My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the 290 of the supporting role

Yu Lingzer is slightly alleged, Wang Daihai muscles, the body is out of air.

Wang Daihai's goal is Yu Lingze.

The fists have grown, and the power of angry is surging in the body.

This punch is to make the kid wearing a white blossom.

Yu Lingzai stretched out his right hand, gently in the air.

Wang Dawei flying down the body to stop in the air.

At that time, the little donkey is still running in front of kicking, Wang Dawei's body is actually in half empty, and the car will travel together.

Wei Junyi saw that his eyes were straightforward, could not help but jealous: "This guy always said how high his own repairs, I have always been a big strength."

"It seems that he is afraid he said it is true."

"The practitioners flew to the air, and they also have to fly the sword."

"He actually flies so, it is good, powerful!"

Thinking of this, Wei Junyi is more excited, I only feel that the guy of the white clothes will be hit by Wang Daihai, and he doesn't know.

And the little beauty on the car, I will immediately enter his embrace.

Under the blood, Wei Junyi shaked his fat and quickly ran.

Wang Dahai himself is ignorant, it is anger.

Your own body is suddenly like a neighborhood in the air, and it will not go down.

This position is his arm to go out and just don't do it.

Amount to move with the following.

This looks like it is the same as the humanoid kite put it out.

Yu Lingze looked at both eyes and said to Mo Chen: "This person ... seems to be a bit wrong ..."

Mo Chen did not speak, stand directly from the car, walked to the front of Wang Daihai, detailed viewing.

However, Wang Dahai is affected by the drug, more violent, and the hands are constantly waving, I want to defeat all the people in front of them.


Mo Chen is in Yu Lingze: "Can you let him quiet."

Yu Lingze extended a finger in the brain door of Wang Dahai, Wang Dahai only felt that his head was awkward, on his eyes, his hands and feet were soft, and the hands and feet were softened.

Mo Chen suddenly looked at the eyes of Wang Dahai, and pulled out his clothes, reached a few times in his body.


Wei Junli ran for a while, and suddenly saw that the original potential, such as the Tiger's Wang Dawei suddenly went, and the heart could not help but

"Wang Daihai ... is there been defeated?"

The operation of the Dangdaha has just shown that the strength of the show is a strong power.

This is the enemy but the other party?

Wei Junyi slammed the feet, a pair of thin and short eyes flashed.

At another look, the little guy who smashed the trees, actually torn it, and touched him on him.

Wei Junli is even more heartbeat.

"Look at this, this partner should be a group of people, the parties are different, the identity is different, and there are also false filters ..."

"Is it a black gang who is good at camouflage?"

Wei Junyi listened to someone to talk about, some black gangs, I used to use the beauty to come out as a bait.

After the man was confused, fell into the hub, looting the property, and the murder of the ticket.

"There is also the name called, the act is so blaming, and after caught Wang Dahai and stripped and touch the chest ..."

"... can't get rid of it!"

Think of this, you can't help but feel the scalp.

No wonder it is so savvy, see that the girl suddenly likes the soul like it.

It turns out that the problem is here!



That guy also looked at the color of the Haihai, and he was so handsome, and would you like a mess?

At this time, Wei Junyi once forgot this, it is the colored heart on the halfway.

I only feel that all everything is the other party.


"Fortunately, I have a secure police, otherwise, people lying there now, isn't it me?"

When I wanted to escape, but unfortunately the carriage has been destroyed. I have been running with Wang Dawei, and the horse pulling the car doesn't know where to go.

Wei Junli had to stand on the side of the road, thinking about the caravans waiting for the Wandejiu waiting for a while, and they are more stable.

As for Wang Daihai, then you can only ask Du Fu.

If the bid makes the essence of the essential guards, Wei Junyi feels that it is not as good as spending another bodyguard.

At this time, there were Mo Chen's words on the cars and Ye Xinzhu, and he looked at him Qi Qi: "You say it's true ..."

"What does it mean?"

Mo Chen didn't immediately answer them, but Yu Lingze said: "Waiting for the will, the caravan just entered a batch of new goods from the border, and the heterogeneous of Wang Dawei is related to that charge."

"Take all the battles!"

Ye Hexiang Papel is a rubbish: "How do you know so clear?"

Mo Chen smiled and said: "Because ... I have a small white fox, she quietly told me ..."

Ye Hexiang Pear has given a white eye.


The mountains homed the reins, and the second squats slowed down, stopped.

Above the earth, Wan Yixi looked at the young people in front of this white, and then smashed the king of Wang Dahai on the car, and the eyes flashed a different color.

"Young people, I am a businessman, every batch of goods, it can be voted in it."

"You want the goods, no problem!"

"I sold Wei Jia Zhang Jia Li Jia is selling, selling it to you too."

"But ..." Wan Laojiu sent: "You have to give money enough!"

Many of the buddies and guards after reaching out, said: "Our group of people, up and down, old and old, home, can be here."

"I don't care, I want to take the goods in a word, I don't want to think."

"If you want to work, don't blame us!"

After Wan Laojiu, the business team of the caravan has already tied to the weapon, the meaning of the face, neither it, and it is well.

However, Wandijiu walked so many years of Northern Commercial Road, I don't know how many colors have been seen, and a pair of eyes are naturally not Wei Junyi who only knows the boss of the cockroach.

Although he can't see it as a repair, it can be seen from the temperament, and this white man is not free.

It is, as long as the other party does not move, he doesn't want to make a mess.

"How to do?"

Yu Yuanze looked to Mo Chen.

Mo Chen's face is somewhat embarrassed.

He will think about it, these two guys who are famous from the world, there is no a few money?

Even the goods for this batch cannot be paid.

Although this is the most popular new goods in the northwest, Wan Laojiu is slightly high, but the Tianxing Jianzhai stands for many years, nor is it such a way?

But Yu Lingze only faded: "I went out and not bring money."

Mo Chen spurted a cold air.


Your cattle!

You rock!


No money, then grab it!

How many brushes can such a caravan?

Can you get a trick to your Chief Practitioner in Youxiang Jianzhai?

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