My Sea Creature Can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 126: Sky Badge, Undead Scepter, a glimmer of hope!

At noon.

Except for the darkness that has long since dissipated without a trace.

Everyone seems to have discovered a strange phenomenon.

The thick fog that has shrouded the Poisonous Spider Sea all year round seems to have gradually dissipated with the end of the death circle.

The sea area is unprecedentedly clear, and even the sea water has returned to its normal sea blue.

The wind and snow on Minglong Island are still there.

It just became gentler.

All negative effects seemed to be lifted with the death of the Death Circle and Night Ghost.

It is believed that in a few hundred years the Poisonous Spider Sea and Dark Dragon Island will become the next human habitat on the sea map.

Tens of millions of human beings in later generations lived here and lived a peaceful and peaceful life.

They will not know the disaster that happened on this island a hundred years ago and now.

The humans on the empire's elite fleet have occupied the entire poisonous spider sea area.

Every dead body that could be found, whether it was a beast master or a beast master, was poured into the fire.

The corpses of the ghouls and humans burned fiercely, and the piles of corpses formed black smoke, taking away the nightmares and former friends!

"In this beast control trial, 90% will lead to death and 10% will survive." Chi Yan mourned in silence; "The deceased has passed away."

"Those who survive, come and say goodbye to your former best friends, or every worthy opponent!"

There are 110,000 remaining testers in the Beast Taming Trial.

But in the end, most of them died at the hands of the wights.

If the passers of the beast control trial are the top 1,000.

Then the number of people who survive is probably less than five hundred, and countless geniuses sleep with their beast masters forever, and this is the price paid for fighting against evil spirits...

Under the watch of the army.

Long Tianyu, Xiao Changzhan and others came to stare at the burning pile of corpses one after another, and then left one after another.

Death Peak.

Mo Bai was the only one who didn't leave.

Behind him, Emperor Xinghui came forward, accompanied by Prince Xinghe and many ministers.

Emperor Xinghui looked at Mo Bai's back and spoke slowly;

"The empire's fleet will take everyone away from the poisonous spider sea in the evening. Get ready to set off, child."

Mo Bai didn't answer him immediately.

This immediately aroused the displeasure of many royal families.

Among them, Prince Xinghe was particularly angry;

"As a citizen of the Dongzhou Empire, why don't you worship the emperor?"

"Are you His Majesty Xinghui?" Mo Bai asked without looking back.

Such a sentence really choked Prince Yixinghe and everyone else.

Prince Xinghe's face was ashen and thin; "Although I am not the watchman of the Eastern Continent Empire, if you don't worship the king, you are disrespecting the king's authority. If His Majesty hadn't disdained to compete with a junior, do you think your head would still be there?" Up?"

"Throughout the ages, only those who have made outstanding contributions to the empire can be honored by the emperor. What achievements have you made? You are a young boy!"

"I may be young, but the things I have done are definitely more important than you!" Mo Bai turned around and said.

Everyone was shocked at this moment.

Because they all saw this scene.

The slender black-haired boy suddenly had a pair of blue eyes like a ghost, like a ghost on a winter night.


"Yegui..." The royal guards drew their swords with extreme vigilance in their eyes.

"He is not a night ghost, stand down!"

Emperor Xinghui raised his hand and ordered the crowd to sheath their swords.

But Mo Bai still saw it.

When he revealed his eyes like fire, just as the Night King declared;

[No one remembers you as a hero, they will only regard you as a devil! 】

"The power of death has eroded your soul and even alienated your body, but you have not become a corpse. This has to be said to be a miracle." Emperor Xinghui walked over alone.

"Is it the magic of bringing back the dead?"

Among such a group of people, the one who Mo Bai liked more was Emperor Xinghui.

One is because he is the father of Prince Xinghai.

The other reason is that he is a king who has the heart to govern the country ahead of time. If he wants to kneel down by himself, then Mo Bai will not bother to pay attention to him.

Emperor Xinghui said, "I heard from everyone that you killed Night Ghost. It seems that what you said is true. You saved the future of the entire Dongzhou Empire. You should be respected by the royal power!"

He took out a transparent badge made of amethyst and handed it to Mo Bai with a solemn ceremony;

"I grant you the Guardian Sky Badge, which is the highest glory of the Dongzhou Empire!"

Looking at Mo Bai who remained motionless.

Emperor Xinghui added; "This object is equivalent to a symbol recognized by me. If you encounter difficulties in the future, maybe it can help you open up a bumpy road."

He made it clear that this was not just a decoration made of precious stones.

The greater role of the emblem of the sky is the power it symbolizes.

This power means that as long as they are within the scope of the Dongzhou Empire, Mo Bai can order anyone from the Dongzhou Empire to do things for him.

Mo Bai took the badge and threw it to the ring without looking at it.

Emperor Xinghui shook his head; "I never expected that as a young man, you would be so casual and calm when facing glory. In your eyes, the Sky Badge seems to be just a piece of broken stone with power."

"I can see that you lost something very important, maybe a relative, because of the same enemy. I heard about the state of mind when my brother, Prince Xingmo, died in the battle. I was filled with anger, but I could only let it burn. …”

Emperor Xinghui put his hand on Mo Bai's shoulder and talked deeply for a long time;

"What makes me even more stunned is that Mo Tian's child is right in front of me."

"The person who can make a being like Your Majesty miss you, must be a strong person from some side, right?" Mo Bai looked at Emperor Xinghui, "Your Majesty, maybe this is the only time we meet in this life. I don't want the truth to come out of my eyes." Sliding away before my eyes."

"You must know something, and now I wish I could hear the real answer."

"I'm sorry I can't tell you."

Emperor Xinghui shook his head; "You just need to know that you have a perfect father protecting you."

"And he is separated because of his protection. If you can keep going, then maybe when you become a truly strong man, the God of Destiny will tell you the truth."

Following the words of Emperor Xinghui.

Mo Bai's hope that had just risen seemed to be frozen by an invisible ice spring.

Or maybe he didn't want to see Mo Bai return home so disappointed.

Emperor Xinghui said, "But I can't tell you this secret because I have to keep my promise to Mo Tian."

"But beyond that, I might be able to tell another equally important secret."

The attendants behind him presented a scepter.

This scepter is completely different from the Horcrux used by humans.

It was made of unknown white bones, and seemed to exude the strange power of death from the inside out.

Scepter of the Dead!

"The Scepter of the Undead?" Mo Bai naturally recognized this thing.

Because it was Mo Bai who pulled it out of the death circle.

It is controlled by the night ghost and can activate the death circle to create the realm of the undead.

Night Ghost borrowed its power and almost destroyed the entire Anning Ocean!

Now the darkness recedes.

This undead scepter, which is not of Horcrux quality, is naturally held by the royal family of the Dongzhou Empire.

Rather than holding it, it is better to say it is a seal.

The undead scepter is stored in a crystal box formed by unknown power, and the power of death in it is suppressed to the lowest point.

Emperor Xinghui said: "This undead scepter contains endless dark power. It is made of divine bones. It is one of the few things in the world that cannot be destroyed. It contains endless power of death."

"As long as I pierce it into the earth beneath our feet, it will release the realm of death that covers the sky, covering the entire Ocean of Tranquility within five breaths. It is the supreme token of the night ghost and possesses terrifying power. , after this war it will be permanently sealed in the Dongzhou Empire, forever!"

"Where will it be placed?" Mo Bai asked.

Emperor Xinghui was "sealed in [Tianxu] forever."

[Tianxu], this is the most mysterious treasure house in the entire Dongzhou Empire. I heard that it is the most mysterious place in the entire empire.

It contains thousands of years of accumulation since the establishment of the Dongzhou Empire. There are endless gold and silver jewels sealed within it, and countless treasures are hidden within it.

But the same thing.

Dark artifacts such as the Undead Scepter, which cannot be destroyed but can only be sealed, can only be placed in the Tianxu to prevent them from being obtained by night ghosts or other unscrupulous people.

"The Scepter of the Undead was forged by the night ghosts." Emperor Xinghui continued; "And the night ghosts are something that the entire Eastern Continent Empire and even the seven seas fight against. They are a major danger to the survival of all living people and an eternal danger. Night Undead!”

"Ghouls and rotten beasts are just puppets controlled by night ghosts. They have a clear and strict hierarchy. Their immortal bodies sleep under the black ocean in the forbidden land. Ghouls, rotten beasts, corpse guards... "

"The night ghost you dealt with is the supreme one among the corpse guards. It is the prince of Eternal Night. It is so powerful that it possesses legendary power comparable to that of humans."

"But the Supreme Corpse Guard is not the most terrifying thing. Behind them is the real God of Death, and that is the King of Eternal Night..." Emperor Xinghui said.

"Night King." Mo Bai replied.

"What did you say?" Emperor Xinghui immediately asked.

"Night King, they obey the Night King's orders." Mo Bai said, "I know."

Emperor Xinghui looked solemn.

"Why do you know the Night King?" The existence of the Eternal Night Undead clan is a taboo for everyone.

"When the mysterious coffin that sealed the Night King was about to arrive, I kicked it back. It set a curse seal on me and said the word Night King."

Mo Bai calmly narrated everything and opened the blood-stained collar.

On his neck, the wound had already healed due to the application of the elixir early on.

But there were obvious tooth marks on his neck, as if he had been bitten by a green-faced and fanged ghost.

These are not things that Emperor Xinghui pays attention to.

What really alarmed Emperor Xinghui.

It was the mark attached to Mo Bai's neck.

A ferocious black curse mark clung to the flesh and blood under the skin like the most inexplicable tattoo in the world, like a ghost that always kept its sharp teeth in Mo Bai's throat.

Death curse!

And it was a curse seal set by the Night King himself!

"From ancient times to the present, countless people have been cursed by night ghosts." Emperor Xinghui looked at Mo Bai; "But do you know their final fate?"

"Will it bring bad luck?" Mo Bai asked.

"This cannot be solved by bad luck." Emperor Xinghui shook his head slowly; "All the eternal night undead in the world can feel your movements at any time. You will be the flesh and blood that all dead creatures crave most. Although the Night King has never arrived, He’s always watching you.”

"What's more critical is that it is taking over everything about you, devouring your blood and your soul to strengthen itself. Every time the moon is full, the power of darkness and death will attack your consciousness. You close your eyes and fall asleep. But when you open your eyes again, you may have turned into a real ghost to kill all your unsuspecting relatives!"

"Even if you carefully restrain all this, you can't prevent the final death knell from falling."

"Your life will drain away like the sand in an hourglass. The rare-level beast master has a lifespan of about 120 years, but it only takes three years, at most three years. When you are twenty years old, the death curse will be It will completely swallow up your 120-year-old life. If the curse seal gradually extends to your heart, it also means that you are about to lose to this curse. You have defeated the Night King, and it will cost you your life! "

Mo Bai murmured, "Can I extend my life? I am an elixir master, and there are many immortality pills in this world."

Emperor Xinghui was silent for a moment.

Immediately, he put his big hand on Mo Bai's head; "I know that for a 16-year-old child, it may not be good for the answer to be too cruel."

"But medicine is for people who are sick."

"You are not sick, nor are you poisoned. This is the God of Death holding your throat. The God of Death will swing his sickle within three years!"

"The erosion of the Death Curse Seal is not a disease, but fate, a destiny of death!"

Mo Bai clenched his fist.

Nails dug deep into palms.

What can you do in three years?

Can he only use three years to find Mo Tian and protect Mo Xiaoxue for the last three years?

It was clear that the Abyss Megalodon and the Thundering Griffin were only rare-level beasts.

"Haotian Contract Soul Record" is only 30% complete.

Why should I give in like this?

There is so much reluctance in my heart!

Emperor Xinghui looked at Mo Bai;

"But to some extent, destiny can be changed."

"The rare-level beast master has a lifespan of 120 years, the highest rare-level 10 years, and the spiritual level plus 10 years... In this order, as long as you can reach a rare level other than level 30 in the first year, and then another 10 years in the second year If you can reach the spiritual level of 40, you will be able to extend this time to at least 5 years."

Emperor Xinghui continued; "Five years seems to be just a lingering life, but if you can become a king-level beast master with level 50 soul power within five years, you may be able to break the death curse."

"Can level 50 soul power remove the curse seal?" Mo Bai suddenly asked.

It was like grabbing the last straw.

Emperor Xinghui hesitated for a moment;

"So far, there is no sign that level 50 soul power can break the Night King's curse seal. However, those who died from the death curse seal are indeed not strong enough to have a king level 50 soul power. The king level is a watershed. Five Once this watershed is crossed within this year, there will be hope.”

"Then I will hold this sliver of life firmly in the palm of my hand!"

Mo Bai clenched his fists, although he only had 5 years left.

However, he became a king-level beast master within five years and raised his soul power level to level 50.

It will be Mo Bai's only chance of survival!

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