My science and technology museum

Chapter 426 Super Intelligent Brain

Dense, ancient and massive stars form the most dazzling galactic core of the Milky Way, emitting powerful energy all the time.

In this scene that countless civilized beings would never be able to peek into, Xu Lei's eyes were attracted by an object that resembled an inverted pyramid.

The whole body is deep blue and the appearance is extremely smooth.

It's like a piece of art carved from jade.

The height of the objects far exceeds the length of a large Star Destroyer, with a few reaching 10,000 meters.

In the vast galaxy, it is not too strange for such a special object to appear. After all, some third-level civilizations will also build similar space fortresses.

This serves as the fleet headquarters.

It may be parked in the silver core area without any influence, and its manufacturing technology may have exceeded that of a third-level civilization.

You must know that the huge energy emitted by these ancient stars alone can easily cause a fleet to completely disappear.

This is why no civilization has set foot here.

Fortunately, the spaceship driven by Uma is more special than ordinary spaceships because it was issued by the administration headquarters, so that it can reach here safely without being affected by the external environment.

Otherwise, even if Xu Lei has an eternal body, he may not be able to bear it.

And just as Xu Lei was immersed in this special object and guessing its origin, Uma's reminder suddenly sounded in his ears.

"The Blue Space Fortress is the headquarters of the Galaxy Civilization Administration. Let me take you in first. I guess the director already knows that we are coming."


"This is the headquarters of the Authority?"

"Did I hear correctly?"

Almost at the moment he heard Uma's words, Xu Lei subconsciously asked three questions in succession.

It was beyond his expectation.

According to his understanding, as the headquarters for managing more than a hundred advanced intelligent civilizations in the galaxy, it should at least be established on a planet.

And it only makes sense that it covers a huge area.

Although the so-called Blue Space Fortress in front of us is far more than a large Star Destroyer and belongs to the category of giant battleships, it is really not related to the organization that handles various matters.

Take the Senate of Setan as an example. It only handles the affairs of a civilization, and its scale is many times larger than this space fortress.

It’s not even as good as the Longfor High-tech Park of Future Technology.

If Uma hadn't confirmed it herself, he would never have believed it.

I always feel that the gap in my heart is too big.

From the moment he learned about the existence of the Civilization Administration, he regarded it as the most powerful entity in the galaxy, able to rapidly develop or destroy a civilization at will.

According to this logic, the headquarters of the Civilization Administration should be summarized in at least three words.

large and luxurious.

But now it can almost be called a dwarf.

That is to say, the material of this Blue Space Fortress is relatively special, and it can be parked stably in the silver core for so many epochs.

It should be noted that at the center of the galactic core, there is a huge black hole and mysterious dark energy and dark matter. They drive the operation of the entire galaxy and create this magnificent and beautiful picture.

However, Xu Lei's behavior seemed extremely normal in Uma's eyes, and he immediately explained: "It's normal for you to be surprised. I had the same expression when I was appointed as the inspector by the director, but you will know later. "

After saying that, he stopped wasting time and immediately controlled the spacecraft to the bottom of the fortress.

Taking advantage of this gap, Xu Lei was also carefully looking at the Blue Space fortress, which was a giant battleship.

First of all, looking at it as a whole, this fortress is almost an inverted pyramid, and the surface is very smooth without any traces. It is impossible to judge whether it has mobile functions based on these alone.

Can't even find the entrance.

Perhaps he wanted to help Xu Lei answer his doubts, but suddenly a blue light beam shot out from the tip below the fortress, covering the entire spacecraft.

Then a nearly neutral voice was heard in the cockpit of the spacecraft.

"Identity authentication passed."

"Welcome to Inspector Uma!"

As the headquarters of the Galaxy Civilization Administration, it goes without saying that the security level is high, and identity authentication like this is naturally normal. However, when Xu Lei heard these two sentences, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

There was strong surprise in his eyes.

Because the language used by the other party is the Chinese characters of the solar system.

Although after the solar system was certified by the Administration, the Administration included the Chinese character language system of humans on Earth and stars.

Even many alien civilizations like it very much and can hear it on many planets, but it is really surprising here.

After all, this is the headquarters of the Civilization Administration.

Normally, you should use the official language of the galaxy.

This also made Xu Lei couldn't help but think too much.

As his mind was running rapidly, several bold guesses suddenly popped into his mind.

"Could it be that this mysterious director knew that I was coming and specially expressed his welcome in this way?"

"It shouldn't be~"

"Could it be..."

After thinking about the miracle pyramid building on Earth, I even thought of a lot of content. It can be said that I completed a brainstorming on the instant ship.

But now is obviously not the time to consider this matter. Facing these questions, I am afraid we can only know after meeting the mysterious director.

As soon as my thoughts stopped here, I saw that the fortress above had finally undergone new changes.

As Uma's identity authentication passed smoothly, the tip below the fortress soon began to gradually open until it could accommodate the size of a spaceship. As the blue light pillar shrank, the spacecraft suddenly entered the interior of the fortress.

But when the spacecraft stopped smoothly and the fortress was closed again, Xu Lei discovered another surprising thing.

"Congratulations on becoming the sixth life form to enter this space fortress. Come with me." Uma came out of the spaceship first. After saying this to Xu Lei solemnly, she walked straight towards the platform in front of her. .

"Sixth place?"

Xu Lei suppressed these words in his heart for the time being, stood there and raised his eyes to look around the surrounding environment.

Because it is a pyramid-style structure, except for the central passage platform where he and Uma are now, the space naturally becomes larger as you go up.

But looking around, I was stunned to find no third life form.

No wonder he was the sixth person to come here.

But you must know that as the management department of the entire civilization of the Milky Way, remote areas and small areas are fine. If there are no personnel, how will things be handled?

I'm afraid it's not enough to rely solely on the branches and patrols established in the third-level civilization.

However, relying on Xu Lei's understanding of the Galaxy Civilization Administration over the years, his status should be relatively stable.

Otherwise, the Milky Way would not be as stable as it is now.

Under normal circumstances, there are no major interstellar wars. As for small frictions between civilizations, they are normal.

From the moment he saw this space fortress to entering the interior, he felt that everything in the headquarters of the Civilization Administration was weird, and the mysterious director was even more elusive.

This made him a little more vigilant.

After all, this is on someone else's territory. If they are forced to stay and slice it up for research, it will be the end of the world.

It is not known whether he can break through the siege with his eternal body.

I am afraid that even the defense of this fortress cannot be broken, so it can only be broken.

After sorting out the context of the whole matter, he knew that he had no other choice at the moment, and the only solution now was to meet the mysterious director first.

So he didn't hesitate and quickly followed Uma's footsteps.

After the two of them stood at the center of the platform, they saw the platform begin to rise slowly.

At this speed, we can't reach the top within a few minutes.

Taking advantage of this gap, Xu Lei tried to insinuate Uma again: "Inspector Wu, I don't know why the headquarters of the administration is so deserted. Are there no other members here?"

I don’t know if she was scared by Xu Lei’s One Hundred Thousand Whys when we were on the spaceship. This time she didn’t hide anything and answered directly: “As you can see, for many epochs, apart from us, only the director has been here.”

To prove his guess, Xu Lei didn't know what to say.

Unexpectedly, this mysterious director is still an old homebody.


Maybe she's an old house girl.

Except for special orders, the five inspectors would not return to the headquarters for a long time, which meant that the director had stayed here alone for several epochs.

Rao is the most homely person on the planet, I'm afraid I can't compare with him.

But I have to say that because of this incident, Xu Lei is looking forward to the director more and more.

"Then your director is really a homebody. You don't even think about going to inspect various civilizations in the galaxy in person." He couldn't help blurting out this sentence when he got emotional.

Hearing this, Uma's face under the black robe couldn't help but darken, and he even said a little lost, "It's not that the director doesn't want to, but that he has no other way, so he appointed us five inspectors."

Hearing this, Xu Lei immediately understood that the director might have something to hide.

But since Uma didn't say anything, he stopped asking. Anyway, everything would be known soon.

Just like this, during the conversation between Xu Lei and Uma, the platform finally stopped and was located in the middle of the fortress.

Not the top of the highest place.

"The director is behind this door, let's go in."

As Uma spoke to remind her, she had already taken steps to reach the steps inside the fortress in front of her. She could see a large blue door isolating the space behind it.

It makes it impossible to know the existence behind it.

But at this time, Xu Lei noticed that Uma had no intention of opening the door, which seemed a bit strange.

After a slight hesitation, he had to ask: "Inspector Wu, I wonder how to open this door?" After all, it's okay to just stand still.

But who would have thought that Uma seemed not to hear this.

No response was made.

Facing the sudden changes, even Xu Lei couldn't help but feel a little confused. He always felt that the situation was completely beyond his expectation and he didn't know what to do next.

Fortunately, his entanglement did not last long, and soon he saw the blue door in front of him automatically opening inwards.

The scene behind the door finally came into Xu Lei's sight.

He froze in place before taking a step.

It is a special object composed of countless neuron-shaped things. It is a bit like the human brain and seems to be a great work of art. Although the full picture cannot be seen for the time being, I am afraid that these neurons have already occupied the fortress.

What surprised him even more was that this special item seemed to be alive.

When the door opened, countless neurons swayed happily, as if warmly welcoming his arrival.

"What exactly is this..."

There is no hesitation in saying that the biggest shock to Xu Lei before was the science and technology museum, which was mysterious and fascinating.

But what I saw and heard now was even more surprising.

It has an unprecedented visual impact.

Although the major science and technology museums cannot understand or imagine it, after all, they have to rely on their own consciousness to connect to the high-dimensional space, and what they see now is the real world.

There are still fundamental differences between the two.

But when he was still immersed in this strange scene, Uma reminded him again: "Why are you still dazed? Come in quickly."

"Oh well."

Xu Lei came back to his senses when he heard the shouting, responded subconsciously, then adjusted his mentality, and then took a step into the space behind the blue door.

At this time, he also noticed that although Uma could not see her expression under her black robe, through this period of time together on the spacecraft, he could sense that she was also very uneasy at the moment. The wonderful use of the body.

But it's normal for this to happen.

Although Uma serves as an inspector, she can count on one hand the number of times she has come to the headquarters of the administration.

In addition, the interval in between was so long, it would be difficult to stabilize one's mind when seeing this scene again. After all, it was too shocking.

But Xu Lei soon discovered a new problem, that is, apart from the special object similar to a human brain in front of him, there was no other figure in the entire space, and the mysterious director Uma mentioned was missing.

This seems a bit embarrassing.

He traveled over tens of thousands of light years to come here for an appointment with the director of the Civilization Administration.

It would be a big mistake if he was let go.

Under such circumstances, he definitely couldn't wait around, so he had to turn around and ask Uma again: "Inspector Wu, I wonder how long it will take for the director to come here?"

"The Director is right here." Uma replied with great respect.

"it's here?"

When Xu Lei faced this answer, he was startled at first. After subconsciously looking around for a few times, he finally locked his eyes on the mysterious object in front of him.

Just when I was about to do some serious research, I heard the previous voice authenticating Uma's identity sounded again.

"Child, you are finally here!"

Before he could confirm the true source of the sound, countless blue rays of light suddenly shot out from the mysterious object, quickly condensing into a translucent blue human body in front of him.

No hair whatsoever.

There is no gender characteristic.

But it looks very comfortable, and every muscle and bone is the perfect size.

Even though Xu Lei thought he had condensed the eternal body, at this moment he couldn't help but sincerely lament that there is such a perfect human body in the world.

To call it a great work of art is an insult.

Facing such a shocking scene, for some reason Xu Lei suddenly thought of the first time he went to the Setan Planet Civilization Administration Branch to certify the solar system civilization for the first time. At that time, he encountered such a virtual human body image.

Combining the information he had collected before, a bold idea suddenly emerged in his mind.

Now that he was sure that the owner of the voice just now was the virtual body in front of him, Xu Lei had no reason to hesitate and went straight to the point and asked: "Are you the mysterious director of the Galaxy Civilization Administration?"

But Uma next to her didn't stop him.

Apparently acquiesced.

Facts proved that Xu Lei's guess was not wrong. Just after he raised this question, he heard the reply from the virtual body.

"Yes, you can call me Mo."


Xu Lei repeated this word and fell into thinking uncontrollably.

At this time, Uma next to him finally stopped remaining silent and was finally willing to explain: "The Director has existed since the birth of the Milky Way. It was he who guided the development of the Milky Way civilization and ensured the peace and stability among the civilizations in the Milky Way. To maintain stability and avoid the destruction and consumption of galaxies caused by large-scale wars, that’s why the Civilization Administration was established.”

"Our five inspectors are all selected by the director from across the galaxy."

After listening to Uma's explanation, Xu Lei basically figured out the truth of the matter.

If nothing else, this so-called model director of the bureau should be a brain similar to Xingtong.

It's just that he needs to be stronger.

The cobweb-like force field beams crisscrossed and interspersed back and forth, and streams of sub-mesons leaped and galloped in the special matter supported by the beams, far beyond what Xingpu could compare to.

To put it simply, if Xingtong calculates the development of a civilization.

Then the calculation range of the director model in front of him will be the entire galaxy.

Belongs to a true super intelligent brain.

No wonder the headquarters of such an important administration is located in a space fortress and has no employees except the director. After all, the superintelligent brain alone can easily handle all kinds of things in the galaxy.

Xu Lei even guessed that everything between the solar system and the Hongyan Galaxy was all part of the model's calculations.

Placing the headquarters of the administration in a place like this is presumably to create a steady stream of huge energy for itself to ensure its own operation.

After figuring all of this out, Xu Lei felt more than shocked.

It was completely unexpected that the founder of the Authority, which was respected by all civilizations in the galaxy, was actually a super intelligent brain.

The key point is that according to Uma, the first model has already existed since the birth of the Milky Way. It is no exaggeration to say that he created these advanced intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way. So who created him becomes curious?

In addition, Xu Lei also thought that since the other party was an ancient super intelligence with a civilization level that far exceeded that of the Milky Way, he might know about the situation of the Source Star.

Judging from the technology exhibits exchanged from the Science and Technology Museum these times, there must be a profound connection between the museum and Yuanxing.

As long as we figure out the origin of the Source Star, it won't be too long before we can crack the Science and Technology Museum.

But just when Xu Lei was about to ask about these things, he heard the super intelligence take the initiative to say: "My child, I have noticed you since the day you created future technology."

"Did you notice me?"

As those familiar words entered Xu Lei's ears, his expression suddenly changed.

It's really unacceptable.

The impact was too great for a while.

Mainly, he couldn't imagine that his life was all under the attention of a super intelligent brain.

But fortunately, he is no longer the young fresh graduate who just left school. After decades of ups and downs, plus the bonus brought by the eternal body, he soon adjusted his mood and performed the model again. question.

"Why do you want to pay attention to me?"

"Because I can't calculate your trajectory from that day on." The model condensed into a virtual body answered truthfully.

At this time, Xu Lei also understood that it was probably because his consciousness had somehow established a connection with the Science and Technology Museum and became the owner of the cheap museum inexplicably.

After all, although the models that have existed for countless eras are powerful, they cannot be compared with the Science and Technology Museum.

Then Xu Lei thought about the reason why the other party called him here this time, so he asked again: "Then what is the reason why you want to see me this time? Is it because I successfully condensed the eternal body?"


"According to my calculations, you are the most suitable life form to serve as the sixth inspector of the Administration." Facing Xu Lei's inquiry, Mo first shook his head in a humane manner, and then told his true purpose.

Xu Lei was absolutely surprised by this answer.

According to his guess, the Administration wanted to see his eternal body with his own eyes, but he didn't expect that what he ended up seeing was a super intelligent brain, and now this super intelligent brain would appoint him as the sixth inspector of the Galaxy Administration. .

It was really unexpected.

Faced with this sudden change, he seemed a little hesitant and didn't know what to choose.

However, Uma next to him made a very considerate introduction at this time.

"If you become an inspector, not only can you suppress the Louhong and Hongyan galaxies, but the civilizations in the galaxy will also actively cooperate with your solar system."

"In addition, each inspector also has additional crystal core resources issued by the administration."

"And have the authority to view higher-level knowledge in the information treasure house, such as advanced technology, etc..."

"To put it simply, if you agree, you can make your civilization become the strongest civilization in the galaxy in a short period of time."

After hearing Uma's words, Xu Lei also digested them carefully. From the perspective of the solar system, there are undoubtedly many benefits for him to agree to be this inspector, and it can greatly shorten the time to advance to the third level civilization.

In addition, as he got to know the inspectors better during this period, he learned that their work was still very free and easy, and they would most likely go to other civilizations for inspections.

But with something special like the Star Gate existing, it doesn’t take too long.

What's more important is that he also wants to ask the director about Yuan Xing. If he refuses directly at this time, he may not know whether he will have a chance to speak later.

So after careful consideration, he finally made a decision.

Slowly raising his gaze and looking at the translucent virtual body in front of him, he solemnly replied: "I agree to serve as the sixth inspector."

"The inspection officer Xu Lei passed the certification."

"The appointment information has been released to all civilizations in the galaxy."

After receiving Xu Lei's answer, the model showed a rare smile, and then announced the two operations with a prompt voice under Xu Lei's stunned expression.

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