My science and technology museum

Chapter 427 The spark of civilization

Xu Lei didn't expect that the Milky Way Super Intelligent Brain would be so fast. He had already sent out the announcement as soon as he agreed, as if he was afraid that he would regret it.

You can imagine what kind of uproar this news will cause when it reaches the ears of civilizations in the galaxy.

You must know that the Civilization Administration has always had five inspectors, but now there is suddenly a sixth inspector, and he is still served by a life form in the second-level civilization. It will become a hot topic of discussion for a long time to come.

But Xu Lei is not afraid of other people's comments.

Anyway, this is an order personally issued by the administration headquarters, so any dissatisfaction can only be suppressed in the heart.

But he is quite looking forward to the reaction of the Red Rock Galaxy.

As Uma said just now, the solar system has an inspector. No matter what measures the Red Rock Galaxy wants to take, even if Lou Hong takes action, it will be in vain.

Their failure can be said to be doomed.

What's more, becoming an inspector also has independent crystal core resources. Where can I find such a good thing?

Anyway, even if you become an inspector, you only need to manage the civilization within the jurisdiction, keep it stable and avoid wars, and deal with the Zerg that appears in the galaxy. The rest of the time is relatively free.

After all, there is no need to come to this headquarters often.

At this time, Uma next to her saw that Xu Lei finally agreed to be the inspector, and she quickly congratulated him: "Congratulations on becoming the sixth inspector. According to the people of your solar system, we will be colleagues from now on. Just ask if you need help.”

"Don't worry, Inspector Wu. If I really need it, I will shamelessly ask you for help." Xu Lei quickly turned his face after hearing this and replied with a hint of ridicule.

Of course, he didn't say this casually.

No one can guarantee that there will be nothing in the galaxy that he cannot solve in the future. It will undoubtedly be much easier if he can find Uma for help.

There is no reason not to embrace this kind of thigh that comes to your door.

But just when the two were about to exchange a few words, a voice came from their ears: "Inspector Wu, please wait outside first. I still have something to discuss with Inspector Xu." This was to Wu. Ma said.

"It's the Director."

Uma would not have any objection to the order of her chief, and immediately bowed her head respectfully in response before walking outside.

And when it left this space, the blue door also closed again.

Although Xu Lei was a little confused about Mo's operation, considering that he had been appointed as the sixth inspector, there should be no danger.

So he simply stood still and wanted to see what this super intelligence wanted to do.

Soon, as this space was completely isolated from the outside world, Xu Lei finally heard Mo's response: "Now there are only two of us left here, and no one in the galaxy can detect it. If you have any questions, you can tell me now. .”

After hearing Mo's words, Xu Lei's expression remained unchanged but he was slightly surprised.

For the other party to say this, he obviously calculated that he wanted to ask about Yuan Xing, otherwise it wouldn't be the case.

But you must know that from the time he came in until now, he has not revealed his inner plan, but it has still been calculated, which is enough to prove that this galaxy's super intelligent brain is indeed extraordinary.

Not only was an independent self-awareness also born, but his strength was also countless times stronger than Xing Tong's.

Although this is a good opportunity for him, he might be able to learn information about the Source Star, and even take this opportunity to find out the origin of the Science and Technology Museum.

But out of caution, he did not reveal his purpose directly, but instead spoke a few words to test the situation.

"I wonder if the Director has anything else to say to me?"

Perhaps because he knew that Xu Lei was playing tricks, the model smiled when he heard the sound, and then explained in a deep voice: "Although I know the secret of your existence, I can't calculate it. In addition, my existence is only to ensure the stable order of the galaxy. So you don’t have to worry.”

Having said that, Xu Lei also understood that he could no longer hide it unless he gave up this opportunity.

This headquarters hasn't been visited once in many ages, and we may have to wait for another year or two.

What's more, as Mo said, the other party only knew that he had secrets, but he didn't know about the existence of the Science and Technology Museum.

Just asking about Yuan Xing won't have any impact.

His mind was running fast, and after his thoughts stopped here, Xu Lei immediately spoke out his purpose: "The Director is right, I do have something I want to seek help from the Director."

"Please tell me." He stretched out his hand in an unprecedented gesture of invitation.

"I want to know about the Source Star. Is he a civilization in our galaxy?"

Maybe he didn't expect that the question Xu Lei wanted to ask was actually related to Yuan Xing. Even though the model was now condensed into a virtual figure, the expression on his face still changed uncontrollably after hearing the name, but it soon changed again. Covered up.

However, Xu Lei, who had condensed his eternal body, saw everything.

There is no doubt that Xu Lei was very excited at this moment, because Mo's performance showed that he knew Yuan Xing.

Perhaps the origin of the Cracking Technology Museum is today.

After a pause of about ten seconds, Momo replied: "Yes and no."

Although the answer is somewhat ambiguous and it is difficult to determine the facts, as long as the source star still leaves traces, that is a good thing.

So in the following time, Xu Lei also started questioning mode, tirelessly asking for information about Yuan Xing.

"Is the Source Star Civilization still there?"

"What kind of existence is he?"

"How can I find his footprints?"

Several consecutive questions, it is not an exaggeration to say that the model is almost overwhelmed. Fortunately, he is a super smart brain, otherwise he would be confused before he could explain clearly.

At this point, Mo also understood that Xu Lei was the kind of person who would break the casserole and get to the bottom of things.

If you don't get a satisfactory answer, I'm afraid you won't give up easily.

Besides, this was originally brought up by him, so he explained it in detail after trying to extract the information he had about the Source Star.

"Yuanxing is a powerful civilization that belongs to the last universe. Their technological level is far superior to our current Milky Way. But unfortunately they still cannot escape the disaster caused by the Big Bang. However, according to my information treasure trove, Yuanxing once used the entire The power of civilization preserved a part of the fire and sent it into the Galvia space, perhaps avoiding that disaster."

Although Xu Lei guessed that Yuanxing would be very extraordinary, after all, even the Science and Technology Museum gave a very high evaluation to Yuanxing technology.

But after listening to Mo's answer, it was still hard to calm down.

I felt extremely shocked.

My mind even imagined a magnificent picture uncontrollably.

The increase in entropy of the universe reaches its maximum, and galaxies in the entire universe will collapse. No civilization can survive this level of disaster.

As the source of a powerful civilization in the universe, it paid a heavy price to send a piece of fire into the Galvia space, hoping to escape the impact of this disaster so that it could lead the development of civilization again in the future.

Strive to bring civilization to a higher level to avoid the disaster of increased entropy in the universe.

However, Xu Lei also discovered some unusual questions from the information obtained.

First of all, if the Source Star is a civilization that belongs to the previous universe, then how can Mo, as a super intelligent brain, know about it unless he does not belong to this universe either.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei didn't hesitate at all, and immediately asked: "I want to know if you are related to Yuan Xing?"

"Insufficient information to answer."

Mo's answer to Xu Lei's question can be said to be very pleasant, with almost no delay in the process. Unfortunately, this answer is worthless, only a short eight words.

"It seems that this matter is not that simple!" After recalling Mo's answer, Xu Lei secretly sighed in his heart.

Different from the communication that was equivalent to a normal person just now, Mo did not have any emotions when he answered these eight words, as if he was a super intelligent brain at this time and did not have independent thoughts and feelings.

And Xu Lei didn't know whether the so-called insufficient information was missing information or insufficient authority.

But judging from the current situation, if you want to know more, I'm afraid you can only start with the fire saved by the Source Star.

If you can really find this fire, you will undoubtedly gain a lot.

However, according to what Mo said, the source star sent it into the Gauvia space. Let’s not talk about whether this fire still exists after the universe collapses. The node entrance of this Gauvia space alone is Very hard to find.

In fact, Xu Lei can also understand Yuan Xing's idea of ​​spending so much effort to retain this fire.

Undoubtedly, he wanted to use this fire to help the newly born civilization develop rapidly and save it unnecessary time.

In a sense, this is similar to the solar system.

After all, if it weren't for the help of the Science and Technology Museum, the solar system would still be in a zero-level civilization at this moment, and even nuclear fusion energy would not be able to be controlled.

When civilization develops rapidly, it can enter a higher level before the entropy increase in the universe reaches its maximum value. Perhaps at that time, there is hope to prevent the entropy increase or ensure the continuation of civilization.

Since this fire involves the Source Star, the super intelligent brain model, and even the science and technology museum in his mind, Xu Lei will definitely not give up easily when faced with such hard-earned clues. He must find a way to make it happen. It reflects the value possessed.

After thinking about it, I can only place my hope on Mo.

After making a decision in his heart, Xu Lei straightened his expression and asked again: "Director, I wonder if you can calculate the location of this fire?"

Mo fell into silence this time.

Xu Lei didn't bother him and waited patiently for the final result.

After about ten long seconds, the model finally gave the answer: "This will take a long time."

Although this answer is not too certain, there is at least some hope. As long as you can calculate, you will be able to get a position sooner or later.

Whether it’s ten years or a hundred years.

Anyway, he has now condensed the eternal body, and the most indispensable thing is time. If he can find the fire left by the Source Star and decipher the origin of the Science and Technology Museum, it will be regarded as satisfying the biggest regret in life.

"Please also ask the Director to calculate the location of the Source Spark. This is also crucial to the development of our galaxy."

"I try my best."

In the end, faced with Xu Lei's request, Mo hesitated and agreed.

Because as said, as the source star of a once powerful civilization, the preserved fire of civilization must be very important.

If the Milky Way Galaxy obtains it, it might be able to use the contents inside to cultivate a more powerful Level 4 civilization, and then there will be nothing to worry about even if it faces the neighboring Andromeda Galaxy.

What's more, as a super intelligent brain, this is what he is best at.

The matter was basically officially over at this point, and Xu Lei did not stay in this space any longer, and soon turned around and walked out.

He has made an agreement with the director. Once the results of the calculation of the source star civilization fire are calculated, he will be notified to find a way to find it, no matter how long the process takes.

"You're out."

"There's something I need to tell you."

Uma, who was still waiting on the platform outside, saw Xu Lei coming out and immediately took the initiative to say this.

Xu Lei originally thought that Uma would be interested in the content of his conversation with the director. Unexpectedly, he was very tacit and did not mention the matter at all. This made him sigh in relief and quickly picked up the conversation and said: "Uma. Inspector, please tell me."

"It's like this. According to the regulations of our Civilization Administration, every patrol envoy can get a light-speed spacecraft for daily transportation, but now there is no inventory in the headquarters."


Although Uma didn't make her words too clear, Xu Lei also understood what it meant.

In the past, there were only five members of the patrol, but now there is suddenly a sixth member. It is understandable that the light speed ship equipped is not enough.

After all, given the size of the headquarters, it really doesn't seem like it can store much.

Although Uma's light speed ship far surpasses his Golden Crow in all aspects of performance, which is indeed very coveted, but if it is not available, he will not force it.

Anyway, the work of the inspectors is carried out within the galaxy, and all second- and third-level civilizations have convenient means of transportation such as star gates. The remaining first-level civilizations can also do the job with the speed of the Golden Crow.

Besides, he had just become the inspector and had made an agreement with the director. It would be really unreasonable if he embarrassed the headquarters because of a spaceship at this time.

Therefore, Xu Lei did not embarrass Uma and simply replied: "It's just a spaceship. My own spaceship can also meet the needs."

But facing his answer, Uma shook her head.

"That's not okay."

"You are now one of the six inspectors of the Civilization Administration. You represent the Administration wherever you go."

"How can it be done without a certain symbol?"

After vocally rejecting Xu Lei's proposal, Uma thought of a solution while saying these words.

Naturally, Xu Lei didn't feel comfortable continuing to refuse, so he could only wait and see.

Not long after.

Uma suddenly seemed to think of something and shouted quickly: "I understand, let's go out with me first and then talk."

After all, it was Xu Lei's first time to come to the center of the galaxy, and he was very unfamiliar with the surrounding environment. At the moment, he had no choice but to follow Uma's wishes to see what alternative method the other party had found.

So immediately after the two landed from the platform to the bottom of the fortress, they entered the spaceship again and sailed away from the Blue Space, and then flew in one direction under Uma's control.

Turning his head to look at the headquarters of the Civilization Administration that was gradually disappearing from sight, Xu Lei felt somewhat emotional. After all, he would have to wait for the model to successfully calculate the specific location of the Source Star civilization fire next time he came back.


Relying on the speed of the Uma spacecraft, they soon reached their destination and stopped near a special planet.

The reason why it is special is that this planet not only has a very smooth surface, but also has an extremely fast rotation speed. Coupled with its gorgeous color, it is essentially different from other ordinary planets.

Of course, Xu Lei is no stranger to the identity of this planet.

Almost as soon as Uma opened the door of the spacecraft and the two of them came out and were suspended in space, Xu Lei blurted out and exclaimed: "This is a neutron star!"

That's right.

What they saw now was a neutron star.

But I have to say that this also made Xu Lei more and more confused and couldn't figure out why he came here.

At this time, Uma seemed to notice Xu Lei's surprise, so she temporarily explained: "You will know later, don't worry."

Hearing what Uma said, Xu Lei had no choice but to suppress the doubts in his heart and listen to the other party's patient wait.

I don't know how much time passed, but suddenly a huge figure appeared in Xu Lei's sight, which immediately attracted his attention. It wasn't until the figure got closer and closer that he finally confirmed its identity.

"Is this... the star beast we encountered during the distribution of crystal core resources?"

"If there is no spaceship for you, how about I raise this star beast for you? Although its flying speed is not as fast as the spaceship, it is still a very good combat power in emergencies." Seeing Xu Lei recognized the star beast Identity, Uma immediately added.

When Xu Lei heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Unexpectedly, Uma's so-called alternative plan turned out to be this.

After he used his eternal body to subdue the star beast with strength, he handed it over to Uma because it was considered a protected animal of the galaxy.

Unexpectedly, I was arranged here.

Although the combat power and defensive power of the Star Beast are very amazing, and it can even deal with Star Destroyers, which is indeed a pretty good help, you must know that this guy likes to eat Zerg the most.

They almost go wherever the Zerg population is.

If we really bring it back to the solar system, I'm afraid we won't be able to raise it at all!

After all, there are no Zerg species in the solar system, and Xu Lei is even less likely to let in Zerg species from outside.

So he refused without even thinking about it: "Thank you very much, Inspector Wu, for your kindness, but I'm afraid my solar system can't afford to keep this star beast, so I'll just continue to stay here."

"I know what you are worried about. You can usually feed it the crystal core directly. Besides, it will also absorb energy in the galaxy to meet its own consumption. It is not necessary to give up such a help that can enhance the strength of civilization. Are you sure?"

Uma did not directly agree to Xu Lei, but instead helped analyze the pros and cons, especially the last rhetorical question, which directly made Xu Lei excited.

If only crystal cores were needed, the share he could get from the patrol would be enough to meet the needs of the star beasts. It would be a good choice to bring such a powerful existence to the solar system.

At least when he goes to inspect various civilizations in the future, the solar system will still be absolutely guaranteed.

There will be no emergencies.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei also felt that Uma's words made sense. After all, he was sincere and it would be somewhat unkind to continue to refuse.

When his thoughts reached this point, he simply agreed: "Thank you very much Inspector Wu for your kindness. I will take care of this star beast on your behalf."

While they were talking, the star beast finally came closer and stopped in front of Xu Lei and Uma obediently.

Perhaps because he still hadn't forgotten the ferocious power Xu Lei showed that day, the star beast didn't forget to look at Xu Lei carefully, as if he was afraid of being punched in the head again.

Xu Lei saw the performance of the star beast in his eyes and didn't know what to say about it. He thought to himself, could he be so scary?

But considering that he still had to let it live in the solar system, he tried to communicate with it: "From now on, you will follow me. Let's go back to the solar system. Not only will the crystal core be indispensable for you, but you may also be able to eat it." To all kinds of bugs."

As an inspector of the Civilization Management Bureau, he will definitely deal with the Zerg in the future. With a natural nemesis of the Zerg here, I believe his work will be much easier in the future.

Although the star beast is incomparable to higher intelligent civilizations, its IQ is not low at all. After hearing Xu Lei's words, the look in his eyes was obviously a little moved.

After all, who doesn’t want to hug someone’s thighs?

For it, Xu Lei showed such ferocious and terrifying strength back then, and that was his very big thighs.

When Xu Lei saw this, he immediately reached out and touched the horn on the opponent's head. When he saw that it didn't resist, he immediately jumped onto his back with a happy expression.

At the same time, he leaned down and respectfully said goodbye to Uma: "Inspector Wu, thank you for taking care of me during this period. In this case, I will return to the solar system first."

At the moment, the Civilization Administration Headquarters has nothing to do with him. Now that he has become the sixth inspector, he must first go back to the solar system to take charge, to prevent someone from getting dizzy and jumping out to seek death at this time.

In addition, with the mass production of particle neutralizing shields and energy shield amplifiers, his influence has also shown a linear upward trend.

Under this situation, he was also planning to wait until he returned to Earth to start exchanging the manufacturing technology for large Star Destroyers.

With the help of his status as an inspector, he promoted the solar system to a third-level civilization in one fell swoop.

Becoming the second level three civilization within the Orion spiral arm.

Since Uma also had her own responsibilities, she didn't hesitate at this time. The two parties exchanged a few words and then parted ways.

After watching his spaceship completely disappear from sight, Xu Lei set off for the nearest star gate.

While Xu Lei was on his way back to the solar system, the open platform of the Civilization Management Bureau completely exploded because of the sixth inspector, causing heated discussions among various civilized life forms.

The result is naturally that some people are happy and some are worried.

But the most surprising, confusing, and frightening thing is definitely the red rock galaxy in the Perseus spiral arm.

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