My science and technology museum

Chapter 196 The shock of the researchers

Xu Lei was quite surprised to see Gu Sanlin's sudden change in mood, but it was a good thing to be so passionate about a new research project.

So in the end, he didn't say much. After explaining the follow-up matters to the other party, he walked into the laboratory.

Naturally, Gu Sanlin did not dare to delay.

Immediately focus on the document in your hand.

I want to fully understand the research direction of photosensitive nanomaterials recorded by Xu Lei as soon as possible.

Synthesizing this material so early would avoid delaying Xu Lei's project progress.

that's all.

The holographic projection technology research project is officially on track.

It is believed that this holographic projection technology will be officially available soon and be used in the company's quantum terminal equipment.

at the same time.

Xia Yuwen, who is far away in the Magic City, is actively preparing to participate in the upcoming job fair held by Future Technology.

Future Technology is now very large, with tens of thousands of employees.

Plus the turnover rate is among the lowest in the country.

This leaves them with a very limited number of interns to recruit each year.

Every time a job fair is held, it is equivalent to tens of thousands of people crossing a single-plank bridge. You can imagine how difficult it is.

However, unlike others who join Future Technology in order to have a bright future, his main goal is to get close to Xu Lei.


He was sent to deal with Xu Lei.

Xia Yuwen's parents worked for Wandao. Although he was born in a domestic city since childhood, he inherited the family business.

Originally, his life was no different from ordinary people.

Every day they went to school step by step to make up for classes, and were admitted to university and studied for graduate school. In their peaceful life, it seemed as if their family had long been forgotten by the higher-ups.

It wasn't until some time ago that he finally got the task.

Perhaps to avoid identity exposure, mission communication is entirely through correspondence, and the security is ensured by encrypting the text.

The method of communication can be said to be quite primitive and does not involve online or offline communication at all.

As for the first step he has to take, he is to successfully become an employee of a future technology company.

To be honest, Xia Yuwen, as the heir to the family business, may have been influenced by his parents. All he thought about was how to complete the tasks assigned by Hai, and he didn't care about future technology or what kind of existence Xu Lei was.

"My resume is fully qualified to participate in the future technology job fair, but if I want to become a regular employee, I'm afraid I need to perform exceptionally well during the interview."

"I didn't expect my first mission to be so difficult."

"But that makes it more challenging."

In a room in a certain community.

Xia Yuwen looked at the various resume information about Xu Lei displayed on the computer screen, and it can be said that he was full of confidence.

Little did he know that he, a newbie with distorted ideas, had no idea what kind of powerful opponent he was facing.


Let’s talk about Washington.

After Kaufman arranged the tasks assigned by Byker, he personally went to the fighter manufacturing base to supervise the development and test flight of the sixth-generation fighter.

Although the control of the quantum computer laboratory has been handed over to Guge and Weiruan, it is not known when a major breakthrough will be achieved. It is basically a hopeless research project.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

After all, only after we really got into it did we understand how difficult and complicated the technology involved in quantum computers is.

To achieve one thousand to two thousand controllable qubits requires a lot of time and effort in research, let alone compared with the future technology of Longfor.

You know, there are four million of them.

So even if you can really create a quantum computer, you will still be a younger brother in front of the light of Longhu.

It simply cannot produce the desired effect.

In this case, if you want to improve your deterrence in the short term, it is most appropriate to focus on the military.

"Sir Kaufman."

"According to the information we have, that Li Zishun only sent an ordinary graduate student to perform this task. I'm afraid whether he is qualified to enter future technology is a question."

"Is it possible that the other party is deliberately perfunctory with us?"

On the way to the fighter aircraft manufacturing base, Kaufman's face did not change at all as he listened to the reports from his subordinates in the car.

When Baik decided to send someone to deal with Xu Lei secretly, he was opposed to it.

It is believed that this move will not only bring no advantages, but may also make its own situation more complicated.

It was only because he couldn't stand Baik's insistence that he was forced to take over.

But considering the impact this matter would have, they would definitely not let their own people do it, so this task fell on their younger brother.

And they also deliberately erased all traces of themselves, so that even if Future Technology wants to retaliate, it will only look for things related to Wandao. As for whether they can succeed, he doesn't care at all.

However, after a slight hesitation, he gave a few simple answers to this question.

"Too many people make it easier to be exposed. The more common the identity, the less likely it will arouse suspicion in future technology."

"As long as we can successfully join Future Technology as an employee, we can slowly look for opportunities. Even if we fail in the end, it will not have any impact on us."

"And stop paying attention to this matter immediately. No matter what the other party does, it has nothing to do with us."

If you can sit in the same car with Kaufman, you will definitely not be an idiot. After hearing these words, you immediately understood what Kaufman meant.

He quickly responded: "Don't worry, sir, I know what to do."

After receiving the answer from his subordinate, Kaufman was completely relieved.

Then he closed his eyes and rested his mind, taking advantage of this time to take a short rest.

Since the advent of Future Technology's solid-state batteries and Longfor Light quantum computers, it can be said that he has been under tremendous pressure, and it is inevitable to be mentally and physically exhausted.

Especially when looking back at the past, they were so timid and cautious even when they did little tricks behind their backs.

I'm afraid that it will be true.

This was something that was simply impossible before.

It can only be said that their era of hegemony has faded away, but they are not yet familiar with this sense of gap.

In fact, if Starlink satellites had not been used to attack Future Technology's quantum relay stations last time and had not given Future Technology an excuse to use quantum computers to attack, then the situation might have been optimistic.

At least you don’t have to worry about all your satellites suddenly losing contact.

Although Xu Lei stated in the international court that he would not use quantum computers to actively attack any force, who can guarantee that this promise will always be effective.

Even if Technology changes its mind in the future, they will not be able to come up with corresponding measures.

Of course regret is useless.

They must bear the consequences of this themselves.

Time flies by like a fleeting moment.

Soon into December, Gu Sanlin relied on the research direction of nano-photosensitive materials left by Xu Lei. With the high-efficiency calculation verification of quantum computers and Xingpu, the materials had entered the experimental stage.

At the same time, Xu Lei's progress is naturally faster.

He already has all the knowledge of holographic projection technology in his mind, plus the laser technology he mastered when developing lithography machines before. It can be said that he is even more powerful when making holographic projection equipment.

If nothing else goes wrong, assembly and testing can be carried out before New Year's Day, and then mass production can be started by applying it to quantum terminal equipment.


Future Technology’s last job fair this year was also officially held in Longhu High-tech Park.

Thursday, December 14th.

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the precision laboratory of the research center, Gu Sanlin looked at the palm-sized holographic projection equipment in front of him with expectant eyes. He was stunned for a few seconds before asking.


"Is this a device that can truly realize holographic projection?"

A few days ago, Gu Sanlin had completed the experimental testing of nanophotosensitive materials and handed it over to Xu Lei to assemble the projection equipment.

Although he was quite confident that there would be no problems with the nanophotosensitive material he created, he couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw the small device in front of him.

I am worried that this project will eventually fail because of me.

This time he was proactively invited by Xu Lei to join the project and received detailed materials research directions. It can be said that his own level has been improved to a certain extent.

If I couldn't help Xu Lei complete the research on holographic projection technology, I would inevitably feel sad.

However, compared to Gu Sanlin's worries, Xu Lei was confident at the moment.

He immediately reached out and patted Gu Sanlin's shoulder to comfort him: "What's wrong, Lao Gu, don't you have confidence in the materials you developed?"

"That's not true."

"Don't worry, you will be able to do the world's first holographic projection soon."

As Xu Lei finished speaking, he stopped wasting time and immediately tried to start this small holographic projection device.

In addition, some researchers from the research center who came for questioning couldn't help but get excited at this time.

After all, this is witnessing the birth of a new advanced technology.

Even in the excitement, I couldn't help but sigh.

"I heard that the dean said that he is researching real holographic projection. There is no comparison with those phony things on the market. I don't know what kind of effect it will show."

"It's really nice to have the opportunity to witness the birth of advanced technology with my own eyes this time."

"Tell me, what other areas does the dean know that he doesn't know? This kind of terrifying learning efficiency is really enviable."

"Look at that, it really worked!"

For the researchers at the research center, they have no doubts about the project that Xu Lei is personally responsible for, and it can be said that it will definitely succeed.

At best, the effect is less than ideal.

Otherwise, they would not have shamelessly come over to observe during the first actual test.

While they were talking, a beam of light was emitted from the holographic device, and finally a virtual three-dimensional image with a graceful figure and an almost real-life appearance was projected next to Xu Lei.

Almost instantly, everyone present was shocked, and their pupils dilated sharply as if an earthquake had occurred.

Although everyone thought that this actual test could be successful, it is really surprising that the effect of holographic projection can reach this point.

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