 is not a special number..."

"What is it?"

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