The attitude of the god worship was cold, and he did not show the slightest intention for Lu Shaoqing’s proposal.

Coupled with her appearance, it gave people a feeling of a cold royal sister for a while.

Sanct and inviolable, no one is close to life.

Lu Shaoqing scolded in his heart, a monster is a monster.

Seeing that the sacrifice god was still thinking of making a move, Lu Shaoqing continued to drink, “Slowly, you wait for my senior brother to break through, I will give

you the Immortal Bridge, and then everyone will stop separately, how?” “No need!” The

sacrifice god was still unmoved, “Kill you, I can also find the Immortal Bridge.” The

black mist lingered, squirmed again, and slowly took shape, giving Lu Shaoqing a lot of pressure.

Xiang Kui couldn’t help but transmit, “Who do you think you are, bastard boy, the sacrifice god is a monster, unreasonable, do you think she will obediently negotiate peace?”

Lu Shaoqing shouted to the sacrifice god, “Can you detect the breath of the Immortal Bridge?

Lu Shaoqing pinned his hopes on the storage ring in his hand.

This special ring should be able to cover the breath of the Immortal Bridge, right?

Indeed, she could not feel the breath of the Immortal Bridge.

Although he knew that Lu Shaoqing put it away, he was afraid that there would be an accident.

After searching for thousands of years, it is now in sight.

The sacrificial god’s eyes flickered, and finally said coldly, “Half an hour, give you half an hour at most, otherwise, die!” Lu

Shaoqing tried to bargain, “How about an hour?” but

the sacrificial god gave him a look, “No negotiation, swear!”

Ma De!

Lu Shaoqing cursed in his heart, he was too cunning.

He also knows how to use his words to threaten him.

“Good,” Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing didn’t talk nonsense, “When my senior brother breaks through, I’ll give you something.” The

black mist dispersed, and the surrounding area of the worship god returned to calm, standing quietly in the air, like a rich lady, quiet and courteous, looking very eye-catching.

However, under the beautiful exterior, there is cruelty and ferocity.

She stared at Lu Shaoqing coldly and did not speak, making Lu Shaoqing also feel a thick pressure.

Xiangkui’s side is almost ready to hit someone.

He couldn’t wait to pinch Lu Shaoqing’s neck and ask clearly, “Boy, you tell me clearly, what do you want to do?”

“That’s it!” Lu

Shaoqing said to Xiang Kui, “Otherwise, can you beat it?” “If you can’t beat it, you have to fight,” Xiang Kui hated it, “Monsters and humans can’t coexist, you handed over the Xianji Bridge, the consequences, have you thought about it?” Lu Shaoqing gave him a blank look, “If you can’t beat it, you have to fight?

Tell me clearly, or I’ll beat you to death now.” ”

Time,” Lu Shaoqing was helpless, and transmitted a voice to Xiang Kui, “I want time, my senior brother is still there.”

“When my senior brother breaks through, let’s run again.”

Xiang Kui looked at Lu Shaoqing like an idiot, “Breakthrough? Half an hour, what can be done?”

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But half an hour is simply not enough to break through.


more Xiang Kui looked at Lu Shaoqing, the more he felt that Lu Shaoqing was either stupid, or afraid of death, and wanted to be a traitor.

“Anyway, don’t worry about it,” Lu Shaoqing said to Xiangkui, “You really want to keep the Xianjie Bridge, you leave now, run as far as you can.”

“Also, your granddaughter, don’t you care?” mentioned

Aishi Sen, looking into the distance.

Over there, his granddaughter is being besieged by monsters, the situation is not good, not bad, but if it continues, there may be danger.

Xiangkui’s eyes were worried, but he gritted his teeth resolutely, “I’m right here.” ”

Xianjie Bridge is the most important thing, everything else, including himself, can be sacrificed.

Lu Shaoqing was helpless, this old man was really stubborn.

“As you wish.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t bother to talk nonsense with Xiangkui, and turned to look at the sacrifice god.

The strength of the god sacrifice is very strong, and the human appearance is also a big beauty of one top.

Unfortunately, inside is a monster.

Thinking that it was a monster, Lu Shaoqing lost interest in appreciating.

After glancing at the sacrifice god, Lu Shaoqing took the lead in asking, “Sacrifice god, how did you know that we appeared here?”

When Lu Shaoqing left, he avoided the many eyes and ears in the headquarters, and the route he traveled was also random, and it was impossible to leak out.

Lu Shaoqing had previously guessed that it was the reason for the Immortal Bridge, like an amplifier being perceived by a sacrifice god.

But after just now, he knew that the sacrifice god could not feel the breath of the Immortal Bridge.

So, the worship of the gods is another way to know their whereabouts.

Xiang Kui also pricked up his ears, and he couldn’t understand this problem.

The sacrificial god was expressionless, her eyes were cold, she was originally too lazy to take care of Lu Shaoqing, but in the end she pointed at Xiangkui.


Shaoqing was shocked, looking shocked for 10,000 years, “Old man, you are actually a traitor?”

Sangkui was also shocked, and he shouted, “Impossible. ”

Just kidding, what kind of adulterer is he going to be?

If he is a traitor, the god-killing organization will still exist, and

the Xuantu world can still be protected from being discovered for thousands of years?”


sacrifice god said coldly, “Even if he is tens of thousands of miles apart, I can feel his breath.”

“My man is by his side, his breath, his everything, I know it all. ”

I understand, Xiangkui should have been raped and sold, so that Xiangkui was as transparent as he was in the eyes of the gods.

Xiangkui’s face was red and shameful.

He didn’t know the details of the sacrifice to the god before, on the contrary, the sacrifice god figured out everything about him.

As Lu Shaoqing said, if it weren’t for the search for the Xuantu World and the Immortal Bridge, the God Killing Organization would have been uprooted long ago.

For a moment, Xiangkui felt extremely frustrated, and the whole person began to exude an aura of decadence….

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