My science and technology museum

Chapter 197 Is this a real person? 【Please order more】

Ash blonde hair, lake blue eyes.

Wearing a white long-sleeved crop top and a pair of silver-gray hot pants.

A slender waist is exposed.

Especially those long, round and straight legs.

The real world simply doesn't exist.

Even Chen Shihe, who usually exercises regularly, is probably a little inferior in comparison.

Xu Lei was very familiar with this figure, because she was the image Xingtong originally designed for himself when he found an artist on the Internet.

In the past, Xu Lei didn't feel anything when he looked at the virtual image of Xing Tong on the screen and communicated with it, but now it appears through the holographic projection equipment in an almost real person way. Even though he knew it was a projection, he still couldn't stop his heartbeat.


"This is the first time Xingtong has appeared in this way. It feels very special."

After all, Xingtong is not a human being, so he naturally doesn't care about his creator. So when he said this, his body suddenly leaned forward and almost touched Xu Lei's face.

Although Xu Lei knew it was just a projection, his body leaned back subconsciously.

After he regained his footing, he looked at Xing Tong carefully.

Different from the projection of light wave objects in movies, the holographic projection device created by Xu Lei is almost as fake as real.

If you don't touch it with your hands, you can't even tell the difference between real and fake with the naked eye.

This shows how powerful this technology is.

Then Xu Lei took the initiative to reach out to Xingtong's face, and there was no doubt that he passed right through it.

Seeing this scene, Gu Sanlin could no longer hold back his surprise, and immediately exclaimed: "It's really incredible, the effect is just like a real person."

"Professor Gu."

"I'll just take it as a boast."

"Without your nanophotosensitive material, I'm afraid the holographic projection equipment produced would not be able to achieve this effect."

Xu Lei listened to Gu Sanlin's words, and with a smile on his face, he did not hesitate to praise him at all. It can be seen that he is in a very good mood now.

Gu Sanlin, on the other hand, did not dare to take credit when he heard this, and quickly said modestly: "The development of this holographic projection technology is entirely due to your level of ability, dean. I only contributed a little effort at most."

Gu Sanlin's words are true. Xu Lei is almost in charge of the entire holographic projection technology project.

Even the nanophotosensitive materials he solved were carried out according to the research direction given by Xu Lei.

Otherwise, the project progress will be at least several times slower.

at the same time.

Several other scientific researchers around were also observing the projection of Xing Tong very carefully, their eyes full of admiration.

"It's simply perfect. This can definitely be a real holographic projection."

"Combining this technology with our quantum terminal equipment and equipping it with a metal solid-state battery with powerful performance and long life, I believe it will definitely bring a huge surprise to users."

"When our terminal equipment comes on the market, I'm afraid traditional computer brands will also face a reshuffle."

"The development of science and technology is inevitably accompanied by sacrifices. At least users enjoy the convenience brought by advanced technology."

Xu Lei listened to the discussion of several people, and then took over the conversation, introducing the characteristics of this holographic projection device in detail.

"Now this holographic projection technology is relatively mature, and the specifications of the equipment can be further reduced. At the same time, the projected images can be enlarged. In addition, when the new generation of terminal equipment comes out, there will be even greater surprises for users. "

Now that the holographic projection technology experiment is successful, the ideas of holographic smart terminals and virtual theaters will also be implemented in sequence.

I believe that under the influence of these two solutions, as long as new terminal equipment is launched, the influence will inevitably grow rapidly.

But before that, we have to solve the problem of film source.

After thinking about this clearly, Xu Lei didn't care about what others were talking about. He turned directly to Xing Tong's virtual projection and gave him instructions.


"Let Jia Zhongjie come to my place."

"I want to install holographic projection equipment in the entire park, so that you can appear in the park at any time in the form of projection."

Xingtong, who was originally waiting with a serious expression to carry out Xu Lei's order, suddenly smiled on his flawless face after hearing that projection equipment was to be installed throughout the park.

And I saw Xing Tong making a happy gesture like a little girl, and quickly replied: "Okay boss, I will pass the news to him right now."

As the saying goes, make the best use of everything.

With such a high-end technology as holographic projection, it must be used to maximize its value.

By installing holographic equipment in the park, Xingtong's three-dimensional image can appear at any time. If you don't touch it, it will look the same as a normal employee at work.

In addition to increasing a certain degree of influence, the park also has a more technological feel.

As the actual test of the holographic projection equipment ended, Jia Zhongjie came to him not long after Xu Lei returned to the office.

Naturally, Xu Lei didn't deliberately tell the truth about this. He directly informed him of the development of holographic projection technology and asked him to install holographic projection equipment in various rooms in the park.


The new holographic smart quantum terminal also entered the design stage immediately. After the final product is determined, mass production will begin immediately.

According to Xu Lei's plan, he plans to launch it next summer.

At least it must be done domestically.

Faced with Xu Lei's arrangements, Jia Zhongjie was very excited and categorically issued a military order on the spot, promising to complete these tasks on time.

Mainly, Jia Zhongjie is very clear about what holographic projection technology represents for quantum terminal equipment, which will completely replace traditional mobile phones and computers.

Sales volume will also reach a terrifying level by then.

Originally, he thought that it would take a long time to develop this technology relying on the many scientific researchers at the research center, Xingtong and quantum computers.

But it turned out that he was too conservative.

In just a few months, holographic projection technology has become a reality, which is simply unimaginable.

And with technical support, Jia Zhongjie naturally has nothing to worry about.

The next step is to let go and go for it.

It is also worth mentioning that after Jia Zhongjie left the office with confidence, Xu Lei called Zhang Xia in again.

The idea of ​​a virtual cinema can not only quickly increase its influence, but also promote the sales of holographic terminals. This plan cannot be abolished no matter what.

It must be carried out simultaneously with the production of holographic terminals.

It would be most appropriate to let Zhang Xia take charge of this business and negotiate with the film producers to purchase the film sources and release them in virtual cinemas.

The next few days.

As more and more holographic projection equipment are installed in various places in the park, Xingtong's virtual three-dimensional figure also begins to appear frequently.

At first, it will arouse curious onlookers from company employees in the park, and even tentative touches.

It's like suddenly discovering something new and novel, and you can't help but become interested in it.

This point alone also highlights the particularity of future technology. At least company employees can be the first to experience the world's most advanced technology.

However, as Xingtong appeared for a long time during the day, everyone gradually became accustomed to it, and would greet and communicate cordially like colleagues. This face-to-face conversation was also a good help for Xingtong's growth.

New Year's Day passed quietly soon.

Under the personal responsibility of Jia Zhongjie, the design drawings of the second generation holographic quantum intelligent terminal equipment were officially released.

Compared with the first-generation new device, it is only about the size of a palm, and has canceled the original traditional screen. In addition, it uses the same composite material as the sixth-generation fighter Ghost Bird to make the casing, making the entire device look more like an exquisite jade handle.

It will definitely kill the first generation of quantum terminal equipment.

For this reason, Xu Lei specifically asked Jia Zhongjie to show him the prototype first after it was produced.

After confirming that there are no problems, start mass production.

Mainly, this terminal device is related to whether the influence can exceed one million points as soon as possible.

If there is a problem, sales will definitely be greatly reduced, and you will have to wait a long time to unlock new exhibits.

But just when all business was progressing in an orderly manner, the company welcomed an uninvited guest.

Monday, January 8th.

Today is quite happy for Xia Yuwen.

With his efforts, after several rounds of interviews, he finally made it to the finals and officially became an intern in future technology.

The whole process can be described as thrilling.

More than once he had to worry about whether he had been exposed.

Fortunately, he was born and raised in China, and when his parents sneaked in, the Internet and surveillance were not yet developed, so no one would know his true identity.

Even if you use a quantum computer to investigate clues related to him on the Internet, it will be difficult to gain anything.

So he relied on his excellent resume and extraordinary performance during the interview to successfully qualify as an intern.

Today is his first day reporting to the company.

"Future technology is here!"

Standing in front of the gate of Longhu High-tech Park, I raised my eyes to look at the battleship-style building, muttered to myself, and immediately stepped inside.

Since he had been here several times during the interview, he was quite familiar with some areas and quickly entered the floor where his department was located.

But just when he was about to report, his eyes were attracted by a beautiful figure not far away.

Thinking that you have just arrived in a strange place, you should leave a good impression on your colleagues to facilitate future actions.

So Xia Yuwen didn't think much and walked up quickly to say hello.

"Hello senior, I am a new intern from the planning department. My name is Xia Yuwen."

But the next second after he finished speaking, he saw an extremely terrifying scene, and he was so frightened that his hair almost stood on end.

Because the beautiful colleague in front of him suddenly disappeared in front of him.

It was like seeing a ghost in broad daylight.


"What's happening here!?"

Xia Yuwen could never have imagined that he would encounter such a thing on his first mission. He quickly pressed his whole body against the wall, breathing heavily and still in shock.

Thanks to Yiyu Piaoxian for the 100-point reward!

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