My Sea Creature Can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 127 Watch on Xuanwu Island

After Emperor Xinghui left.

Ye Qingbai's voice reached his ears as the dragon flapped its wings;

"Brother Bai, what did His Majesty tell you?" Ye Qingbai asked as he sat on the Ice Dragon.

"It's nothing. He gave me a status symbol called the Sky Badge, saying it would be useful when traveling in the Dongzhou Empire in the future." Mo Bai quietly hid the reason for the death curse seal.

The terror brought about by the Night King is huge enough.

Saying it would only make Ye Qingbai and the others worry about themselves, instead of the four others.

It would be better to let Mo Bai bear this fear alone.

"Is everything really okay?" Ruoyaoyao's eyes flashed with worry.

As the most meticulous member of the four.

Her insights are of the most sensitive kind.

Although Mo Bai calmly explained everything that happened to him.

But she was still worried instinctively.

In that battle.

As the first target of Night Ghost, Mo Bai was dragged out of the realm of the "Six Beasts Canglan Formation" by Night Ghost.

A rare beast master with level 25 soul power has almost no chance of winning against a supreme corpse guard.

Even for a while.

She was horrified to find that Mo Bai's soul power fluctuations had completely disappeared from this world.

But just when Ruoyao Yao was desperate.

The young man's life burned out like a dead lamp and rekindled like a raging fire.

He even appeared in the form of the soul soul master, using his absolute crushing force to overturn the situation in a desperate situation!

What price did he pay? To gain the most terrifying power at that moment?

That kind of price is probably equivalent to asking the devil to make a deal! Ruoyaoyao thought.

And in the reunion of the Star Team.

Luo Yaoyao could not hide her doubts.

She looked into Mo Bai's eyes again, wondering;

"Xiao Bai, why did your eyes become..." She wanted to say how your eyes became the color of a night ghost, but out of defense of Mo Bai, she did not say the second part.

After the battle on Minglong Island.

Night Ghost's pair of faint blue eyes has almost become a lingering nightmare in the hearts of the Xingtu Team.

The emotionless, lifeless, cold-blooded and powerful Eternal Night Undead are instinctively feared by all living beings.

Mo Bai's life was irrigated by Qingtian Longweiao's bloodline and Xiao Cangyue's return to the living world through soul-changing.

Xiao Cangyue tried her best to save her, established a contract with her soul and Mo Bai, and saved Mo Bai's life.

But it didn't save Mo Bai's eyes.

After all, the eyes of Night Ghost are eyes dominated by the power of death.

The erosion of Mo Bai by the power of death is irreversible.

Confusion and worry about the other members of the Star Team.

Mo Bai did not choose to hide it this time.

Looking towards the endless vast ocean outside Minglong Island, it seemed as if he could see the underworld in the distance;

"I should actually be dead. The so-called nirvana and rebirth is just that I was pulled back to the world by a stubborn guy."

"And the price she paid was all her own."

Mo Bai looked down at the dragon soul mark in his palm;

You saved me twice.

But I have lost the qualification to even say thank you to you...

It’s already dark at the port of Xuanwu Island.

Although the beast control trial lasted only 12 hours, a full 24 hours had passed.

However, the crowd of millions of people gradually showed signs of retreating.

Whether it is the deans of Longwan College or Beihai College.

They all showed solemn looks.

It's been twice as long!

But why haven’t the testers who went to the poisonous spider sea area come back?

Gradually, some people began to waver.

You must know that in every previous beast control trial on Xuanwu Island, there will be casualties and accidents.

The poisonous spider sea area is an extremely dangerous level 4 sea area.

Even the rare-level Great Beast Tamer dare not enter and wander alone.

Although the empire's fleet can deal with most sea monsters and crises.

But the most dangerous thing in the dangerous sea is accidents...

In addition, not long ago, the entire Pacific Ocean was covered by a black sky.

Corrosive black rain poured down from the sky, even bringing disaster to the people of the local Xuanwu Island.

These vaguely seem to be revealing a sign.

It seems that everyone is saying that disaster has arrived.

It is destined that no one will survive this beast control trial.

And even more terrible news came;

The data template for the Xuanwu Island Beast Taming Trial was updated quickly.

Countless trial names quickly dimmed under the black sky, like candles that were collectively blown out by the death wind. They dimmed row by row without any sign of lighting up, so that even the team appeared. Signs of group destruction also appeared at the same time!

At that moment, everyone standing on Xuanwu Island felt the danger coming.

Because it's not just an ordinary beast-controlling team.

So much so that even the top 1,000 people in the Beast Taming Trial suffered accidents intermittently.

First, the gray elimination status is displayed.

Another update on accidental death!

Whether it is the dean of the top colleges on Xuanwu Island such as Longwan College and Beihai College.

Or an ordinary school like Linghai Academy.

All the teachers and relatives want to rise up and help.

However, no one can stop the beast control trial that is seven hundred sea miles away.

The residents and beast masters of Xuanwu Island are not gods.

They had no choice but to worry and pray.

"Brother!" Mo Xiaoxue rushed out of the pier, but Dean Luo Xiu and other instructors from Linghai College stopped her.

"A child of yours who is less than ten years old will die if he rushes into the sea!" Lin Mo added.

At the same time, he was also helpless.

Because this is Mo Xiaoxue's seventh departure.

If I hadn't been keeping an eye on this little girl, I'm afraid she would have jumped into the sea.

To be precise, he was about to fly out of Xuanwu Island.

Because although she is not a powerful beast master.

However, there was a golden-feathered sea beast with unknown origins and a rare form beside him.

This golden-feathered sea beast seems to have innate contempt and disdain for everyone, and is very aloof.

But he only cared deeply for Mo Xiaoxue, a girl who had no power to restrain a chicken.

Naturally, even it knew that it could not lead Mo Xiaoxue towards danger, otherwise it would beat up anyone who stopped Mo Xiaoxue.

Mo Xiaoxue pursed her small mouth, her big black eyes almost burst into tears, and she jumped to break away from the adult's hand;

"But brother, he is in danger, he is really in danger!"

"When that black thing covered the sky before, I became more and more afraid, because I heard what Village Chief Luomeng said, if a loved one dies, you will definitely feel panic!"

"Uncle Lin Mo, I'm so scared right now! I seem to have seen my brother fall off the cliff and plunge into the frozen sea. The God of the Sea told me that my brother was in danger. I want to save him, please. Let me go, please let me go!"

No matter what Lin Mo said, he would not put Mo Xiaoxue in danger.

Because Mo Bai told him before setting off that he must protect Mo Xiaoxue. Once this girl leaves the safety of land, everything will be unknown.

Lin Mo looked at Noila Mo and was extremely touched for a moment.

She is considered the most sensible and well-behaved child in Linghai Village. She is usually well-behaved and never causes trouble, just like the little angel sent by God to Mo Bai, the brother and the head of the school.

But at this moment, the child's open eyes were filled with tears, and his porcelain-white face had no color at all.

Like from some unknown force;

He predicted the moment when Mo Bai was pierced through the heart by the night ghost and thrown down the mountainside.

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