My Sea Creature Can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 124 Kicking the coffin to break the formation, the Lord of Eternal Night

The mysterious coffin in the black sea seemed to weigh tens of thousands of pounds.

So much so that even the huge body of the Mobei Undead Dragon could only be dragged out of the sky inch by inch.

Mo Bai watched all this from a distance.

A giant silver dragon arrived in the wind and snow.

That was Ye Qingbai.

At this moment, everyone got off the ice dragon.

The only thing that could identify Mo Bai was the familiar fluctuation of soul power.

"Brother Bai, how did you become like this..." Ye Qingbai was also shocked.

At this moment, the dragon scales on the young man's body were like ferocious bone armor, and the bones transformed into monsters.

"We'll talk about some things later." Mo Bai made a hoarse voice; "Take me up!"

Now the only person who can bring that mysterious coffin down is Mo Bai!

"Okay, then come up!"

Ye Qingbai ordered the Ice Dragon to flap its wings and fly away.

Following the undead dragon.

Everyone saw a silver dragon soaring into the sky.

Mo Bai jumped up and grabbed the dragon's tail.

Wait until they are approaching the Mobei Undead Dragon.

"Send me up!"

The giant ice dragon whipped out its tail.

He threw Mo Bai up like a cannonball.

Night Ghost's pupils were cold and angry.

【Dragon Flame】

The majestic gushing dragon fire poured out, forming a sheet of blue fire covering the sky, swallowing up the evil ghost rushing towards the sky.

But the next moment.

Night Ghost saw a pair of dead ghost eyes passing through the dragon flames.

An evil ghost with scales all over his body as red as iron sprang out.

It stretched out its fist and poured heavily on the black iron coffin that was about to arrive.

With just one punch, the black iron coffin was directly thrown back to the black sea at the other end of the space!

[Devils who blaspheme God are destined to be cursed! 】The night ghost is crazy.

Its king cannot come.

It failed completely!

The undead dragon's ferocious giant teeth instantly bit Mo Bai.

But the humanoid dragon beast exploded with power even more terrifying than the dragon. The body of the legendary dragon god turned into an iron fist, shattering the dragon teeth stuck with black blood.


The undead dragon's jaw was directly broken, and its brain seemed to be bursting out.

It's like a fallen ship.

Falling towards the ground below at high speed.

The undead dragon fell to pieces this time, and its headless body was immediately kicked onto the rock. After twitching its phalanges twice, it finally failed to grow another head.

The monster's eyes were scarlet with anger, standing on top of the decaying dragon corpse.

Throwing the night ghost head in his hand aside.

Night Ghost's pupils were completely extinguished.

Ye Qingbai and others instinctively kept a distance from Mo Bai.

Because rather than saying this is Mo Bai, it is more like a devil.

What kind of soul is he contracting with?

What made him become so violent despite having a legendary body?

The rage, the blood...are all outweighed by the sadness in those burning eyes.

The sadness in the air was stronger than the falling ice and snow.

The Xingtu Team tried to call Mo Bai's name.

But Mo Bai was like a giant machine without a target. He didn't refuse or respond. He stood there, waiting for the bonded soul state to be lifted.

The bones returned to their original shape, the scales were hidden under the skin, and he appeared as a human again.

Within the entire sea of ​​poisonous spiders, all the ghouls have lost the supply of maternal power, like machines losing power.

A pair of dark blue eyes went out.

Whether it's a wight or a rotting beast.

The moment a hundred thousand ghouls rushed towards the last few teams, they suddenly disintegrated into broken corpses, as unbearable as corpses that had passed through a thousand years.

"Dead, really dead this time... Mo Bai won!"

"Mo Bai succeeded!"

Long Tianyu and everyone sat on the ground.

All the standing corpses on the starship fell down.

Chi Yan and Luo Yin also saw that the undead giant whale automatically shattered the heart in its cavity as it jumped out of the ice and screamed, turning into a pile of completely dead whale bones, smashing the heavy ice, and seriously injured the whale. The huge ship collapsed and sank back into the sea.

"Has death let us go?" the only survivors asked.

Roger looked at the mysterious coffin that was pushed directly back to another space and murmured.

"Maybe it's because the God of Death has been punished."


The long wailing beast masters and the frightened beast masters watched the arrival of the Star Desert Prince.

The Supreme Ghoul is also something that young people like them cannot shake.

Ye Qingbai looked at the pale face of Prince Xingmo.

Stroking the blood-covered head of the Star Sea King Jiao, he stood up as if he were the last person, trembling his lips;

"I heard them say that you are the only king who can rival my father, Emperor Xinghui, even though you are dead now."

"But I was born to wear the crown, I was born to bear its weight, and I am the Crown Prince of the Empire."

"I won't back down!"

Prince Xinghai drew out his sword, jumped up and slashed it at Prince Xingmo's pale face!

The sword has not yet arrived.

The lifeless blue in Prince Xingmo's eyes went out, and he knelt down straight in front of Prince Xinghai.

Lei Jie and others covered their hearts and were stunned.

Prince Xinghai was also confused.

Is it so powerful to intimidate me to draw my sword emotionally?

Looking at the sky, it seems that it has become clear.

Prince Xinghai seemed to have guessed the real reason.

"The power of the night ghost has disappeared..."

Mo Bai then discovered that there seemed to be one thing that had not been done.

The undead magic circle.

The undead magic circle is still spreading power to the source of disaster and darkness.

If the undead circle is not broken, the disaster in the sea will continue.

When Mo Bai was about to touch the death staff standing in the center of the undead circle.

Something strange happened behind Mo Bai.

The eyes of the night ghost whose head was screwed off were ignited with an uncertain light;

[It can be seen that you win]

[But you are like a child who has suffered a loss, you are regretful, you are angry...] It is not a night ghost.

It is the king of all night ghosts, and it is the god of death sleeping in the coffin of the Black Sea.

"What do you want to say?"

[When my king comes to the world, I will be able to help you find the dead souls you want to find] That voice seems to be able to confuse people's hearts, and no one can even hide the secret in its heart. The bewitchment of the following words;

[I know the origin of the dragon soul. As long as I am willing, I can tell you all the secrets you don't know. I can retrieve that weak soul and give it a new life. She will only belong to you! 】

[All costs; help me come! 】

The proclamation of the Lord of Eternal Night seems to control people's hearts.

So much so that Mo Bai's eyes seemed to glow brightly.

But in the end, the death scepter in the undead magic circle was pulled out directly by Mo Bai, and the magic circle lost the blessing of the Horcrux and completely collapsed;

"I don't believe your lies. From what I've seen and heard, the eternal life you promised is just a corpse, a corpse dominated by death!"

"Now that the door to hell has been closed, why should I let the devil come out again?"

The black light of the undead array is rapidly fading and shrinking.

At the same time, there was also the mockery of the Lord of Eternal Night;

[Human beings have always been this cowardly and timid nature, you thought you saved the whole world]

[In fact, you don’t know that you will eventually face death, you despicable people who despise your promises! 】

It launched an attack, and Mo Bai didn't have time to dodge.

That head is like the revenge of a ghost.

He bit Mo Bai's neck firmly!

Mo Bai felt as if a piece of flesh had been ripped out of his neck, and a burning pain like a will-o'-the-wisp climbed up his neck and penetrated deep into his soul!

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