“Senior Brother!”

Xiao Yi exclaimed.

The first time I saw Ji Yan vomiting blood, he was severely injured.

Xiao Yi suddenly felt a thick killing intent.

Lu Shaoqing’s face was murderous, holding a long sword in his right hand, and pinching the four-rank rune obtained from Xuan Yunxin in his left hand.

Xiao Yi was taken aback, what did the second senior brother want to do.

However, after Ji Yan’s gaze swept over, Xiao Yi felt his body lighten.

The killing intent of the second senior brother next to him faded, and the long sword talisman disappeared, changing back to its lazy appearance.

“Second, Second Senior Brother,” Xiao Yi hurriedly asked, “Is Senior Brother all right?”

“It’s okay, he also asked for something to do.”

Lu Shaoqing said angrily.

“Don’t you need to do something now?”

Xiao Yi asked nervously.

Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, “What to do?” The other party is a yuan baby, do you want to go on?

“You’re going up, you’re going on yourself, don’t pull me up.”

“You almost rushed out just now, you must be worried about Senior Brother.”


Lu Shaoqing scolded, “Which eye did you see? I’m worried that the old cargo will attack our spacecraft.

“I won’t care if he is killed.”

Then poked her in the head and said viciously, “If you dare to say this kind of thing again, see if I can’t poke you.” ”

Hearts and minds.

Xiao Yi held his head and complained in his heart.

Xiao Yi believed her feelings.

But if Senior Brother’s gaze was a little late, her Second Senior Brother would rush as soon as possible.


Cang Zhengchu’s aura became stronger and stronger, and his sword intent became more and more powerful.

The blue bird pressed the white dragon to fight, making the white dragon’s body scarred and more difficult.

A lot of blood oozed from the corner of Ji Yan’s mouth, and his face became more and more pale.

Xiao Yi was distressed to see it, and asked Lu Shaoqing worriedly.

“Second Senior Brother, are we really not going to do something?”

“If it goes on like this…” “If it

goes on like this, he can’t die.”

Lu Shaoqing interrupted Xiao Yi’s words, “He said it himself, he wants to deal with Cang Zhengchu old goods himself.”

After speaking, he couldn’t help but scold, “Death requires face.”

Xiao Yi was curious, “When did you say that?”

“Didn’t you see the look in his eyes just now?”

Xiao Yi complained in his heart, I can’t see it.

“In this way, can Senior Brother win?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and said affirmatively, “I can’t win.” Seeing

that Xiao Yi was about to open his mouth, Lu Shaoqing first blocked the curious baby’s mouth, “Don’t ask me why he still fights, I don’t know.”

“But this is also in line with his character, he likes to be abused and slut.”

Well, Xiao Yi could only continue to watch nervously.

Seeing that although Ji Yan was suppressed, he did not take half a step back.

Blood oozed from the corners of his mouth, and his face did not change in the slightest.

The gaze is extremely determined, and even more brilliant.

“It’s a pity,”

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but sigh.

“Pity what?”

Lu Shaoqing scolded again, “Are you a pity that Cang Zhengchu didn’t smash our spaceship and didn’t kill you scum?”

Xiao Yi snorted, “I said it’s a pity that you can’t see Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother joining forces to meet the enemy. ”

I feel sorry in my heart.

That must be very exciting.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, and his laughter was full of contempt for Xiao Yi, “I joined forces with him? Dream it.

“If he can’t beat it, I can beat it together?”

“When encountering such an enemy, the most important thing to do is to run with your legs.”

“I told you, don’t learn from your senior brother’s brain-dead behavior, if you can’t beat it, you will admit it, and there is no shame in running away.”

“Leave the green mountain without worrying about burning firewood, the person who knows the time is Junjie, and it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, these famous sayings must be remembered in mind.”

“Go back and show me more of these books.”

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Xiao Yi was silent, this is the real second senior brother.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but ask.

“Second Senior Brother, what if the strength is equal?”

Lu Shaoqing immediately became murderous, “Use all means, fuck him, kill him completely, don’t let him make trouble for himself.” ”


Cang Zhengchu’s laughter sounded outside.

“Haha…” ”

Master and nephew of Ji Yan, you are still a little worse.”

“My sword intent seems to be superior.”

In the sky, the white dragon had shrunk to the size of a long sword, languishing, while the blue bird had covered the sky and was overwhelming.

Ji Yan’s long sword was constantly trembling and would fall at any time.

The situation is very bad.

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing.

Just now, Lu Shaoqing said that simply competing with sword intent, no one will be Ji Yan’s opponent.

But now Ji Yan is being crushed very badly.

Lu Shaoqing noticed Xiao Yi’s gaze.

“Don’t you see it?” Cang Zhengchu old goods are using the realm to pressure people.

“Simply compared to the sword intent, didn’t he lose just now?”

“Old goods, can’t afford to lose.”

Lu Shaoqing’s face was indignant, and he had a deep understanding of this sense of grievance.

Cang Zhengchu’s words continued to sound, “Alas, Master and nephew of Jiyan, sometimes you can’t be too rampant.

“Young man, it’s still good to maintain some modesty.”

The tone couldn’t help but be proud.

This can’t be tolerated.

Xiao Yi was furious when he heard this.

She rushed out and spewed at the side of Guiyuan Pavilion.

“Old fellow, you use the realm to suppress my senior brother, do you still think you have a face?”

Everyone was silent.

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin and had a headache.

“Damn, this girl, this character, trouble.”

“What are you spraying? If you can, wouldn’t you just find an opportunity to clean him up behind his back?

Although he said that, Lu Shaoqing had a satisfied look in his eyes.

There is something really on, this junior sister is not in vain pain, can deal with it.

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing quietly pinched the rune in his hand again, holding the long sword.

The disciples on the other side of the Guiyuan Pavilion looked at each other.

They had lived for so long, and it was the first time they had seen someone dare to spray their own Elder like this.

Cang Zhengchu was also silent for a while.

“Little girl, what did you say?”

There was an unconcealable anger in his tone.

Xiao Yi said loudly, “I said you old fellow, smelly and shameless.”

“Relying on the realm to bully my family’s senior brother, what kind of hero are you?”

“Do you dare to lower your realm and compete with my family’s master brother for sword intent?”

“If you can’t beat it, use the realm to suppress people, is it shameful to lose people?”

“In the same realm, it is easier for my senior brother to kill you than to kill a spirit chicken.”

Scolding one sentence is scolding, and scolding two sentences is also scolding.

Xiao Yi simply scolded a series of scolds, and his heart was extremely comfortable.


Cang Zhengchu was scolded and trembled.

Since his debut, no one has dared to scold him like this for a long, long time.

In his memory, he can’t remember when he was scolded like this.

But one thing he was sure of was that everyone who dared to scold him like this was dead.

“You’re looking for death!”

Cang Zhengchu’s tone was full of endless killing intent.

The blue bird screamed, and a sword light descended from the sky, directly hitting Xiao Yi with terrifying sword intent.

Whether you are a disciple of the Lingxiao Sect or not, if you dare to scold me, you will be killed.

“Marde, trouble!”

Lu Shaoqing scolded, just wanted to make a move.

In this case, I am afraid it will be difficult for him not to make a move.

However, just as he was about to make a move, Ji Yan suddenly let out a long roar, and the breath that had been weakened suddenly skyrocketed…

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