My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 315

"What happened again after they alied?"

When Yu Lingze came out, people whispered on the venue whispered the lingering people quickly saved.

Everyone's eyes look again to Mo Chen in the middle of the venue.

This thing has been too bizarre, and it's hard to believe it.

The northwestern seven people also watched Mo Chen Qi Qi.

Mo Chen looks, there is no whit, said: "After they alienate, completely lost reason, only the instinct of the monster, and then all attack me."

"and so……"

"Don't have it, I can only kill them all."

This is complete, but the audience is quiet.

Quiet is somewhat strange.

Three hundred twenty-five practitioners after alienation.

A person will kill?


Even if this northwest door is not a big faction, but Guanggong Sun Yan himself is already a smart building.

Others have once again, insight, and understanding.

These three hundred people gather together, where will the war will go?

A teenager of teenagers, even if he is a peerless genius, starting to cultivate from the mother, there is no way to achieve this extent?

This kid, isn't I blow?

At a time, there is countless look at the vision of Mo Chen in the venue, full of complex unknown means.

Yu Lingze looked at Mo Chen and said: "Mo Migu, here you have brought together the same way in the world, you can know what you said, what is it?"

Mo Chen said: "I know!"

"But I don't have other options."

"These people were originally practitioners, numerals were repaired, and they were more powerful after alienation, which was crazy."

"I don't kill them, they will kill me."

At this time, Cang Yunzong Xie took the wind and suddenly opened, and the sound was not acoustic.

"That's there is no doubt, Mo Chen is a disciple of Qingzhan, committing such a major sin, I am afraid Qingzong also gives the world a conversation?"

The Cang Yunzong, one of the nine sects, this amount is a bit heavy.

But Xie Ran Feng, talking like this, I can't talk about anything wrong.

Even if you feel that you don't believe it, Mo Chen does already admit it, this ... What else does it?

Just, that alien thing is always too weird.

Will there be something else?

Many eyes turned into the Brachnye, no pole, inflammatory, and pure Yangzong and others.

But these people today's people have a look like a cloud, and it seems that it is not prepared.

It's just in my heart: "This is an urgent taste to fight, I am afraid some of themselves ..."

"And Mr. Yu has not spoken ... still wait and see again ..."

It is the open mouth of Nanhuazong's Chen Yuqing: "Mo said that people are killing, but ... the blood of the blood and alienation, isn't it clear?"

Xie Range's breath: "Human monster, this is never heard of, whether it is true, and is not known."

"Maybe it is afraid of Mo Chen, Hu, Hui,?"

Zheng Qingshan, who has not yet, stands slowly, and gives a gift to everyone. "I think that Cang Yunzong's age is old, said that it is very."

This sentence came out, everyone in the venue could not help but show a horror.

What do you mean?

Xie Ranfeng is obviously the sin of Qingmozong, Diamo dust, chasing the crowd of glazes, where, if so, today, Qingzong is not good.

After all, involve many people.

But some people also think that Zheng Qingshan is very common.

As the elder of Qingzong, how can I call Xie Feng?

Xie Ranfeng gently narrowed his eyes and looked at Zheng Qingshan.

"Zheng Qingshan, this person, very much, can't be so easy to be so easy."

"And see what he wants to say."

Zheng Qingshan clearly cleared the scorpion, said "I think that Cang Yunzong's age is indeed, it is true that the eyes are as good as the autumn, and I can wear the crukenness at a glance. It is really my luck."

I was touted by this, I went to the wind: "Zheng Chang has a prize, Xie Mou is just right ..."

Zheng Qingshan ignored him, the face changed, the brow is inverted, and the anger is rushing to look at Mo Chen. It's just a monk! "

Mo Chen stunned, but listened to Zheng Qingshan, and it was a pass.

"More than 300 practitioners, you will kill alone, do you think this is said to have a letter?"

"You think that you have a little in practice these two days, don't put this world, is it in the eyes?"

"I told you that more than three hundred people in the northwest, not only the understanding of the priest, but also in the insights, the Lord, such as Gongsunzhai, is more intensive."

"Such a group of tribers unless I've truped it like Cang Yunzong, it is likely to break with his unwanted work."

"Did you eat a few bowls?"

"I don't know how the sky is thick, I'm going to be the last time, I thought I can practice my predecessors with Xie Chang, is it?"

Thank you, I heard it.

I sound this, it seems to be boasting?

But it sounds this taste ... It seems to be completely changed ...

Other people on the venue tried to listen to the same Lite, and I knew that this Qingzhan is old, the old one is blown, and the backhand is here.

But I have to say that Zheng Qingshan is really in the hearts of many people.

After all, it is just a teenager of juvenile Lang. If there is this repair, it is too horrific.

Zheng Qingshan also went to Yu Lingzhu and said: "Mr. Yu, I just agreed," I just agreed. "

"Mo Chen is still small, stay in Qingzong in more than ten years, before the first few months, the mountain gate has been taken, where have you experienced something?"

"So I have encountered this kind of fierce, I can't help but praise."

Yu Lingze sneaked, slowly said: "That ... Zheng Chang, how is it?"

Zheng Qingshan Road: "According to my opinion, the northwestern seven people have absenteeism, turning the people-shaped monsters, lost reason, and then because of the fierce big hair, then they have killed each other, and finally died."

The people in the northwest have listened, but they didn't do it.

Chen Xiang Dongdong: "Zheng Chang is old, my seven disciples have been trained, dying, you actually say that they are fierce, killing each other, is it too none?"

Zheng Qingshan Road: "Chen Zong Lord, I only said my opinion, why not love?"

"Seven middle people, if it is really fierce, become a human-style monster, naturally there is no reason, and hundreds of people play hands, what is impossible?"

The dried poor greece is dissatisfied: "Zheng Chang is old, you also said that Mo Chen may be a grouped, since it is a grouped, then what is the alienation, what is the number of people?"

Zheng Qingshan is not very far away: "Mo Chen said, it is possible to be a non-whisper."

"But Gongsunzhai is also said that after he arrived, he went to the gods until you woke up, and he didn't remember what happened."

"Is this always true?"

"How can I prove that during this time, when I lost awareness of the LAN Zhai, I didn't have a seven-door mutual disability."

The venue has heard a few people, and it will not distinguish it more about it.

After all, this whole process, in addition to Mo Chen, even Gong Sun Yan himself knows.

Now, Mo Chen is "joined" with the two people who "join hands" together with the Cang Yunzong Xie Feng and Qinghai Zong Zheng Qingshan.

This even said that he is also questioned, but no one says that the details of the scene have been cleared.

Tianzhu sent Zhao Wenyue, they have been pulling this matter, my heart is irritating, high-channel: "Although the northwest is even more suspicion, he has never had any conflicts, Zheng Chang Lao has always grabbed this, there is no The end is inverted. "

Yu Lingzer sat first, although it was less than 30 years old, but it was not impatient, it was not impatient, and Zhao Wen Yue: "Is Zhao Zong Lord to say?"

Zhao Wen Yue has a majority of other seven mainmen: "Gongsunzhai owner lost awareness this time, there is no significance, we still go to key evidence."

Others listen, I feel reasonable, and I have neitched.

Zhao Wen Yue road to Yu Lingze: "Mr. has arrived at the scene, except for the seven disciples and Mo Chen, there is a corpse, is the devil king, can Zhao, can Zhao?"

Yu Yuanze point: "The body of the red flame, I personally check it, indeed it."

Chapter 23, Zheng Qingshan's slap

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