When Xiao Yi heard this, his heart itched.

Look at the plan standing at the bow of the ship.

Xiao Yi’s heart was full of expectation.

She wanted to see her senior brother give Cang Zhengchu of Guiyuan Pavilion a ruthless look.

Without praying to defeat Cang Zhengchu, Xiao Yi knew that this was unrealistic.

As long as he can slap Cang Zhengchu’s face, Xiao Yi is already very satisfied.

No way, when I met the people of Guiyuan Pavilion, the people of Guiyuan Pavilion gave Xiao Yi a very bad impression.

Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun wanted to embarrass Lu Shaoqing when they met for the first time.

Today the two spaceships met, and the people of Gui Yuan Pavilion were domineering and cursed as soon as they opened their mouths.

Now that Ji Yan made a move, Xiao Yi certainly hoped that his master brother would teach a lesson to the grandsons of Yuange.

Xiao Yi quietly probed out and saw Ji Yan standing on the deck standing at the bow of the ship, motionless.

His sword was in the air, holding a long blue sword.

Xiao Yi was strange, and muttered, “What is Senior Brother doing?” ”

There was no imaginary fierce collision, no earth-shattering aura venting, no razor-sharp sword intent raging.

As if the two sides did not fight.

“Hasn’t he made a move yet?”

Xiao Yi continued to mutter.


“Don’t you see the two swords fighting above?”


Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, and he only saw the two long swords in the air facing each other in the air, and there was no movement to fight.

Lu Shaoqing said, “You will feel it yourself.”

“Don’t rely on your eyes for everything.”

Xiao Yi released his spiritual sense to feel it.

As a result, as soon as her spiritual sense approached, she couldn’t help but snort and quickly took it back.

Xiao Yi’s face showed pain, just now her spiritual sense was close to where the two long swords were, just on the periphery.

Xiao Yi felt that his spiritual sense was like being stabbed fiercely by countless long swords.

After stabbing it, he still wanted to follow her spiritual sense to come in and give her a hard beating.

Fortunately, she was fast enough to quickly take it back, otherwise it would not only be painful, but also injured.

It felt like a person suddenly breaking into a battlefield with thousands of troops, and then being shot into a hedgehog by a rain of arrows.

Xiao Yi held his head, lying on the deck in pain, and it took a long time to recover.

Xiao Yi was in tears and saw Lu Shaoqing’s gloating expression.


Aggrieved, “Second Senior Brother, you did it on purpose.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded and said, “Yes, no matter how much you say, it is far better than experiencing it yourself.”

“How? Impressed?

Xiao Yi nodded tearfully, indeed impressed.

Xiao Yi now knows what the two sides are doing.

Ji Yan and Cang Zhengchu did not have that kind of fierce confrontation, but used sword intent to fight.

Just as Cang Zhengchu said, he used his sword intent to make a statement.

It looks calm, but it is actually very dangerous.

The secret sword is intended to fight, and the slightest mistake will lead to serious injury.

Xiao Yi covered his head and looked at Ji Yan, who was motionless.

She asked Lu Shaoqing, “Will the master brother win?”

Lu Shaoqing leaned on the cabin and said indifferently, “In the same realm, when it comes to sword intent, no one is his opponent.

I don’t know why, Xiao Yi could hear the pride in it.

Full of confidence and pride in Jiyan.

But think about it, this is my own master brother.

So powerful, of course, the heart will be proud.

“Second Senior Brother, what about you?”

“You and the master brother compete in the same realm of sword intent, who is powerful?”

Lu Shaoqing despised, “Don’t ask this kind of idiotic question in the future.”

“Who else but me?”

“I’ll beat your senior brother.”

For this, Xiao Yi certainly did not believe it.

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As both the master brother and the master have said, the words of the second senior brother are fulfilled in the third faith.

Lu Shaoqing’s words made Xiao Yi’s heart settle and full of expectation, and she widened her eyes to see how her senior brother whipped the face of the elder of Gui Yuange.

Two long swords faced off in the air, secretly engaged fiercely.

If you have good eyesight, you can see a slight distortion in the air around the two long swords.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Ji Yan and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

This guy, really….

The stronger the stronger, the fighting spirit never stops.

What a headache.

From the beginning of entering the master’s door, he has been advancing with his head held high, never stopping, so that he and the master can only keep working hard.

Now that he has entered the Yuan Baby, he still has no intention of stopping.

Facing a powerful opponent, he did not flinch in the slightest, and the sword was drawn.

I have the Time Ring and can barely follow in this guy’s footsteps.

I don’t know about this girl.

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin, and his gaze fell on Xiao Yi.


Why did he faint and find a junior sister for himself for that little spirit stone?

If you can’t keep up, your mood can’t work, and I’m afraid you will collapse in the future.

It is still necessary to consolidate the Taoist heart.

Lu Shaoqing’s face showed embarrassment.

Among the Heavenly Royal Peak, only he was better at cultivating the mind.

Master Shao Cheng needless to say, the older generation has already been used to blowing, the Dao heart is strong, and it is not easy to collapse.

As for Ji Yan, that courageous heart is extremely strong, even if the Immortal King comes, it is difficult to leave the slightest crack on it.

Only he, in order not to leave himself behind, can only exercise his state of mind.

Now, it seems that he has one more companion.

If you want Xiao Yi to consolidate his Dao Heart, it is better to follow him.

But in this way, he has less time.

Well, forget it, see the walking steps, go with the flow.

Usually let the master brother toss her.

If you need to, let’s do it yourself.

Alas, what a crime.

Xiao Yi suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and his body was cold.

She turned her head and saw Lu Shaoqing touching her chin and staring at herself.

“Two, second senior brother.”

Xiao Yi tensed up, “What’s wrong?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “It’s okay.” ”

You don’t believe what the ghosts say.

Xiao Yi plucked up his courage and said, “Second Senior Brother, what do you have, you can just say, I, I can hold on.”

Xiao Yi’s heart was full of pessimism and he no longer had any hope for the future.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand and said, “It’s okay to say it’s all right.” ”

Take a good look.”

As soon as Lu Shaoqing’s words fell, his expression suddenly became solemn.

And in the air, there was also the sound of jingo.


An explosion.

Two sharp sword intents appeared, like cold frost under the moon, covering the entire earth.

A white dragon is chasing a blue bird.

The white dragon and the flying bird collided back and forth in the air, and each collision erupted with endless sword intent, and

everyone watching the battle had the illusion that ten thousand swords pierced their hearts.

After a few rounds of the White Dragon Flying Bird, before everyone could react, the White Dragon roared, increased its speed, and swallowed the Flying Bird in one bite.


A cry of pain came from the other side of Guiyuan Pavilion.

Then, Cang Zhengchu’s breath rose sharply.

The bird swallowed by the white dragon flew out of the white dragon’s stomach abruptly.

Just like Cang Zhengchu, the aura of the flying bird also skyrocketed, and then launched an attack on the white dragon.


Ji Yan opened his eyes, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on the deck…

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