My Sea Creature Can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 122: Soul Deed Formation; Haotian Destiny Soul; The Third Detached Soul Form!

Turning around, Mo Bai wanted to run away from this place of right and wrong.

A tall black shadow blocked his way.

At some point, the cold wind and snow began to impact Mo Bai's consciousness.

To Mo Bai, this coldness seemed to be experienced by a certain fading memory, so that it was so real.

The black figures walking out of the shadows were silent, but Mo Bai seemed to hear whispers. It was a language that Mo Bai couldn't hear, and was broken up by the wind and snow.

"It's time for you to leave." The tall black figure stood next to Mo Bai and said.

It's like announcing, more like urging.

Mo Bai didn't make any movement.

Although all memories seem to never exist.

But he found that his body was trembling. The only thing that can make people tremble uncontrollably is death, right?

"Who are they?"

"Your kind." The tall black shadow said, "We are in the same camp of strong men, and we have eternal existence!"

"I don't believe they are my kind." Mo Bai looked at the faces under the cloaks of the black shadows and found that the shadows under the cloaks were empty.

shake head;

"I won't believe you either, because you are secretive and deceptive."

"If I have to cross this bridge, then the person who picks me up must be the one I remember!"

"It's a pity that we are the only ones who can take you away now!" A cold smile appeared on the black figure behind Mo Bai, "Your life is exhausted, you are extremely fragile, and your resistance is meaningless!"

Suddenly, a tall black figure grabbed Mo Bai's arm.

It was like iron pincers made of ice, cold and powerful.

Mo Bai seemed to hear the sound of bones breaking.

He struggled to tear off the cloak of the black figure, like tearing off the painted skin of a demon.

Like the scene where a scam is revealed.

A horrific scene occurred.

Under the cloak, the ferocious face of a night ghost suddenly appeared.

Night ghost!

It's like the blocked memory has found its source.

Mo Bai clearly remembered that it was this monster that pierced a dagger-like piece of ice into his body.

The approaching shadows raised their heads.

The withered blue eyes under the cloak illuminated the twisted faces of the ghouls.

Vaguely, Mo Bai saw his own appearance on the frozen ice.

Like the dead, a pair of blue pupils without black...

outside world.

A corner of the mysterious coffin that broke through the void at the top of the Death Peak has been exposed, blocking all light and temperature.

It's like the god of death is reigning over the world.

state of mind.

Mo Bai struggled with Ye Gui's hand with all his strength.

But just like before, his weak consciousness could no longer return to the human world on his own.

Mo Bai looked at the tide of corpses rushing towards him.

Finally heard their whispers in the wind and snow;

"Weak soul, look at his helpless struggle..."

"Break his neck, I will share in this feast!"

"I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry!"


"Mo Bai!" Suddenly.

The girl's cry came from the windy and snowy night.

The black shadows didn't seem to notice the arrival of another soul. They all rushed towards Mo Bai, as if they could only see Mo Bai.

The incarnation of Wei Yegui in his mind looked over.

Because the soul with white clothes and silver hair rushed in like ice and snow.

She was as pretty as an angel, but at this moment she was as helpless as a clay doll, with unstoppable tears flowing from her dreamy eyes.

"Don't die, don't give in to the devil!" It was like a tug of war.

She grabbed Mo Bai's hand and tried her best to save it.

"I have never succumbed to the devil, thank you for coming to save me." Mo Bai said;

"But I lost the duel with Yegui. Now it's time for me to pay the price of my failure..."

The night ghost behind Mo Bai did not move.

Because it is only the incarnation of the power of death eroding consciousness, and it is helpless against the powerful consciousness.

This is a legendary soul.

Why is there a soul comparable to a god living in a human body?

Mo Bai looked at the rushing corpses and urged;

"It's time for you to go."

"I'm not leaving!"

She murmured; "Yes, there are actually ways to save you. There have always been ways!"

"Do you still remember the "Haotian Soul Contract Record"? You have studied it. You are a soul master who has not yet contracted a beast soul. It can make your contracted soul like a contracted beast control, with my dragon soul. Sign the contract and you will be reborn!"

"We discussed this issue the night before participating in the beast control trial, but I found that it was unfair to you. You will pay everything..."

Little Cangyue squinted her wing-like eyes, as if she didn't care about anything at this moment;

"Okay, it's better for me to disappear than for you to disappear, because then you will have to bear all the guilt and loneliness. You are the person chosen by this dragon, how can you be a bed bug traveling at night?"

At the last moment when the corpses came to kill her, she hugged Mo Bai's transparent soul, and she herself shattered into light dust all over the sky without any warning!

A scorching sun seemed to be sent out of the heart with Mo Bai and her as the center, as if the fire of the whole world had gathered, tearing apart the ice, snow and darkness in the heart, and the black shadows howled and disappeared without a trace!

[The Art of Soul Contract; Haotian Soul Contract Record]

[Soul Skill Quality; Legend]

[The first bonded soul form; bonded soul! 】

The legendary dragon beast soul contract ceremony begins.

So much so that the dazzling thunder light broke through the dark sky, forming a huge soul formation that spanned half of the sky. The eye of the formation was a roaring dragon head. Under the pressure of its power, the death circle connecting the heaven and the earth seemed... Slim!

Thunder rolled down from the sky behind Night Ghost.

It turns around.

Seeing the silver dragon soul formation emerging in the sky, tearing open the black sky!

Ye Qingbai and others could no longer hold on to the "Six Beasts Canglan Formation" and rode on the ice dragon to shuttle through the snowy mountains.

The Mobei Undead Dragon behind him slashed its wingspan that covered the sky, smashing into one mountain after another in flight!

"What is that?" Ye Qingbai was attracted by the thunder and lightning that suddenly lit up the night sky.

Everyone can see it.

Following the soaring flames of the Burning Sky Artifact Refining Furnace, people saw the scene of the giant contract formation covering the world.

"The handiwork of the soul master? Why is there a soul master here?" Ruoyao asked.

The most powerful supreme soul master she has ever seen did not have such a world-destroying momentum when he contracted beast souls...

"Who knows where the fairies, devils and gods appear from?"

"But I don't care if he is a god or a ghost, I just want someone to save us!" Ye Qingbai almost went crazy.

Because in his perception, Mo Bai's soul power fluctuations dissipated.

My brother Bai, who always had ideas, is dead...

The tide of zombies revealed an endless number under the light of lightning.

The beast master fights with his master until the final chapter. He is covered in blood and is in such an embarrassing state that he can no longer tell the difference between a corpse and a rotting beast. The only difference between his mortal enemy and his kind is the presence or absence of a pair of blue pupils...

Long Tianyu also saw the huge silver formation reaching into the sky.

Under strong pressure.

Everyone believes that the end has come!

In the whale song under the ice sea in the distance, the silver contracted soul array is like a divine punishment that has been brewing;

Shine a straight silver light!

In one breath, it penetrated the night and the ice sea, shattered the endless ice in the vast sea, and impacted Mo Bai's body!

Originally with the body strength of a rare-level great beast master, Mo Bai's body would be washed away and shattered by the power of the legendary dragon soul at the moment of the soul contract.

But the blood of Qingtian Dragon Tail Ao gave Mo Bai almost the same strength as a sea beast, saving his body from the danger of being shattered in the soul contract!

Thunder light, lasting!

The returned stronger vitality quickly repaired the wounds on the body.

So much so that even the ice thorn that penetrated Mo Bai was squeezed out of his heart inch by inch and quickly repaired.

The young man, covered in blood but with no scars on his body, woke up like a dream!

He jumped out of the ice pit in the exhausted lightning.

He saw the contracted soul formation above his head gradually dissipating into darkness.

The soul contract ceremony has been completed, so the mission of the contract soul array also ends here.

Just like the Burning Sky Fire burning in the Burning Sky Refining Furnace.

The world-destroying thunder formation only existed for a moment.

Through the broken ice, Mo Bai saw his own eyes.

Just like what he saw through the ice in his mind, the young man's eyes were wide open.

His pupils were filled with dark blue pupil lines, exuding a deathly light, and the power of death brought irreversible erosion to his body.

He survived contrary to common sense, and his body and soul became stronger in the new life...

The biting coldness between his fingers told Mo Bai that this was not a dream.

Night Ghost pierced his heart.

Throwing himself down a cold peak nearly 10,000 meters high, he died.

Then in the hands of death, he was pulled back by another soul.

That's Xiao Cang Yue.

Mo Bai was stunned for a moment.

Then a call arose in the wind and snow;

"You're a dragon girl who was born in Cangyue. You pulled me back from the road of reincarnation. Why don't you give me some face to come out?"

No one responded, as if the ghost who had known him for a very short time but was extremely important never existed.

"Come out, little one, Dragon Girl, little Cang Yue, I'll call you the great Da Cang Yue...!"

The boy called repeatedly, but his call always seemed to be blocked by the wind and snow.

But in fact, the ghost's appearance in the past would not be hindered by anything.

She can't be heard anymore because she disappeared.

Gradually, Mo Bai no longer chose to have extravagant hopes.

He froze in place, as if even the sky and the death circle behind him had nothing to do with him.

"Do you want to find a dead person with a broken body and soul?"

Juao made a sound, "Then take a look at your right hand. Is there an extra mark in the palm of your hand?"

Mo Bai looked at this giant turtle with no impression, but it had been waiting for him for a long time.

I really saw little Cang Yue.

In the palm of his hand, a dragon soul mark appeared that was integrated with Mo Bai, merging with the muscles and bones.

"Just like a beast master signing a contract to control the first beast, this is a contract soul seal formed by the beast soul with all its soul power, which contains all the power of each sea beast."

"You should feel honored for this, because with your weak soul power of level 25, you have received the gift of the legendary Dragon God and established a Dragon Soul Contract. The power of the God has been given to you, and she is protecting you in another way. …”

"You fart!" Mo Bai roared like a leopard. He could no longer hide his emotions.

He had never been so out of control, his eyes seemed to be spitting out man-eating beasts;

"How is this rebirth? This is clearly just a witchcraft that exchanges one life for another!"

Juao was used to life and death, so he continued to speak quietly;

"You are just a teenager, you are still growing up. Now you have to know that the only god in the world who cannot bargain is Death, and Death will not suffer."

"If you want to take away a soul from its hands, you need another soul in exchange. You still have a body that can be used as a bridge to return to the world of life, but she is just a wandering soul transformed from the remaining energy, a body of nothingness. It cannot withstand any consumption.”

"The dead have passed away, the living still live, and now disaster has come."

"If you can cherish the life she gave you, I will immediately take you away from this land of right and wrong. I know that there are many secluded corners in this world where you can hide from darkness and escape from danger. I can even take you there. Take him back to your father..."

"I will go see him by myself. I don't need to escape." Mo Bai said.

"The night ghost is the common enemy of all living beings. Have you forgotten how it took away your life in a destructive manner? Are you so anxious to let that monster harvest your soul for the second time?" Juao asked.

The young man raised his cold and dead eyes in the night, as cold as a night ghost;

"You were wrong, this time I will harvest that black soul!"

As his soul power rises, a ferocious blue electric dragon shadow forms behind him!

Soul Contract Master; Dragon Soul Contract!

The power of the dragon clan, the power of Cangyue Dragon God!

The dual blessings of Qingtian Dragon Tailao's bloodline and Cangyue Dragon King's soul power gave the reborn boy a physical strength a hundred times stronger than before!

"Tong——!" The ice exploded.

The figure with eyes that glowed like a devil caused the ice beneath its feet to collapse horribly.

He was like a vengeful devil crossing the abyss, grabbing hold of the steep ice thousands of meters away, and leaping towards the top of Death Peak at the speed of light step by step!

After a few breaths, he had disappeared from Qingtian Dragon Tailiao's sight.

The familiar panel changes were heard in the wind;


[My own realm; rare level 25 great beast master, dragon soul master]

[Self Soul Skill; "Fishing Technique", "Blood Contract Technique", "Purification Field", "Six Beasts Canglan Formation\

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