My science and technology museum

Chapter 421 Who said we want to buy...

"This can't be false content, right? How could a device that can greatly improve the energy shield effect of a battleship be developed by a civilization that has just promoted to Level 2? You must know that even several Level 3 civilizations have jointly developed it in recent years. Not much progress.”

"I also have doubts about the authenticity of this news, mainly because it is too unbelievable."

"It is not difficult to recognize the excellence of others. If the civilization of the solar system had not developed this device, how would it hold a press conference with great fanfare."

"Didn't anyone say before that the press conference held by the solar system could not be attended by civilizations? Then what is the explanation for the actions of these nearly twenty civilizations? And so far, none of these civilizations have spoken out to refute, which is enough to prove that these news released by the solar system are all It’s true, no wonder they turned a blind eye to the Red Rock Galaxy’s statement, it turns out they already had it in mind.”

"Under the attack of the strongest civilization in the galaxy, he was able to turn the tables. This Xu Lei is worthy of being the manager of the civilization of the solar system."

"I just got the latest news. These civilizations participating in the solar system press conference said that they will carry out in-depth cooperation with future technologies in the future. It seems that earth-planet delicacies and interstellar virtual games can be arranged."

"This is the first time I see the Red Rock Galaxy deflated. I wonder what they will do next?"

"As long as these two devices produced by future technology are used, the battleship's combat performance can be greatly improved. I'm afraid the galaxy will not be too peaceful in the future!"

Perseus spiral arm.

Red Rock Star.

Central Special Zone.

In the office of the congressman at the federal headquarters, Shiro browsed the user reviews of the operation of the solar system on the open platform of the Administration.

His seemingly calm face was actually bursting with rage.

Especially when I saw others ridiculing Hongyanxing.

He never thought that the development of things would be so different from what he judged.

So much so that the Red Rock Civilization has become a joke in the mouths of life in the entire galaxy.

The previous broadcast statement was ignored by a second-level civilization in the solar system, but now so many civilized forces have united to openly resist, as if they did not take the Red Rock Galaxy seriously.

It’s simply a matter of what is tolerable and what is intolerable.

The real cause of the current situation is the particle neutralizing shield and energy shield amplifier developed by Future Technology.

It can only be said that he underestimated Xu Lei's ability as a scientist.

Ever since Xu Lei successfully condensed the Eternal Body with the help of the living gold resources of Setan Star, all the attention of the outside world has been on the Eternal Body. Where will they focus on Xu Lei's identity as a scientist, naturally they will not think of it. Xu Lei was actually able to develop such a device that only a third-level civilization is eligible for.

Thus leaving the solar system completely out of trouble.

But now the deal is done, and it's useless to say anything.

Regret is a sign of weakness.

The top priority is to determine the authenticity of the effects of those two devices as soon as possible, and to formulate response strategies as soon as possible to find ways to reverse the decline.

After this incident, it can be said that the deterrent power of the Red Rock Civilization no longer exists. If it cannot be regained, its status in the galaxy will inevitably continue to decline in the future.

Gradually replaced by more and more civilizations.

So with his brain working quickly, Hero finally made a decision.

He moved his gaze away from the open platform of the Administration, raised his gaze to Longshan in front of him, and asked in a low voice, "Is the battleship auxiliary device developed by Xu Lei so effective?"

After all, he is also the oldest existing member of the Red Rock Civilization. He has lived for an unknown number of epochs. Although this incident is unexpected, it will not cause his mentality to collapse, not to mention that the winner has not yet been officially determined.

Longshan knew Hiro very well. The calmer he acted in this situation, the more it meant that the volcano was about to erupt.

In order not to get burned, he stood there without saying a word after reporting the incident.

I was afraid that I would become Hero’s punching bag.

After all, he also knew how bad the current situation was.

At this time, after suddenly hearing that he was called by Hero, his body suddenly trembled subconsciously, and then he immediately came back to his senses and answered truthfully: "According to the information I have, Tang Si, the head of the Tang Si family of the Yam civilization, Ge personally went to the solar system to participate in this press conference, I am afraid that things are really the same as what the open platform said."


"My wings are really stiff." With a sneer, Hero stood up abruptly, with a cruel expression finally appearing on his face: "Notify me, a federal emergency meeting will be held in half an hour."

Among the civilizations participating in the launch of future technological new products in the solar system, only the Yam civilization belongs to the Perseus spiral arm.

And the Red Rock Galaxy has administrative rights over it.

But even so, the Yam civilization chose to betray, which is what makes Hero the most angry.

After all, as the most powerful Tangs family in the entire civilization, the head of the family went to other spiral arm galaxies to participate in activities. It is impossible for the Yam Civilization Federation not to know.

According to this analysis, there is only one possibility, and that is that Tangsge's actions represent the will of the Yam civilization itself.

It is obvious that the Yam civilization wants to completely break away from the Red Rock Galaxy.

After hearing this order, Longshan also understood that the Hongyan Galaxy was about to become chaotic, so naturally he did not dare to delay or neglect anything.

He quickly leaned over and answered, "Yes, I'll do it right away."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and left in a hurry.

Hiro watched Longshan after him until his figure completely disappeared from sight, then he looked away and murmured coldly: "Don't think that everything will be fine this way. Our Red Rock Civilization is not so easy to admit defeat."

With Hiro personally issuing the order, and the situation gradually getting out of control, other members of the Red Rock Star and the core staff were also fully aware of the seriousness of the problem. In the end, they arrived at the core conference hall of the Federal Building within half an hour.

Discuss together the next steps.

Since the negative information on the open platform of the Authority continued to ferment, Shiro did not deliberately try to hide it after announcing the official start of the meeting, and directly brought up the topic for everyone to discuss together.

"I believe you all know about the future technology of the solar system. The current situation can be said to make our Red Rock Civilization very passive. If you have any good solutions, you can talk about it now." Hiro sat upright. In the main seat of the conference hall, while saying these words, his eyes swept over everyone around him.

Immediately, the entire conference hall paused for a moment before someone finally spoke up.

"Congressman Hiro, I think we should send a fleet to the solar system at this time. Only by making them realize the disparity in strength can we regain the deterrence we have lost."

And as the conversation started, someone else quickly picked up the conversation and echoed it.

"The Tangs family must also be punished. It's best to let the Yam civilization give us an explanation."

"Judging from the available information, that Xu Lei has indeed developed a special auxiliary device that can greatly improve the combat capabilities of warships. Continuing to delay will only become more disadvantageous to us. We should launch a thunder offensive before their combat effectiveness is formed. It was completely captured.”

However, among the several members of the entire federation, there are certainly not only radicals. At this time, conservatives are also arguing their case.

Different opinions were expressed on this.

"Sending a fleet now will only worsen the situation. Don't forget that there is a Saitan planet waiting for you."

Hiro listened to all the opinions of the congressmen, but he did not express his position immediately. After looking around, his eyes finally fell on Longshan.

And proactively asked: "Congressman Longshan, why don't you tell me your opinion?"

Being called out again, especially in front of other council members, Longshan felt mixed emotions at the moment.

Since the last time he failed to report information about the Eternal Body in time, he has become much more cautious than before and will never speak rashly unless absolutely necessary.

As the saying goes, talking too much leads to mistakes.

If he gets into any more trouble, I'm afraid his identity as a member of the council will be lost.

However, since he became a member of Parliament, he has always offended other forces, whether in Red Rock Star or other civilizations. When he was a member of the Red Rock Galaxy Federation, no one dared to trouble him. This would not necessarily happen if he lost his identity.

But in this matter of the future technology of the solar system, Hero frequently pushed him to the front of the stage, even if he wanted to refuse, he couldn't do it.

Longshan is very aware of Shiro's current mood, and it can be said that it may explode at any time.

How dare he not give Hero some face in this situation? So after hearing this sentence, he organized his language a little and quickly answered: "Although we do need to take action now to suppress the solar system and other civilizations participating in future technology conferences. , but we also have to consider the attitude of the Civilization Administration."

"With so many civilizations in the galaxy involved, the Administration will definitely take measures." After saying the previous words, Longshan tactically paused for two seconds before adding again.

Facts have proved that what Longshan said does make some sense.

After hearing the words Civilization Administration Bureau, the other members of Congress immediately fell into silence like dumb cannons.

You can see that his brows are all furrowed.

As a special existence, the Milky Way Civilization Administration's most important responsibility is to maintain the stability of the Milky Way. There are currently twenty civilizations involved in this matter, and this number is still rising. If the Red Rock Galaxy really wants to use its fleet To solve the problem by force, forces will inevitably be sent to intervene.

At that time, the Hongyan Galaxy, as the initiator, will definitely be punished by the Administration.

If it really develops at this pace, then the Red Rock Galaxy will be equivalent to losing both its wife and its troops, and its status in the galaxy will further decline.

In addition, even if the Red Rock Galaxy sends a fleet, it may not be able to take advantage.

Not to mention the special auxiliary devices developed by future technology that can greatly improve the combat capabilities of warships. The same level three mechanical civilization of Setan alone will make things very difficult.

Besides, the solar system they will face is not alone. Other civilizations that have purchased this device will definitely lend a helping hand.

After thinking clearly about the problems involved, the radicals who originally advocated sending a fleet had nothing to say. Seeing that the situation had become a mess, they were unable to take the initiative to take effective countermeasures.

Just when the parliament was at a deadlock, Hiro in the chair suddenly raised the corners of his mouth with a smile, and then said lightly: "Since none of you can think of a good solution, then I will tell you my own method."

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Hero didn't feel anything wrong with this. He still greeted the gazes of others with a calm face and said in a deep voice: "Other civilizations can equip so-called particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers to improve their own If the fleet’s combat capability rivals ours, then we can also do the same thing, so that everyone’s strength will remain the same as before.”

What Hero said does make sense. If the fleets in the Red Rock Galaxy are equipped with these two special auxiliary devices, they will still be the strongest existence in the entire galaxy.

Other civilizations would never dare to take action rashly.

But this proposal made other members present frown, because it was too taken for granted.

After all, the Red Rock Galaxy is the enemy of the solar system, so how could they be willing to sell particle neutralization shields and energy shield boosters.

So soon some people couldn't bear it anymore and took the initiative to question: "Congressman Hiro, what you said is indeed a good solution, but how can the solar system be willing to sell these devices to us?"

"Who said we have to buy equipment..."

"Don't buy it?!"

Could it be...

The other party was immediately confused by Shiro's rhetorical question, and a big question mark appeared in his mind.

It wasn't until his mind quickly shifted and he thought of the answer that he came back to his senses and asked tentatively: "Congressman Hiro is saying that we develop this device ourselves?"

However, before Hero could answer these words, a conservative congressman interjected: "We have been studying the issue of energy shields for battleships for many years, but so far there has not been much progress. It is so short at the moment." How can we overcome the technology within the time limit, let alone meet their performance standards for future technologies.”

The concerns of these two congressmen are naturally within the scope of Hero's consideration, but since he dares to speak out, it means that he has corresponding solutions.

"The particle neutralizing shields and energy shield amplifiers developed by the civilization of the solar system have indeed greatly improved the combat performance of battleships, but it is undisputed that their appearance has also broken the inherent peace of the galaxy."

"So I suggest that in order to ensure the stability of the galaxy, relevant technologies should be handed over to the Civilization Administration, and individual civilizations cannot be manufactured."

Hiro said these words with a smile on his face. When he saw that everyone present was surprised by this, he felt quite proud.

His method is actually very simple.

The solar system uses particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers to check and balance the red rock galaxy, and the red rock galaxy can also be suppressed by the Galaxy Civilization Administration.

At present, the civilization of the solar system relies most on the manufacturing technology of these two devices. If they are accepted by the Administration for legitimate reasons, then the solar system will no longer be able to produce particle neutralization shield devices and energy shield amplifiers. Cooperation with other civilizations Relationships will also collapse immediately.

On the contrary, when the technology arrives at the administration, it has more room for maneuver.

After all, the Red Rock Galaxy is the strongest civilization in the galaxy and is the core force in wiping out the Zerg. To a certain extent, the Administration still needs to rely on them.

Moreover, Hero has survived for so many epochs, and he has met many inspectors of the Administration.

At that time, we can completely use the reason of eliminating the Zerg to improve the fleet's combat capabilities, and gradually complete the major upgrade of the entire fleet.

This is equivalent to the solar system making a wedding dress for the red rock galaxy.

Let the red rock civilization's position in the galaxy become more stable and unshakable.

After careful consideration, other members in the conference hall also felt that this was a very good idea. If it could be implemented, it would not only turn the situation around again, but the strength of the Red Rock Galaxy would also be greatly improved.

However, there is also a key problem with this approach.

That is whether the other side of the solar system will agree to hand over the manufacturing technology of particle neutralization shield devices and energy shield amplifiers, and no longer carry out independent production.

In the end, Longshan couldn't bear it and asked: "Will the civilization of the solar system agree to give up this technology?"

"The Authority has the right to manage all civilizations in the galaxy. No one can violate it. How dare a weak second-level civilization in his solar system dare to refuse."

In response to Longshan's question, Shiro immediately responded coldly, and then murmured to himself: "But if we want to persuade the administration to do this, the strength of our Hongyan Galaxy family alone may not be enough." .”

Red Rock Galaxy cannot ask the Civilization Administration to do anything. The rights he has are limited to making opinions.

If you want the administration to agree to do this, you must increase your voice. The best way is to attract more civilizations to mention this matter.

In this way, the administration has to pay attention and carefully study the pros and cons.

The thought stayed here, and Hero no longer hesitated. He immediately turned his attention to Longshan and said: "Immediately contact me the Ice Sea Galaxy in the Sagittarius Arm and the Pompeii Civilization in the Cygnus Arm. I want to persuade them to come together." Propose to the Authority to receive this technology.”

"It's Congressman Shiro. I'll handle this matter in person right away." Longshan stood up suddenly upon hearing the sound and promised.

At this point, how could he not know Hero's plan? With three powerful third-level civilizations jointly proposing to the Management Bureau, the Management Bureau would take it seriously no matter what.

What's more, as third-level civilizations, their interests are the same. They don't want too many second-level civilizations in their spiral arms to become too powerful, thereby threatening their status.

Only the mechanical civilization of Setan Planet is a special existence.

After receiving the task, in order to complete it as soon as possible, Longshan took the initiative to turn around and leave the conference hall before Hiro announced the end of the meeting.

The other remaining members finally breathed a sigh of relief, and all their original worries disappeared.

In the end, Hero ended the meeting with everyone's admiration and praise, and after returning to the office, he took the initiative to contact the well-known inspector of the administration, asking him to contribute to settling the matter as soon as possible.

He even planned to go to the solar system with the authority's envoys to witness Xu Lei's despair and incompetent rage after learning about this incident.

After all, if you dare to push Hongyan Galaxy to this extent, how can you do it without getting the situation back?

that's all.

As the popularity of particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers gradually spreads, when more and more secondary civilizations in the galaxy realize their power, they all send representatives to the solar system to discuss cooperation and want to purchase these This device enhances the strength of your own fleet.

Xu Lei naturally accepted the order.

The number of devices ordered exceeded 500.

Although the Titan Shipyard's production capacity cannot complete all orders in a short period of time, it still cannot resist the steady flow of new orders.

And in order to get the device as soon as possible, some civilizations do not hesitate to pay a larger deposit, or even pay the full price first.

This has caused a significant increase in the Galaxy Coin reserves owned by the solar system.

What makes Xu Lei even more happy is that the more particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers are sold, the faster their influence will grow. According to the current situation, it won't be long before they can be exchanged for new ones. Technology exhibits.

By the time the Star Destroyer manufacturing technology is obtained and the solar system has the ability to produce large warships, it will not be long before a third-level civilization.

But what Xu Lei didn't know was that while a large number of secondary civilizations were taking action, the Red Rock Galaxy had also joined forces with the Ice Sea Galaxy and the Pompeii Civilization to prepare a fatal blow to the solar system.

"In just a few days, the influence has grown to 50 million. This speed is really exciting!"

Saturday, February 9th.

solar system.

Earth Star.

Binjiang City Longhu High-tech Park.

In the president's office of the Space Battleship Headquarters Building, Xu Lei's consciousness had just returned from the science and technology museum space. After checking the influence value, he was in a very good mood.

Compared with the previous technology exhibits exchanged from the Science and Technology Museum, the growth rate of influence this time was far beyond his imagination.

Xu Lei ultimately believes that the particle neutralization shield and energy shield amplifier have a greater impact on galactic civilization, which is why they can bring so much influence.

For example, take the previous Kamikaze battleship manufacturing technology as an example. Even if a large number of Kamikaze battleships are invested in galactic civilization, they will not be able to drive so many powerful civilizations into madness as they are now.

It had been a few days since the new product launch conference. During this period, in addition to receiving new civilization representatives and confirming installation orders, the rest of his energy was focused on the Magic Star Studio that Fang Yuan was responsible for.

After all, civilizations that purchase particle neutralizing shields and energy shield amplifiers also need to establish other cooperation with solar system civilizations.

The most important one is to create a cross-interstellar virtual game.

Because Xu Lei believes that this can further deepen the individual connections between civilizations and lay a solid foundation for the promotion of the solar system to a third-level civilization.

However, there has never been any response from Red Rock Galaxy, leaving people unclear about their true plans.

But in this case, the solar system can only stop quietly and wait until the Red Rock Galaxy shows its trump card before attacking with force. Otherwise, if they continue to act rashly, they may lose their current advantageous situation.

But at this moment, when Xu Lei was about to go to Huanxing Studio again to confirm the development progress of the interstellar virtual game, there was a sudden knock on the door and Xing Tong's voice.

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