What Xu Lei said was not meant to scare them, because at this moment, a sharp-eyed representative of civilization had discovered the spherical plasma cannon, and quickly zoomed in on the sight, and was about to hit the battleship in front of the building.

It can be called extremely thrilling.

If not, I will stay here forever.

If the equipped particle neutralizing shield and energy shield amplifier do not exert their original effect.

If things develop normally, not only will the battleship be completely destroyed, but even the building they are currently in will collapse.

Perhaps mechanical life forms can withstand damage with their powerful bodies, but for carbon-based life forms, it is a disaster.

Although all the civilized representatives present wanted to calm down and try to stay calm so as not to embarrass their own civilization, their bodies still couldn't help but tremble slightly.

That's the fear of death.

The awe of life.

Xu Lei looked around, taking in everyone's performance, and expressed that he was very satisfied with it.

Clearly they will all be impressed after today.


Under the faint smile that appeared at the corner of Xu Lei's mouth, the million-degree spherical plasma cannon accurately engulfed the battleship produced by Air Star Ring Heavy Industry.

In an instant, the energy spread out and dazzled the eyes, almost subconsciously closing his eyes.

I couldn't bear to face this tragic scene.

But when the aftermath disappeared and everyone slowly opened their eyes and looked at the battleship again, their pupils suddenly dilated.

His face was full of disbelief.

He murmured softly like he was absentminded...


"It really canceled out the power of the plasma cannon. It's unbelievable."

"Is this the real trump card of the solar system? No wonder it dares to make such a fuss with the Red Rock Galaxy."

"Seeing such a scene, this press conference was not in vain."

"Our galaxy must be equipped with these two devices as soon as possible, and we must not give up this opportunity."

After reacting, they all turned around and looked at Xu Lei, their eyes fiery and eager.

Can’t wait to cooperate with Future Technology.

"Congressman Xu, our Russ Civilization has purchased twenty units of each of these two devices."

"We are the thirty Blue Scale Stars."

"I don't know how much the particle neutralizing shield and energy shield amplifier cost respectively. Can Congressman Xu give an answer?"

Listening to the very chaotic shouts, Xu Lei was undoubtedly very proud, which showed that he had everything under his control.

However, Lan Jun, the princess of the Blue Scale Star, suddenly became so bold and directly ordered a device that could equip thirty battleships, which really surprised him somewhat.

But this also shows that Blue Scale Star urgently needs to improve its own strength after the last Zerg crisis.

As for the price issue that everyone is concerned about, Xu Lei has naturally made it long ago.

Take the medium-sized battleships sold by Star Ring Heavy Industries to other civilizations as an example. The price of each ship should be around several million Galaxy coins.

When he originally bought it, it was because of various connections and Su Changfeng's initiative to show goodwill that he got a lot of discounts, allowing him to save a lot of Galaxy coins.

Although the particle neutralizing shield device and the energy shield amplifier can have a very strong defense effect on the battleship and greatly reduce the loss of the battleship during battle, the price must not be higher than the price of the entire battleship.

Otherwise, a considerable part of civilization will not be able to bear it.

After all, Xu Lei spent his influence to redeem the manufacturing technology of this device from the Science and Technology Museum, mainly to unite other civilizations to jointly deal with the Red Rock Galaxy.

Not trying to make money from this.

So then I saw Xu Lei clearing his throat, and then officially announced the pricing of these two products.

"Based on our comprehensive research and judgment, we finally decided to sell the particle neutralizing shield and energy shield amplifier at a price of 500,000 Galaxy Coins."

"The former cost 200,000 per unit, and the latter costs 300,000 Galaxy coins."

Compared with the shield devices used by mainstream Star Destroyers, the particle neutralization shield only improves the defense performance by 10%, which is not as high as the price of the energy shield amplifier.

So the pricing is quite reasonable.

As the selling price was revealed, most of the civilized representatives who were originally very excited suddenly became mute.

It was like being poured cold water on me.

Mainly at this price, if you buy dozens of units at one time, you will need to pay tens of millions of Galaxy coins.

Even for a second-level civilization, it is not a small number.

It needs to be discussed and decided by the people at the Civilization Rights Center. Just being a representative does not have the authority to purchase.

Xu Lei obviously knew about this problem, so he was not in a hurry.

Then he openly said: "Our future technology welcomes cooperation with all civilizations at any time, so everyone can feel free to report to the superiors."

"The purchase quantity will be given after the ordering requirements are clarified."

Relying on the star gates in the solar system, even if they are tens of thousands of light years apart, they can still be contacted through communication devices, so these representatives can directly ask for relevant purchasing rights.

It will not affect the sales of particle neutralizing shields and energy shield amplifiers.

At this moment, while many representatives were still hesitant, Tang Sige, who had not spoken for a long time, took the initiative to speak.

And asked Xu Lei a question.

"Although the price is slightly higher than other auxiliary accessories for battleships, based on the actual tests, I think it is completely worth it. I just don't know what the production capacity of these two products is?"

What Tangsge wants is equipment that can enhance the strength of his own civilization and compete with the Red Rock Galaxy. Although the energy shield amplifier is very effective, if the production quantity is limited, a few battleships alone will not be effective.

So he is very concerned about production capacity.

Xu Lei was also quite excited when he heard this, because this was a big customer.

Fortunately, he had already determined these things before the press conference, so it was easy to answer now: "Don't worry, Mr. Downs, we will not be short of supply at this stage."

"That's great."

After getting the definite answer, a smile finally appeared on Tang Sige's face. Then under the gaze of Xu Lei and the witness of other representatives, he slowly raised his palm and stretched out a finger.

Then read word for word: "On behalf of the Yam civilization, I order one hundred shield devices from your company."

As the saying goes, one stone stirs up a thousand waves. As Tangsge dropped this blockbuster, he revealed his ambition without any concealment and also stimulated the concerned representatives of civilization around him.

At this time, they did not dare to hesitate any more and took out their terminals to communicate with the superiors, fearing that there would be a shortage of supplies.

After all, everyone's fleet is equipped with this kind of device. If you don't pretend, you will only be bullied.

As a result, the number of civilizations that have completed orders in the following time has also increased. These alone are enough to bring tens of millions of galactic coins to the solar system. You must know that the converted crystal cores are already up to several million.

According to the process model of future technology, after the products are manufactured, they can be directly transported to various civilizations through the star gate and help them equip their warships.

In addition, Xu Lei also clearly informed them that Future Technology will officially announce the particle neutralization shield and energy shield amplifier to the galaxy in the future, as well as the complete success of this conference.

It was a big surprise for the Red Rock Galaxy.

Tang Sige and other civilization representatives naturally had no objection to this. After all, they had already been prepared to be hostile to the Red Rock Galaxy when they decided to come to Earth Star to attend this press conference.

Besides, it would be a good thing to get this kind of equipment that can greatly enhance the strength of the fleet.

Let them successfully have the qualifications to challenge the Red Rock Galaxy.

By this time, the main content of the press conference was basically concluded successfully.

Xu Lei left these civilization representatives to visit the lunar planetary cities for their own consumption, and then return to each civilization to report to the higher-ups.

However, Tang Sige solemnly confirmed one last thing before leaving.

"Congressman Xu, I don't think your company's products will be sold to the Hongyan Galaxy?"

When Xu Lei heard Tang Sige's words, a playful smile appeared on his lips, but he did not immediately answer him.

In fact, Xu Lei could basically guess Tang Sige's purpose in determining this matter without having to think too hard.

It was simply because they were worried that future technology would accept cooperation from the Red Rock Galaxy, so they sold out their initial partners.

To know that their fleet is equipped with this device, there is another important prerequisite for not being afraid of the Red Rock Galaxy, that is, the Red Rock Galaxy cannot have particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers.

Otherwise, if everyone is on the same starting line again, how can we play?

As the saying goes, there are no permanent friends, only eternal interests. This applies equally to enemies.

Now the Red Rock Galaxy is targeting the Solar System everywhere, but what if the Red Rock Galaxy lifts all restrictions in the future and actively seeks cooperation with the Solar System?

It should be noted that the number of devices that a level three civilization can purchase is far beyond what a level two civilization can purchase.

If this key point is not clarified, it will be difficult for Tangsge to feel completely at ease.

After all, behind him is the entire Yam civilization.

One must be careful at all times.

But I have to say that Tangsge’s worries are completely unnecessary.

Both Xu Lei and Solar System follow the principle of retribution. Now that Hongyan Galaxy treats Solar System like this, it means that the relationship between the two parties has completely broken down.

It cannot be repaired no matter what.

The fate of today's pioneer civilization is the best proof.

Thinking at this point, in order to reassure Tang Sige, Xu Lei immediately said with great seriousness: "You can rest assured about this, our solar system civilization and the Red Rock Galaxy will be hostile from now on, who will go How about helping your enemies?"

"I am willing to believe what Congressman Xu said today." Tang Sige finally relaxed his eyebrows upon hearing this, and a smile appeared on his face: "The choice of the Red Rock Galaxy to be an enemy of the solar system is definitely their worst decision."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tangsge didn't waste any more time and immediately took the spaceship back to the Earth Star with other representatives of civilization who were eager to return home.

It is also worth mentioning that the personnel of the Halo Heavy Industry, Su Changfeng and Linna did not choose to stay in the solar system, but were preparing to return to the Green Star like those representatives of civilization.

Mainly waiting for the content of today's press conference to be officially announced to the outside world, the structure of the entire galaxy's civilization will be shaken, and Halo Heavy Industry will definitely be affected by that time, so he needs to go back and take command.

In addition, after this turmoil, Starlink Heavy Industries also successfully obtained a certain share of agency rights.

Can help Future Technologies sell particle neutralizing shields and energy shield amplifiers.

In some ways, it is similar to the identity of a dealer.

This requires them to find more customers.

When everything was over and calmed down, Xu Lei finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then came a complete counterattack against the Red Rock Galaxy.

"Red Rock Star Civilization, I wonder if you will like this gift from me, but I am looking forward to it..."

At this moment, on the high-rise platform of the Lunar Planet City Future Science and Technology Research Headquarters, Xu Lei was standing by the window admiring the scenery of the Lunar City outside, and couldn't help but murmur softly to himself.

It can be said that I want to see the reaction of the red rock galaxy more and more.

But just after Xu Lei finished speaking, he suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from behind: "Don't worry, the situation in Hongyan Galaxy will definitely not be easy this time."

"I hope so, but when will Brother Shi plan to return to Setan to report to the Senate?" Xu Lei turned around and asked casually as he spoke.

That's right.

The person speaking to Xu Lei now was the Adjutant of the Setan Star Fleet, Shi Huang.

He is also a close subordinate of Elder Qiao Xiuer.

Originally, Setan Star was invited to participate in this press conference, mainly to play a role in calming the scene.

According to Xu Lei's plan, he was to prepare for Emperor Shi to step in and stabilize the situation when things got out of control. He didn't expect that the whole process would go so smoothly, which made it unnecessary for Setan to step in again.

Faced with Xu Lei's inquiry, Emperor Shi replied in a deep voice: "After the first batch of devices are completed, I will transport them back together to resume their lives. The fleet will be able to compete with the Red Rock Galaxy if it is upgraded as soon as possible."

To truly compete with the Red Rock Galaxy, we must rely on the power of Setan, a third-level civilization.

Let the Saitan Star Fleet complete the upgrade first, so that it can form a deterrent to the Red Rock Galaxy and prevent it from taking extreme actions.

Only in this way can the solar system and other secondary civilizations carry out operations without concern.

"Well, with the production efficiency of Titan Shipyard, it won't take long for the first batch of devices to be delivered."

"It's time for me to start taking action."

After Xu Lei thoughtfully responded to Emperor Shi's words, he stopped talking and immediately turned around and walked towards the scientific research headquarters, preparing to meet up with Chen Shihe Xingtong and the others before returning to Dixing Binjiang City.

that's all.

On the second day after the press conference, Future Technology suddenly issued a broadcast announcement to the entire galaxy, including the successful development and testing of particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers, and the preliminary establishment of multiple projects with nearly twenty civilizations. partnership.

It can be said that every item is like a slap on the face of Hongyan Galaxy.

When the news quickly spread among civilizations in the galaxy, it immediately caused an uproar. No one expected that the story would develop like this.

Especially on the open platform of the Galaxy Civilization Administration, the popularity of related topics can only be described as explosive, with users from various civilizations competing to discuss it.

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