My Sea Creature Can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 125 Death Curse, Starship

Ruo Yaoyao was stunned by this horrifying scene.

After a pause of one tenth of a second.

She immediately stepped forward and kicked the head away. Mo Bai's neck was covered with blood, whether it was fatal or not.

Mo Bai looked at the head and made sure it was definitely not a night ghost;

[The curse of death has been set on you, and all the dirty things in this world will be aware of your existence! 】

"I never believe in ghosts and gods, let alone curses...!" Mo Bai endured the severe pain as if his neck had been cut, and looked into those blue eyes.

[The curse will give a deeper nightmare to the fearless ignorant]

The night ghost's eyes seemed to see the eternal night in the distance;

[I have seen your future... You will not be able to sleep at night, the darkness will erode you when you close your eyes, you will encounter separation, betrayal, and be isolated by the ignorant world in a life dominated by tragedy, without any hope. People recognize heroes, but loneliness and death are with you! 】

Mo Bai looked at this ghost's nonsense.

There was blood between the fingers covering his neck.

But what Mo Bai saw was not blood.

On his neck, there is an extremely deep black mark that spreads, forming a ferocious evil spirit, entangled in the flesh and blood meridians even more tightly than the tattoo!

Death curse mark.

The mark of death dropped by the God of Death is like a reminder to the living and a death warrant.

It will gradually become deeper and stronger in the host's body, until one day it will completely engulf the host's consciousness!

Even all the undead creatures in this world will sense Mo Bai's existence. The existence of the curse seal is like putting a mark on Mo Bai's soul.

The dark dead creatures hidden in this world will feel Mo Bai's aura and obey their king to hunt this prey!

[When night falls, it is not the darkest time, because the nightmare has not yet come]

Mo Bai looked at the remaining light in Ye Gui's pupils;

"None of this has anything to do with me. Who are you?"

It answered;


The pupils in Sui Yegui's eyes disappeared.

This head has completely become a decoration.

The space that was broken in the sky was like water that had been cut off and restored again.

The light of the death circle disappeared, the dark sky gradually dispersed, and the first ray of morning light tore through the dark clouds and poured down.

The light shone on everyone, and the living people cheered with joy.

Its daybreak.

Dawn has arrived, and the black haze has faded away with the destruction of the undead circle. The ice and snow have stopped, the black rain on Xuanwu Island has stopped pouring, and the catastrophic sea beasts have returned to normal.

Whether the living people were close friends or rivals, they all embraced each other tightly.

Only Mo Bai lay in the ice and snow on the peak.

His friends looked at the young man who clearly had no injuries at all, but who seemed to have been hit hard.

The boy looked towards the empty sky, as if the whole world was far away from him.

"Mo Bai, we survived." Not only Ruoyao, but also Long Tianyu and others who climbed to the top later also said.

But the atmosphere seemed to be sealed in cement.

Everyone's smiles disappeared with Mo Bai's deathly silence; "What's wrong with you, Mo Bai?"

"Someone left..."

"Many people have left, but luckily among the misfortunes, it was your action that prevented more people from leaving this world. You are the hero who cut off Li Gui's head!" Prince Xinghai also ran up and said.

Behind him, stood Xiao Chang, Long Tianyu and other trialists, as well as the Abyss Megalodon, the limping Wood Spirit Sea Fox and other beast masters...

But for a while, this young man who always answered questions did not answer them.

Making everyone retreat in confusion.

Probably they all saw it.

Someone indeed left in Mo Bai's heart.

Although the person who left is of no importance to anyone else.

But people who leave just leave.

The ghost who was looking for her brother disappeared, and the only evidence that she ever existed was the memory in Mo Bai's mind that was as clear as yesterday.

He lost a loved one whom he probably only knew for less than a month.

Everyone decided not to disturb the exhausted hero.

"The top priority now is how we can return to Xuanwu Island, which is 700 nautical miles away." Prince Xinghai talked about something more serious.

Sixteen war spirit fleets were all sunk by the attacks of corpses and rotting beasts.

Even the Xinghai main ship guarded by the Supreme Swordsman, Red Flame Luo Yin and others is half-dead and has no carrying capacity at all.


The sound of a giant ship breaking through the sea sounded in the distance.

The people standing on the peak looked from a distance.

It was discovered that a larger main ship appeared.

It is made of steel as tough as black gold. Even a battle spirit ship as huge as the Star Sea Prince Ship is less than half as big as this giant spirit ship.

The giant ship was silent as it sailed, even the hard ice was broken by its blade-like bow. The fleet behind him, led by him, moved forward along the broken waterway.

Countless armies and powerful men are gearing up among them. The soul ship cannons are fully charged, and the beast masters wearing unified armor are ready to go.

There were countless warships following it, flying the Dongzhou Empire's usual sea-suppressing royal flag, masculine and domineering.

This is a fleet composed of all the elites of the Dongzhou Empire.

Compared to the combat power of this giant soul ship.

The Star Sea Prince Ship is like a child trapped in a tidal flat, waiting for redemption.

Emperor Xinghui is tall and steady in military uniform.

Look at everything happening on Minglong Island.

He had already tightened his grip on the hilt of the sword, having already thought of the worst;

If the monster under the ice had really succeeded.

Then even if the fate of the entire empire is blocked, we must fight to the end!

At this moment.

Someone in the distance discovered the starship that was frozen in the ice.

"It is the escort ship of His Highness the Prince of Xinghai!"

"Start the rescue."

"Soul lock breaks the ice, soul ship pulls, rescue!"

The bow of the giant soul ship shot straight steel cables, and with the blessing of soul crystal energy, they broke the ice under the sea-breaking ship.

Hanging on the side of the starship.

Pulled it out of the frozen sea.

When the two ships met, everyone saw a scene that was unimaginable in this life.

The ships are filled with the corpses of rotting beast masters, as well as mixed corpses of ghouls and humans...

The last person alive noticed the arrival of the giant soul ship.

I saw Emperor Xinghui and others arriving at this time.

"Your Majesty Xinghui, Prince Xinghe..." Chi Yan murmured.

It seems that the emergence of another side of Night Ghost has already alarmed the empire.

Emperor Xinghui smelled the rotten smell and the smell of dried blood in the air. It was the smell of the blood of the dead and the blood of the living coagulated together.

The only reassuring thing is.

The dark clouds that originally covered the sky and the earth began to recede.

The realm of death dominated by darkness is over.

"Did my young son bring you here?" Emperor Xinghui asked.

Roger the Great Swordsman bowed respectfully.

"Your Majesty, I think this darkness ended because of His Royal Highness."

The king, as proud as a lion, smiled;

"If just recklessly entering the forbidden area to look for evil spirits could end the disaster, I don't think my imperial brother would have slept here a hundred years ago." Emperor Xinghui's eyes were solemn.

"Find the savior who ends the darkness. I want to see him in person!"

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