My Sea Creature Can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 128: The Disaster of the Ice Sea, the Starlight Scroll, and the Beast Taming Trial Competiti

Lin Mo didn't know how to comfort the child for a while.

Because the data template for the Beast Taming Trial has been updated here.

Ninety-nine percent of people have been labeled as being eliminated, whose life or death is uncertain!

The haze and black rain that previously shrouded the entire Xuanwu Island seemed to symbolize the ominous omen of some kind of nightmare.

He felt that he should comfort this girl in advance;

"This is the terrifying thing about this ocean, my child. The beast master has power far beyond that of ordinary people, but he will also face terrifying dangers. Anyone will be buried in the ocean. I hope you can accept all this..." Lin Mo finished speaking.

So that everyone is silent.

The villagers in Linghai Village fell silent.

Because none of them can be happy.

They thought this was the moment that would change the children's fate, but in the end, all they got was bad news.


Chiu Chiu flapped its golden wings, flew into the air and chirped.

It was like discovering an approaching monster.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of a giant ship breaking through the water was heard on the other side of the sea!

This is mixed with the roar of soul crystals burning in the internal combustion chamber at high speed, releasing soul energy power that is not for human use. The ultra-high temperature of the soul energy activates the Horcrux engine, driving the steel behemoth to step forward and break through the sea.

A giant black ship that looked like a giant monster appeared in the afterglow of the setting sun.

It cut through the waves and let out a roaring sound carrying an army, as if it had a pressure that shocked the world.

While the port was being prepared for the arrival, the sea beasts in the entire Xuanwu Sea area seemed to feel the arrival of the emperor, wandering around to clear the way for the steel fleet.

"Look, it's Dongzhou Kingdom's war spirit fleet!"

"This battle soul ship is so big, I'm afraid it's not the escort soul ship for Prince Xinghai, right?"

"Of course, this is the national defense ship of the Dongzhou Empire, a sea-suppressing giant ship built in the name of Emperor Xinghui, a huge star-hui ship!"

"When I was young, I saw it at the port of the Imperial Capital. I didn't expect it to be like this now, huge and indestructible!"


among people's discussions.

The Star Fleet entered the port.

At first people were very happy.

You must know that the Star Glory Fleet, as the first sea-controlling force in the East Continent Empire, is the most elite and powerful fleet of the East Continent Imperial Family.

If there was no accident, it would be impossible to land on the remote and ordinary island of Xuanwu Island in Anning Yang.


The cheers of the crowd dissipated one after another.

Because people saw another scene immediately.

After the complete and mighty starship.

A battle spirit ship that everyone had seen appeared.

It is actually larger and stronger than the sunken Xuanwu Island cruiser.

But at this moment, this war spirit ship seems to have been through hell. It is full of dried blood and damage that cannot be washed away. There are scratches on both sides of the ship caused by sharp teeth penetrating and climbing, and there are even attacks by unknown giant sea beasts. After the impact, it lost power and tilted seriously.

It was towed back to port by several warships using steel cables.

Compared with other ships, it looks like a returning undead ship, and just one look at it is enough to remind people of the fear it has experienced.

The fleet that initially escorted the Xinghai Prince Ship had all sunk in the Poison Spider Sea.

Only the Star Sea Ship was favored by the God of Luck and returned from a deadly battle.

On top of the Starry Giant Ship, the Starry Emperor, the Galaxy Prince and others appeared.

Facing this watcher of the entire Eastern Continent Empire, everyone put their palms on their left chests and bowed silently.

Emperor Xinghui looked around the audience and spoke slowly.

"As the monarch, the watcher of the Seven Seas, and the guardian of the Eastern Continent Empire, I failed to save more people before death..." between words.

Hundreds of people walked down the dropped ship ladder, which could be seen at a glance.

"Brother!" Mo Xiaoxue was the first to appear.

The girl reopened the crowd.

He pounced on Mo Bai.

Mo Bai opened his arms and held the little girl in his arms.

It is because of the disaster that it recedes.

Therefore, it is extremely precious to be able to see your loved ones alive.

"Brother, you are finally back. Xiaoxue thought you would never come back!"

"What happened? Why did His Majesty Xinghui come in person, and where are the other testers who participated in the beast control trial?" Dean Luo Xiu also asked.

Mention this issue.

No one wants to face it.

After all, the existence of night ghosts is a nightmare for everyone.

Saying it like this would probably only cause greater panic.

Before they came back, they had promised Emperor Xinghui to keep this matter in his heart and never tell it.

Emperor Xinghui added;

"I will continue to give instructions regarding the victims of this disaster battle, and the empire will do its best to compensate for this accident..."

The people fell silent.

Because most of them have seen it.

His own child did not step down from the huge fleet.

On the night when Night Ghost was born, 110,000 trialists slept forever under a certain area of ​​the poisonous spider sea.

Lost loved ones cannot be compensated for.

But they had nothing to say.

Because this is a trial.

This is the price of facing the sea, this is the price of the disaster of the ice sea...

The price is heartbreaking.

Even to a certain extent, there is no real winner among this batch of beast mastering trials, whether they are living or dead.

Emperor Xinghui looked around;

"The dead have passed away, but the living still have to walk the road. This year's Xuanwu Island Beast Taming Trial certainly had unexpected events."

"But those who can fight against death and fear, you are truly strong. All of you are qualified to enter the empire's high-level schools!" The etiquette officer behind him took out the list he had made early and read out;

"There are finally 371 trialists left on Xuanwu Island, and they will be awarded the Xinghui Certificate!" When the selection sound fell.

Whether it was Mo Bai or Long Tianyu from the Dragon Armor Team and others.

As long as they are the trialists who fight to the end in Nether Dragon Island.

At this time, they all got a strange scroll.

Made by Haiyin, when unfolded, there are various proofs of royal marks and complicated words.

After a lot of introduction, Mo Bai could see from the words;

This is similar to the admission notice from a prestigious university on Earth, and it is universal across the Eastern Continent Empire.

Xinghui certificate;

[Recommended by the name of Emperor Xinghui, the guardian of Dongzhou, the holder of the certificate is a talent who has experienced great dangers. All colleges affiliated to Dongzhou will not be rejected by beauty, ugliness, poverty, old grudges, or race. In order to refuse, if there are Xinghui students who can study, all the universities in Dongzhou must recruit them! 】

"After one year, if any of you continues to yearn for the power of this endless sea, you can cross the vast sea to the imperial capital and take this scroll to study in the true academy of the strong!"

This is a remedy that only Emperor Xinghui can make.

Awarded the Xinghui Voucher!

Because even those who passed the beast control trial on Xuanwu Island in previous years could only be recommended to a higher-level academy in the prosperous sea area of ​​​​Anning Ocean for further study.

As for going to the imperial capital to study, even students from provinces with developed sea areas can only look back and sigh.

The world is huge.

The Dongzhou Empire is one of the two most powerful empires in the world.

There are countless powerful families and empire geniuses who have monopolized the position of the strong from generation to generation.

A genius from the ordinary sea area can only be an ordinary mortal at best on the streets of the imperial capital.

And the Fifth Academy is the place where the entire Dongzhou Kingdom gathers half of the geniuses of Aquamarine Star in one place.

The existence from a remote place, unless it is a powerful beast-controlling monster.

Facing the rigorous assessment, it is impossible to change the rules of these colleges and squeeze into the truly top colleges here.

The Starlight Scroll happens to be one of the few things in this world that can change the rules.

Generally speaking, as long as you are not an enemy of the empire, even if a walrus wants to study in school, you have to hold your nose and accept it.

No one dares to question the power of the Dongzhou Empire.


No one dares to question the majesty of Emperor Xinghui!

Ever since Emperor Xinghui formulated the royal token of the Xinghui Scroll.

Every beast master who is awarded the Star Scroll often successfully enters the most advanced academies for further studies.

And they all have one thing in common.

That is, they have all become strong.

The most unlucky among them is also a spirit-level beast master who can form a powerful family!

Emperor Xinghui looked around the audience;

"But I know that even the effectiveness of the Xinghui paper cannot be realized immediately, because it is not the admission period for major colleges, and you will have to wait until next year's grand meeting of the five colleges for a chance."

"Before this, there will be an additional test competition for the top three teams in the beast control trial. I hope to see the strength that the genius should have!" The eyes of Emperor Xinghui looked at Mo Bai among the crowd.

He wanted to see how much power this boy who could make the Night King set a curse had.

Did he just inherit the surname of that god-like man?

Mo Bai also looked at Emperor Xinghui.

It seems to be the top three beast-controlling trial points.

In fact, they are using Dragon Armor Team and Beihai Team to test the depth of Xingtu Team.

A son of Mo Tian.

The young master of Baiyu Yelong Palace.

What kind of combat power can the beast-taming team formed by Noble Golden Eyes Ruorenika and others display?

"Then what rewards will be given to the top three winning teams, my respected father?" Prince Xinghai seemed to have some thoughts and deliberately raised the topic.

"A wish, a promise to be realized with the power of the empire as long as the justice and interests of the empire allow it." Emperor Xinghui said; "In the next short period of time, my fleet and I will be temporarily stationed here for a month. In the subsequent beast control duel, I will personally supervise the battle!" The words fell.

All the people on Xuanwu Island were excited.

If it were just a promise made by ordinary people, no one would be willing to pay attention to it.

But if the promiser is transformed into the Star Emperor, the nature will be different.

As the most powerful king in the history of the Dongzhou Empire, Emperor Xinghui is like a sword of royal power.

Noble and upright.

His wish is a promise that represents the empire.

If one team defeats the other two teams in the extra trial a month later.

So whether it is the members of this beast control team or the academy behind it.

They will all gain supreme glory, the glory of being valued and expected by Emperor Xinghui!

As for the last wish that can be promised, almost everything can be obtained.

You can even ask Emperor Xinghui to build a battle soul ship just for you!

There are only three teams qualified to participate in this beast control trial competition;

North Sea

dragon armor

And the Xingtuhai team formed by Mo Bai and others!

In other words, Mo Bai and others' opponents are Beihai Team and Longjia.

After death and rebirth, he returned to the safety of land and reunited with his family.

This time is always the most heartwarming.

With the stationing of the imperial fleet, even the entire Xuanwu Island has returned to its former tranquility.

It's still the original courtyard.

Still the original members.

Of course, there are different things.

For example, different dishes, different hot pots...

The ice sea disaster that occurred on Minglong Island.

It is difficult for a person with a big heart like Ye Qingbai to forget;

"The danger we encountered this time is simply more terrifying than the last time we encountered the Floating Sea Divine Tree on Floating Sea Island!"

"Dangerous? Is it something very dangerous again?" Noila Mo pounded the crystal rice in the bowl and narrowed her big eyes.

Ye Qingbai looked at Mo Xiaoxue's porcelain doll-like face, sighed and shook his head and said;

"It's so good that you have such a good brother to protect you. How could you have known about the disaster that happened on Minglong Island? Under the snow-covered night, countless corpses roared towards you from under the ice. If it weren't for Brother Bai, I tried my best to unscrew it..."


The warning sound of a pair of chopsticks hitting the table interrupted the speeches of all the loudspeaker madmen in the team.

Ye Qingbai saw Luo Yaoyao's bulging face and immediately realized whether he had said it before.

If Mo Xiaoxue was to learn everything.

So how worried would she be about Mo Bai?

"Is it really as dangerous as you say?" Ruo Yaoyao also asked with scrutiny.

"Ahem!" Ye Qingbai immediately noticed that he seemed to have said a lot.

After coughing twice carefully.

"How can a person as strong as Brother Bai be in danger? Xiaobai, don't you think so?" Ye Qingbai asked the ice dragon behind him.

The ice dragon shook its huge head;

Little master, this is obviously not what you were going to say earlier, right?

"Shut up!" Ye Qingbai dug out a large piece of grilled fish belly from somewhere and blocked the mouth of the ice dragon; "Xiao Bai, you are already a mature dragon, so you should become as mature as me. Can’t you keep your mouth shut while eating?”

However, as an extremely smart child, Mo Xiaoxue could only tell the story from the first half of Ye Qingbai's sentence and everyone's reaction.

He quickly figured out the underlying story.

Many adults in Linghai Village cried at the pier today.

Because they haven't seen their children come back.

That's explained.

This time the beast control trial has exceeded the casualty range of the previous beast control trials.

Uncontrollable losses were caused.

Even his brother almost disappeared before his eyes.

Noila Mo had already noticed Mo Bai's eyes.

The pupil lines in the depths of the eyes seemed to be saturated with the strongest fuel in the world. Those eyes were obviously not eyes that a normal living person could have.

And why is there a ferocious curse mark on my brother’s neck?

Mo Bai wanted to explain something.

"There is nothing to say." Noila Mo smiled softly, "I will not doubt my brother, because I believe that he has never hurt me. Even if he has a different pair of eyes, he must still be my brother. He won't turn into a monster!" Jiujiu chirped behind her in agreement.

Mo Bai felt a warm current in his heart.

After all, this was the only solace he could get.

A ghost cursed him.

It was as if Mo Bai had seen through the rest of his life and made a declaration, declaring that one day all his relatives would leave him, and misfortune would envelope everything he was in.

But now it seems that all good things still exist, right?

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