My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1568 Reappearance (1/2)

But he saw the white seed falling away from Brother Liu's fingertips.

Heading towards the universe that shrinks into a singularity.

It was as if there was a white light piercing the dark nothingness.

The white liquid metal wraps and fuses the singularity.

Wen Zhizu's eyes slowly widened.

Wen Zhiwu stopped laughing and was a little stunned, "As a code life in the system, how do you reproduce the so-called reality?"

"It's very simple."

“Recreate reality with ‘reality’.”

Liu Di's eyes were bright and he said loudly: "In my world, liquid metal is originally extremely concentrated dark matter, and dark matter is the force that drives everything when the universe explodes. Although 'human beings' have not observed its existence, But countless data prove that dark matter is the carrier of the universe!”

But he saw that white singularity starting to boil.

The pure white area has a faint tendency to spread!

"About the Singularity Explosion."

Liu Di's eyes flashed, "I have operated my 'Electronic Singularity' countless times, and I am already familiar with its operating logic!"

Wen Zhiwu and Wen Zhizu were a little stunned.

"About time."

Brother Liu said in a low voice: "You once said that the Time Halberd is the cursor of the world. Wherever it hovers, time begins."


Inside the black singularity wrapped in white liquid metal, a special golden light shines.

This is exactly when Liu Di controlled the river of time for the first time. The ignorant are fearless and rashly broke into the end of time and landed on the first halberd of time in the singularity!

Before, Wen Zhiwu condensed everything into the original singularity, but he did not 'clear' the singularity after all, so this time halberd was preserved!

at this time.

The first and last time halberd in the world woke up and began to move slowly!

The 'cursor' moves and time starts from zero.


Between heaven and earth, there seemed to be an invisible second hand beating.

The whole world has changed with time!

"Time is a moment in space. The connection between all moments is space."

Liu Di frowned slightly, "Since the storage space in the code world exists in the form of space particles, then I will create countless space particles!"

This moment.

The demon boy quickly calculated and copied the code using the four space particles in Liu Di's hand. This operation was instantly connected to the "physical storage hardware" in the dark.

In the microscopic world inside the white singularity, space particles appear one after another, like small bubbles, one next to another, constantly expanding and expanding their scope.

But at this moment, the white singularity that boiled to the extreme finally exploded.

The pure white area began to spread, reaching the speed of light in an instant.

This is an area of ​​infinitely small volume, infinite density, and infinitely high temperature.

The properties of dark matter are also revealed, and its expansion process will produce a series of 'creation' effects.

In this area, the first to appear are photons, electrons, neutrinos, protons and neutrons.

After 380,000 years of internal time, the first atoms were produced, and the first stars also appeared.

Their main components are hydrogen and helium. With the nuclear fusion inside the star, oxygen and carbon begin to form inside the star.

At this time, collisions of various celestial bodies also began to occur, leading to the formation of many new elements!

All of this is the process of the singularity evolving on its own.

Soon after, 72 basic elements of the universe appeared!

Then Brother Liu mobilized the time halberd to adjust the flow rate of time. The time halberd made a clanging sound and turned into a stream of light. The entire process of the singularity explosion was fast-forwarded to 13.7 billion years later!


The pure white universe with a diameter of 93 billion light-years floats quietly in the void with magnificent momentum!

Wen Zhizu was stunned.

“He really recreated this territory!”


"This is not the natural evolution of the universe at all."

"It's more like he spread out the entire canvas first, but the scenery in it is not even a prototype, only countless desolate celestial bodies!"

"The real evolution of the universe began during the expansion of the universe. Even when the universe was just 7 billion years old, there was already intelligent civilization!"

"And the universe he created is already 13.7 billion years old, but there is no life yet!"

"His steps are completely wrong!"

At this time, Wen Zhiwu looked at Liu Di's actions and smiled crazily, "I really didn't expect that you could use your remaining abilities to achieve such an effect...but...haha! Haha! It's all useless! There's no way you can succeed!"

Brother Liu turned a deaf ear!

He frowned, accelerating the elemental reactions in the newborn universe, and there were more and more types of elements.

Finally a perfect number was reached, 118 elements!

This moment.

The universe equation appeared in Liu Di's mind and he used the results to deduce the parameters.

Number of planets...

Various landforms...

Energy quantity...

Number of civilizations...

The technological level of civilization...

The appearance of the city...

There is lots and lots of information...

Detailed design drawings of the universe appeared.

As long as 118 elements and 12 material forms are combined, everything can be formed.

It was Bolin who sacrificed himself to allow Liu Di to gain the ability to control all elements. Liu Di gritted his teeth slightly, and with a thought, the new universe was instantly turned upside down.

Various forms of matter appeared in an instant.

On those barren planets, mountains rose from the ground, riverbeds appeared like handwriting, and then the water surged and rushed into the sea!

But at this moment, the high-rise buildings and wide streets on the earth, like 3D models, also emerged in large numbers like bamboo shoots after rain!

These landforms and materials, starting from the earth under our feet, spread to the Milky Way, the solar system, and the universe, and the details became clearer and clearer!

In addition to the cosmic equation, all of this is complemented by the scanning data of Liu Di's cosmic version of "Boundless".

Other planets in the universe also began to restore their original appearance one after another!


The demon boy called another piece of data, which was the code of SDERS, a strong artificial intelligence in the biological field.


When SDERS first took control of the Tianjue, Liu Di and Mo Tong entered the SDERS program and left a code backdoor there.

Liu Di was cautious and would not let SDERS develop on its own.

For a long time, he had been monitoring SDERS while constantly backing up SDERS!

And with the SDERS code, it was like having the ability of the "king of plants"!


In the new universe, the countless planets that originally had plants began to rejuvenate, and countless plants sprang up.

Those planets, in an instant, restored the ecosystems that they should have had for hundreds of years, thousands of years, or even hundreds of millions of years.

Wen Zhizu's body trembled, "All this is getting closer and closer to reality."

And Wen Zhiwu also stopped laughing and looked at everything in a daze.

But the next moment.

Liu Di's hand stopped moving.

Wen Zhiwu started laughing desperately again. He pointed at the new universe, "Haha...haha...Brother Liu, your data is incomplete!"

"In the past 13.7 billion years of the universe, countless non-biological data have been completely shattered, just like the mechanical Kunsang, you don't have its data!"

"There are many such existences in the universe!"

"Even if one of them is missing, you can't reproduce everything that happened before!"

Brother Liu frowned slightly at this moment.

From his perspective, the universe is not perfect. There are many places full of mosaics, like ugly patches, which are extremely eye-catching!

To be precise, Brother Liu does not have the landform data there.

But, in the universe version of Wujiang and the universe equation, some "past" is missing, which may be a person or a table. In short, some key factors are missing, and other environments cannot be formed!

Brother Liu frowned more and more.

Where did those data go?

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