My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1159 Breakthrough Time Point (1/2)

Time passes.

Liu Di has been sitting quietly in the meeting room of the Twin Towers.

Looking at the sea city under his feet, it is being covered by the "Molecular Future" project.

1.5 million sky-screen watches have been put into use!

90 Wujiang transmission towers have been built, and the dark matter network almost seamlessly covers the entire sea city area!

Smart home appliances, as well as office, medical and other equipment, have invested a total of more than 3 million, and can be seen almost everywhere!

Gemini cars are already speeding on the road.

Gemini maglev transportation has formed a closed network.

Even the city express delivery business has been replaced by Gemini drones.

The metaverse has welcomed its 1 millionth user!

The smart network has been formed, and the blockchain has also been formed.

Whether it is the behavioral data in people's lives or the inner wishes of people in the metaverse, an astonishing total amount will be generated every day, and eventually pour into the Twin Towers!

From Liu Di's perspective, colorful smoke permeated the entire sea city, and the trend of molecular movement was in his eyes.

He knew that he was only one step away from controlling the entire sea city.

Liu Di also experienced 50 days and nights.

He also fell into dreams dozens of times, in which all the scenes were exactly the same, that is, the number '141' that could not be figured out no matter what!

Liu Di stood up.

Half of his body was flashing with colorful spots of light.

He narrowed his eyes slightly. Compared with that unpredictable dream, the future in front of him was within reach!

At this time.

The projection equipment behind Liu Di lit up again, and Nan Ruoyi, who was exquisite and plump, slowly appeared.

"Sir, my father is about to arrive in Hai City, and Mr. Song is also coming with him."

"Before, I promised him that he would come to witness the results of our project in two months. They will decide whether to promote our project throughout China."

"Sir, I suggest that you receive him in person."

Liu Di nodded slowly.


Over the Hai City Airport, this private transfer plane is slowly descending.

In the cabin, Mr. Song took off his reading glasses and raised his head from a pile of materials. "Tianhai, I've been busy with official duties recently. It's not that I don't want to care about Brother Liu's project, but I really don't have time. Besides, in just two months, he can't make any earth-shaking changes."

After a pause, Mr. Song said again: "Tianhai, you'd better tell me what Brother Liu has done recently, so that Brother Liu won't be in the dark and Brother Liu will blame me for not respecting him."

Sitting opposite Mr. Song, Mr. Nan Tianhai, the "finance officer" of China, nodded slowly.

He didn't know much.

In his eyes, this matter, no matter how big it was, was nothing more than TO Lingxi.

Mr. Song came to check it out because of his relationship with Brother Liu.

But Nan Tianhai had a concern in his heart.

He was afraid that his daughter Nan Ruoyi and Brother Liu would not be able to produce results that would catch Mr. Song's eye in just two months.

After all, Mr. Song is such a person. He has witnessed scientific research results and great storms, which are far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Mr. Nan thought for a moment and decided to lower Mr. Song's expectations for the "Molecular Future" project as much as possible.

He said, "From the perspective of materials, Brother Liu has made a batch of smart watches, a batch of smart computers, as well as home appliances, some concept cars, and... an online game."


Mr. Song was stunned, "That's all?"

Mr. Nan laughed dryly, "I'm sorry, all the products of that guy have network restrictions. First of all, they cannot be purchased in areas outside Haishi. Even if they are purchased, they cannot be activated, so I don't have any samples."

Mr. Song shook his head, "This is a department store... Brother Liu, is he just expanding his business area and is he anxious to make money?"

Mr. Nan felt that something was wrong, so he said seriously, "When it comes to making money, Brother Liu's entire industrial chain is a big deal. , which has driven 620 domestic manufacturing factories. In just two months, their total tax revenue has increased nearly 8 times compared to before, and the tax contribution of the founder has increased 12 times. Don't underestimate this "department store". It's just a small sea market, but it will definitely be a financial giant in the future! "

"Moreover, Brother Liu seems to be very principled. He has not cooperated with any international manufacturers, even overseas manufacturers, and not a penny of funds has flowed out. "

Mr. Song nodded slowly and pondered: "Brother Liu's character is still no problem. Such results are not difficult for him. It's just that this time, I am a little disappointed in the level of technological breakthroughs. "

The transfer plane slowly landed.

Bringing up a whistling airflow on the runway.

Leading the way, Brother Liu, the cuffs of his white shirt were slightly rolled up, revealing his white skin. He stood at the edge of the runway, his clothes fluttering in the airflow. Behind him were Nan Ruoyi, Ajia, Moore, Huoer, and Ruan Liangji!

Including the founder, the Gemini Dream Team is all here!

The plane door opened.

Mr. Song, dressed in a gray Zhongshan suit, was the first to walk out of the cabin.

Normally, the leader will never be the first to show up. Those who appear first are basically bodyguards or other senior officials who come to check the situation.

But Mr. Song's move was obviously to show respect to Brother Liu.

He raised his hand to Brother Liu from a distance.

Brother Liu also nodded in return!

Ajia, Moore, Huoer, and Ruan Liangji all looked calm, but they were shocked in their hearts. They knew they were going to welcome a distinguished guest, but they didn't expect it to be a person of this level. This is the ceiling of China!

Mr. Song slowly walked down the gangway, came straight to Brother Liu, and shook hands with him.

"Brother Liu, long time no see!"

"Mr. Song, are you okay?"

"Haha, I'm very good."

Mr. Song was obviously very happy, "Let's see what new works you come up with this time."

Brother Liu looked back to the direction of Haishi, "It's very far here and we can't see clearly. We have to go into the city to talk."

Mr. Song nodded.

The airport is in the outer suburbs, so it is natural that the current situation of the sea market cannot be seen.

At this moment, Mr. Song also looked around. First he saw the bald man with 16 brain-computer interfaces on his head. He was slightly startled.

He saw Ah Jia again, and he remembered that there was a lot of news a while ago, that this kid was dead.

Brother Liu's men are actually some monsters and monsters.

Mr. Song immediately calmed down and frowned, "Tianhai, why is there no convoy?"

But I heard that Liu Di smiled and said: "Mr. Song's special car is also very boring compared to the seats. This time, I will take our founder's car."


Mr. Song was stunned.

But it's the next moment.

On the runway in the distance, a white reflection lit up, and a row of streamlined cars with white bodies, like ceramics, lined up in a straight line and drove quietly.

Mr. Song opened his eyes slightly, "This is..."

But they saw that the row of cars had already driven behind everyone, and the gull-wing doors slowly opened, revealing the white cabin inside.

Mr. Song exclaimed, "This car doesn't have a driver?"

But I heard a pleasant electronic synthesized voice, "Dear Mr. Song, welcome to ride in this car. Our sensors all over the city's roads will provide factual data feedback. The on-board L11 intelligent driving system can cope with all road conditions, and The reaction speed and emergency avoidance ability are 26 times higher than that of ordinary humans.”

But he saw Brother Liu already standing in front of the car, stretching out an arm, "Mr. Song, please."


Mr. Song sat in the pure white car cockpit, looking at the driving panel that looked like a spaceship, and couldn't help but sigh.

After a moment, he said: "Our country is vigorously promoting new energy vehicles. Brother Liu, how is the energy consumption of your car and how is its battery life?"

Brother Liu smiled slightly.

The next moment.

The magnetic levitation system at the bottom of the car was activated, and the entire fleet lifted off the ground, skipping the airport speed bump and flying towards the urban area of ​​Haishi.

Brother Liu said: "This is S07, the seventh iteration of Gemini's maglev car!"

Mr. Song was stunned.

But I heard that Brother Liu said again: "It is September 12, 2021. From now on, our world will exceed the real time point, and you are about to see the future!"

at this time.

The city towering in the mist slowly emerged in front.

The 3D sky is bright and dazzling, and the characters in it are like gods in the void.

The maglev tracks in the sky crisscross and trains pass by.

There are also drones carrying large and small objects flying in an orderly manner between the buildings.

Mr. Song was shocked in his heart, "This! Is this still me, Huaxia Haishi?!"

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