My Sea Creature Can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 129 The destination of the Wood Spirit Sea Fox, the place where it belongs

Ye Qingbai put down a pot that he shouldn't have mentioned.

The members of the Star Team brought up another pot. Of course, this is a secret that no one needs to avoid;

"By the way, Brother Bai, I've always had a question. What are you going to do with the wood-type beast you contracted a day ago?" Ye Qingbai suddenly asked again.

Ruo Yaoyao was also thoughtful;

"Although the vast majority of beast masters aim to cultivate a beast master, concentrating resources and experience to cultivate the ability to become stronger and stronger, but as an elixir master, you do not have a shortage of beast master resources and understanding of beast masters. It’s not a good problem anymore.”

The girl with golden sun-like eyes held up her face and asked Mo Bai across the table, "What are you going to do?"

The wood spirit sea fox has the dual attributes of the wood attribute sea fox clan.

The combat effectiveness of this beast is considered to be among the best in its class.

And as a genuine and rare level beast.

The combat effectiveness of the Wood Spirit Sea Fox must be three points better than that of the Abyss Megalodon and the Ice Dragon, rare first-level alienated beasts.

If the Muling Sea Fox can sign a contract with Mo Bai.

Then in the beast control trial competition one month later.

Xingtuhai Team will definitely be able to defeat Dragon Armor Team and Beihai Team without any pressure.


As for the choice of staying or leaving the Muling Haihu.

In Ruoyao Yao's opinion, it was still in Mo Bai's hands.

Contracting a rare-level beast with rare-level soul power is enough for this beast-control master to sweep away most of his opponents at the same level.

Mo Bai did not answer immediately.

Instead, after some contemplation.

Throw a green beast-controlling conch into the courtyard.

I saw a burst of cyan brilliance passing by.

Then a slender spirit fox beast appeared.

This spirit fox has green hair all over its body, its limbs are tall and elegant, and its tail that exudes a dense light seems to emit a strange light in the night.

There is a blue soul contract above its eyebrows.

At this time, the contract seemed to expire automatically, dissipating into scattered light dust between the eyebrows of the spirit fox and the beast.

Contract soul skill; the temporary contract established by "Bloodline Contract Technique" has expired.

The 12 hours are up.

The soul mark of the temporary contract was lifted.

Mo Bai said, "Are you really going to leave? In fact, I think it would be better for you and me to become a new beast-controlling team. After all, our two cooperations in the poisonous spider sea were not bad. If you have the idea of ​​extending the contract, , I will be very happy."

The wood spirit sea fox has decided to leave.

It jumped out of Mo Bai's courtyard easily.

The proud fox eyes of the Wood Spirit Sea Fox turned around and glanced at Mo Bai from a distance of more than ten meters under the moonlight, as if waiting for Mo Bai's reason to let him stay.

Mo Bai added; "Wild sea animals will have a miserable life. No one will comb your hair or prepare rations for you. If you are used to living with humans, you may not be able to bear the loneliness."

"Is it really a good choice to live alone in a cave in an uninhabited forest and live in fear of being hunted by hunters?"

The proud four-tailed fox seemed to hesitate for a moment.

Those quiet fox eyes stared at the young man for a moment in the dark night.

Immediately he raised his proud head and disappeared into the darkness, as if to say;

It's okay to fight the enemy once or twice with a rare beast master like you, but you, a little guy at level 25, are not suitable to be my master!

He actually left.

"Have you made a mistake? You think you are looking down on our brother Bai because you are at the rare level..." Ye Qingbai was also shocked.

Noila Mo was also confused; "Why did the big dog leave? Isn't our food delicious?"

Well, this dog.

It’s the Wood Spirit Sea Fox.

Strictly speaking, canine should be called dog, because in Mo Xiaoxue's understanding, canine = dog, so canine = dog!

"Since we can't keep this Wood Spirit Sea Fox, it's a bit of a small loss." The Ice Dragon and the Abyss Megalodon expressed that different races have different ideas.

Don't dare to underestimate the abilities of our group of rares just because you think you are rare. After all, we have also been alienated for a time, which is comparable to those of rares!

The dinner party was over, and everyone had to clear away the dishes and tables.

When Ruo Yaoyao stepped out of the courtyard, Shenghui Sage also came behind her;

"Although the departure of Muling Haihu is not good news, the Xingtuhai team is still our team."

"Adjust your condition within this month, everyone cheers for the beast control trial competition!"

Ye Qingbai also patted Mo Bai on the shoulder; "Brother Bai, come on, I have even thought about what we are going to ask for from His Majesty. I have been to many places in the Dongzhou Empire, but this is the most curious place. It is still the treasure house of the empire. It would be great if I could go to the [Tianxu] to have a look. I don’t care what kind of treasure I get, but I must verify the words of the old men in the verification clan. After all, our Sky City’s [Secret Domain] is ahead. The empire’s Tianxu is still bigger!”

Mo Bai said; "Then I hope we can all get our wish, but my wish is not to visit the treasure house. I hope the wish I promised to His Majesty Xinghui is more beneficial to everyone."

"Okay, Brother Bai, I have no reason to agree with your idea!" Ye Qingbai said.

So far, it is precisely because of Mo Bai's correct choices time and time again that they have survived crisis adventure after crisis.

He believed in Mo Bai's choice.

Luo Yaoyao and the Tianshou Giant Turtle also said goodbye; "Actually, I think it's not very good for Xiaobai to be too optimistic. After all, Longjia and Beihai Team will definitely use this month to prepare with all their strength. In the beast-controlling duel, no one has any chance before the fight. Certainty of victory.”

"But I think the same thing, just cheer for the Beast Taming Trials!"

Watching everyone disappear from sight.

Mo Bai's face suddenly turned pale.

In the shadows where no one can notice.

The black ghost-like mark of the Death Curse Seal was like a poisonous insect that wakes up at regular intervals. It made an extended sound that only Mo Bai could hear, and slowly grew under Mo Bai's skin!

Like the spreading roots of an evil tree, every move would cause Mo Bai great pain.

It was like countless red-hot iron needles piercing the carotid artery, or like the sharp teeth of a night ghost piercing the throat!

When the severe pain swept over me like a tide.

Mo Bai instantly thought of what Emperor Xinghui said;

[Every full moon, the power of darkness and death will attack your consciousness. You close your eyes and fall asleep, but when you open your eyes again, you may have turned into a real ghost! 】

The first erosion of the power of death has begun!

Vaguely, the emotions in those blue eyes alternated between human beings and cold unknown existences, as if there was a thorn growing in the body through the dark night, trying to squeeze Mo Bai's consciousness out of the body. The pain had ceased. The mark of death spread from his neck to his head.

So much so that even the whole room seemed to be enveloped in a cold fog.

Mo Bai should have shattered the wall in front of him while screaming like most people did.

But the rocky peak suddenly stopped in front of the neat wall.

Because there is an extra painting there.

With Mo Bai's pragmatic personality, he would not put any decorative pendants in his room.

This is a rather delicately drawn simple drawing;

"Brother, don't be too tired, remember to go to bed early (*^▽^*)!" Mo Xiaoxue's handwriting.

The handwriting is very new, it must have been painted by this girl while worshiping before going to bed.

Mo Bai never had the habit of locking the door, so Mo Xiaoxue opened the door countless times and saw that after his brother became a beast master, apart from practicing soul power and preparing the forging formulas for elixirs and soul weapons, he basically didn't get much sleep. It's time.

For a great beast master above level 25, sleep seems to be no longer necessary.

But she still worried about Mo Bai with a normal mentality.

Look at this simple drawing on the wall.

Mo Bai took a deep breath of cold air while trembling.

The depths of a pair of eyes that instantly became as cold as ice showed a calmness that was above the pain.

Mo Bai is a very careful person.

He knew what would happen if he punched the wall.

What will collapse will be a wall.

But at the same time, I also want my sister's sense of security.

Compared with worrying about her own safety, Noila Mo was more worried about Mo Bai's safety.

He is most afraid of the people he cares about worrying about him.

Because the last girl who worried about me has disappeared...

This night, the moonlight poured down from the window like frost.

Noila Mo slept in the trauma like a porcelain doll.

At this moment, an evil ghost with ghost eyes appeared.

He walked towards the girl sleeping peacefully like a bear in the bedroom, and a pair of blue eyes like will-o'-the-wisps in the darkness gradually approached.

From the respiratory rate and heart rate, Mo Bai was sure that Mo Xiaoxue was not disturbed.

To be precise, she slept like a dead pig.

People will only sleep like this when they feel very safe.

Well, she knew her brother was downstairs, so she thought where she slept was the safest place.

Mo Bai covered her with a light quilt.

After confirming that she was not disturbed in terms of breathing and heart rate, she left with peace of mind.

Jumping out of the window, he was picked up by the thundering griffon that had been waiting for him for a long time, and broke into the deserted night!

Fifteen minutes later.

In the dense forest twenty kilometers away from Linghai Village.


Another towering ancient tree collapsed.

The pain and the violent feeling caused by the plundering of consciousness that lasted for three full hours gradually receded.

Mo Bai knelt down, dripping wet, and found that the morning light had arrived, and the strange blue color of the death curse like a branding iron slowly disappeared and temporarily stopped expanding.

But he Thunder Griffin and Abyss Megalodon saw it.

As a beast master who has entered into a soul contract with Mo Bai.

They all saw Mo Bai's death curse extending a twisted and spreading line like the roots of an evil tree.

It spread towards Mo Bai's heart.

In just fifteen minutes on this full moon night, it extended by an inch, a full three centimeters!

The Abyss Megalodon and Thunder Griffin looked at Mo Bai with worry.

They all saw this black mark swallowing flesh and blood to grow and expand.

As long as they expand, the owner will be dominated by absolute pain and violent power.

Mo Bai sat on a giant tree that had been uprooted by himself, comforting his beast;

"Promise me not to tell anyone else about this, especially my sister."

The shark and the griffon reluctantly conveyed their agreement.

They all found that their master seemed to be cursed by some invisible force, but it seemed that even the master, a life-saving doctor, could not save himself.

Mo Bai smiled happily.

Jump off the crossbar; "If that's the case, what do you two want to eat this morning?"

Big Mouth expressed its helplessness, it was not in the mood to eat;

You came to the forest farm and pulled out so many logs? What if you are discovered?

Mo Bai chuckled; "Although I can't stop the curse, I can try my best to stay sane."

He didn't seem to care about the butcher's knife applied to his neck by the curse mark.

"Did you see that? I uprooted all these pieces of wood. I didn't break them or break them in the process. It not only delayed the erosion of the power of darkness and death on the full moon night, but also allowed me to resist the ghosts. At the same time, I will not lose my mind completely. From now on, I may have to review myself once a month under this kind of self-monitoring for the rest of my life."

"As for this wood, just think of it as a free gift to the lumberjacks on Xuanwu Island!"

The shark and the griffon are extremely worried; you really dare to comfort people, even if your life is not long, you can be said to be so light.

Just as Mo Bai and his beast were drifting away.

A huge fox-dominated beast sprang out from the forest area, and its beast eyes locked on Mo Bai.

When returning to Linghai Village.

Mo Bai first found an outdoor pool that was marked with dangerous sea beasts and no entry. Well, this was uninhabited land, and few people came here on weekdays.

The abyssal megalodon jumped into the water, patrolled the water, and scared a two-meter-long black flat fish out of the pool;

【Stone Fish】

An ordinary-level freshwater sea monster.

Eating meat is indeed dangerous to uncultivated humans.

But if it sees the great beast master, it will be unlucky.

Mo Bai washed away the mud and sweat stains from the night, put on new clothes and returned to the village.

It is so leisurely that passers-by cannot doubt it.

"Hey, Mo Bai? When did you leave the village? Why is there still a stone spirit fish hanging on the back of the griffon?"

"Even the fish just bought from the fish market is not necessarily so fresh!"

"I don't get up as early as you who rush to the fish market."

"Go to bed early and get up early to be in good health. Well, it's just a matter of stretching your muscles and bones." Mo Bai greeted the villagers in Linghai Village as usual, and responded to every sentence skillfully when facing different characters;

"Uncle Luo Niu, are you going to the forest area to cut wood again? You must pay attention to picking up wood. Maybe the Wood God helped you cut down a month's worth last night?"

"Hey, I like your arrogance, uncle Niu, let me go!"

"Grandpa Luoyu, this stone spirit fish of mine should be worth fifty silver coins. I'm too lazy to take it back. I used to come to your house for dinner. Don't mind it being fishy. I'll give it to you!"

"This is a delicious stone spirit fish. It's enough for 20 silver coins. If you just give it to me like this, you won't be able to pay the rent for Luo Meng's family?"

"It's different from before. I can afford to pay the rent now. Of course, I have to give priority to those who are kind to our family."

"Oh oh oh, I almost forgot, now you are a beast control genius who is qualified to enter the Imperial Academy for further study. Ordinary sea beasts are as easy to deal with you as small fish and shrimps."

"It just so happened that the empire's fleet stopped here recently. Those empire chefs only talk about quality but not price when purchasing fish and meat. They might be able to sell it for 30 silver coins. Grandpa welcomes you to come and have dinner when you have time!"

"Grandpa Luoyu, I will definitely know how to cook if I have time. You taught me all the dishes I know how to cook."

"You're the only one with a sweet mouth!"


As a native village in my memory, at least in Mo Bai's memory, both the commoners and the beast masters in the village had helped him to some extent when Mo Bai was in trouble over the years.

The simplicity of the villagers in later generations may be inseparable from the instructions of their ancestors who first came to this island.

Xuanwu Island sounds like a very cowardly name, just like a turtle living.

But understanding it from another level of meaning, isn’t it also the meaning of looking forward to peace and protection?

Linghai Village is relatively closed, and young people have gone to the inner city to develop, although the village is mostly filled with old people and children.

But if I have to say where I feel the most at home.

That is Linghai Village.

This is destined not to be the place where Mo Bai will finally stay, but it must be the Garden of Eden that Mo Bai misses most!

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