My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 316

Everyone in the venue could not help but exclaim.

One of the five magic princes of the magic gate, the red flame.

In addition to the Emperor, the whole magic gates are the most respectful, and it is also one of the highest five people.

It's also died in this incident!

This information is the first time for many people, and it is inevitable to reproduce again.

"The devil is still there?"

"This ... is too strange ..."

"Is it the king of the Devil kill this many practitioners?"

This speculation seems to be more convincing than the dust.

After all, the famous five magic kings, still have to be bright!

"But if the Devil Kil is killed the seven practitioners, who is it to kill the red flame?"

"Don't I say that the seven practitioners played too fierce with the devil, all war dead?"

No one can answer this question, but only have to look at Zhao Wenyue.

Since he throws out this point, it should not only have such a few words.

Sure enough, Zhao Wen took the way: "After we separated from the gentleman, we repeatedly, and made a detailed investigation."

"Because Mr. Yu once said, there was still a battle at the scene, and the level would have much higher."

"Can have this level, can only be comparable to the Levels level, that is, at the scene, in addition to the seven practitioners, Mo Chen, the king of the king, there should be other people."

Yu Yuanze point: "It is true, just I at the scene, didn't find the clue of this person."

"Is Zhao Zong Lord to find it?"

Zhao Wen Yue: "Yes!"

"We have explored the site several times and did not find any clues, so expand the scope of the exploration."

"Later, we found some broken cloth on the spot, weekends on the spot."

Zhao Wenyue took out a few slender fabrics and handed it to Yu Lingze.

These fabrics have a blue color, the incision is flat, and some solidified blood.

These things, Yu Lingzhu did not see it, under detail, the eyebrows also wrinkled.

Yu Lingze passed the fabric to the majority of the majority of the party, asked: "What is the opinion?"

Everyone successively took the fragment in hand, read it carefully, and condensed their mind.

The inflammation is the first to open up, said: "This kind of cloth itself is not surprising."

"But I look at the blood stains on this cloth seems to be different."

Yu Lingze Road: "Can the Yang Long Dynasty say it in detail?"

Trie Yangdao: "Maybe I can't say it, can Ye Mr?" "

Yu Lingzer looked at Zhao Wenyue, Zhao Wen Yue: "I have already seen it, I have been in my heart. If the Yang Long old can confirm, it is natural."

Yu Lingzhu nodded to Lieyang: "I will try it as you old."

The Lieyang took a cloth with blood stains, and the fingers were light, and a small piece with blood stains will be taken down.

Yuanqi gathers, the fingertips have an a flame, but the flame is very strange, showing a red and white red.

I saw it in the eyes.

"That is the three yuan from the inflammation!"

The broken cloth burned in three yuan from the fire and quickly took a plenty of cars.

But as those of the sneak dry blood stains were ignited, the three yuan from the fire, the red-white red three-color suddenly, and a cyan magic flame was jumped out of the blood stains.

The Trie Yangzi fingers are all accepted, and the three yuan disappeared from the fire, and the broken cloth has also turned into ashes.

Lieyang seems to be very satisfied with this result, and the people of the venue: "The magic of the people in the magic door is strange, and the magic of the magic can give birth to the magic."

"And my inflammatory three yuan from fire, just causing this magic flame."

"So, this blood stain should belong to people in the magic gate."

Yu Lingzer's heart already had an answer, but still asked the Lieyang: "The Yang Long believes that this bluespars and blood stains, why?"

Trie Yangzi said: "People who can match the enemy of the red flames, in addition to the five magic kings, there should be no longer no longer."

"Five Dawns, purple worship, Xuan Feng, Blue Quad, Bi Yan, green wood, all the generations of special, the dress is different."

"Wearing a cyan robe, only the magic king green wood is one."

Yu Yuanzhu nodded, the answer to the Zhuyang son, like the idea of ​​his heart.

Look at Zhao Wenyue, "Zhao Zong, is you also speculated?"

Zhao Wenyue: "Yes, this is what I want to say."

"It is already basically determined that another person on the scene is the devil."

"This is also able to explain, after the seven practitioners die, the battle that happened is the battle between the two devils of the red flames and green wood."

Yu Zincai agreed: "The same trend is so careful, verified to the clues of the King of the green wood, and find the person who lacks at the scene, is a blessing."

When I said that Yu Lingze watched Mo Chen in a glance, "So ... this matter, is the seven doors recognize, is the two devils join hands?"

Mo Chen once used Yu Lingzhu and Ye Xinzhi, and the priest admitted that he killed seven practitioners.

Today, Mo Chen is on the venue, and what is the same.

But now, the inference of evidence is completely leading to another direction.

At this time, Gongshun Yan also slowed down, heard this, earned it: "Yes, we speculate, kill our seven practitioners, is the red flame and green wood!"

"However, the culprit of this thing is still the Mo Chen of Qingzong."

Zheng Qingshan is dead, said: "Since you have already identified, people who kill the northwest Qi Denship are two magic kings, what is the relationship with Mo Chen?"

"How can there be no relationship!"

Xie Range once again said: "I don't know if you still remember, the front time of the rivers and lakes, Mo Chen, there is a magic door to the treasure, the Devil."

On the venue, it is another array of discussion.

This rumet is to flow together with Mo Chen's rumors in the magic gate.

Although I don't know who is spread first, this rummer is very fast, almost in a short period of time, I have known all around.

Xie Ranfeng went on: "Since the Devil God is on Mo Chen, then he is with these two devils, naturally it is all the way."

Nanhua Zong Chen Yuqing took a look at the wind and said: "This rivers and lake rumors, in the year, I don't know how much."

"Mo Chen is from Qingzong, saying that he broke into the magic door, and it was very absurd to laugh. He has something eligible, can you get the magic gate to the treasure Devil God Ding? What qualifications, and the two magic people walk as a way?"

Xie Ranfeng was light, said: "The disciple of Qingzong's disciple into the magic door, not the first time."

"Do you forget the road?"

"Still, this day is too long, everyone is old, can't remember?"

I came out this by Xie Feng, and the full court is actually Qi Qi.

This is the truth, Lu Tianyuan as a disciple of Qingzhong, but also defended out of the right way, and broke into the magic door.


The people of this Qingzong are still on the court, and they are unveiled, and they are not too thick.

Who didn't dare to thank the wind.

Zheng Qingshan still brought smile, but his eyes became sharp.

"Dream said, it is also a truth."

"Lu Tianyuan is indeed a traitor of Qingzong, but also deviated from the right path, but ..."

Zheng Qingshan directly visited you through the wind: "What is the relationship with Mo Chen?"

Xie Range: "I didn't say anything to do with Mo Chen. I just said that the owner of Chen said that the Qingzong Zong is getting into the magic gate, it is ridiculous, but this is not necessarily ..."

Zheng Qingshan traveled to the front of Xie Feng, only three inches in the face of Xie Xie Feng, straight to the eyes of Xie Feng: "I just ask you, Lu Tian is far from the attack, what is the relationship with Mo Chen ? "

Zheng Qingshan has been speaking very sleek, and even a trip to the wind since the venue.

But these two sentences, thank you, but it is extremely strong, and the front is revealed.

And this kind of questioning directly to the opposite face is, it is not like an elder, more like a municipal well.

Everyone suddenly remembered, when Zheng Qingshan is on the scene, the momentum is like, and the high-profile high-profile high-profile.

More than those ages, I remembered Zheng Qingshan's past, secretly: "I thought it has changed many years, this guy has changed, it looks like, the things in my bones are really can't change ..."

Xie Feng was stared at Some hair by Zheng Qingshan, but he as a nine major door, but he could not overcome his face.

Nowadays: "There is no relationship with Mo Chen, I am not clear, but ..."

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