My Sea Creature Can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 121 Endless night, coffin in the black sea, dawn never comes, evil ghosts eat souls!

As Mo Bai's last trump card.

The performance of Fentian Face Furnace did not disappoint Mo Bai.

It burned all of Mo Bai's soul power, turning it into a high-temperature fire, burning the mother body of the Supreme Corpse Guard.

It is also burning all the undead!

Mo Bai's lips were chapped, and his pale face looked forward to it;

Burn, keep burning until this evil ghost is burned to death!

"Boom——!" However.

A change occurred.

The death circle behind Mo Bai seemed to have its own intelligence.

The moment after Night Ghost was sealed and refined by the furnace fire.

It rioted.

The wind and snow in the entire sky of Minglong Island seemed to be controlled.

Amid everyone's horrified gazes, they were swept up by the strong wind and gathered from all directions to the top of the Deathly Underworld Peak.

An endless ice storm formed, and the dark blue power of death poured onto the Burning Sky Artifact Refining Furnace!

The ice, snow and the power of death were vaporized and burned the moment they came into contact with the fire.

But gradually.

Mo Bai became solemn.

Because every time the power of ice and death is burned an inch by fire.

One degree of temperature will be taken away from the Burning Sky Artifact Refining Furnace.

A degree of reduction in consumption.

The fire that burned the sky gradually dimmed under the attack of ice, snow and death until it went out...!

The invisible ice vines grew again under the control of the power of death, wrapping around the ice-covered Burning Sky refining furnace like a giant snake, making the sound of plant growth.

It's going to open the Burning Sky refining furnace!

Mo Bai is the only person who can control the Burning Sky Artifact Refining Furnace.

He could have chosen to let the Burning Sky Furnace continue to seal the pressure or burn out a raging fire.

But he can't.

Because all his soul power has turned into the sky-burning fire just now.

The moment the fire went out, Mo Bai was destined to just watch!

"Crack——!" The huge cauldron that turned into a hundred meters was lifted open by the ice vines.

The ghost inside came out.

Its whole body is covered in red color caused by high temperature penetration, but its eyes are still a dead dark blue. Every step it takes will melt a step of cold ice and stone.

The high temperature on its body quickly faded in the severe cold, and the missing tissues on its body gradually grew, and even it was once again covered with thin armor like black ice.

Under the realm of the undead, it recovered completely in a few breaths!

Night Ghost raised the corners of his mouth, obviously sarcastically.

Just a little bit.

It's a pity that the Supreme Corpse Guard has an almost immortal recovery physique and endless power of death.

Behind me is endless darkness.

And this Horcrux made by a god.

There is only one great beast master with rare soul power behind him!

Neither success nor failure is in vain.

The power of mortals will eventually be exhausted!

The flames soaring to the sky on the top of Death Peak were extinguished.

The last warm light in the dark night disappeared.

The Mobei Undead Dragon extinguished the red flames gushing out of its body, fell in front of Ye Qingbai and others, and sprayed out dark blue dragon flames from the bottom of its throat!


The cheers of Long Tianyu and others stopped abruptly after less than half.

The wave of corpse ghosts that had fallen due to Mo Bai's ban on night ghosts now got up again.

The withered eyes shimmered with a dead blue light.

The tide of corpses rushed towards the crowd like sea sand!

Long Tianyu looked at the rushing corpses; "If I can survive, I will have a shadow of blue for the rest of my life..."

Even the rotten beasts and ghouls under the starship launched a bombardment attack.

The 700-meter-long undead whale collided with the scarred giant ship.

Not only were the corpses under the ship launching horrific attacks again and again.

Even the trialists on the ship were in chaos and fell into unprecedented despair.

If they can wait for death to come, most people can accept it.

But why should we give them hope before that?

Why did the fire burning in the darkness extinguish after an instant?

How high the hope is, how high the despair is!

The frozen giant cauldron was pushed down into the abyss, smashing the sea ice and sinking into the sea.

Night Ghost spoke up.

Hoarse like the winter wind and snow;

[Without the divine object, you are like a dying moth, dominated by death...]

This young man's performance made him face up to this human being completely.

"I'm afraid of death." Mo Bai looked at the tall ghost and calmed down the trembling of his gums due to cold and fear;

"But I won't run away either!"

He wielded the last Horcrux at his disposal;

The crazy shark bone rod is threaded with the spider silk of the poisonous spider king of the dead zone.

In an instant, it wrapped around the limbs of Night Ghost!

This was followed by the overwhelming sound of the fishing line tearing.

The spider silk taken from the rare catastrophic variant was broken instantly. Night Ghost's attack was silent, and those arrogant and noble blue eyes looked at Mo Bai!

The red human blood trickled down and stained the ice and snow red.

Night Ghost's weapons are very ordinary.

An ice thorn that broke in his hand at some point was like a dagger, piercing through Mo Bai's body.

Break the heart with precision!

In fact, Mo Bai had already chosen to block the moment it took action.

But ordinary ice spikes were indestructible under the blessing of the power of death. While breaking the bone rod of the mad shark, it was also sent into Mo Bai's body.

All it takes is one pull out to make Mo Bai's blood spurt out and die instantly.

But waiting too slowly will lead to death!

"Cough cough cough..."

The young man in the wind and snow coughed up large clusters of blood clots. His hands and feet could clearly move, but his senses had lost consciousness.

Night Ghost carried Mo Bai to the edge of the cliff;

[You are so fragile, so fragile that even such a blow can render you irreparable]

[When all your blood is shed, the God of Death will give you new life...]

Night Ghost pushed Mo Bai to the edge of the cliff.

In blurry vision.

Mo Bai saw the undead dragon speeding away above his head, and also saw and heard the roar of the ghouls, and the undead whale hitting the giant ship again and again on the ice sea in the distance. Its heart was as dark blue as ice. of light...

"I would rather turn into a pile of rotting flesh than a walking corpse!"

Night Ghost looked at this human being with blurred pupils, as if he were looking at a stubborn stone.

Pushed him off a peak in a snowstorm.

On the other side of Death Peak is a cliff that plummets toward the sea!

Mo Bai saw it last.

The night ghost paid devout worship to the death circle behind it.

The black light pillar connecting the sky and the earth stirred the dense clouds above, breaking the blockade of space and tearing a dark crack in the sky.

No one knows where the gap leads.

this moment.

Everyone saw the darkness that was truly coming;

Within the space rift above the sky is the bottom of the endless black sea.

No one knows where this black ocean of eternal night is.

But the most disturbing thing is this.

This death circle is not only a domination circle in the death realm, but also a teleportation array of black magic!

It opened the barrier of space and slowly transported the black iron coffin in the unknown black sea.

If the destruction of Night Ghost is a disaster for the entire sea area.

Then maybe there is something about to be transmitted together in this black iron coffin.

It will be a disaster for all living beings!

Death Peak is very high.

The high ones kept falling.

People who are dying often become confused and their senses, vision and even hearing are all blocked.

The whole world is leaving you.

At the end.

Even the snowflakes that fell together couldn't catch up with him.

Do we really want all members of the Xingtu Team to be buried together in this dark night where we can’t tell when it will end?

"I can't find you, Xiaoxue, dad..." The memories of Mo Bai's two lives flashed across his eyes like a slideshow.

The saddest thing is that before he died, he wanted to imagine what his father looked like, but it turned out to be just the back figure given to him by the Burning Sky Artifact Refining Furnace...!

Does Mo Tian really care about himself?

Mo Bai believes that he cares, because he doesn’t need a reason to believe in his father!

Now comes the problem.

Can he know the anniversary of his death in another ocean?

There was a faint movement in the silent wind.

Maybe it was just a hallucination caused by confusion.

Mo Bai soon determined that it was not an illusion.

The little girl with white hair and red eyes came at full speed in the air.

"Don't die!" Little Cangyue was begging.

At the last moment when she was approaching the vast sea of ​​ice, she was like a desperate and rushing cub.

She thought she saved Mo Bai.

It's a pity that Mo Bai passed through her virtual body.

At this moment she almost collapsed.

I met you but I couldn't save you!

Mo Bai forced out a tired smile.

"Don't cry..."

He was like a doll that had crashed into the cement floor. He landed thousands of meters in the air, shattered the frozen sea, and his whole body was embedded in the ice!

Looking at the boy whose body was cold, he still showed a comforting smile at the last second.

Heart-rending cries came from the dark night.


Within the same night.

It’s the freezing snow season in Xizhouyang.

The whole city was brightly lit, as if real darkness would never come.

An uninvited guest broke into the grand golden church.

The bloated bishop looked at this man and suddenly showed contempt.

This is a very tall man. He should have a face as sharp as a blade and a strong body. He can go anywhere and be a burly bodyguard or a noble swordsman.

But this man is like a scavenger with no fixed abode.

Wearing an old black robe, his body was covered with goose feather-like snow, his robe was covered with mud spots and his beard was unkempt.

"Midnight has arrived." The man's voice was magnetic and deep.

behind him.

The golden dial with fallen snow outside the church, its red-gold hands landed on twelve o'clock.

Within the melodious ringing of bells.

The bishop and everyone looked at this man without any recognition, and could even tell by his face that he was an unbeliever.

"This gentleman from the east, his prayers to the gods have ended tonight."

"Please do not disturb the slumber of the gods here." The bishop came to the man, and the two swordsmen who appeared behind him placed their palms on the hilts of their swords.

The bishop's expression gradually became arrogant.

But the man didn't seem to notice his intention to expel him, and just kept talking to himself.

"Do gods protect living beings?"

"Only the God of life has such universal love." The bishop said patiently, "But those who are not believers in gods will not be favored by gods..." He did not finish his words.

The swordsmen guarding the church flew out of the church first.

Before they knew who was responsible, they fell to the street and passed out.

Mo Tian's hand retracted into his black clothes, as if he had never moved it before, "The bishop is right, these people who are not believers of the true God should not be here."

He faced a crowd of terrified people in the church.

"So it's convenient now."

"I am not on good terms with the gods and my prayers are useless."

"So now I want you to pray for my child, pray that he will be pitied by the God of Life this night, and pray that he can be reborn from the ashes!"

"If you can't do it, then I will send you to see the gods and help me find out!"

This terrifying man put down the heavy giant cauldron. As the cauldron fell, the giant dial outside the church fell with a crash and shattered into a ball of scrap metal!

He didn't want to hear the wail of the death knell again.

The man stood in front of the church, his nails under his black robe dug into his palms, and the bishop could even see the blood dripping on the ground.

He has power comparable to that of a god, but it seems that in the next moment, this man who was as stubborn as a rock one second ago... will completely degenerate into a devil!

The archbishop collapsed on the ground, feeling like he had encountered a madman talking nonsense.

The most important thing is that this madman has the power that no one can resist!


Poisonous Spider Sea.

Minglong Island.

The sky seemed to be covered with endless clouds.

It is clearly dawn now, but the God of Light seems to have abandoned this sea. Instead of being expelled with the dawn, the darkness here has become gradually deeper and stronger.

The black coffin on the distant sky has gradually descended into the nameless black sea at the other end.

The dark sky reflected the ice black.

The boy embedded in the ice had lost all his blood and looked pale.

"No...I don't want it, I don't agree with this ending!" Chitong's lonely soul has cried all her tears.

Kneeling on the black ice.

The breath of death attracts wandering rot beasts.

It was a ferocious giant shark, with jagged bones and flesh, gradually approaching the people on the ice.

But Cang Yue didn't seem to realize it.

She looked at the person in front of her blankly, and suddenly regretted why she had met this boy.

If he didn't know him, he wouldn't be important to him, and he wouldn't have to face his current ending.

The undead shark is trying hard to break through the sea.

But something even more terrifying appeared.

A silver-gray sea dragon with red eyes and a length of over a thousand meters appeared.

It opens its huge mouth that blocks out the sky and the sun.

In front of it, the undead shark was like dust in front of the giant turtle, torn directly into blood mist floating under the ice.

Like a giant pillar reaching the sky, the sea dragon broke through the sea ice and landed behind Cang Yue.

[My steps are always too slow, I’m a step too late...]

A low, thunderous sound pierced the dark sea.

This kind of thick sound that requires endlessly huge lungs is beyond human reach.

If the wind, snow and darkness hadn't taken over the sea area at this time, this sound could have been heard throughout the entire sea area.

Little Cangyue looked at the sea dragon that was covered in scales but had no limbs;

"Who are you?"

"Girl from the Dragon Clan, do you want to get to know me?"

Hai Long first opened his huge fangs to scare her, but to no avail, he asked her question.

Immediately afterwards.

The ice in a huge area of ​​​​the sea made a collective breaking sound.

The sea ice cracked inch by inch, and the ice cracks spread rapidly in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, the giant beast that had been covered in sea mud collapsed and coral fell appeared.

This is a turtle-like sea beast.

But it is arguably the largest turtle-like sea beast in the entire world.

Even though most of his body is dormant thousands of meters under the sea.

But in the moment of emergence.

The head covered with horns and scales still frightened little Cang Yue. Its animal pupils shimmered in the dark night and had an almost sun-like texture.

It turns out that the thousand-meter-long sea dragon only formed the tail of consciousness...

This is a Dragon Tail Xuanwu!

Or it's called Qingtian Dragon Tail Ao.

Maybe it’s because we are in despair and crave hope even more.

Little Cangyue looked at this huge sea beast, held up a pair of small white hands and prayed silently;

"Grandpa Wugui, you must have a way to help us, right?"

Juao was silent for a moment; "Child, I want to tell you a cruel reality."

"Doctors can only do nothing with the dead."

"He's not dead!"

The red-eyed, silver-haired Lonely Soul looks like a stubborn child;

"He has come up with so many ideas. He promised me to find my brother...and now he has not fulfilled his promise, and he will not die!"

"It's a pity that the breath of death has taken away the soul." A declaration came from the throat of the giant turtle; "The flesh and blood of dead things are gradually withering away, and even the ice and snow in the middle of winter cannot stop it."

"You and I both smell the smell of death, the smell of flesh and blood beginning to die, the curse of the night has arrived, and soon..."

"Even this child can become a thing of the night."

Xiao Cangyue looked along Ju'ao's words.

She discovered that dark death energy was pouring into his body from the ice thorn stabbed into Mo Bai's heart.

Loss of vitality.

The power of death is like the darkness falling with the setting sun, eroding everything.

In the young man's pupils, dark blue pupil lines spread deep in the pupils...

"Is this the worse news you're going to tell me?"

Juao continued to speak slowly, "Actually, there is even worse news..." It was referring to the space that was opened on the top of Death Peak.

The real God of Death is in that mysterious coffin. If the mysterious coffin falls, then the real disaster will come.

Little Cangyue looked at this big turtle who spoke slowly at all times, biting her mouth and almost crying.

If you can't help, can you please stop wasting your time?

Fortunately, Ju'ao's slow speech doesn't mean it's slow to respond. He seemed to be angry when he found out.

Long story short, the only hope given;

"For humans, there is no resurrection of dead things, but for gods, there may be a glimmer of hope."

"There is another way." Qingtian Longweiao said.

"Then try your method!" Xiao Cangyue said.

"To be honest, I hate bleeding." Juao was silent for a moment.

With its tail, the sea dragon opened its sharp teeth and pulled out a scale from Qingtian Dragon's tail.

To Qingtian Longweiao, this was just an inconspicuous hole like a needle prick.

But to Mo Bai, this was as huge as a rushing waterfall.

The red blood waterfall from Qingtian Dragon Tail rushed towards Mo Bai.

At this time, a strange scene appeared.

The red blood seemed to have automatically found a new owner and poured into Mo Bai's body.

The blood of giant turtles is very special. It is not compatible with clothing, earth and stone. Instead, it looks for a new owner on its own.

In a few breaths, it all poured into Mo Bai's body, and even faintly caused the bones in Mo Bai's body to make a subtle clicking sound of growth and strengthening, and even his body seemed to have become stronger.

Mo Bai's cold body even slowly warmed up.

"Is Mo Bai okay?" Xiao Cangyue, "He's still not angry..."

"Dragon Tail Xuanwu, the Four Creation Spirits of the Sea, and the God of Sea Control in Xizhou Yang, have given him the power of his own bloodline. He will become a dead man with the bloodline of the gods and a more powerful corpse!"

Listen to Longwei Xuanwu's words.

Little Cang Yue Na Na.

"Why is that? What's the difference between that and death?"

"Because my power can only keep his body alive, but the God of Death has taken away his soul. The carrier of the soul is consciousness. The reason why a corpse is a dead person is because the body is still there but the consciousness has been lost. It can only I have become a night ghost dominated by the hunting instinct. The only one who can bring my consciousness back is the legendary angel...that is, you who use the soul ideology as the carrier!"

Qingtian Longweiao; "Before his soul is completely swallowed by death, only you, who is also a soul, can retrieve his deepest consciousness and awaken him!"

"You know the price this may cost. If he can't wake up, you will be trapped in a walking zombie forever. If the soul dies, the zombie's state of mind will collapse. You can go in, but you can't get out!"

"I must save brother Mo Bai!"

Qingtian Longweiao was also surprised, "I care about this kid's business because of the entrustment of an old friend."

"You have already died once, and I believe you don't want to experience death again."

"Why did you save him?"

"I have lost one chance to save him." said the girl with red eyes in the night and silver hair in the sky;

"He is the only one who recognizes my existence. I don't want to find another host for my soul. If little Mobai disappears from this world, I will never be able to laugh again!"

There was no laughter, no emotion whatsoever.

Juao watched as the dragon soul turned into a phantom.

poured into his body.

"When death came, a similar scene happened in front of me, but it was a pity that they failed." Longwei Xuanwu said faintly; "My wish remains the same as before. In the tug-of-war with the god of death, I bet on the living!"

Mo Bai's consciousness vaguely came to a place unknown to him.

It's just that all the memories of the past seem to have been wiped out like a disc, without the slightest impression left.

Disappear completely.

It was as if everything Mo Bai had ever known had been washed away.

Whether it was the earth in the past life, the memory of this life, or the moment when the night ghost pierced the ice into the heart, it seemed as if it had never existed at all.

There is just a blank space.

Mo Bai didn't even know how he got here.

The sky, water, earth... everything seems to have never been seen before, so strange and novel in the eyes.

Why does the body seem so heavy?

Or is the body just like this? This is the only question on Mo Bai's mind.

It seems like there is always darkness under the sky.

He stood on an old bluestone bridge. Under the stone bridge filled with ice and snow in the cold wind was the frozen river.

There are countless blood-like red flowers growing on the river bed and on both sides of the river bed. They are all the same, with petals like fire and stamens stretching out like countless slender tentacles. They remain blooming all year round, even if they are covered with ice and snow...

Under the snowy trestle in the dark night.

Mo Bai saw the other end of the bridge.

Countless black figures stood at the other end of the bridge, their faces obscured by the shadows of black cloaks.

They are like messengers of the night, silent.

Like a black mourner, walking towards the other end of the bridge.

Mo Bai instinctively wanted to see what happened.

But I don’t know why.

There was a voice in his heart that seemed to be telling Mo Bai.

You can't get close to them, you have to stay away from them, run as far away as possible!

Mo Bai couldn't remember this emotion. It was actually called fear!

The instinct of the living is the fear of evil spirits!

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