Xiangkui was deeply shocked, and thought that he could play a big role by following.

Even if he was defeated, he was willing to give his life to protect Lu Shaoqing from escaping.

What I didn’t expect was that he followed, but it caused chaos to Lu Shaoqing, couldn’t help, and firmly locked their whereabouts.

Because of his existence, the whereabouts of their group were as transparent as in the eyes of the sacrificial gods, and they knew it well, and there was nowhere to escape.

Xiangkui thought about slapping himself.

He should have listened to Lu Shaoqing a long time ago, and he shouldn’t have followed him, maybe Lu Shaoqing could still leave secretly.

Xiangkui was extremely remorseful in his heart.

Looking at the sacrifice god, he had a sense of frustration in his heart, the so-called fight for thousands of years was just a joke.

The means of sacrificing to the gods were much more clever than his.

The fighting spirit dissipates at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He was hit, and at the same time he was also depressed in his heart, this is good, the bastard boy is definitely going to laugh at him.

“Grandpa, what are you going to do like this?” Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, and the gentleness and concern in it made Xiang Kui couldn’t help but be startled, and looked at Lu Shaoqing in amazement.

The tone didn’t sound the slightest bit reproachful, this kid, what’s wrong?

Xiang Kui faced Lu Shaoqing, ashamed, and said in a low voice, “I’m tired of you.”

“Forget it, at this point, it’s useless to say this, the relationship between you and me, and say this is out of sight.” Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, very atmospheric.

This made Xiang Kui’s heart moved, this kid, it seems to be good now.

I didn’t take the opportunity to fall into the well and squeeze others, which is still a little conscientious.

Thinking of this, Xiangkui’s fighting spirit was restored again, and it was still high, and he transmitted a voice to Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, when you have the opportunity to escape immediately, I will drag her down.” Lu

Shaoqing’s current attitude made Xiang Kui more unrepentant, and he was more determined to use his life to cover Lu Shaoqing’s departure.

Lu Shaoqing questioned, “Can you be in such a state?

“If you can’t fight, you have to fight, even if it costs my life.” Sangkui gritted his teeth, he was ready.

“You can’t do this,” Lu Shaoqing stared at the golden copper coin in Xiangkui’s hand, rubbing his hands, “It’s better like this, anyway, you are going to die, can you give me your copper coin?”

“In the future, I can proclaim your merits to the world.” ”

Xiangkui finally reacted at this moment, what kind of attitude and conscience are fake.

The real purpose is still the copper money in his hand.

He gritted his teeth, “Don’t force me to clean you up.”

“Stingy. Lu Shaoqing was very disgusted, “It’s all this time, you still don’t want to give it to me?” ”

Get out!” Lu

Shaoqing shrugged, shook his head, and sighed, “Alas, older people, do they also have a big temper


When I have the opportunity, I must sue the big guy, and I must let the big guy vent my anger for me.

While there was still time, Lu Shaoqing continued to ask the sacrifice god, “Sacrifice god, can you tell me, why do all those tribes have to give up?”

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He has collected nearly a hundred monsters before, which seems to be a lot.

In fact, according to the tribes of this world, it is just a drop in the ocean.

Xiangkui instantly pricked up his ears, which was also a very strange thing for him.

Logically speaking, sacrificing gods feeds the humans of this world, making humans reserve soldiers of monsters.

For thousands of years, it has been a fine stream of water, transforming part and leaving a part, like cutting leeks.

But this time, the roots of the leeks were pulled out, which is very abnormal no matter how you look at it.

The sacrificial god did not speak, and looked at them coldly.

Lu Shaoqing continued, “Anyway, at this time, everyone has nothing to do, how about you talk about it?” ”

Xianjiao Bridge already knows his whereabouts, so there is no need to continue acting with you here.”

“More worlds need us to conquer!”

the words of the god made Xiangkui feel a chill in his heart.

The Xuantu world was exposed, so that the whereabouts of the Immortal Bridge were known by the sacrificial gods.

The result is more disasters for other worlds.

In reckoning, he is a sinner.

This pot, he must carry it.

“Other worlds?” Lu Shaoqing’s face was a little strange, and he couldn’t help but guess.

After guessing, Lu Shaoqing continued his third question, “Sacrifice God, can you tell me the role of the Immortal Bridge?”

Lu Shaoqing laughed, cheekily stalking, “I said it all, and I care about this.”

“If you tell me your majesty, you may be able to scare the old man next to me.”

“Maybe when the time comes, he will turn to you and be your lackey.” The lackeys of the gods are not so easy to encounter. The

sacrificial god’s gaze fell on Xiangkui, who was angry and shouted angrily, “I won’t surrender if I kill me.” ”

Only he who dies in battle, there will be no him who surrenders.”

I don’t know if she was moved by Lu Shaoqing, the sacrificial god slowly spoke, and the voice was beautiful, making it difficult to connect her with the terrible monster.

“Immortal Bridge, can bring down the existence of the body and Mahayana that you are talking about. ”

The voice of the god worship is very soft, it sounds calm, and it even makes people feel gentle.

However, the content makes people chill to hear.

Even Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but rush straight to the sky with a cold breath, and his scalp was numb.

In the stage of convergence, the Mahayana period, what does this level of existence represent?

The existence of the Mahayana period in the monsters, with their weirdness, occupies all worlds and destroys all human beings.

In an instant, Lu Shaoqing also felt that the storage ring in his hand was much heavier.

This pot is indeed very large and heavy.

The sacrificial god looked at the two, looked at Lu Shaoqing, and spoke again, “How? Are you willing to surrender?” ”

I can guarantee that you will live forever and become the most powerful existence in the world…”

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