My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 289

Wei Junyi called: "What are you waiting for? Give me a clean up to pack up!"

Wang Dahai hurriedly said: "The master, then you have to give this carriage to assemble it."

Wei Junwen angry: "What should I fight?"

"Waiting for you to fight, people are afraid that even this Xining County is going out!"

Wang Dawei stayed and stayed: "That ... small back to the master master to chase?"

Just got the body of Wei Jun, the black body, Wang Daihai swallowed a somewhere.

This live ... is not easy.

Wei Junyi lifted the feet, "Are you stupid?"

"The carriage is gone, is this not there?"

"Let's ride!"

"Da da!"

"Da da!"

"Da da!"

The rushing horseshon sounded on the earth, and the pedestrians and caravans were avoided.

A brown red high horse flew over.

Wei Junli ride is right away, loudly, "" Wang Dahai, you are faster! "

Wang Dawei is full of sweat, and there are two legs behind the horse, but it is still behind it.

When Wang Dahai ran, he called: "That ... master, you, you also let me go to the horse!"

The caravan of the roadside saw this scene, not everyone laughing.

"Wang Daihai, you have four legs, afraid of being a bit!"

Wang Dawei smeared a dust and sweat on his face, and said: "You can resist it? You are trying to try?"

A three or forty-year-old Huang Fangzi struck Wang Daihai, said: "Come come, I have a good thing brought by mobei."

"You eat, don't talk to the horse who run on the ground, it is not going to chase the sky!"

Wang Dahai stopped and stopped, no channel: "Wan Laojiu, don't I , , how can Wei Jia?"

Wan Laojiu is loud, and the red small pill is touched from the body, pouring out a few graphs, facing Wang Dahai Road: "This 'Strong Pill' is the new goods from these geniuses."

"As long as you eat one, immediately let you shake, eat two capsules, let you dragon and tiger."

"If you eat three four seven-eight main grains, you will be able to kill the northwest demon wolf!"

"I told you, I got the news late, I have been crazy on this border!"

Wang Daihai screamed the number of pills, and he said: "I want to sell your new goods, say so much nonsense."

I have lost the red small pills in my mouth and quickly continue to chase Wei Junyi, throw a sentence: "I will try the effect first. If I naturally give the son, I will recommend it."

Wan Laojiu confidence is full: "Don't worry, the light is back, and there are a lot of sales, that is absolutely harbor."

Wang Dawei eats red little pills, runs a few steps, only feel that the heat is in the thoracic and abdomen, the muscles of the whole body began to blink, and the strength is filled with every inches per inch.


Wang Dahai only felt that the breath was rushed, and the earth was screaming, and the feet were flying. The speed suddenly improved several times, and the dust was smashed.

Wan Laojiu saw full of light, patted the bag on the carriage, said to the caravan: "All pull it into Jinyuan City, this approved goods, is definitely sold!"

Next to him, Fang face is also happy: "Wan Bo, this' strong gossy of the north is so good, are we going to hurry again?"

Wan Laojiu is hard, said: "That is natural, late, this good opportunity to make a fortune will be grabbed by others!"

Wang Dahai has a dusty, just in a while, catching up the brown horse in front.

Wei Junyi saw that Wang Dahai suddenly improved so much, not surprised: "Wang Daihai, you can!"

"Actually, I still haven't exposed!"

The first time Wang Dahai felt that he became a true master, can't help but laugh, and suddenly took Wei Junzhao from the horse, back on the back, and the biggest meteor ran forward.

"The horse is too slow, I will be chasing the son."

After a while, two of them chased the small car of the mountain.

Wang Dawei, the big voice: "Gong Ye, how do you want to do it?"

"Is it kidding, or grab it!"

Wei Junyi thought that the white man risked the coldness of the cold, biting his teeth: "Just knock the guy wearing white clothes, the little girl directly grabbed it."

"no problem!"

Wang Dahai has been enthusiastic in the whole body, and only feel that the first Sword, the first sword, the first sword, the first, and I can give him a punch!

Put Wei Junzhao to the ground, his legs, straight to the little car.

The mountains and red dates have not responded yet, and Yu Lingze, who is sitting behind, but has already seen this owner.

The brow is slightly screwed, and Yu Lingzai is not much, only believes in hand, Wang Dawei is a sudden hit a strong wall, and the land is not eliminated, and he will Popping a few feet behind, falling directly on the ground.

I fell some of the Wang Daihai, and I suddenly understood it.

"The kid is also cultivated!"

Wei Junyi did not expect this result, rushing to Wang Dahai: "What about you? Is it cramps?"

Wang Dahai jumped from the ground, rushed to the car, and shouted in the mouth: "The master is rest assured, and the little must defeat the guy."

Wang Dawei climbed up and rushed over, but it was boused back again.

After that, Wei Junyi saw that he jumped two times and fell on the ground, which was already very dissatisfied.

"Are you eating ash?"

"What are you doing?"

"Hurry and give me the kid!"

Wang Dai's two times, was blocked by the other party, and the heart was in the heart. He was afraid that it was still low. He slammed it back and ran. "

Running back along the original road, I have been running to the Laobai's caravan, pulling the scorpion: "Wan Laojiu, what strong muscle pill?"

Wan Laojiu saw him and returned, and he knew that this business became, laughed: "It's no strong muscle pill, it is 'Qiangqi Pill'!"

"How? Do you think that the body is stronger?"

Wang Dawei drinked: "Less nonsense! Hurry and give it an old - child again."

Wan Laojiu also took out the red little pill, it was prepared to fall out, Wang Dahai grabbed the past, and called a lot in his mouth.

Wan Laojiu saw the eyelids, quickly reached out and grab it back, heartache: "Where is this eating?"

"People say, the average person eats up to ten tablets one day, eat more, the body can not stand, it is to burst into blood vessels."

Wang Dahai smiled and said: "Let's put his mother's fart!"

"Old - is a average person?"

The second hundred and eighty-three chapters robbery

During the speech, Wang Dahai's body seems to have increased, and the blood vessels on the muscles are also more obvious, and even their eyes have also been red.

Wang Dahai only felt that he became stronger and strong, his chest was full of war, and he was soaked, and his head rushed to the front.

Fang face men came over, for Wan Lao Nine: "The boss, the guy eats this, okay?"

There are also some amazing things in Wan Laji, but it is still a heart: "It should be, it should be fine."

"That guy, is also a cultivated person, not ordinary people, not ordinary people!"


Wang Dahai looks like ... seems to be a bit weird ...

Wei Junli looked back to Wang Dahai and did not know what the guy did what aircraft was angry: "What are you running here?"

Wang Dahai did not speak, and the red eyes felt like a bull, and he was rushed from a horrified Wei Junyi. It quickly chased the small car.

This time, Wang Daihai is a journey, and the figure is like a Dapeng Bird, and the pose of a hungry should go to the small car.

This time, even the mountains and red dates saw Wang Dawei's flying figure, the face could not help but fear.

Mo Chen gently patted the mountains and said: "You are running with a car."

Yu Lingze looked at the air of Wang Dahai, and his eyes were sinking. "How is this person so rogue?"

It is preparing to reach the land directly in the earth again, but the dust suddenly suddenly, "" Wait, that person, there is a little wrong. "

The status of the previous two Wang Dahai didn't look too much, but this time, Mo Chen noted that the eyes of Wang Dawei began to red, and the corners had a few wire-like fine blood marks showed.

Although these silk braks look extremely unaptim, Mo Chen has seen too much of such irreits before.

Taking the practice of blood gums, when he is alienation, it will first born the spider-like blood marks around the eyes.

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