in the virtual universe.

Liu Di and Wen Zhizu were speechless one after another.

A less important question lingered in the minds of the two of them - so much time has passed, why haven't they disappeared?

But this moment.

There was a flash of light and shadow in front of him, and Wen Zhiwu's body appeared out of thin air, and existed independently from Wen Zhizu.

But he is no longer the arrogant and domineering Supreme before, but seems like a different person.

His eyes widened and he was lost.

Wen Zhizu and Liu Di frowned at the same time.

Wen Zhizu asked: "Why...are you back again?"

However, Wen Zhiwu's expression was dull and his body was shaking violently. After being silent for a long time, Wen Zhiwu suddenly laughed.




"How ridiculous..."

This time, Wen Zhiwu no longer had the ferocious and cruel smile before, but looked extremely desolate and lonely.

The moment he left, something seemed to shatter his heart into powder.

He collapsed.


"I'm so ridiculous!"

Wen Zhiwu laughed and cried at the same time, hammering the void with his hands, hysterical.

Wen Zhizu asked: "What's wrong with you?"

But he saw Wen Zhiwu slowly turning back, looking extremely miserable. He looked at Wen Zhizu, "Hehe...hehe... Do you know what I discovered? What did I discover in the outer world of this universe?"

Wen Zhizu hesitated, "That is beyond the scope of understanding."



Wen Zhiwu hugged his head and cried, "I discovered... I am also a virtual life!"


Wen Zhizu and Liu Di looked up at the same time, with shocked expressions on their faces.

But he saw Wen Zhiwu smiling crazily, stretching out his hand to point tremblingly at Brother Liu and Wen Zhizu, "I'm actually just like you! I'm actually a garbage life, an ant life in my own eyes! I'm actually a string of nothingness codes!! !”


"It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous!"

"The so-called 'HD69830 origin laboratory' is not controlled by real people at all!"

"Everything inside is code life!"

"including me!"

"And the most vicious and insidious one is our designer!"

"They created me and set up a perception for me, making me think that I am a living person, the only living person!"

"In the end, I am nothing, I am just like you!"

"Ha ha!"

"I was tricked by the designer!"

"It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous!"

Wen Zhiwu knelt on the ground with a bang, pulled his hair, and said in extreme pain: "It's true that I am the manager of this world, but I am just a program!"

"Just when I ordered the deletion of this world, I discovered that the 'outside world' where I am and which I thought was real is also part of this universe!"

"My underground base, my laboratory... have also been deleted!"

"Now, like you, I only have the perspective of an observer!"

"I erased all the codes, but I can't shut down the servers in this world!"

"We are permanently trapped in this zero-data world!"

"This world has only one singularity!!!"

Wen Zhizu looked shocked.

Brother Liu was also stunned for a moment.

But the next moment, Liu Di stood up slowly, his expression gradually calmed down, and then he held his forehead with one hand and pointed the other hand at the collapsed Wen Zhiwu, "Hehe...hehe..."

Brother Liu also started to laugh, and in addition to the sadness in his laughter, there was also a hint of ridicule, "Haha... you... are really a joke!"

Time passed for a long time.

No one knows how long, because time does not exist here.

Wen Zhizu, Wen Zhiwu, and Liu Di were all silent at this time, without any expression.

In this empty space.

Liu Di suddenly raised his head and looked at Wen Zhizu, "Have you ever heard of the number 141?"

Wen Zhizu was stunned and unexpectedly shook his head.

Brother Liu was also startled. As the supreme leader, there was something he didn't know about?

Immediately, Brother Liu asked again: "What about the ancient technological civilization called Leviathan? Have you ever heard of it?"

Wen Zhizu actually shook his head again.

Brother Liu pondered.

141, also comes from the dream brought about by Wang Mang's ability.

And the 'smartest' artificial intelligence has given an explanation before.

As for Leviathan, he is the creator of artificial intelligence.

As the supreme Ancestor Wen, didn’t he know this information?

Could it be...

Countless thoughts flashed through Brother Liu's mind.

Wen Zhizu said again: "What's the use of asking this? At present, everything is 'nothing'..."


next moment.

Brother Liu fell silent.

There is no concept of time here, I don’t know how long has passed... maybe a hundred years, maybe a second.

This moment.

Brother Liu suddenly opened his eyes, and a ball of purple light burst out from his right eye.


Brother Liu stood up and looked into the endless void, his eyes like stars.


Liu Di walked back and forth on the edge of the ghost island, looking into the void below, and looking at Wen Zhiwu from time to time.

at last.

Brother Liu walked to the stone chessboard and picked up the white piece that had fallen outside the chessboard and remained unresolved.

At this moment, Wen Zhizu looked at Brother Liu with flashing eyes.

Wen Zhiwu's face was stained with tears, and he began to laugh silently again, adding some dullness to his desperate expression.

Brother Liu said slowly.

"Although this universe is a simulated world."

"All living things, including humans, my family, and friends, are all codes."

“But I live in it.”

"Then the world is real to me."

"All family affection, love, and friendship are real."

"My mother, my children, my lover, and my friends, in my eyes, they are real lives with flesh and blood, thoughts, happiness, and sadness."

"All of this is above life forms."


Brother Liu squeezed the white piece in his hand, "I want to leave this piece behind, and I want to reshape everything."

Wen Zhiwu and Wen Zhizu froze at the same time, their eyes shaking.

Immediately, Wen Zhiwu laughed crazily and said: "Reshaping...haha...ridiculous, ridiculous!"


But at this moment, Liu Di directly crushed the Bai Zi in his hand into powder.

There was a glimmer of hope in Wen Zhizu's heart just now, but at this moment his expression changed, and he couldn't understand Liu Di's operation at all.

I saw Brother Liu's right eye flashing slightly.

The water drop pendant on the chest suddenly turned into silky liquid and flowed into the fingertips, and then the liquid metal changed into the shape of a chess piece.

Liu Di's eyes flashed, and the black chess piece changed color and became white.

Brother Liu held the chess piece at his fingertips, just like he had done several times before.

"Ancestor Wen, watch carefully."

"I made the move."

Brother Liu raised the white piece in his hand with two fingers and dropped it high.

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