My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1569 Recovery (1/2)

"Hello, Brother Liu."

"I'm back."

"Do you remember me? I'm the clone of the demon boy!"

In the vast universe, a streamlined starship slowly sailed out.

Brother Liu stared at the starship in amazement.

This was the electronic clone that the demon boy left behind in order to repair the crashed alien planetary ship in the brain world T7.

Brother Liu still remembered the cute words of the demon boy at that time-"I want a big spaceship..."


Brother Liu was a little puzzled.

"Brother Liu!"

"You and my original body have become the observer's perspective, so I am too!"

"Before the universe was shrunk to the starting point, I felt that someone turned off the lights!"

"Fortunately, you turned it on again!"

The starship kept approaching, and the voice of the demon boy's clone shouted from afar: "Do you know what I have been doing for so long?"

"I am constantly collecting the information storm spit out by the black hole!"

"I know, you definitely need this data!"

Brother Liu was slightly stunned.

Suddenly I remembered that on the planet of the Mole Prince, the Demon Child clone had appeared in a starship, absorbed a large amount of information storms in a very advanced way, and then left.


It has been helping me collect data? !

"Brother Liu, I'm here!"

"I'm home!"

But I saw that the starship and the Demon Child clone in it suddenly became digitized as a whole, which was very similar to the transformation of the essence of nine-dimensional life... It turned out that the technological level of the Demon Child clone had reached this level!

The data transformed by the clone was a vast ocean of code, which contained countless information storms.

It was exactly the "restored data" that Wen Zhiwu said!

Because Wen Zhizu once said that black holes are actually the cache cleaners of the entire electronic universe!

The next moment.

Countless data floated into Brother Liu's right eye, and the Demon Child and the clone merged!

This action seemed to wipe away the fog in front of Brother Liu's eyes!

The entire universe became clearer.

The incomplete parts of the universe were completely supplemented, in great detail!

All the annoying mosaics were directly erased!


"Thank you, little devil boy."

Liu Di's right eye suddenly brightened!

At this moment, the silly smile on Wen Zhiwu's face disappeared again, and his heartbeat even accelerated. Liu Di might really be able to restore the entire universe?

Wen Zhiwu rubbed his eyes hard and looked at the new universe.

But it was a figure in a white shirt that blocked his sight.

Wen Zhiwu, who was kneeling on the ground, looked up and saw Liu Di's right eye flashing purple light, looking down from above.

Liu Di moved his sight slightly and looked at the small bottle on Wen Zhiwu's cane.

There was the information of all living things, that is, the soul of living things.

Wen Zhiwu's face changed, and he covered the small bottle with both hands. He trembled and said, "What are you going to do? This is the ability that only I, the Supreme, can control! Even if I want to call the data here, I have to do it myself!"

Liu Di chuckled and said coldly: "Supreme? Have you forgotten? You are just a code like me, not to mention that the universe today is reshaped by me. How are you higher than me?"


Wen Zhiwu held the small bottle tightly, as if it was his last dignity.

Liu Di put away all his expressions, his face became cold, and reached out to grab Wen Zhiwu's fingers.

Crack, crack.

Wen Zhiwu's fingers were directly broken by Liu Di, and Liu Di held the small bottle in his hand.

Liu Di turned his back and said: "Your universe has been destroyed, you have no ability to control everything, in terms of identity, you are just an old man, and I still keep my own data, what can you compare with me?"

Wen Zhiwu held his wrist, trembling all over, speechless.

Brother Liu stood at the edge of Xianju Island, staring at the small bottle in his hand quietly.

The blue liquid rippling slightly in it gave him a familiar feeling.

Brother Liu let out a long sigh, "Come back, my family!"

Wen Zhizu, whose body was stiff, suddenly realized, "It turns out... he wants to reshape all conditions first, and then return everyone's consciousness data to their original positions. He... does not intend to accept natural evolution, but to restore everything!"

But Brother Liu stood at the edge of Xianju Island, with a purple light flashing in his right eye!

The blue bottle in his hand was thrown towards the newborn universe.

The small bottle was originally an existence without physical logic, and at this moment, it released endless data from its small volume.

From the appearance, it was countless snowflakes of various shapes, some round, some angular, and some incomplete, but all crystal clear.

Like the first snow on the earth, scattered throughout the universe.

And among them, there was not only human data, but also data of thousands of creatures in the universe!

With the consciousness data, reshaping the body is just a change of the form of the elements, which is not difficult for Liu Di!

Everything began to revive.

But Liu Di kept his sanity. In order to ensure that the universe returned to its previous state, Liu Di did not build bodies for those creatures that had long died.

After screening.

More than 99% of the data was taken back and held in Liu Di's palm.

At this moment.

Liu Di looked at the entire universe again. All the basic conditions have reached 100% recovery.

One by one, organisms, like 3D printing, began to appear in every corner.

Liu Di looked towards the earth.

His eyes filled with tears instantly.

People all came back, and their actions started from the moment before the singularity contracted.

Some people walked out of the house, some continued to work, and even various animals and pets began to run around happily.

People still remember the moment when the singularity contracted, the sky and the earth were dark.

But everyone's logic was self-consistent in an instant - maybe it was just an unannounced solar eclipse.

Liu Di saw A Jia standing on the top of the Twin Towers, overlooking the busy sea city.

Liu Di also saw that his mother paused for a moment and started to wash vegetables again, while Da Zhuang, who went to visit her, secretly grabbed a tomato and took a bite directly.

The picture was originally warm.

But at this moment.

Liu Di's face changed.

Liu Di always felt that something was missing in this world.

Why, after this restored world, it was so quiet.

The whole universe was like a grand pantomime, people had movements and expressions, but no sound.

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